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Shadowhearts Wiki
Koudelka screen005

Koudelka casting Flare

Magic in Koudelka works differently than in the main series.

Unlike the Shadow Hearts games, magic can only be improved by repeated use, with each spell gaining experience points, to progress to the next level. Certain spells are gated behind bosses, requiring them to be defeated before the player can use them.

All characters are able to cast spells, however, Koudelka and James are more geared towards magic, stat-wise.

Defensive Magic

The player begins with Heal, and it becomes a mainstay for the rest of the game. The two other defensive spells can only be accessed after defeating certain bosses.

Levelling the Heal and Revive spells increases both the amount healed and the range of the spell. Reflect does not increase in range, but the effect duration lasts longer.

And while not its primary use, as Heal is a Light elemental spell, it can also damage Dark aligned enemies if they are targetted.

Defensive Magic
Name MP Cost Description Image
Heal 6 MP Restores some HP to target
Revive 18 MP Revives unconscious target, and restores some HP.
Reflect 18 MP Reflect magic back at caster.

Defensive Magic
Name MP Cost Description Image
Heal 12 MP Restores some HP to target
Revive 36 MP Revives unconscious target, and restores some HP.
Reflect 36 MP Reflect magic back at caster.

Defensive Magic
Name MP Cost Description Image
Heal 24 MP Restores some HP to target
Revive 72 MP Revives unconscious target, and restores some HP.
Reflect 72 MP Reflect magic back at caster.

  • = Target.
  • = Additional are effected.

Offensive Magic

The primary method of doing magical damage in the game. Each spell can only be unlocked by beating the following bosses;

The basic spell will only target a single enemy. Subsequent levelling increases damage, and expands the range of the spell, allowing for potential splash damage to nearby enemies.

Offensive Magic
Name MP Cost Description Image
Flare 8 MP Fire Elemental Attack
Geyser 8 MP Water Elemental Attack
Tornado 8 MP Wind Elemental Attack
Megalith 8 MP Earth Elemental Attack

Offensive Magic
Name MP Cost Description Image
Flare 16 MP Fire Elemental Attack
Geyser 16 MP Water Elemental Attack
Tornado 16 MP Wind Elemental Attack
Megalith 16 MP Earth Elemental Attack

Offensive Magic
Name MP Cost Description Image
Flare 32 MP Fire Elemental Attack
Geyser 32 MP Water Elemental Attack
Tornado 32 MP Wind Elemental Attack
Megalith 32 MP Earth Elemental Attack

  • = Target.
  • = Additional are effected.

De/Fortifying Magic

The Fortify spells pull double duty during gameplay acting as both a buff for allies, and a debuff for enemies; targeting an ally will boost an Action Point (AP) stat, but targeting an enemy with the same spell will automatically debuff that stat.

The amount of AP boost/decrease is fixed per the level of the spell:

  • Level 1 = x3 AP
  • Level 2 = x6 AP
  • Level 3 = x9 AP
De/Fortifying Magic
Name MP Cost
Lv 1/2/3
Description Image
Fortify STR 8/16/32 MP Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Strength
Fortify VIT 8/16/32 MP Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Vitality
Fortify DEX 8/16/32 MP Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Dexterity
Fortify AGL 8/16/32 MP Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Agility
Fortify PIE 8/16/32 MP Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Piety
Fortify INT 8/16/32 MP Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Intelligence
Fortify MND 8/16/32 MP Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Mind
Fortify LUC 8/16/32 MP Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Luck

Defortify Galley[]

  • = Target.

Enemy Magic[]

Much like the player, the enemies in Koudelka may also use magic and special abilities, however they also have unique position specific moves not accessable to the player.

  • = Target
  • = Additional are effected
  • = Monster
  • = Other player character
Enemy Skills & Magic
Name Description Attack Type Element Range Type
Heal Heals HP Magical Single Target
Flame Mine Fire Elemental Attack Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal and vertical to them.
Shock Max Water Elemental Attack Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal and vertical to them.
Black Hole Wind Elemental Attack Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal and vertical to them.
Strong Earth Earth Elemental Attack Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal and vertical to them.
Fortify STR Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Strength Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal to them.
Fortify VIT Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Vitality Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal to them.
Fortify DEX Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Dexterity Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal to them.
Fortify AGL Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Agility Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal to them.
Fortify PIE Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Piety Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal to them.
Fortify INT Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Intelligence Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal to them.
Fortify MND Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Mind Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal to them.
Fortify LUC Boost Ally/Decrease Enemy Luck Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal to them.
Fortify AP Boost Ally/Decrease AP Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal to them.
Reflect Reflect magic back at caster. Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal and vertical to them.
Scratch A - Physical Single Target
Scratch B Paralysis 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Scratch Combo - Physical Single Target
Hit A - Physical Single Target
Hit B Poison 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Hit C Poison 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Body Blow A - Physical Single Target
Body Blow B Knockback 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Body Blow C - Physical Single Target
Body Blow D Poison 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Body Blow E Paralysis 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Bite A - Physical Single Target
Bite B Silence 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Punch A - Physical Single Target
Punch B Poison 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Kick A - Physical Single Target
Kick B Poison 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Kick C Knockback 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Double Kick - Physical Single Target
Quadruple Kick - Physical Single Target
Ultrasonic Screech - Magical Targets area three squares, and one place removed in front of the monster.
Red Ray - Magical Targets character at any range so long as they are in front of them.
Blue Ray - Magical Targets character at any range so long as they are in front of them.
Absorb HP A Absorbs HP from an enemy to heal. Magical Single Target
Absorb HP B Absorbs HP from all enemies to heal. Magical Targets whole battlefield.
Absorb MP Absorbs MP from enemy. Magical Single Target
Wind Slash Silence 50% Chance Magical Single Target
Visceral Spread - Magical Targets area three squares, and one place removed in front of the monster.
Self-destruct - Magical Targets area in three squares directly in front of the monster.
Tentacle A - Physical Single Target
Tentacle B Poison 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Double Tentacle - Physical Single Target
Paralysis Grip Paralysis 100% Chance Physical Single Target
Beam A - Magical Targets character at any range so long as they are in front of them.
Beam B Paralysis 50% Chance Magical Targets character at any range so long as they are in front of them.
Pinion Silence 50% Chance Magical Single Target
Knockback A Knockback 95% Chance Physical Single Target
Knockback B Knockback 59% Chance Physical Single Target
Shoot - Physical Single Target
Slice-and-dice Silence 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Thunder A Knockback 50% Chance Magical Targets character at any range so long as they are in front of them.
Thunder B Silence 50% Chance Magical Targets character at any range so long as they are in front of them.
Thunder C Silence 50% Chance Magical Targets area three squares, and one place removed in front of the monster.
Thunder D Silence 50% Chance Magical Targets whole battlefield.
Fire Ball Silence 50% Chance Magical Single Target
Head Emission Silence 50% Chance Magical Targets area three squares, and one place removed in front of the monster.
Magic Explosion Silence 50% Chance Magical Single Target
Pierce - Physical Single Target
Tornado A - Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal and vertical to them.
Tornado B - Magical Targets whole battlefield.
Tornado C Silence and Paralysis 70% Chance Magical Single Target
Sword Slice Paralysis 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Null Blade - Physical Targets area in three squares directly in front of the monster.
Vaccum Wave Silence 80% Chance Magical Single Target
Tail Stab A - Physical Single Target
Tail Stab B Poison 100% Chance Physical Single Target
Glint-of-an-eye A Knockback 98% Chance Magical Targets character at any range so long as they are in front of them.
Glint-of-an-eye B Knockback 95% Chance Magical Targets whole battlefield.
Glint-of-an-eye C Paralysis 80% Chance Magical Targets whole battlefield.
Weeping Cry Paralysis 80% Chance Magical Targets whole battlefield.
Left Tendril - Physical Targets area to the left of the monster.
Right Tendril - Physical Targets area to the right of the monster.
Pollen Poison 87% Chance Magical Single Target
Red Magic Silence 50% Chance Magical Single Target
Recover HP Recovers HP Magical Single Target
Recover MP (Small) Recovers a small amount of MP Magical Single Target
Recover MP (Large) Recovers a large amount of MP Magical Single Target
Toxic Blast Poison 50% Chance Magical Targets whole battlefield.
Poltergeist Silence 50% Magical Single Target
Screech - Magical Targets character at any range so long as they are in front of them.
STR Boost Boosts STR Magical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal and vertical to them.
Red Beam Silence 50% Chance Magical Targets area three squares, and one place removed in front of the monster.
Blue Beam - Magical Targets character at any range so long as they are in front of them.
Triple Shot - Physical Single Target
Battering Ram Paralysis 50% Physical Single Target
Biting Snake - Physical Single Target
Roaring Lion - Magical Targets whole battlefield.
Snake Venom Poison 50% Chance Magical Single Target
Ram Fireball Silence 50% Chance Magical Single Target
Robocon Strike - Physical Targets area in three squares directly in front of the monster.
Rock Throw - Physical Move will affect target, and any characters directly horizontal to them.
Smackdown Silence 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Spew Poison 50% Chance Magical Single Target
Swipe Poison 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Side Swipe Poison 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Shock Silence 50% Chance Magical Single Target
Strike Paralysis 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Air Cannon Silence 50% Chance Magical Single Target
Laser Paralysis 50% Chance Magical Targets closest character.
High-and-low Strike - Physical Single Target
Poison Scratch Poison 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Leg Thrust Poison 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Leg Thrust Combo Poison 50% Chance Physical Single Target
Wing Magic - Magical Single Target
Grand High Magic A - Magical Targets whole battlefield.
Grand High Magic B Poison and Silence 50% Chance Magical Targets whole battlefield.
