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Shadowhearts Wiki
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Kowloon Fortress

Kowloon Fortess is the Hong Kong home of Wugui, but has been taken over by Roger Bacon using Wugui's body to create life, possible this was part of his plan in using the Emigre Manuscript.

This place can be unlocked by choosing all the first comments that Alice uses when she is imprisoned by Dehuai. This place is not for the inexperienced, but cannot be visited once you finish Kuihai Tower. Lottery Member No. 10 is here, but only until you clear the boss.

Wugui's Room[]

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Wugui's Room

Upon entering the room, Yuri and Margarete express disgust, and Zhuzhen finds everything a bit out-of-place for a gangster boss. Roger Bacon appears, confirms the Taoist's suspicions, and sends a resurrected Wugui, Cursed Puppet, at the party.

Enemies Encountered[]

Enemies Encountered
Name Notes
Namida -
Blue Ogre -
Red Ogre -
Happy Creeper -
Speckled Creeper -
Dark Judge -
Name Notes
Cursed Puppet -



Tight-lipped Merchant
Item Price Item Price
Leather Cap 600 Talisman of Luck 480
Studded Cap 1700 Talisman of Mercy 820
Casual Belt 600 Talisman of Wisdom 1280
Western Belt 600 Mermaid's Tear 70
Zodiac Bracelet 10300 Holy Mother Bust 75
Cosmic Bracelet 11500 Angel's Feather 80
Spikes 2810 Faerie's Sigh 85
Leonardo's Bear 3300 Imp's Fang 95
Voodoo Doll 5200 Phoenix Tail 90
Thera Leaf 50 Bronze Arrowhead 100
Thera Seed 120 Bronze Dagger 200
Mana Leaf 100 Silver Hourglass 100
Mana Seed 300 Gold Hourglass 200
Pure Leaf 230 Tent 480
Pure Seed 510

Pedometer Step Exchange
Item No. of Steps
Thera Extract 100
Voodoo Doll 300
Weird Bottle 800
Iron Clogs 1500
Flash Badge 2500
Moon Swallow 3500
Star Swallow 5000
Monkey Paw 6500
Silver Hand 7000
Belt of Power 8000
Female only armourOne-time purchase, Margarete exclusive ultimate armour Leather Suit 10000

Treasure Chest[]

  • Mana Root - Chest beside the stairs in the first hallway
  • Hand Needle - Chest behind the stairs in the screen to the right of the main hallway
  • Face Guard - Hidden up the ladder in the far right room
  • Thera Root - Chest in the cell to the right of the blocked-off path
  • Pure Root - Chest in the stairwell.
  • Soul Benediction - Chest in the room with the wooden bridge


Lottery Members[]

No.10: Invincible Nee[]

Ring: Normal

Note: This lottery member is only active until after Wugui is defeated.

Minor Named NPCs[]

  • Desperate Hao
  • Sleepless Liline
  • Useless Wan
  • Invincible Nee/Lottery Member No. 10



Real Life[]


Kowloon Walled City - as it appeared in the 1980s.

The Kowloon Fortress visited in-game is based on the real location of Kowloon Walled City, although the game developers took a little creative license by giving it the appearance of the Walled City of its later years, rather than the small outpost it would have been in 1915.

At its height, the population is estimated to have been anywhere between 30000-50000 people living in an area of only 6.5 acres (26300m²).

The structure was demolished in 1994 and turned into a park - although some small structures have been preserved.
