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- "Manticore Megazord!"
- ―Mystic Force Rangers[src]
The Mystic Firebird and Mystic Lion can combine to form the Manticore Megazord. This Megazord has a great deal more power, since the Rangers are using their Legend Powers to control it. It was destroyed by Octomus the Master in the season finale, “Mystic Fate”.
- Strength: The Manticore Megazord is one of the strongest Zords in Mystic Force, in the episode "Koragg's Trial", it is powerful enough to best the Centaurus Wolf Megazord in battle.
- Manticore Lasers: The Manticore Megazord can fire energy lasers from Mystic Lion's mouth located on its chest.
- Claws: The Manticore Megazord can battle with its claws. But it can also switch to have normal hands.
- Legend Striker: The Manticore Megazord's main weapon, a staff materializing from Mystic Lion's mouth that aids it in combat.
- Legend Striker Spin Attack: The Mainticore Megazord's strongest attack and finisher, this move involves the Megazord slamming the Legend Striker into the ground, spinning and charging up the staff with the fire made its wings, and firing a flame blast at the dark forces. This was powerful enough to defeat a few of the Ten Terrors.
- Flaming Ball: The Manticore Megazord can charge up a massive ball made of fire and hitting it at the dark forces with the Striker, it is strong enough to bring the Centaurus Wolf Megazord down in one hit.
Appearances: Mystic Force Episodes 20, 21, 24, 26-29, 31, 32
In the third and final part of the three-part episode "Dark Wish" after Ursus was unleashed, the Mystic Rangers use their Legend Warrior Powers to form the Manticore Megazord, Ursus was no match for it, and the Megazord destroys the monster with the Legend Striker Spin Attack.
Legend Zords[]
- Height: (Mystic Firebird) 16.8 m
- Width: (Mystic Firebird) 60.0 m
- Weight: (Mystic Firebird) 2100 tons, (Mystic Lion) 7300 tons
The Legend Zords are the Mystic Firebird and Lion.
When the Mystic Force Rangers access their Legend Armor, they can then Morph into these strong and powerful Mystic Zords. The Red Ranger alone changes into the Mystic Firebird, while the Green, Yellow, Pink and Blue Rangers make the Mystic Lion. Alone, these Zords can attack any giant villain and when these two powerful beasts join together, they form the Manticore Megazord.
Mystic Firebird[]
See also: MagiFirebird
- "Legend of the Sky - Mystic Firebird!"
- ―Red Legend Warrior's Legend Zord form transformation call.[src]
Red Mystic Ranger transforms into a burning bird-like zord, which forms the wings of the Manticore Megazord and its staff.
- Flight: Being a Bird-type Zord, the Mystic Firebird can fly at high speeds, it is also one of the fastest Zords in Mystic Force.
- Flame Burst: The Firebird can unleash powerful fire bursts from its wings.
Appearances: Mystic Force Episodes 20, 21, 24, 26-29, 31, 32
Mystic Lion[]
See also: MagiLion
A Zord created when the Green, Blue, Pink and Yellow Mystic Rangers combine into one being. This gold and white Lion Zord which has a Ranger-colored stripe for each Ranger at the arms and legs forms the majority of the Manticore Megazord.
- Claws: The Mystic Lion can attack with it's claws made of blue energy from the Mystic Force.
Appearances: Mystic Force Episodes 20, 21, 24, 26-29, 31, 32
Behind the Scenes[]
to be added
to be added
- The manticore, whose name comes from Classical Greek meaning "man-eater", is a legendary creature rooted in Old Persian myth with various features of a lion and other hostile animals; a kind of chimera akin to the Egyptian Sphinx. Manticores are thus also prominent in fantasy fiction and role-playing games.
- Despite the Manticore Megazord having wings behind its back, it is never seen flying.
Power Rangers Mystic Force
- Episode 20: Dark Wish III
- Episode 21: Koragg's Trial
- Episode 23: Heir Apparent II (flashback and mentioned only)
- Episode 24: The Light
- Episode 26: Hard Heads
- Episode 27: The Snow Prince
- Episode 28: Light Source I
- Episode 29: Light Source II
- Episode 31: Mystic Fate I
- Episode 32/Finale: Mystic Fate II
See Also[]
- Densetsu Gasshin MagiLegend - Super Sentai counterpart in Magiranger. See comparison page.