Icon-kyoryugerThis article is about a monster in Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger.

"A Zyudenryu? I'll kill you before you can take your vengeance, dinosaur fossil!"
―Debo Hyogakki’s first words as he froze Zyudenryu Gabutyra.[src]

"Who are you people?! Damn you! Get them!"
―Debo Hyogakki when meeting the Kyoryugers for the first time.[src]

"No! They’re so strong!"
―Debo Hyogakki’s final words before his first death.[src]

"What useless flash! Get them!"
―Debo Hyogakki when confronted by the Kyoryugers now joined by Yayoi as Kyoryu Violet.[src]

"The Excecutioners are now extinct--!"
―Debo Hyogakki’s final words before his initial defeat.[src]

"I’m back!"
―Debo Hyogakki after being enlarged by Luckyulo.[src]

"They really are strong--!"
―Debo Hyogakki’s final words before his permanent death.[src]

Debo Hyogakki (デーボ・ヒョーガッキ Dēbo Hyōgakki, 1, 21-24, 36) was an Impact winter/smilodon-themed Debo Monster and a member of the Zetsumates.



Along his fellow Zetsumates Nagareboshi and Viruson, they wreck havoc during the Cretaceous and caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, wiping the dinosaur before them and most of the Deboss Army were destroyed. He was later revived in the modern era alongside most of the Deboss Army.


Thawed out, Debo Hyogakki is the first of the Debo Monsters sent to attack humanity but is confronted by the new generation of Kyoryugers and is destroyed by Daigo and Gabutyra using their Dino Brave Finish with him only being able to bemoan their strength before being blown apart. Due to his body's complete destruction in the attack, Luckyulo is unable to enlarge Debo Hyogakki with her Restoration Water. Tvicon TV STORY-Brave 1: It's Here! The Bright Red King

Debo Hyogakki would later be revived alongside his fellow Zetsumates in order to attack the returning Pleuzon which later resulted in Nagareboshi's death against Plezu-Oh's Brave Finish though the surviving Zetsumates and the other Deboss generals san Dogold find a way to the Plezuon Lab. Tvicon TV STORY-Brave 21: Zoom! Plezuon's Back Thanks to the help of Debo Viruson's abilities, they are able to find the lab and wreck havoc Tvicon TV STORY-Brave 22: It Can't be! Deboth Revived and they celebrate for a while, they are forced to look if there is any survivor, only to find Yayoi. Before they can do anything, Daigo force them to retreat by hitting them with the Zyudenchi Pukuptor. They later try to finish their job only to fail and almost destroyed by the ensuing battle which cause them to later witness the seeming death of Deboth, Chaos and Dogold. Tvicon TV STORY-Brave 23: Stand! Bakuretsu Kyoryuzin

After the seeming defeat, he decide to take a lead by causing an another ice age with his Freeze-cry Tactic and later take the doubting Yayoi on his scheme only to fail as Yayoi become Kyoryu Violet and is taken down by all seven Kyoryugers, being destroyed by a combination of the Kentrospiker's Voltasaur Brave Finish and Ushi's Thunderstorm Aftershock. This time, Debo Hyogakki's body remains intact so Luckyulo is able to enlarge him and summon Giant Zorima and Cambrimas. However, all of his supporters are destroyed and Debo Hyogakki is killed by Bakuretsu Kyoryuzin's Electro-Beast Cannon Exploding Brave Finish, bemoaning their strength once again before being blown apart and causing the remaiming active Deboss General to retreat. Tvicon TV STORY-Brave 24: Burn! The Seven Kyoryugers

Debo Hygakki returns once more alongside his fellow Zetsumates when Mad Torin pulls some slain Debo Monsters from Deboth Hell along with Debo Honenukky, Debo Jakireen, Debo Shinobinba, Debo Zaihon, and Debo Karyudosu to fight the Kyoryugers. However, due to being forced out without ressurection, none of the Debo Monsters are able to speak. The Zetsumates taking on Kyoryu Red Kung-Fu Carnival before Wise God Torin ascends and transforms into Kyoryu Silver. With his help, the Kyoryugers beat back the revived squad of Debo Monsters and corrall them into a pile, allowing Kyoryu Carnival to destroy them all with a Zyuden Carnival Finish. Tvicon TV STORY-Brave 36: Giga Gaburincho! The Silver Miracle


Debo Hyogakki was extremely violent and destructive Debo Monster with an arrogant demeanor, a trait that cause him to constantly underestimated the Kyoryugers which led to his repeated deaths. Despite of that, he is on good terms with his fellow Zetsumates that they even have their own roll call and team attack when they get revived together in the modern era, and when they are killed, he become much more vengeful.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Cyrokinesis: Debo Hyogakki is capable of manipulating ice which he can use to freeze anyone in his vicinity. At its strongest, it can cause a devastating ice age.
  • Zorima Summoning: Debo Hyogakki could summon an army of Zorima to aid him in battle.
  • Giant Zorima and Giant Cambrima Summoning: When enlarged, Debo Hyogakki could summon Giant Zorima and giant Cambrima to aid him in battle with the Zyudenryu.


  • Strength: Considering he was the first Debo Monster fought, Debo Hyogakki was rather strong when compared to earlier monsters.
  • Durability: Debo Hyogakki shrugged off a full force slash from Daigo's Gaburicalibur, which had just destroyed a Giant Zorima, had almost no effect on him. He could take multiple punches and kicks from Daigo without being fazed and even got piledriven into the ground at one point without being fazed.
  • Hand to Hand Combatant: Debo Hyogakki was clearly a fairly skilled hand-to-hand combatant as he was able to match Daigo move for move during their brawl at the construction site.


to be added


  • Tsura Launcher (ツラランチャー Tsura Ranchā): Debo Hyogakki possessed two huge arms with massive icicle-like claw hands for combat. They could also act as shields to block enemy attacks.
    • Iceage Ice Bomb (ヒョーガッキ・アイスボム Hyōgakki Aisu Bomu): Debo Hyogakki's signature attack where he could charge up the Tsura Launcher with blue energy and fire a large stream of icy wind at his enemies that can freeze them upon touch. They are cold enough to freeze Daigo and Gabutyra with one hit.
    • Freeze-cry Tactic (フリーズクライ戦法 Furīzu Kurai Senpō):A revived Debo Hyogakki's special attack in which he freeze a person's tear and cause the freeze tear to spread further as a victim start to freeze over. It ranges from a tear freezing before it hits the group to freezing the area the tear is dropped.
    • Finger Lasers: Debo Hyogakki could fire blue energy lasers from his clawed fingers at his enemies.
    • Ice Blast: Debo Hyogakki could launch a blast of freezing ice from his hands.
  • Deboth MetsuBall (デボスメツボール Debosu Metsubōru): Debo Hyogakki and the other Zetsumates came to possess a powerful ball. While its initial form is that of a molten ball powered by Nagareboshi, it can change into a icy ball in Hyogakki's possession.



  • Height: 199 cm
  • Weight: 162 kg
  • Ingredients: Iceberg, Icicle, Skates, Etc.
  • Special notes: He doesn't like being treated coldly.


  • Height: 199 cm (Giant: 49.8 m)
  • Weight: 162 kg (Giant: 405.0 t)
  • Ingredients: Iceberg, Icicle, Skates, Etc.
  • Special notes: He is the sub-leader of the Zetsumates, who is burning with revenge for his ice-ru comrades.

Behind the Scenes[]



  • Debo Hyogakki was designed by character designer K-SuKe, who worked on the majority of the Deboth Army for Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger.
  • Debo Hyogakki is based on ice. His design elements include icicles on the sharper area, an iceberg on his shoulder, a Smilodon, a person wearing a hooded jacket, and ice skates. With the element in mind, he is themed around both the Ice Age and the Impact winter.


  • Debo Hyogakki's name was derived from the Japanese word for "Ice Age" (氷河期 Hyōgaki).
    • Debo Hyogakki's Freeze-cry Tactic was based on the Greek prefix for anything related to cold, "cryo-".


  • While he is the first of the Zetsumates to die and Nagareboshi being the last to be killed during their initial appearances, the order of their death is reversed on their revival with Nagareboshi being the first to be killed and Hyogakki being the last to be killed.


See Also[]

External Links[]



Icon-kyoryuger Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger
Kyoryugers: Daigo Kiryu - Ian Yorkland - Nobuharu Udo - Souji Rippukan - Amy Yuuzuki - Utsusemimaru - Ramirez - Tessai - Yayoi Woorushade - Wise God Torin
Other Kyoryugers: Yuko Fukui - Shinya Tsukouchi - Doctor Woorushade - Dantetsu Kiryu - Daigoro Kiryu
Kyoryugers of 2114: Dai-kun - Icchan - Nobuta-san - Soujiro - Ami-neesan - Uppy
Evil Rangers: Ferocious Knight D
Gentle - Rika Fukui - Rin Katsuyama - Genryu Rippukan - Reiko Tanba - Mikoto Amano - Gokaigers - Go-Busters - Zyurangers - Abarangers - ToQgers - King-Ohgers
Super Heroes:
Kamen Rider 1Icon-crosswiki - Kamen Rider Den-OIcon-crosswiki - Kamen Rider WizardIcon-crosswiki - Kamen Rider BeastIcon-crosswiki - Gavan Type-GIcon-crosswiki - SharivanIcon-crosswiki - ShaiderIcon-crosswiki
Transformation Devices. -
Gaburivolver - Gaburichanger - Gabutyra De Carnival - GigaGaburevolver - King Gaburicalibur -
Gaburicalibur - Kentrospiker (Gabutyra Fang - Parasa Shot - Stego Shield - Zakutor Slasher - DriceLance) - Serial Zyuden Sword Zandar Thunder - Spirit Hammer - Deinosgrander - Feather Edge - Flute Buster
Zyudenchi - Zyuden MoBuckle
DeinoChaser - D-Racer
Mecha and Robos
Gabutyra - Parasagun - Stegotchi - Zakutor - Dricera - Pteragordon - Ankydon - Bunpachy - Plezuon - Bragigas - Tobaspino
Deinochaser - Deinosgrander - Kentrospiker - Stymero - Allomerus - Beyonsmo - Ovirappoo - Igeranodon - Tuperanda - Gurumonite - Archenolon - Pukuptor - Futabain
Giant Robos:
Kamitsuki Gattai Kyoryuzin - Kaminari Henkei Pteraiden-Oh - Rocket Henkei Plezu-Oh - Cho Kamitsuki Henkei Gigant Bragi-Oh - Kyosei Kamitsuki Gattai SpinoDai-Oh
Deboth Army
Creator Devius - Chozetsushin Deboth - Kabutobushin Deboth
Hundred-Faced High Priest Chaos - Sorrowful Knight Aigaron - Funfilled Spy Luckyulo - Raging Knight Dogold - Joyful Knight Canderrilla - Resentful Knight Endolf - New Joyful Knight Killborero - New Sorrowful Knight Icerondo - Ferocious Knight D - Crimson High Priest Salamaz - Thousand-Faced High Priest Gaos - Remorseful Knight Arslevan - Submission Knight Sneldo - Jealousy Knight Hoshigaron - Zorima - Giant Zorima - Cambrima
Debo Monsters
The Zetsumates: Debo Hyogakki - Debo Viruson - Debo Nagareboshi
Aigaron's Debo Monsters: Debo Peshango - Debo Doronbosu - Debo Kokodoko - Debo Jakireen - Debo Kyawaeen - Debo Akidamonne - Beautiful Zorima
Dogold's Debo Monsters: Debo Royaroya - Debo Yakigonte - Debo Tangosekku - G-BO - Debo Spokorn
Canderrilla's Debo Monsters: Debo Batissier - Debo Honenukky - Debo Zaihon - Debo Tanabanta - Debo Vaacance - Debo Kantokku - Debo Bravesky
Endolf's Debo Monsters: Debo Shinobinba - Debo Karyudosu - Debo Yanasanta
Chaos' Debo Monsters: Debo Kibishydesu - Debo Tairyon
Luckyulo's Debo Monsters: Debo Akkumoon - Debo Zaihodoron
Deboth's Debo Monsters: Great Land Devil Gadoma - Demon Sword Priest Mad Torin - Debo Senking
Other: Space ShockerIcon-crosswiki - Army of Resurrected Monsters - Space Crime Syndicate MadouIcon-crosswiki - Ashy - Lamunea - Space War God Voldos - Neo-Grifforzer - Neo-Geilton - Badan EmpireIcon-crosswiki