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- "The rumbling thunder, Pteragordon!"
- ―ED theme lyric[src]
Zyudenryu Pteragordon (獣電竜プテラゴードン Jūdenryū Puteragōdon) is the Pteranodon-themed Zyudenryu that is partnered with Kyoryu Gold. Its number is "6".

Pteragordon's Zyudenchi coming to it
One of the Ten Great Zyudenryu, Pteragordon was a Pteranodon that agreed to be modified to fight the Deboth Army in ancient times but was damaged in battle after its partner was "killed" and had to be sealed away on Gabutyra's island to heal.
Once inserted with its Zyudenchi, Pteragordon can summon storm clouds whose lightning bolts it can use to attack its opponent from multiple directions. It can also fire lightning from its mouth. These lightning bolts were colored purple during its corruption and later yellow after being purified. Pteragordon also has a visor on its head as well as the Pteraiden-Oh head. They were briefly turned down during its corruption, and it used them again to protect itself from Deathryuger's Dark Melody that corrupted Tobaspino, Ankydon and Bunpachy. If Utsusemimaru were to lose his Gaburichanger, Pteragordon is capable of building and supplying its replacement.
Appearances: Kyoryuger Episodes 7-16, 19-20, Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: Gaburincho of Music, 22, 25, 27, 32-33, 33.5, 35-36, Kyoryuger vs. Go-Busters, 37-38, 41-42, 43-44, 46, 48, 100 YEARS AFTER
Pteragordon was among the 24 dinosaurs to be modified as a Zyudenryu by Wise God Torin. It was among the last 11 Zyudenryu that still stood to protect Earth after all 13 Guardians were slain by Dark Species Deboth, forcing Zyudenryu Bragigas to use the surviving Zyudenryu's Zyudenchi to activate its forbidden attack and seal Deboth within its heart.
In the Sengoku era, Pteragordon was partnered with Utsusemimaru while trying to protect it against Deboth Army lead by Chaos and Dogold. However, Pteragordon was greatly injured and sealed inside Gabutyra's island while Utsusemimaru was possessed by Dogold in a plan to control him centuries later.
In present day, Hundred-Faced High Priest Chaos created an evil-laced copy of Pteragordon's Zyudenchi, allowing him to undo Pteragordon's seal to complete his plot of controlling the Zyudenryu to destroy the Kyoryugers and humanity by handing its control over to Raging Knight Dogold. However, Pteragordon was freed from the forces from the Deboth Army when Utsusemimaru partner was infused with Brave energy from Torin, Daigo, and Ramirez and broke free of Dogold's control, allowing the Zyudenryu to destroy the fake Zyudenchi the Deboth Army had created, then rearmed its partner with the Gaburichanger and its true Zyudenchi.
Kaminari Henkei Pteraiden-Oh[]
- "Pteraiden-Oh! (Shamisen music)"
- ―Transformation announcement[src]
Kaminari Henkei Pteraiden-Oh (雷変形プテライデンオー Kaminari Henkei Puteraidenō, Lightning Transformation Pteraiden King)) is the Zyuden Giant state of Pteragordon, known as "Pteragordon's strongest form".
Pteraiden-Oh is very sleek compared to Kyoryuzin, and because of this, it is a good deal faster and can deal out a lot of damage in a hurry with its Ptera Cutter (プテラカッター Putera Kattā) arm blades, which can perform the Horizontal Flash (横一閃 Yoko Issen) attack. However, because of Pteraiden-Oh's light frame, it cannot take a lot of damage. Also, it is somewhat weaker than Kyoryuzin.
One of its finishers is the Pteraiden-Oh Brave Finish (テライデンオーブレイブフィニッシュ Puteraiden'ō Bureibu Finisshu), where the Zyuden Giant fires a stream of lightning bolts from the Ptera Head (プテラヘッド Putera Heddo) cannon equipped to its chest. However, it is noticeably weaker then Kyoryuzin's own Brave Finishes, and as such, Pteraiden-Oh has to land another attack to fully destroy an enlarged monster.
When Pteraiden-Oh was under the Deboth Army's control, its visors were pulled down, and it wore a giant black cape. The black cape is also bulletproof, able to resist multiple shots from Zyudenryu Parasagun.
Appearances: Kyoryuger Episodes 9-11, 13, 15, 19, 25, 32-33, 35, 38, 41-42
Additional Formations[]
Raiden Kamitsuki Gattai Raiden Kyoryuzin[]
- "Raiden Kyoryuzin! (Shamisen and samba music in harmony)"
- ―Combination announcement[src]
Raiden Kamitsuki Gattai Raiden Kyoryuzin (雷電カミツキ合体ライデンキョウリュウジン Raiden Kamitsuki Gattai Raiden Kyōryūjin, Thunder Biting Combination Thunder Dinosaur God) is the combination between Pteraiden-Oh and Kyoryuzin.
The majority of Pteragordon connects on to Kyoryuzin's back while the Zyudenryu's head replaces Kyoryuzin's standard helmet.
Armed with the power of flight from the Ptera Wings (プテラウイング Putera Uingu) and the Go-Ren Zyuden Ken, Raiden Kyoryuzin is peerless in the sky, now able to fight in the air without having to sacrifice strength in order to do so.
This combination's finisher is the Zyuden Ken Inazuma Brave Finish (獣電剣稲妻ブレイブフィニッシュ Jūden Ken Inazuma Bureibu Finisshu, Beast Charge Sword Lightning Brave Finish), where Raiden Kyoryuzin flies high into the air while the Kyoryugers channel electrical Brave to the Zyuden Ken. Once done, Raiden Kyoryuzin brings the electrified Zyuden Ken down with a mighty chop, slicing through the target.
Though Kyoryuzin is always in its default combo whenever it combines with Pteragordon to become Raiden Kyoryuzin, there is no reason why Pteragordon shouldn't be able to combine with Kyoryuzin in all its other combos (e.g. Western, Macho, Kung-Fu). However, it might be because of who Pteragordon's partner is.
Appearances: Kyoryuger 12, 14, 16, Gaburincho of Music, 22-23, 33.5, Kyoryuger vs. Go-Busters, 41, 43
Pteraiden-Oh Western[]
Pteraiden-Oh Western (プテライデンオーウエスタン Puteraidenō Uesutan) is the combination of Pteragordon, Parasagun, and Zakutor.
Its finishing attack is the Pteraiden-Oh Western Brave Finish (プテライデンオーウエスタンブレイブフィニッシュ Puteraidenō Uesutan Bureibu Finisshu), where the energy of the three Zyudenryu is used to create an orb which is shot from the Parasa Beam Gun.
Appearances: Kyoryuger Episodes 13, 32, 35, 41-42
Pteraiden-Oh Ankydon[]
Pteraiden-Oh Ankydon (プテライデンオーアンキドン Puteraidenō Ankidon) is the Biting Combination of Pteragordon and Ankydon. This combination was used as a one-two attack plan against an enhanced Cambrima, who was on even strength with Kyoryuzin Macho due to their similar weapons, where Pteraiden-Oh's part of the plan was to use the Ankydon Hammer to smash the Cambrima's kanabo, though the Zyuden Giant had to spin into the air for momentum for the proper amount of force.
Appearances: Kyoryuger Episodes 15, 42
Pteraiden-Oh Bunpachy[]
Pteraiden-Oh Bunpachy (プテライデンオーブンパッキー Puteraidenō Bunpakkī) is the Biting Combination of Pteragordon and Bunpachy.
Its finishing attack is the Pteraiden-Oh Bunpachy Brave Finish (プテライデンオーブンパッキーブレイブフィニッシュ Puteraidenō Bunpakkī Bureibu Finisshu), where it shoots a blast of lightning from the Ptera Head cannon before hitting the opponent in the face with the Bunpachy Ball.
Appearances: This form is exclusive to Kyoryuger Episode 19
Pteraiden-Oh Parasagun[]
Pteraiden-Oh Parasagun (プテライデンオーパラサガン Puteraidenō Parasagan) is the Biting Combination of Pteragordon and Parasagun.
Its finishing attack is the Pteraiden-Oh Parasagun Brave Finish (プテライデンオーパラサガンブレイブフィニッシュ Puteraiden'ō Parasagan Bureibu Finisshu), where Pteraiden-Oh makes a sphere of lightning that attaches to the barrel of the Parasa Beam Gun, then is shot forward with great power.
Appearance: This form is exclusive to Kyoryuger Episode 33.
Pteraiden-Oh Dricera[]
Pteraiden-Oh Dricera (プテライデンオードリケラ Puteraiden'ō Dorikera) is the Biting Combination of Pteragordon and Dricera.
Its finishing attack is the Pteraiden-Oh Dricera Brave Finish (プテライデンオードリケラブレイブフィニッシュ Puteraidenō Dorikera Bureibu Finisshu), where it uses the Dricera Drill to pierce through the opponent while flying at the enemies at high speeds.
Appearances: This form is exclusive to Kyoryuger Episode 38
Tategami Raiden Kyoryuzin[]
The head of Tategami Lioh combines with Raiden Kyoryuzin to form Tategami Raiden Kyoryuzin. With the help of Daizyuzin and AbarenOh, they attack with the finishing move, Zyudenken Densetsu Brave Finish.
This form is exclusive to Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger vs. Go-Busters: Dinosaur Great Battle! Farewell, Eternal Friends.
Pteraiden-Oh Christmas[]
This form is just Pteraiden-Oh wearing an oversized Santa hat. This form is exclusive to Brave 42: Wonderful! Christmas of Justice.
Behind the Scenes[]
Pteraiden-Oh is portrayed by suit actor Daisuke Sato (佐藤 太輔 Satō Daisuke).
to be added
All of the Zyudenryu/Zyudenchi sport a name that is a portmanteau between their effect/motif and their respective animal name; Pteragordon is a portmanteau of "Pteranodon" and "Gorogoro" (the Japanese onomatopoeic word for "rumble"; often used in the context of thunder).
Pteragordon's Zyuden Giant name contains the word "Raiden" (雷電 ), which means "Thunder and Lightning" - in this case, it is connected to "Pteranodon" to form a portmanteau: "Pteraiden". This ties in with the electric naming schemes most of the Kyoryugers' gear follows.
- Pteragordon Zyudenchi (プテラゴードン獣電池 Puteragōdon Jūdenchi): 6 golden Zyudenchi holding the Kyoryu Spirit of the Pteranodon; the Deboth Army made a functioning evil fake to control Pteragordon, but the real ones were reused by Kyoryu Gold upon the Kyoryuger's freedom.
- Pteragordon Spirit Ranger Gold ver. (プテラゴードン スピリットレンジャーゴールドver. Puteragodon Supiritto Renjā Gōrudo Bājon): a clear version of the Pteragordon Zyudenchi that when used in the Gaburichanger allows Kyoryu Gold to enter Armed Mode and gain access to a stronger version of his Zandar Thunder called the Golder Zandar Thunder.
- Pteragordon is the first Zyudenryu that is capable of assuming a Zyuden Giant form all on its own.
- In the South Korean Kyoryuger dub, "Power Rangers Dino Force", Pteraiden-Oh is renamed "Ptera King". Like the other Zyudenryu, Pteragordon its is not renamed. [1]
- Pteragordon is the first Zyudenryu that is not a dinosaur.
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger
- Brave 7: Angry! Daigo's in Big Trouble
- Brave 8: Where Are We? Break Through the Depression
- Brave 9: Very Strong! Pteraiden-Oh
- Brave 10: Zandar! Gold Revives
- Kamen Rider × Super Sentai × Space Sheriff: Super Hero Taisen Z
- Brave 11: Utchi! How Cool
- Brave 12: Attack! The King and I
- Brave 13: Snip! Protect the Missing Heart
- Brave 14: Oh No! Spirit Base
- Brave 15: How Irritating! Dogold's Ambition
- Brave 16: Digging! My Treasure
- Brave 19: Kyawaeen! The Stolen Family
- Brave 20: Unlucky! Tanabata's Windfall
- Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger: Gaburincho of Music
- Brave 22: It Can't be! Deboth Revived
- Brave 23: Stand! Bakuretsu Kyoryuzin
- Brave 25: What's This! The Nightmare of the Deboth Army
- Brave 32: Victory! The Sports Game
- Brave 33: Maximum! I Will Protect the Lady
- Brave 33.5: This is Brave! Battle Frontier
- Brave 35: Super Awesome! Gigant Kyoryuzin
- Brave 36: Giga Gaburincho! The Silver Miracle
Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger vs. Go-Busters: Dinosaur Great Battle! Farewell, Eternal Friends
- Brave 37: Revenge! The Ghost Deboth Army
- Brave 38: Love Touch! The Most Beautiful Zorima
- Brave 41: Yanasanta! Deboth's World War
- Brave 42: Wonderful! Christmas of Justice
- Brave 43: The Blade of the Soul! Roar, Streizer
- Brave 44: Chaos Smiles! The Countdown of Destruction
- Brave Final: Great Explosion! Goodbye, Kyoryuger
Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O[]

Pteraiden-Oh as depicted in Super Sentai Battle: Dice-O.
- Profile
Pteraiden-Oh: to be added
See Also[]
- Ptera Zord - Power Rangers counterpart in Dino Charge. See comparison page.
- Pteravolt, successor mech from the Korean-produced Dino Force Brave
External links[]
- ↑ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=346Fd5p JIU Ptera King advert