Icon-mightymorphinThis article is about an ally in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

For the Boom Studios comics version of this character, see Roger Hart.
For the 2017 version of this character, see Ted Hart.

Mr. Hart was the father of Kimberly Ann Hart, the first Pink Mighty Morphin Power Ranger. He attended the Angel Grove High School Parents' Day with his ex-wife Mrs. Hart.

Named Roger Hart, in the BOOM! Studios comics, he is an airplane pilot.


Roger moved his family from Los Angeles to Angel Grove to support his yet to be specified occupation. During a heated argument with his wife at a luxury restaurant about Kimberly's schooling, he noticed a young man trying to explain to his daughter that he was not a waiter, but a busser and he didn't know what the chef puts in the salads when she complained about hers. Thinking that Zack was being insolent to his child, he reacted with a "customer is always right" mentality which resulted in the manager of the restaurant firing Zack from his job. After the incident, he asked for a free bottle of red wine as complimentary service for the "mistake".

Roger got into more arguments with his wife Helen and after a few months, the two separated and then got divorced.


While a loving father to Kimberly, Roger seems to be a frustrated husband as he constantly argued with his wife Helen and even in his new relationship with Kelly there seems to be some tension. From Roger's standpoint, he felt unappreciated as Helen often twisted his words or made actions his family agreed on into something awful that was his fault. Roger is flawed and the very definition of an overprivileged individual at times, as he wants things a certain way. This is a negative trait as he sometimes had a lower opinion of things not of his upper class lifestyle such as the American public education system, which he believes is full of nothing but the worst in society. The worst example of his entitlement was getting Zack fired by escalating a situation Kimberly started when asking for her salad to be the way she ordered it despite Zack not being a waiter.

However, after his divorce, Roger seems to have mellowed out a bit and is trying to reconnect with his daughter. He is supportive of her decisions and seems to like Tommy as Kimberly's boyfriend and thinks their relationship is "adorable.


to be added


Behind the Scenes[]


  • Mr. Hart was portrayed by an unidentified actor.




Icon-mightymorphin Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Season 1: Jason Lee Scott - Zack Taylor - Billy Cranston - Trini Kwan - Kimberly Ann Hart - Tommy Oliver
Season 2: Rocky DeSantos - Adam Park - Aisha Campbell - Tom Oliver
Season 3: Katherine Hillard
Once & Always: Minh Kwan
Aquitian Rangers: Aurico - Delphine - Tideus - Cestro - Corcus
Season 1: Power Morphers - Power Coins - Blade Blaster - Thunder Slingers - Power Sword - Power Axe - Power Lance - Power Daggers - Power Bow - Power Blaster - Dragon Dagger
Season 2: Saba - Power Cannon
Season 3: Ninja Coins - Alien Coins - Metallic Armor - Shark Cycles
MMAR: Aquitian Saber - Aquitian Laser - Aquitian Fist
Zordon - Alpha 5 - Farkas Bulkmeier - Eugene Skullovitch - Ernie - Mr. Caplan - Ms. Appleby - Ninjor - Jerome Stone - Alpha 9
Masked Rider
Dex Stewart - King Lexian - Donais - Zarius - Ferrian
Zords and Megazords
Season 1: Tyrannosaurus Dinozord - Mastodon Dinozord - Triceratops Dinozord - Sabertooth Tiger Dinozord - Pterodactyl Dinozord - Dragonzord - Titanus
Season 2: Red Dragon Thunderzord - Lion Thunderzord - Unicorn Thunderzord - Griffin Thunderzord - Firebird Thunderzord - White Tigerzord - Tor the Shuttlezord
Season 3: Red Ape Ninjazord - Pink Crane Ninjazord - Yellow Bear Ninjazord - Blue Wolf Ninjazord - Black Frog Ninjazord - White Ninja Falconzord - Red Shogunzord - White Shogunzord - Yellow Shogunzord - Blue Shogunzord - Black Shogunzord
MMAR: Red Battle Borg - White Battle Borg - Yellow Battle Borg - Blue Battle Borg - Black Battle Borg
Season 1: Dino Megazord - Dragonzord Battle Mode - Mega Dragonzord - Dino Ultrazord
Season 2: Thunder Megazord - White Tigerzord - Mega Tigerzord - Thunder Ultrazord
Season 3/MMAR: Ninja Megazord - Ninja MegaFalconzord - Ninja Ultrazord - Shogun Megazord - Shogun MegaFalconzord - Shogun Ultrazord
Season 1: Rita Repulsa - Goldar - Squatt - Baboo - Finster - Scorpina - Lokar - Putty Patrollers
Season 2: Lord Zedd - Z Putty Patrollers
Season 3/MMAR: Rito Revolto - Master Vile - Hydro Hog - Tenga Warriors
Masked Rider
Count Dregon - NefariaIcon-crosswiki - CyclopterIcon-crosswiki - DoublefaceIcon-crosswiki - GorkIcon-crosswiki - FactIcon-crosswiki
Plague Sentry - Plague Patrol - Cogwarts - CommandoidsIcon-crosswiki
Season 1: Bones - Skeleton Warriors - Giant - Mighty Minotaur - King Sphinx - Gnarly Gnome - Pudgy Pig - Chunky Chicken - Eye Guy - Mr. Ticklesneezer - Knasty Knight - Pineoctopus - Terror Toad - Madame Woe - Snizzard - Dark Warrior - Genie - Shellshock - Spidertron - Spit Flower - Frankenstein Monster - Wheel of Misfortune - Mutitus - Rockstar - Samurai Fan Man - Weaveworm - Babe Ruthless - Fang - Cyclops - Hatchasaurus & Cardiatron - Polluticorn - Twin Man - Cyclopsis - Octoplant - Goo Fish - Goatan - Fighting Flea - Jellyfish Warrior - Mantis - Dramole - Grumble Bee - Two-Headed Parrot - Peckster - Pumpkin Rapper - Soccadillo - Slippery Shark - Lizzinator - Rhinoblaster - Commander Crayfish - Oysterizer
Season 2: Pirantishead - Primator - Saliguana - Bloom of Doom - Robogoat - Octophantom - Stag Beetle - Invenusable Flytrap - Guitardo - TurbanShell - Pipebrain - Trumpet Top - Mirror Maniac - Nimrod the Scarlet Sentinel, AC & DC - Lipsyncher - Pursehead - Magnet Brain - Key Monster - Doomstone - Terror Blossom - Four Head - Beamcaster - Silver Horns - Skelerena - Scatterbrain - Pachinko Head - Showbiz Monster - Flame Head - Cannontop - Weldo - Evil Bookala - Jaws of Destruction - Tube Monster - Photomare - Wizard of Deception - Rat Monsters - Snow Monster - Turkey Jerk - Mondo the Magician - Needlenose - Vase Face - Party Crasher Monster (scrapped)
Season 3/MMAR: Repellator - Vampirus - Artistmole - Lanterra - Marvo the Meanie - Centiback - Hate Master - Face Stealer - Miss Chief - Katastrophe - See Monster - Crabby Cabbie - Inciserator - Garbage Mouth - Ravenator - Brick Bully - Sinister Simian - Blue Globbor - Dischordia - Professor Longnose - Parrot Top - Smudgey Swirl - Yetiki - Piecemeal - Barkzo - Slotsky - Barbaric Brothers - Bratboy - Witchblade - Arachnofiend - Calcifire (toy only) - Steamy Meany (toy only)
Evil Zords: Serpentera