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Sonic Wiki Zone
Sonic Wiki Zone

The Cameron (キャメロン Kyameron?) is an enemy that appears in the Sonic the Hedgehog series. It is a mass-produced, turtle-based Badnik created by Dr. Eggman.


Camerons appearance closely resembles real turtles. They are mostly colored green with a yellow underbelly and have short flipper-like legs, large eyes and a cannon on top of their shell.

Game appearances[]

Sonic Heroes[]

In Sonic Heroes, the Camerons are enemies most often encountered in the early Stages. They are completely retracted into their shell when asleep. Typically, Camerons come in groups with Egg Pawns.

When spotting the player, the Camerons deploy cannons that fire green hoop-like blasts of energy, although the open center will still damage the player. When defending, they retract into their shell, where they can resist most attacks. However, they can be flipped over with the Tornado Jump and allow the player to attack its less-armored underside. A Power Formation attack can also take out an upright Cameron easily in one hit, as well as a fully leveled up Speed Formation attack being capable of damaging a Cameron as well.

Sonic Rivals 2[]

In Sonic Rivals 2, the Cameron appears on a collectible card:

Image Card Number Card Challenge Unlocked
Sonic Rivals 2 - Card Collection 88 88 Cameron Win Knuckles Cup in Multiplayer Knuckles' Eggman Suit

Other game appearances[]

Sonic Runners[]

In Sonic Runners, the Cameron is one of the companions available in the game. Curiously enough, they have the same golden shell as the Gold Cameron in this game.

In other media[]

Books and comics[]

IDW Publishing[]


A Cameron, from Sonic the Hedgehog #51.

In the Sonic the Hedgehog comic series and its spin-offs published by IDW Publishing, Sonic fought two Camerons during his escape from the Eggperial City, both of which he destroyed by tricking two Mantas to drop bombs on them.[1]





  1. Sonic the Hedgehog #51, "Escaping the Empire"
