Icon-zyurangerThis article is about an ally in Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger.

Kota Matsui is a boy encountered by Burai who was destined to die just as he was.


Burai gains his first awareness of Kota in a strange dream he has about his upcoming death, as a boy that the rickshaw owner claims will be a "later pickup" after taking DragonRanger to the great beyond.

After becoming aware of his possible death and with his Lapseless Room destroyed by Bandora preventing him from saving any time he has left of his lifeforce, Burai tracks Kota down, who is revealed to be a bratty boy who doesn't understand why the Yamato Knight is interested in him. When the boy asks him to prove himself and bring out DragonCaesar, Burai complies by letting him ride it and even do tricks including striking a pose. However when Dora Fake returns impersonating DragonCaesar, Burai ends up forced to fight it even with Kota still around. In the midst of the battle with the Dora Monster, the destruction from collateral damage collapses on top of the boy, crushing him and bringing him to the brink of his life.

Kota is taken to the hospital where his mother prevents the Zyurangers from trying to see him for causing this to him, but Burai breaks his way through regardless. Giving Kota his Dragon Medal, he tells him to use it as a means to get well while Burai heads off to the final battle with Dora Fake.

When Burai finally does die due to the remaining lifeforce finally running out, he advises his brother to take the special Water of Life that teammates Goushi and Dan were trying to receive for him and instead give it to Kota, which they ultimately do allowing the boy to live in the midst of DragonRanger's sacrifice. When Burai ultimately takes his actual rickshaw ride to the land of the dead, he is satisfied when he no longer sees the spirit of Kota there, making him happy to head off to his own death having saved the life of a boy in the process.


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  • Mrs. Matsui - Mother

Behind the Scenes[]



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Icon-zyuranger Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger
Geki - Goushi - Dan - Boi - Mei - Burai
Dino Buckler - Dinocrystals - Dino Medals - Saurer Machines - Ryugeki Sword - Mothbreaker - Trice-Lance - Saber Daggers - Ptera Arrow - Howling Cannon - Zyusouken - Ranger Stick - Thunder Slinger - Ranger Slinger
Barza - Clotho - Kakurangers - Abarangers - Gokaiger - Kyoryugers
Ancient Tribes: Yamato (King - Queen - Princess - Black Knight) - Sharma (Otome) - Etoffe - Dime - Lithia (Yui) - Apelo (Euro - Baron Clockle - Daisy) - Dahl
Fairy Tribes: Gnome - Gin - Dondon - Ryota
Mecha and Robos
Guardian Beast Tyrannosaurus - Guardian Beast ZyuMammoth - Guardian Beast Triceratops - Guardian Beast SaberTiger - Guardian Beast Pteranodon - Guardian Beast DragonCaesar - Beast Knight God King Brachion
Shinka Gattai Daizyuzin - Gouryuuzin - Zyutei Gattai Zyutei Daizyuzin - Kyukyoku Gattai Ultimate Daizyuzin
Bandora Gang
Great Satan - Bandora the Witch - Grifforzer - Totpat - Bookback - Pleprechaun - Lamy - Kai
Dora Monsters: Dora Titan - Dora Skelton - Dora Minotaur - Dora Sphinx - Dora Goblin - Dora Circe - Dora Cockatrice - Dora Cockatrice II - Dora Argus - Dora Ladon - Dora Knight - Dora Endos - Dora Pixie - Dora Tortoise - Dora Tarantula - Dora Boogaranan - Dora Guzzler
Dokita Dora Monsters: Dora Franke - Dora Narcissus - Dora Raiger - Dora Ninja - Dora Gunrock - Dora Kinkaku - Dora Silkys - Dora Gansaku - Dora Antaeus - Dora Chimaera - Dora Unicorn - Dora Mirage
Golem Soldiers (Dokiita Golems) - Skeleton Warriors - Dora Gin - Devil Sword Hellfriede - Magic Spinning Wheel - Mirror of Havoc - Monster Goda - Dora Talos