Shadowhearts Wiki

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Shadowhearts Wiki

Water is an Element of the Shadow Hearts universe. It is associated with the color blue. It is opposed by the fire element. Because of this characters and enemies with this elemental attribute take extra damage from attacks and spells of the fire element. Correspondingly, characters and enemies with fire as their elemental attribute take extra damage from Water attacks or spells. The sigil's A shape invokes the appearance of a drop of water, with its double chevron shape symbolising water's movement and freedom.

Characters with this elemental attribute[]

Playable Characters[]


Fusions associated with this element[]

Shadow Hearts[]

Shadow Hearts: Covenant[]

Enemies with this elemental attribute[]

Shadow Hearts[]

Regular Enemies[]

Boss Enemies[]

Shadow Hearts: Covenant[]

Regular Enemies[]

Boss Enemies[]

Shadow Hearts: FtNW[]

Regular Enemies[]

Boss Enemies[]

Spells associated with this element[]


Player Skills[]

Water Aligned Spells
Name Description
Geyser Water Elemental Attack

Enemy Specific Skills[]

Enemy Water Aligned Spells
Name Description
Shock Max Water Elemental Attack
Biting Snake

Shadow Hearts[]

Player Skills[]

Water Aligned Spells
Name Description
Rain Shower
Flash Flood
Life Dew
Icy Breath
Holy Tears
Dragon Cry
Fury Serpent
Aqua Edge
Aqua Blade

Enemy Specific Skills[]

Enemy Water Aligned Spells
Name Description
Large Whirlpool
Blue Abyss

Shadow Hearts: Covenant[]

Player Skills[]

Water Aligned Spells
Name Description
Aqua Cast
Aqua Raise
Aroma Oil - Stun Perfume
Shock Max
Aqua Edge
Aqua Resist
Hail Beak
Hail Breeze
Hail Crash
Hail Crest

Enemy Specific Skills[]

Enemy Water Aligned Spells
Name Description
Ancient Howl

Shadow Hearts: FtNW[]

Player Skills[]

Water Aligned Spells
Name Description
Cat Touch
Sake Cup Purge
Aqua Edge
Aqua Resist
Hail Dust
Hail Solid
Hail Exceed
Hail Crest
Shock Max

Enemy Specific Skills[]

Enemy Water Aligned Spells
Name Description
Hex Cataract

