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- "We admire the ability it took to get here. We applaud the case you presented us. By the powers entrusted in us...we...do not...grant your request."
- ―Red Tribunal to the Rangers
Dark Wish is the three-part eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth episodes of Power Rangers Mystic Force. It features the debut of the Mystic Force Rangers' Legend Warrior Mode and the Manticore Megazord. It also features the Barbarian Beasts and Imperious taking control of Jenji's wish.
Part 1[]
The Rangers grow increasingly dependent on using magic for every problem they run into in their lives, much to the dismay of both Udonna and Daggeron. Imperious unleashes the Barbarian Beasts, creatures so vicious and dishonorable, that even Koragg doesn't like them. Facing one Beast after another wears our heroes down, causing them to repeatedly request Solaris Knight use Jenji to wish them away. But will this ultimate act of laziness backfire, giving the forces of the underworld what they want most?
Part 2[]
With Imperious having wished via his captive Jenji that the Mystic Force Rangers never gained their powers, a new reality is created! Briarwood lacks color, music, and its populace is enslaved by Styxoids and Hidiacs. The former Rangers are left with their memories of how things were just to further torture them, for now they have no magic at their disposal! But Koragg may hold the answer, and sends them on a perilous journey to visit the Tribunal of Magic, in an attempt to reverse the wish... IF they can survive just getting to them!
Part 3[]
Despite the Tribunal of Magic refusing to reverse the wish, the former Rangers fight on in an attempt to continue the battle against evil even against all odds. Will this be enough to get the Tribunal to change their minds? Even if they do, once things are back to normal, our heroes still will have to defeat the remaining two Barbarian Beasts! They'll need far more help from the Tribunal to do this Legendary deed...
Part I[]
Madison and Vida are working at the Rock Porium. Vida is using magic, unseen by the customers, to scratch a record that the customers are enjoying. Madison is busy trying to help a customer. Madison walks past Vida. Vida: Hey Maddie! Madison: Hey! Madison goes behind the counter and waits on the customer. Madison: Here you go. Oh, and don't forget, tomorrow is our big one year anniversary party. As the customer leaves, Toby stumbles out of his office, covered in streamers. Toby is having a hard time getting things ready for the party and thinks it will be a disaster. Vida and Madison walk over and assure Toby they will have everything under control. Madison, using magic, makes a cake that is exactly what Toby wants. Madison shows Toby the cake, and he begins to feel the party might be a success after all.
In the pit, Imperious summons the Barbarian Beasts. Koragg is alarmed, as they have no honor. One of them, Warmax, bumps into Koragg and tries to make Koragg apologize for bumping into him. Koragg quickly disarms Warmax and does not apologize.
At Root Core, the guys are using magic to play chess. They all agree that magic is great, they just wish they didn't have to fight evil. Chip asks Udonna about pizza, and Udonna tells them they can walk into town for one. Instead, Chip uses magic to make pizza. Udonna does not approve of such a casual use of magic and is not happy with them. Fire Heart roars from outside. Xander tosses one of the pizzas in Fire Heart's direction. After the dragon consumes the pizza, he burps, and Clare steps out, covered in the pepperonis. The guys laugh. Clare tells them they need to give her heads up, next time. Clare begins cleaning the place manually. The guys tell her to just use magic since it will make the cleaning easy. Clare tells them she doesn't mind doing it the old-fashioned way, as she gets satisfaction out doing things with hard work leaving the guys perplexed. Daggeron hurries and tells the guys they have work to do. Daggeron tells Clare to notify the girls as they hurry out.
The Rangers arrived out in a field and face down Warmax. The Rangers battle Warmax and it is a tough battle. The Rangers just want to use Jenji against Warmax, but Daggeron refuses to let them. The Rangers continue to battle and Chip gets hurt. Xander becomes angry and goes off Warmax, only to be toss aside as well. Daggeron instructs the four remaining Rangers to continue to battle Warmax as he goes to help Xander.
The four Rangers go to Titan Mode and continue to battle. Warmax defeats them one by one. Xander, in Titan Mode, and Solar Streak Megazord arrive. Xander battles and destroys Warmax.
The teens return to Root Core, with Chip still injured. Udonna is concerned. Vida and the rest are upset. Vida wants to know why they can't simply use Jenji to wish the evil away. Daggeron tells them they can't. There is another battle waiting. Daggeron has Madison, Vida, Nick, and Xander leave. Daggeron tells Chip he can join them when he is feeling better. The four teens and Daggeron leave.
Daggeron, Nick, Xander, Madison and Vida run through the woods and soon come across Shrieker. The Rangers and Shrieker battle.
The battle is difficult and the four Rangers go to Titan Mode, while Solaris Knight forms his Solar Streak Megazord. Back at Root Core, Udonna is watching the battle intently through the crystal ball. Udonna tells Chip the battle will test the Rangers, but when she gets no response, Udonna realizes that Chip is gone. Necrolai arrives on the battle front and mocks the Rangers. Chip arrives to help the rest of the Rangers battle Shrieker. The battle continues to be difficult. Chip manages to takes on Shrieker. Shrieker delivers a powerful blow to the Yellow Ranger, which causes him to demorphs. The rest of the Rangers used their powers as one and destroy Shrieker.
Unseen by anyone, Koragg watches the battle and wonders what Imperious is up to. Necrolai flies away. The rest of the Rangers race to Chip's side. Although they won the battle, they feel it would have gone a lot better if they could just have used Jenji, much to Solaris Knight's dismay.
Daggeron finds Udonna and they wonder why the Barbarian Beasts are battling the Rangers one by one. Udonna comments that the Rangers are getting battle weary and using magic as the easy way to do things. Udonna continues by telling Daggeron this is a dangerous time in their development. Daggeron comments that it is a dangerous time for them all.
The teens return to the Rock Porium, where Toby has left instructions for them on decorating for the party. The teens groaned and want to simply use magic. Madison thinks it's a little impersonal, but she is outvoted and goes along.
In the pit, Imperious meets with 50 Below and Fightoe, the two remaining Barbarian Beasts. Imperious tells them their comrades sacrifice is appreciate and makes known to the two that he plans to overthrow the Master. Fightoe and 50 Below tell Imperious that Koragg is too loyal to the Master to go with the plan. But Imperious has a plan for Koragg as well.
Koragg is in the woods when 50 Below and Fightoe confront him. 50 Below, Fightoe, and Koragg battle. It is an intense battle and Koragg is soon knock to the ground. 50 Below and Fightoe leave the fallen Koragg, confident that he will no longer be a problem.
In the pit, Imperious is thrilled that Koragg is finally out of the way. Back in the woods, hidden and unseen, Phineas realizes he is yet witness to another scene where there should be no witnesses.
The following day, the party has started at Rock Porium. Everyone is having a good time, with the exception of Leelee. Toby is called on stage to make a speech and is cheered on by everyone.
In the woods, Phineas cautiously approaches the fallen figure of Koragg. Phineas says a few words about Koragg. Phineas notices Koragg's sword and walks towards it. Phineas is about to take the sword, when his wrist is grabbed by Koragg. Phineas is very surprised and then apologizes. Phineas tells Koragg he will come back later. As Phineas walks away, Koragg falls to his knees and calls upon Phineas to help him. Very reluctantly, Phineas stays to help Koragg.
Back at the Rock Porium, Toby is making his speech. The teens are enjoying the party until their Morphers go off. The teens slipped away just as Toby is thanking them for their help.
The Power Rangers are soon facing down 50 Below and Fightoe. The Power Rangers battle Fightoe and 50 Below. It is a fierce battle and the Rangers, except for Daggeron, are exhausted. The Rangers plead with Solaris Knight to use Jenji. Against his better judgment, Daggeron uses Jenji's Shining Attack. The Rangers are stunned when 50 Below deflects the blast and Fightoe then uses his scepter to capture Jenji. 50 Below and Fightoe then give a powerful blow that knocks Solaris Knight off the dock and into the water. Fightoe and 50 Below mock the Rangers on how easy it was to defeat them and then vanished through a dark seal.
The defeated teens and Daggeron return to Root Core. Udonna is furious at the teens, although they claim they had no choice but to use Jenji. Madison and Chip wonder, fearfully, what wish Imperious will make.
In the pit, Imperious congratulates his two new generals, 50 Below and Fightoe. Necrolai is thrilled as well. Imperious releases Jenji from his bottle. Jenji tells them he can grant one wish, and Imperious wishes the Mystic Force Rangers never existed. Jenji has no choice but to grant the wish.
The teens leave Root Core through the tree in front of the Rock Porium. Everyone, except Chip, makes it through. Chip's foot is stuck and his friends have to tug hard on Chip to free him from the tree. The teens all land in a pile on the ground and laugh. As they get up, they noticed dark clouds coming over the city. Even stranger, all color has vanished from Briarwood.
At Root Core, Daggeron, Udonna, and Clare raced over to the crystal ball, which shows darkness. Daggeron asks what is going on and Udonna tells him it's like the whole world has gone evil. Suddenly dark magic starts to seep out of the crystal ball, and causes Daggeron to disappear before starting to overtake Root Core and the terrified Clare and Udonna.
Part II[]
The teens continued to gaze around Briarwood, noting all the changes. They see Toby, but now he is a broke and homeless person. He walks up to them happy to see them again but asks who the new guy is, referring to Nick. The teens laughed, thinking Toby is joking with them but Toby is serious. The teens ask Toby what has happened to Briarwood, and all of the color. Toby tells them how four months ago, the darkness came and took over. Nick realizes that is the same time frame he came into town. Not only is there no color, but music is banned as well. Toby has a miniature music box, which he plays for them. Several Styxoids and Hidiacs hear it and come over. They grab Toby and destroy his miniature music box. The teens become angry and are ready to morph, but in shock, their Morphers are gone. The teens decide they need to go to Root Core to find out more information about what happened to the whole world. Nick leads the way to the tree. But instead of going through the tree, Nick bangs his head on the tree and his friends catch him. The teens are aware that something is seriously wrong with Briarwood.
Imperious is pleased that his plan has worked so perfectly. Imperious is also happy that the teens are the only ones with memories of what they used to be, to torment them further.
The teens reach Root Core and are dismayed to see it is destroyed. Xander picks up pieces of the Xenotome. As they wonder what happened, Udonna, in the form of a ragged old hag, approaches them. Udonna wants them to go away and it is soon apparent that she does not recognize them. The teens tell her they are the Mystic Force Power Rangers, but Udonna tells them that no warriors came. Udonna had waited and waited and only darkness came. Clare, also in the form of a ragged young hag, walks towards Udonna, relieved to have found her. The teens are happy to see Clare, but Clare does not recognize them. Clare wants them to leave her and Udonna alone. Xander says that they would never harm her. This shocks Clare and she says angrily, "You must be one of them!". The teens ask Clare if she can tell them what has happened to Root Core, Briarwood, her, and Udonna. Clare tells them there is no good magic left in the world.
The teens walk away. They are devastated at all they have lost. Koragg suddenly drops down and faces them. The teens get into a ready battle stance.
Koragg slams his sword into the ground. Koragg tells the teens he wants to work with them. Nick doesn't believe him, grabs the sword and is ready to battle Koragg, but is stopped by his friends. They remind Nick that they have no magic, and it couldn't hurt to hear what Koragg has to say. Madison gives Koragg his sword back. Koragg asks them what is the last thing they remember. The teens tells him about battling 50 Below and Fightoe, Solaris Knight using Jenji, and Jenji being captured. Koragg quickly pieces together what has happened and tells them that Imperious has made the wish that there are no Mystic Force Power Rangers. The teens realized that what Koragg has said makes sense. Koragg wants to help the teens. Nick is still dubious. Koragg tells them that 50 Below and Fightoe are without honor. Nick realizes that Koragg still wants to dark magic to win, but only if it's done nicely. Nick laughs and Koragg steps right in front of him. Koragg tells Nick without honor, there is no meaning. The teens decide to accept Koragg's help.
Koragg tells them of the Tribunal of Magic in another dimension. Koragg tells them they can request that the wish is reverse. Koragg cannot accompany them, as he is without magic as well. The teens decide to accept Koragg's help. Koragg leads them through the woods, until they reach Fire Heart. The teens are thrilled to see Fire Heart and raced up. Fire Heart roars at them. The teens are upset, as they had raised Fire Heart since he was an egg. Koragg tells them that is not the case. The teens had never found the dragon egg, he did and raised Fire Heart. Koragg commands Fire Heart to take the teens to the dimension. The teens clambered onto Fire Heart. As they fly away, Koragg tells them to go with honor. Phineas walks up to Koragg and asks Koragg if the teens were the ones he was talking about. Koragg tells him yes. Koragg also tells Phineas that their alliance is over. Koragg walks away. A sad Phineas tells Koragg's retreating back, "Goodbye...friend".
The teens ride Fire Heart. Chip is quite excited over the whole adventure. The pleasant ride ends with Necrolai attacking them. Fire Heart and Necrolai battled each other, with Fire Heart winning. The teens cheered. There is a portal ahead of them, and the teens and Fire Heart enter it. Fire Heart and the teens land in another dimension. The teens are uneasy. Chip decides he no longer likes this adventure and would like to go home. Fire Heart flies away and the teens are stuck in a strange place.
The teens start walking, wondering if they are going in the right direction. They stop when a zombie warrior suddenly appears out of the sand. The teens get into a ready fight stance, but Xander believes he can get everything under control. Xander steps forward, introduces himself, and mentions that they had arrived on a dragon. Xander tells the warrior they are looking for the Tribunal of Magic. The warrior tells them they are going in the right direction. The teens are relieved. The warrior then tells them that before they could go any further, they have to battle all the previous warriors who had tried, but failed to get to the Tribunal of Magic. Several other zombie warriors appear on the horizon. The teens prepare for battle.
The teens battle the various warriors. It is a difficult battle, as the teens are outnumbered seven to five, but eventually the teens defeat all the warriors, who disintegrate into the sand. The original warrior hands Nick a key and disintegrates as well.
The teens, once more, began walking. They come across two doors, one white, one black. Vida acknowledges that the doors lead to nowhere. The teens are puzzled. Madison takes the key from Nick, and walks to the white door. She turns the key, and the white door opens to reveal Briarwood restored, with color and music once more. The other teens are very happy and anxious to go home, but Madison stops them. She tells them that she knows this sounds strange, especially coming from her, but if this door leads to a happy Briarwood, then it is not the door for them. Xander agrees that it doesn't sound like Madison, suggesting that the Tribunal of Magic is giving them a shortcut back home. However Nick agrees that it is the wrong door, telling his friends they can't just take the easy way out like they've been doing lately... if they choose the easier route, then they truly deserve to be without magic. Everyone agrees, and Madison closes the white door, causing it to disintegrate. Chip takes the key and unlocks the black door, which reveals an unfriendly looking vortex. Chip asks his friends what if it leads them to something worse, and Nick replies that then things will just get worse. One at a time, the teens walk through the black door, and after they close it, it, too, disintegrates.
The teens emerge from a small pool of water, but they are not wet. The teens see ahead of them, three figures, each draped in a color, red, black, and white. The teens realize that this is the Tribunal of Magic. The Tribunal of Magic congratulates them. They are the first to make it this far in three centuries.
The teens walks towards the Tribunal of Magic. The black figure continually tries to shoo them away. The other two members are willing to listen to the teens, since they have made it this far. Xander attempts to introduce himself, but the black figure does not care about names. Xander, abashed, tells Nick maybe he should take this one. Nick tells them of their battle and how Imperious captured their genie and used him to wish there were no more Mystic Force Power Rangers. Now their world is without color, music, and any good magic, and the teens request that the tribunal reverse Imperious's wish.
The Tribunal of Magic confirms that there is still dark magic and, to the teens' surprise, as long as there is magic, good or bad, they are satisfied. Everyone argues that dark magic is not even nearly the same as having good magic, however the black figure asks exactly how Jenji was captured and who was responsible. Nick explains the circumstances, arguing it was no-one's fault, but the Tribunal of Magic is unimpressed. The white figure asks what they would do if they could have their magic again. The teens each give an example, just as fighting Imperious, restoring Briarwood and Root Core and bringing color and music and freedom back to the world.
The Tribunal of Magic decide to deliberate, and the teens wait anxiously. After a tense several seconds the Tribunal makes their decision and, while the Rangers have proven themselves by making it to them and have stated their case well, they will not reverse the wish. The teens are devastated as the red figure unceremiously whisks them back to Briarwood.
The teens look around and see several of the citizens being rounded up by several Hidiacs and Styxoids. Vida can't believe they had gone all that way and lost. The teens are upset and have given up hope.
Watching them is the Tribunal of Magic. The white figure tells them to not give up, even though the teens cannot hear her. The black figure tells the others two that is what humans do when things get tough, they give up. The red figure thinks maybe their judgment was the right one. A Styxoid approaches the teens and soon has them walking single file, along with the rest of the citizens of Briarwood.
Part III[]
As the teens are lead through the city, they see misery everywhere. Styxoids and Hidiacs continue to lead the citizens of Briarwood through the city, threatening to take any who don't obey to the mines. The teens are dejected. Toby comes out of his hiding place, and plays his small music box. Toby is immediately grabbed by several Styxoids and Hidiacs. Necrolai tells Toby he had already been warned.
The Tribunal of Magic are still observing the events in Briarwood. The Tribunal of Magic sees Necrolai and they asked the black figure if she was a relative of his.
Nick decides he doesn't care if he has magic, he is going to fight. Nick runs over to where Toby is being held and fights off some of the Styxoids and Hidiacs. Nick tells Toby to run, which Toby does. The Rocca sisters, Chip, and Xander have also had enough. They race towards the Styxoids and Hidiacs and start to fight back. The sheer numbers and strength causes the Rangers to be easily overwhelmed, but they refuse to give up.
The Tribunal of Magic is still watching the events, and the white and red figures are impressed by the courage the teens have shown and are willing to reverse the wish. However, the decision must be unanimous and the black figure has not said a word.
The beaten teens are surrounded as Necrolai approaches who decides to waste no more time and finish them off now... however at that moment, color returns to the town as the Tribunal reverses the wish.
In the woods, Root Core is restored as is Daggeron, while Udonna and Clare are reverted back to their normal selves not knowing what just happened.
The Rangers get their magic back, restoring their powers, and the five waste no time in morphing and fighting off the numerous Hidiacs and Styxoids. In the pit, Imperious is furious that the Rangers are back. As the Rangers battle, Nick rescues Toby and urges him to run.
Meanwhile, in the pit, Leelee finds the lamp that Jenji is in lets him out when he tells her that if she releases him she gets a wish. Leelee is thrilled and tries to figure out what to wish for. Jenji notices that Leelee is biting her nails and tells her she shouldn't do that. Leelee tells him it is a nervous habit and she wished she didn't bite her nails. Jenji grants the wish, despite Leelee's protests. Jenji vanishes as Leelee sees her very long nails and screams.
Back at Briarwood, Fightoe returns to the city and Necrolai casts a spell to make him grow. The Power Rangers form their Titan Megazord and the battle continues. With their Zord, the Rangers destroy Fightoe's staff.
In the pit, Koragg is furiously looking for Fightoe and 50 Below. Imperious pretends to be on Koragg's side and know nothing of Fightoe's and 50 Below's plan to destroy the Master. Koragg leaves to find them. Imperious smirks as he tells a hidden Fightoe to continue with their plan.
There is a joyful reunion at Root Core, as everyone is thrilled that things have returned to normal. Daggeron is impressed that the teens had the courage to seek the Tribunal of Magic and surprised that Koragg had helped them. Udonna warns the happy group that two Barbarian Beasts are still at large. Moments later, the crystal ball alerts them to this problem.
The teens and Daggeron morph and face 50 Below and Fightoe. The Power Rangers battled 50 Below and Fightoe. During the battle, Daggeron is demorphed. 50 Below mocks Daggeron, telling him he thought fighting a Solaris Knight would be harder. Koragg arrives and asks him about two. Daggeron is surprised. Koragg tells him 50 Below and Fightoe are for him to battle.
The Tribunal of Magic is still watching and they know of Koragg. They comment that Koragg works on the side of dark magic, but he battles with honor, unlike 50 Below and Fightoe.
Koragg continues his battle with 50 Below. Daggeron and Jenji take cover during the battle. The Rangers battle Fightoe and soon end up on the ground. As the Rangers struggle to get up, they realize they should have battled harder and relied on Jenji less in the beginning and that they had become lazy - what the Tribunal of Magic had tried to tell them.
The Tribunal of Magic are pleased that the Rangers have taken responsibility for their actions and learned their lesson about using magic properly and decide to reward them.
In the fight, the Rangers are about to be destroyed when they are suddenly empowered, allowing them to summon the power of the Legend Warriors giving them new armor and weapons. Fightoe, 50 Below, and Koragg are impressed by the new power of the Rangers. Daggeron realizes only the Tribunal of Magic could have grant the Rangers these powers. After the Rangers display their new power, Fightoe panics and abandons 50 Below. 50 Below battles the Rangers on his own. The Power Rangers destroy 50 Below. Koragg picks up a piece of 50 Below and comments when you fight without honor, you fall without honor and then walks away.
Later, at Root Core, Udonna and Daggeron are looking at the Xenotome. Udonna is impressed with all the new power the Rangers have. Daggeron comments that they will need it.
Meanwhile, Fightoe returns to the pit. Imperious is not happy to see him. Imperious casts a spell that makes Fightoe vanish.
Fightoe reappears in the Nether dimension. Fightoe realizes, too late, that Imperious has tricked him. Imperious laughs and tells Fightoe he should know better than to trust him. Imperious casts another spell and Fightoe is merged into a creation of Imperious, known as Ursus.
At Root Core, the crystal ball shows Udonna and Daggeron there is trouble in the Nether dimension. Daggeron leaves immediately, with his train and Jenji.
Solaris Knight wants to prevent the strange creature from entering the surface world. Solaris Knight quickly forms the Solar Streak Megazord and Solaris Knight and Jenji battle Ursus. But it is not enough and soon the battle ends up in Briarwood.
The rest of the Rangers want to help, but do not know what to do. Udonna contacts Nick and tells him the Legend Warrior Mode carries new Zord powers as well. Nick uses the new power to transform into the Mystic Firebird, while the remaining four Rangers form the Mystic Lion. Using their new forms, the Rangers hit back against Ursus before forming the Manticore Megazord, which manages to easily destroy the creature.
The Rangers demorph and are thrilled with their victory and new powers, with Vida pointing out they can still make it to Toby's party. Koragg appears before them. Koragg tells the teens their alliance is no more. Madison points out that it doesn't have to be that way. Koragg insists that he only wants to serve the Master. Nick tells Koragg they understand, but Koragg needs to understand they have more power now. Koragg tells him that will only make his victory sweeter before turning and leaving them.
Toby is at Rock Porium, continuing with his long winded speech. The customers are getting bored and restless. Toby confesses that he doesn't know what happened to his employees. Just then the five, having learned their lesson about using magic properly, walk in carrying a very messy cake that was clearly made the traditional and non-magical way. They apologize for their tardiness, as making the cake is what made them so late. The cake might be a mess, but Toby loves it. Toby decides to make a wish and the teens scream at him not to do it.
- Firass Dirani as Nick Russell (Red Mystic Ranger)
- Nic Sampson as Charlie "Chip" Thorn (Yellow Mystic Ranger)
- Melanie Vallejo as Madison Rocca (Blue Mystic Ranger)
- Angie Diaz as Vida Rocca (Pink Mystic Ranger)
- Richard Brancatisano as Xander Bly (Green Mystic Ranger)
- John Tui as Daggeron (Solaris Knight)
- Peta Rutter as Udonna
- Antonia Prebble as Clare
- Barnie Duncan as Toby Slambrook
- Kelson Henderson as Phineas (Part 1 & 2 only) & (credit only in Part 3)
- Geoff Dolan as Koragg, The Knight Wolf (voice)
- Donogh Rees as Necrolai (voice)
- Stuart Devenie as Imperious and Black Tribunal (voices)
- Mark Wright as Warmax (voice)
- Oliver Driver as Jenji (voice)
- Susan Brady as Shrieker (voice)
- Paul Minifie as 50 Below (voice)
- Jason Hoyte as Fightoe (voice)
- Holly Shanahan as Leelee Pimvare
- Michael Kier Morrissey as Red Tribunal (voice)
- Elizabeth McRae as White Tribunal (voice)
- Glen Levy as Warrior (voice)
- Nick Kemplen as Styxoid (voice)
- ??? as Ursus (voice)
Home Media[]

The 4th volume of the Mystic Force DVDs contained all three episodes.
- In Part I, when Daggeron says "We must be prepared for the worst." his mouth does not move.
- In Part II, during the fight with the warriors who failed to reach the Tribunal of Magic, it is raining on the scenes with Vida, but not the other Rangers. Her hair is wet while in the battle, but dry right after the fight is over.
- Since Jenji granted the wish of the Mystic Force Rangers never being assembled that means that Morticon should have survived since he was never destroyed by the Mystic Force Rangers.
- Imperious and Jenji just like Daggeron should have vanished and been returned to the cursed cave since neither of the three should have been released in this alternate timeline.
- With Jenji returned to the cursed cave the wish cancels itself out since Jenji’s power could not, in this timeline, be used to wish away the Mystic Force Rangers since in this timeline, they did not exist.
- The Barbarian Beasts may not have been unsealed in this alternate timeline since without the Mystic Force Rangers existence Koragg and Necrolai would have conquered the world by themselves along with their Hidiacs and Styxoids.
- What happens with the other Power Ranger teams is not stated but since “The Master's” army conquered the world; it is assume that most if not all were destroyed or been stripped of their powers in presumably a battle similar to the Legendary Battle
- Udonna's powers as the White Ranger would have been as helpless in this timeline as they were in “Broken Spell”, however when the Tribunal reverses the wish to Clare she says “This is such a strange feeling” which indicates she too lost her Good Magic meaning that she may not even been able to become the White Ranger in this alternate timeline, instead she is remained a hag in the timeline.
- Despite his name, Ursus does not resemble a bear.
- This three-part episode involving the Barbarian Beasts was taken from a five-episode story-arc in Magiranger.
- In Part II marks the first time, since its debut, that the Solar Streak Megazord does not appear.
- Part II uses almost no Sentai footage; the only footage used is stock footage of the underworld.
- John Tui (Daggeron) does not appear in Part II, due to the fact that he was evaporated into thin air.
- This marks the return of the Mystic Speeder as well as its final appearance.
- This is the only three-parter in the series.
- This takes place four months after Broken Spell as mentioned in Part II
- Necrolai being implied to be related to the Black Mage of the Mystic Tribunal would suggest he is a mole from the underworld, or possibly just corrupted in his own way. This could explain why he is most reluctant to reverse the Dark Wish, and perhaps also implicate that he somehow coerced, or otherwise convinced the other Mages to refuse the Rangers at first.
- Assuming the Black Mage is indeed working undercover for Imperious, the other Mages would have discovered his corruption immediately before undoing the Dark Wish. If he was acting alone, then he would have relented on the Tribunal's initial choice without fear of any form of punishment from Imperious, to say the least.
- On the other hand it is entirely possible that the Black Mage just represents dark magic and its users, the White Mage represents light magic and its users and the Red Mage represents the middle or the balance point.
- Another possibility is that Necrolai is the one who defected and she was once like the Black Mage - a being of darkness who just represented its users, until she chose a side, that of evil.
- Vida and Xander likens Fightoe to a bulldog. He does indeed resemble a bulldog - a French one, to be exact.
See Also[]
- Stage 27: Our Bonds - Super Sentai counterpart in Magiranger. See comparison page. (Barbarian Beasts debut footage, Warmax fight footage) (Part 1)
- Stage 28: Eternally... - Super Sentai counterpart in Magiranger. See comparison page. (Shrieker fight footage) (Part 1)
- Stage 29: Repeating "Huh?" - Super Sentai counterpart in Magiranger. See comparison page. (fight footage & story) (Part 1 & 3)
- Stage 30: Legendary Power - Super Sentai counterpart in Magiranger. See comparison page. (fight footage & story) (Part 3)
- Stage 31: The Extraordinary Majin - Super Sentai counterpart in Magiranger. See comparison page. (fight footage & story) (Part 3)
External Links[]
- Watch Dark Wish I on the official YouTube page
- Watch Dark Wish II on the official YouTube page
- Watch Dark Wish III on the official YouTube page
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1 & 2: Broken Spell • 3: Code Busters • 4: Rock Solid • 5: Whispering Voices • 6: Legendary Catastros • 7: Fire Heart • 8 & 9: Stranger Within • 10: Petrified Xander • 11 & 12: The Gatekeeper • 13: Scaredy Cat • 14: Long Ago • 15: Inner Strength • 16: Soul Specter • 17: Ranger Down • 18-20: Dark Wish • 21: Koragg's Trial • 22 & 23: Heir Apparent • 24: The Light • 25: The Hunter • 26: Hard Heads • 27: The Snow Prince • 28 & 29: Light Source • 30: The Return • 31 & 32: Mystic Fate |
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