Pure Evil Wiki

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Pure Evil Wiki
Pure Evil Wiki
Judith: God help me, it's true. I did love him once and then... I became afraid, of his nature, even his passion of creation and beauty. It's all madness to me. I never told him about Miranda.
Michael: You think I could've not guess, Judith? Hmm? My beautiful child.
~ Judith Butler revealing Michael Garfield being her former lover and the real father of Miranda Butler.
Kill the bastard, beloved! We can always make more.
~ Talia al Ghul ordering a mind-controlled Batman to kill Damian Wayne, their son.

Pure Evils who are Parents, despite this, they engage in behaviors that are deeply harmful to children. This includes adoptive parents, foster parents, step-parents, and legal guardians. While traditional parents are typically seen as nurturing and protective, these individuals exhibit the opposite behaviors. They show no concern for the well-being of the children under their care and are known to subject them to various forms of abuse such as physical or mental torture, forcing them into servitude, inflicting abuse, and in some extreme cases, even committing cold-blooded murder.

Parents who are Pure Evil can claim that they care for their children or try to demonstrate it, but if they do so, it's either to not raise suspicions of their true natures or because their children can be useful tools to their plans, especially when Faux Affably Evil is brought under the example.

It's possible for some Pure Evil parents to actually get along with their children, but if this case happens, then it's because their children share their interest in committing wrongdoings and are villains themselves, even Pure Evils sometimes or they only view their children as extensions of themselves. An example of this would be Manfred Von Karma who was a distant yet providing father to Franziska Von Karma, though this was only because he saw her as an example of his perfect teaching rather than out of any genuine love for her.

They are the opposite to Pure Good Parents.

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