Icon-gaorangerThis article is about a monster in Power Rangers Wild Force.

"Now I'm getting mad!"
―Cell Phone Org's final words before his demise.[src]

Cell Phone Org is (as his name applies) a cell phone-themed Org and one of the three main antagonists of the three-part Soul Bird story arc. He is the main antagonist of the episode "The Bear Necessities" the first episode of the Soul Bird story arc.


As the result of an Org Spirit acquiring a cell phone, the Cell Phone Org was one of the ancient Orgs who came to work for Master Org 3,000 years ago.

He scrambles signals on cell phones to cause incredible pain in the owners' ears before eating them.

After attacking several businessmen and women in a plaza by causing the pitch in their cellphones to hurt their ears, Taylor came and try to battle the Org, but he let out a sonic screech to morph Taylor out of her Ranger form and made a beatdown on her.

He then joined Jindrax and Toxica and created a jamming field over the entire city that did not permit the Rangers to morph, and battled Cole, Alyssa, Danny and Max, swiftly gaining the upper hand and forcing the Rangers to retreat.

Max eventually lured Cell Phone Org to an area where Cole was able to knock the Org down, Danny keeping him pinned until Alyssa could damage Cell Phone Org's antenna, allowing them to morph again. Cell Phone Org was still more than a match for the Rangers until Taylor showed up. They eventually destroyed the monster with the Jungle Sword, but Toxica made him grow large and the Rangers summoned the Wildzords to form the Wild Force Megazord to battle the Org.

However, the Org was too powerful and soon had the upper hand, until two boys that Taylor had saved earlier revealed their true identities as the Black and Polar Bear Wildzords. Linking with the Megazord, they formed the Wild Force Megazord's new Double Knuckle Mode. Cell Phone Org was no match for this new Megazord combination and was ultimately destroyed by the Double Knuckle Bear Blaster. Tvicon TV STORY-The Bear Necessities


Cell Phone Org had a cocky personality and loves to eat phones. He is also a highly sneaky, cunning, and perfidious Org and will stop at nothing to destroy the Power Rangers. But he is loyal to Toxica and Jindrax.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Cell Phone Pitch: By activating his antennae, Cell Phone Org can cause a phone to go on a high pitch.
    • Lightning Effect: The Cell Phone Org's pitch is able to harm opponents with orange lightning that can sometimes send them flying.
  • Sonic Screech: Cell Phone Org can cause a massive sound pitch with his screech.
  • Morph Negating Field: Cell Phone Org can conjure up an orange energy field that can prevent the Rangers from morphing.


  • Strength: Cell Phone Org possesses big physical strength enough to battle the Rangers.
  • Extraordinary Leaper: Cell Phone Org can leap at an incredible distance.


  • Severed Antennae: If any of his antennae are cut off, the Cell Phone Org won't be able to produce any cell phone pitches.
  • Vulnerability to Fire: Cell Phone Org is weak against fire attacks, such as the Black Bear Wildzord's fire breath.
  • Vulnerability to Ice: Cell Phone Org is also weak against ice attacks, such as the Polar Bear Wildzord's ice breath.


  • Left Cell Phone Claw: Cell Phone Org's left arm is a massive cell phone-like claw which he can use for combat.
    • Phone Absorption: The Cell Phone Org can absorb and devour phones with his cell phone claw.
    • Lightning Laser: From his phone claw, he can fire an orange colored energy laser with purple lightning.

Behind the Scenes[]



to be added


to be added



See Also[]



Power nav icon Power Rangers Wild Force Icon-gaoranger
Cole Evans - Taylor Earhardt - Max Cooper - Danny Delgado - Alyssa Enrilé - Merrick Baliton
Growl Phone - Lunar Caller - Crystal Sabers - Power Animal Crystals - Red Lion Fang - Golden Eagle Sword - Blue Shark Fighting Fins - Black Bison Axe - White Tiger Baton - Jungle Sword - Lion Blaster - Lunar Cue - Falcon Summoner - Falconator - Armadillo Puck - Sword of Pardolis - Rhino Shooter - Deer Clutcher - Jungle Blaster - Savage Cycles - Wild Force Rider - Animarium Armor
Princess Shayla - Kite - Ancient Warriors - Time Force Rangers - Ransik - Nadira - Alpha 7
Veteran Red Rangers (Forever Red): Jason Lee Scott - Aurico - Tommy Oliver - T.J. Johnson - Andros - Leo Corbett - Carter Grayson - Wes Collins - Eric Myers
Zords and Megazords
Red Lion Wildzord - Yellow Eagle Wildzord - Blue Shark Wildzord - Black Bison Wildzord - White Tiger Wildzord - Elephant Wildzord - Giraffe Wildzord - Black Bear Wildzord - Polar Bear Wildzord - Gorilla Wildzord - Soul Bird - Wolf Wildzord - Hammerhead Shark Wildzord - Alligator Wildzord - Rhino Wildzord - Armadillo Wildzord - Deer Wildzord - Falcon Wildzord - Black Lion Wildzord - Condor Wildzord - Saw Shark Wildzord - Buffalo Wildzord - Jaguar Wildzord
Wild Force Megazord - Kongazord - Predazord - Isis Megazord - Animus - Pegasus Megazord
Other Zords
Astro Megaship
Master Org - Putrids
Duke Orgs: Jindrax - Toxica - Zen-Aku - Artilla & Helicos - Onikage
General Orgs: Retinax - Nayzor - Mandilok
Mut-Orgs: Takach - Kired - Rofang
Machine Empire: General Venjix - Gerrok - Steelon - Automon - Tezzla - Cogs - Serpentera
Turbine Org - Plug Org - Barbed Wire Org - Camera Org - Bell Org - Tire Org - Ship Org - Cell Phone Org - Bulldozer Org - Freezer Org - Vacuum Cleaner Org - Bus Org - Scooter/Motorcycle Org - Lawnmower Org - Quadra Org - Karaoke Org - Signal Org - Bowling Org - Wedding Dress Org - Samurai Org - Tombstone Org - Flute Org - Juggelo - Lion Tamer Org - Monitor Org - Toy Org - Clock Org - Locomotive Org
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