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Home Sick Home (transcript)
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This is the transcript of the Sonic Prime episode, "Home Sick Home".

[The episode starts with ominous, slow and tense music in the background. The screen fades from black to a close up of Sonic - lying face down on the ground - with smoke covering the background. The smoke clears as voices echo and allies run in the background.]
Squad Commander Red: Hold your positions.
Renegade Knucks: What is happening?
Squad Commander Red: Reinforcements are coming.
Dr. Deep: I'm getting destroyed out here.
Rebel Rouge: Get up, Sonic. Get up!
[Sonic opens his eyes and gets up, gasping and panting as he looks at the size of Grim Big.]
Sonic: Oh, no. No, no, no.
[Grim Big's head opens, deploying a flurry of small Froggy-style bombs, approaching Sonic - whom flails his arms in panic.]
Sonic: Scatter!
[The bombs explode on the ground in puffs of smoke.]
Squad Commander Red: Coming in hot. Take cover!
[As Jack yells, Sonic looks up at the giant robot. It deploys more Froggy bombs. One of them hits an Eggforcer and Denizen 1998, sending the cat flying and falling flat on his face. Froggy croaks. Sonic intercepts another bomb with his feet. He peels out, pushing Denizen 1998 away from Grim Big's incoming tail attack. Knucks and more of Sonic's allies head towards Grim Big. The giant robot locks onto the Mothership, and deploys more Froggy Bombs. They home in on the Mothership. Mr. Dr. Eggman screams inside the cockpit as the bombs explode all around it.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Nooo!
[The Mothership cannons break down, the ship itself engulfs into flames. Mr. Dr. Eggman looks at the monitor.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: The Mothership cannons are down. I need some assistance.
[A group of Grim Birdies head toward the Mothership.]
Dr. Done-It: One bucket of fried robo-chicken coming up!
[The Yolkomotive fires bullets and takes down some Grim Birdies. Nine watches on, growling in anger. The Kraken - with Black Rose and Rusty Rose on the bridge - flies alongside the Yolkomotive.]
Rusty Rose: We too are on our way.
Tails Nine: Stop the ships!
[Nine deploys another horde of Grim Birdies and Grim Rouges to try to intercept the three aircraft. They fly toward the Kraken. Rusty jumps off the bridge and start shooting from the turret. Meanwhile, A Grim Birdie squawks and flexes in-front of Dr. Done-It.]
Dr. Done-It: Huh? Wah!
[Dr. Babble and Dr. Deep fly alongside each other, approaching Grim Big. Dr. Babble babbles and then makes the sound of a cat meowing, adjusting his mech's shoulders to look like a pair of cat ears from the viewer's point of view.]
Dr. Deep: Indeed. And like all kitty cats, it's evil to the core. Prepare to flank on my mark.
[Grim Big's tail swipes and knocks them both out, causing them to scream.]
Jack: Flee! Flee for your lives!
[Sonic fights a group of Grim robots. Grim Big targets him.]
Sonic: Ha, whoa!
[Grim Big hovers forward, with Rebel watching on and Sonic continuing to battle.]
Rebel Rouge: It's focused on Sonic.
Dr. Don't: Which means it won't see me coming. Boss battle.
[Dr. Don't commands a group of Eggforcers to go after Grim Big. As they approach, the giant robot, the camera cuts to Dr. Don't, who is seen dodging raining Eggforcer parts.]
Dr. Don't: What, huh?
[Grim Big then locks its target on him.]
Dr. Don't: Can I get a restart? What the?
[Dr. Don't chucks away his controllers and makes a bee-line away from it while it deploys a mass number of Froggy bombs, which explode and send him flying while trying to hang on to his seat. Grim Big's tail slams on the ground. Batten Rouge, having witnessed the dust cloud, flies up to safety while the tail breaks Grim Amy. Sonic and his allies retreat, fearing the worst, but Grim Big's tail slams the ground again, sending them flying a short distance.]
Sonic: [Angrily] That's it, your nine evil robo-lives just ran out.
[Sonic makes a run for it.]
Rebel Rouge: Sonic wait, hang back. Stick to the plan!
[Tails Nine watches on in disgust.]
Tails Nine: Predictable.
[Sonic weaves past incoming Grim robots, but screams as he is blown back again by Grim Big's swinging tail.]
Tails Nine: After him!
[He falls and skids on the ground, grunting and coughing. Nine clones another Grim Sonic. A group of four surround an exhausted Sonic.]
Sonic: Right, stick to the plan.

[The main theme plays]

[Sonic growls as he is being surrounded by his Grim counterparts. In slow motion, they pounce towards him simultaneously. He jumps. One of the Grim Sonics grabs him and throws him into another one, which punches him. He flies over the third, handstands on the ground and kips up, dodging a tackle attack. Another one tries to tackle him but he flips over it, however another one grabs him and sets him up to be kicked by another, but manages to get back on his feet.]
Sonic: [Growling] Nine!
[A silent Nine looks down at Sonic]
Sonic: You want me?
[Sonic intercepts more attacks from Grim Sonics.]
Sonic: Come catch me.
[He runs, with the robots chasing him. Meanwhile, at the Citadel, Gnarly, Hangry and Prim climb up the ledge and watch the action from the structure.]
Prim: He's buying us time. Let's use it. Keep moving.
[They creep along the structure. Nine watches Sonic being chased by his Grim counterparts.]
Tails Nine: Where are you going?
[Nine opens out his tails and extracts Paradox beam energy. The dome fluctuates repeatedly. Down on the ground, Grim Big turns slowly and powers down.]
Rebel Rouge: Its power is draining.
[Knucks, along with two other rebels, arrive onto Grim Big's base.]
Renegade Knucks: Now's our chance!
[Renegade Knucks runs across the base and punches the giant robot's stomach.]
Renegade Knucks: Ha, that's more like it. Finally making a dent in this thing.
[Nine stops extracting from the beam, points his tails forward and generates an orb, shooting green lasers on the ground where Sonic is still running, blowing up fissures. Sonic brakes to a halt and wobbles at the edge of the large crack.]
Sonic: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. [Relieved] Whoa.
[Sonic is grabbed from behind by a Grim Sonic, sending him falling. The Grim Sonic triangle jumps and tackles Sonic repeatedly while he falls, before delivering a blow, sending Sonic crashing to the ground at the bottom. The Grim Sonic tosses Sonic into a pile of robot parts. Meanwhile, Nine raises his arms, and Grim Big rejuvenates power. Knucks tries to hang on to Grim Big's tail as it swings around. The tail swings into and hits Dr. Babble, causing Renegade Knucks to lose grip and fly off, but Thorn Rose rescues him. Grim Big deploys more Froggy bombs towards the running group of allies.]
Jack: Run!
Rebel Rouge: Look out!
[One missile explodes - just barely missing Jack, who Rebel just saved, and generates a crater.]
Dr. Deep: Ugh! Enough of this. I'm no one's sacrificial lamb. [While Grim Big's tail intercepts more Eggforcers.] Mr. Doctor, we need the Mothership!
[While Eggforcers are seen trying to repair the Mothership, bullets hit them and take them out. Grim Birdies swoop around the Mothership. Mr. Dr. Eggman groans nervously inside the cockpit and puts his hands back on the controls. The Kraken and the Yolkomotive approach the Mothership. Rusty fires from the turret. Meanwhile, on the Mothership's deck, a group of Grim Rouges and Grim Birdies take off and start attacking. Rusty takes one of them out, while the others make it and swoop around the Kraken, while some Grim bullets hit the bridge. A Grim Rouge lands on it and goes to tackle Black, but she blocks it with the sword. On the Yolkomotive...]
Dr. Done-It: One order of extra crispy wings coming up.
[Dr. Done-It shoots from the turret, breaking another group of Grim Birdies who peck on its windshield. On the Mothership, more Eggforcers try to make their way to the cannons, but more Grim Rouges stop them. Meanwhile, Sonic is being punched repeatedly by a Grim Sonic. As the Grim Sonic prepares to deliver the final blow, a grunting is heard in the background. Shadow hits the Grim Robot and stands in front of Sonic. Sonic becomes relieved after seeing Shadow for the first time in a while.]
Sonic: Shadow, you're alive! [Offers a hand] Help a brother up?
Shadow: We are not related.
Sonic: [Sighs] Never mind. You okay?
Shadow: I survived. Nine's Alphas deployed a massive army to keep me down here.
Sonic: Alphas? You mean the ones that can duplicate themselves?
Shadow: If I still had that Chaos Emerald, I could have teleported out of here, but it's lost in the Void. And, smashing hordes of Sonics isn't the worst thing in the world.
[Ground debris falls close to them. They both look upward and see two Grim Sonics looking down at them.]
Sonic: Up for smashing a few more mes?
[The both peel out up the wall and punch the Grim Sonics simultaneously. Meanwhile, Grim Birdie flies across one side of the citadel structure, which the scavengers notice. They hide behind a wall.]
Prim Rouge: We're gonna need to sneak past that thing if we wanna cut off Nine from the Prism, ideas?
Gnarly Knuckles: I've got one, but I'll need four rocks, 80 feet of vine, and a time machine.
[Prim brows down, her ears drop and she walks away. Hangry follows Prim, showing an embarrassed look at Gnarly. Gnarly follows them too. All three of them climb further up the building. Meanwhile, on the ground, Shadow takes out a Grim robot while Sonic engages in battle with another one, but is punched by the Grim Sonic's fist and is sent flying into a crystal wall, sliding down. Shadow spins and homing attacks two more Grim robots, slamming down a third one before jumping spinning himself away from the fourth. He dodges a leg and a grab attack from the robot. They both fly high and hit each other, both standing up as they land. Shadow grunts and hits the Grim Sonic again, dodging another attack. Shadow leaps and kicks the Grim Robot into the wall, which it lands on and leaps back to attack. Another Grim Sonic tries to tag Sonic but he leaps to dodge it. Sonic notices in the distance Shadow being chased by the other Grim Sonic as they leap over the crack. Suspenseful music plays as Shadow dodges Grim Sonic's punches. He crouches to avoid a swinging leg before leaping up. As the Grim Sonic does likewise, Shadow spins in mid-air and hits the robot, knocking it out through the fissure.]
Sonic: [To Grim Sonic] Huh.
[Sonic taunts at his Grim counterpart and runs. It chases him. He jumps over the crack. By the time the Grim Sonic jumps over the crack, Sonic stops it in mid-air with a homing attack, causing it to fall through. On the other side, Shadow grabs another Grim robot and tosses it to Sonic, who knocks it back with a spin attack. Shadow punches it towards the hole and Sonic smacks it down with another spin attack. Sonic celebrates next to Shadow.]
Sonic: [Chuckling] Hellooo teamwork! [Raises his hand] Up top!
Shadow: These troopers are one thing, [Sonic realizes while keeping his hand up] but the Alphas can generate an endless army. [Pointing to the Alpha Grim Robots while facing Sonic] They are the real threat.
[Sonic sighs and claps his own raised hand.]
Sonic: Rebel's plan is working. The Scavengers are through to the Citadel. They're gonna cut Nine off from the Prism.
Shadow: Which is in Nine's lab, guarded by the Alphas. They'll never reach it.
Sonic: So how do we destroy them?
Shadow: We don't. We're going after Nine.
Sonic: [Grabs Shadow on the shoulder] No, we're not. You said it yourself. If we don't go after the Alphas, we're cooked. And the only way we win this thing is if we work together. We need the others.
Shadow: [Annoyed] It's the end of the universe, and you're still thinking about your friends.
Sonic: Of course I am. They're all here, fighting, sacrificing themselves for me.
Shadow: All the more reason to go after Nine while he's distracted.
Sonic: And let my friends get pummeled when Nine only wants me? [He sighs and pants] Nine only wants me. I have an idea.
[Meanwhile, up in the air, Grim Birdies wreck the Kraken. On the bridge, Rusty and Black dodge tackles from flying Grim Rouges.]
Black Rose: Get those flying beasts off of us!
[Rusty fires lasers at them to no avail, she jumps up onto the bridge.]
Rusty Rose: There are too many. Ship damage is critical.
[The Kraken descends with smoke pluming out from its thrusters.]
Black Rose: I hate to say it, but we're going down. Abandon ship!
[Black and Rusty jump off to evacuate the ship. A Grim Birdie tags Rusty, while Black jumps onto the back of a Grim Rouge. She hops onto a Grim Birdie's back and jumps off, trying to reach Rusty's hand in slow motion. They go as close as touching their fingertips, and Black falls and screams. Rusty punches the Grim Birdie and dives down to try and save Black - with a Grim Birdie going after her shooting bullets. A Grim robot smacks Black. Rusty dodges bullets and reaches out to arm to drag a Grim Birdie into another. She resumes diving. Black Rose chuckles until she gets grabbed by a Grim Rouge. Rusty hangs onto the said Grim Rouge and pulls herself in. She punches it, freeing Black from its grab. Rusty grabs hold of Black but is grabbed by another Grim Birdie's beak. Black lands on the bird's back and jumps off at the right moment, causing the Grim Birdie to be hit by a bullet. As they both fall, Rusty reaches out and grabs hold of Black again and pulls herself in, falling together. Thorn notices both of them.]
Thorn Rose: Birdie, fly!
[Birdie swoops over to save Thorn's two counterparts.]
Black Rose: It's been an honor to know you, friend.
Rusty Rose: The honor has been all mine, friend.
[They hold hands. Just before they hit the ground, Birdie catches them.]
Thorn Rose: Got you!
[In the background, the Kraken crashes onto the ground and explodes.]
Black Rose: Ha! By Poseidon's soggy beard! [Chuckles]
[Birdie lands on the ground safely. Everyone jumps off.]
Rusty Rose: Thank you, Thorn. We owe you our lives.
Thorn Rose: You would do the same for me, [Winks] sisters.
Rusty Rose: [Winks at Thorn Rose] Sister? I have never had a sister.
Black Rose: [Bundles them together.] Now you got two.
[Birdie shrieks with delight.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: In case you've forgotten, we're under attack! Get up here!
Thorn Rose: Let's show them what these sisters can do.
[Black laughs as they hop back onto Birdie. Birdie flies up towards the mothership. Rusty and Black jump onto the deck and start combating Grim robots. Thorn hammers two more Grim Birdies. A Grim Rouge battles Black on the deck. She takes it down and throws her sword into another one, catching it. Rusty handstands onto Black's back and spins her legs out wide. Rusty jumps off alongside her and extends her arm to take out another Grim robot off-screen. Birdie shrieks and hits a Grim Birdie. She swoops down and hits another one. Birdie picks up Rusty and black with his claws. In the background, the Yolkomotive defeat more Grim robots going after the Eggforcers underneath the mothership's cannon.]
Dr. Done-It: You're all clear, Mr. Doctor.
[More Eggforcers come to work on repairing the mothership's cannon. Meanwhile, on the ground, Grim Big hovers forward, followed by two running Big counterparts, who stop and crouch down to dodge Grim Big's swinging tail, which breaks and tosses battleground crystals in the air. The crystal fly and crash into Jack and Squad Commander Red, causing them to scream and fall. Jack is trapped by a group of crystals. Grim Big locks its target on Red trying to pull out Jack. Red hears Grim Big power up, gasping with horror.]
Dr. Deep: We're getting destroyed out here.
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Keep your mustache on, Doctor. The cannons are almost repaired.
[The mothership's cannon is fully repaired. It powers up and glows bright red.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: At last!
[Two of the mothership's cannons prepare a growing orb. Nine watches on, becoming worried. Grim Big focuses on the mothership. Meanwhile, Red finally pulls Jack out of the crystal.]
Tails Nine: The Mothership! Take out the Mothership!
[The camera cuts to the mothership's radar. Mr. Dr. Eggman targets Grim Big.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: So long, you colossal waste.
[A humongous laser is fired, and hits Grim Big with a powerful explosion that shakes the ground. Nine flinches and braces himself from the impact, along with Dread, Catfish and Rebel. Purple dust clears, revealing black smoke pluming out of its head. Grim Big's thrusters splutter and turns uncontrollably.]
Tails Nine: No, no, no!
[Grim Big falls over and crashes onto the ground, shaking it and blowing a wave of dust in the air. Sonic and Shadow become astonished while they run and look at each other. Sonic's allies cheer in celebration, along with the Chaos Council. Sonic and Shadow come over to and greet the rebels.]
Sonic: Hoo-hoo-hoo! You did it, you took out that behemoth!
Rebel Rouge: Sonic, you're okay!
Sonic: Gang, this is Shadow. Shadow, meet, well, everyone, I guess.
[The group are unconvinced, but are immediately interrupted by a furious Nine. We see Nine powering up the energy beam with his mechanical tails, letting off frustrated growls.]
Sonic: Well, that's terrifying.
[The dome fluctuates again. Nine notices the purple rocks floating in the sky. He turns his tails forward and powers up a green laser beam towards the mothership. Mr. Dr. Eggman screams and makes a run for it. Everyone watches on as the mothership's deck is hit by the green laser beam. It crashes and burns.]
Dr. Done-It: Oh, my egg!
[Mr. Dr. Eggman evacuates the mothership using his mech, but screams as he is blasted by an explosion. Nine watches the whole mothership explode in midair and flinches. Dr. Babble wails in fear.]
Dr. Don't: MY VIDEO GAMES!!!
[Mr. Dr. Eggman crash lands on the ground. Sonic's team gather around.]
Dr. Deep: Mr. Doctor, are you alive? Say something!
[Mr. Dr. Eggman pops his head out of the mech.]
Mr. Dr. Eggman: Mark my words, we're going to melt that fox.
[Tails Nine groans has his head in his hands. The Prism shield starts to decay, causing the dome to shrink; the crystals in the dome start disappearing.]
Sonic: Every time he diverts power, the dome shrinks. He needs my energy to stabilize it.
[Tails Nine pants in exhaustion, but sees something below.]
Tails Nine: Huh?
[He watches the Scavengers make their way up to the top of the Citadel structure. He draws three mechanical tails. The Scavengers are forced up in the air by rising crystals.]
Rebel Rouge: Prim!
[Prim sees Hangry and Gnarly being flown up in the air and flies up, grabbing Gnarly while Hangry catches Gnarly's foot, rescuing each other.]
Rebel Rouge: The plan, it failed.
[Sonic and his allies watch the paradox prism load up with power.]
Sonic: We're running out of time. I need you, all of you, to listen to me.
Dr. Deep: Why should anyone listen to you?
Sonic: Because I know how we can win.
[An annoyed Nine stands, holding his shoulder. Sonic gathers his allies together, while Nine growls in anger and fires up the Paradox energy beam once again. He facepalms while he struggles.]
Tails Nine: No, the dome...
[Tails Nine stops firing.]
Sonic: [Angrily] You'll never catch me, Nine. I'm too fast. Hit me with everything you've got!
Tails Nine: No more waiting.
[The Alpha Grim Bots take off.]
Sonic: [Looking at Rebel and Shadow] Rebel?
[Sonic, Rebel and Shadow nod. The Alpha Grim Bots land on the ground close to Sonic's team. Nine fires green lasers at them to clone them once again. Lines of Bots run forward.]
Sonic: Here they come.
[Sonic combats his Alpha Grim counterpart. They punch him back. Sonic tackles it. He notices other Grims taking out some of his allies. Red is smacked by a Grim Amy's hammer.]
Sonic: No!
[As Sonic runs away, the Alpha Grim Sonic rejuvenates. Shadow runs towards it and punches it high, causing it to crash into the ground. A split screen between it and Shadow appears.]
Shadow: Finally. Prove your worth, machine.
[They close in on each other showing their fists. Sonic runs over to help his allies, but the Alpha Grim Birdie strikes him. Black tries to hit an Alpha Grim with her sword, but is punched in return. Batten and Dread are also punched in a triple screen.]
Jack: It's hopeless, run!
[Jack and Red run but are encountered by the Alpha Grim Knuckles. It punches and scoops them up in the air, causing them to scream. Sonic is dropped onto the ground with a thud, groaning and holding his head as he slowly gets up.]
Red: [Swishing her sword] Back, back I say.
[Red's sword is blocked by a Grim Knuckles, which punches her back and collides into a wall. Sonic yelps as the Grim Birdies go after the Yolkomotive, which breaks down.]
Dr. Done-It: Ah!
[One of the Yolkomotive's thrusters breaks off.]
Dr. Done-It: I'm going down!
[The ship crashes on the ground through the Citadel's wall and stops by the base, powering down. Meanwhile, Dr. Babble takes on more Grim robots. As it smacks down one Grim Amy, another Grim Amy scoops him up with its hammer. He falls onto Dr. Deep. The sword that the latter was holding is scooped up in the air and sticks to the ground in front of him. A trapped Dr. Deep tries to get up but isn't able to do so. Shadow is punched repeatedly by Alpha Grim Sonic.]
Shadow: Is that all you got?
[A large group of Grim Sonics join the Alpha. The regular Grim Sonics take off and approach Shadow. They leap and dive towards him in slow motion. They crash into him, watched on by Sonic, who realizes his fellow hedgehog is now in trouble.]
Sonic: [Despairing] Shadow!
[With Dr. Don't running across the background, Rebel and Knucks battle more Grim robots. The Grim Rouge punches Rebel causing her to fall. Sonic miserably looks at Prim and Gnarly who are also downed, with Prim getting hit by a flying Grim robot, laid out. Hangry collapses into a crystal wall. Froggy, struggling, croaks and flops down. Sonic looks at the horde of Grim Robots. Cut to Nine at the top of the tower.]
Tails Nine: Come to me, Sonic.
Sonic: Nine!
[Sonic spins into the horde of Grim Robots, sending them flying.]
Tails Nine: Finally.
[Sonic peels out to the top of the tower and lands opposite him. In a versus split screen, they growl and go to tackle each other. Just before they collide, the frame stops with both of them in mid-air. The screen cuts to black and the credits appear.]
