- “Long before time had a name, there was the Realm of the Oni and the Dragon.”
- “One of the Sixteen Realms?”
- “Not "one of!" The first.”
— Mystake and Lloyd, "The Oni and the Dragon" |
The Realm of Oni and Dragons (also known as the First Realm of Creation[3]) is the first of the realms to come into existence. It appears to be mostly desert with occasional bodies of water. As the name suggests, it is the homeworld of the dragons and their mortal enemies, the Oni. The Oni eventually disappeared with the intent of conquering the realms. This realm is where the First Spinjitzu Master originated from before he fled to create Ninjago.
Distant Past[]
The first of all of the realms, in this world there lived two species of beings: the Oni and the dragons. The dragons had power over creation, and the Oni had power over destruction. Effectively being polar opposites, a seemingly never-ending conflict between the two kinds was sparked that would go on for ages. One day, a child with the powers of both sides was born, who understood the necessity of the roles both the Oni and dragons played in the balance. However, instead of ending the war, they simply fought for control over him in order to win their sides of the battle. Torn between both worlds, the child abandoned his home to start anew. The child went on to become the First Spinjitzu Master, and with his powers, he travelled to another realm where he created an island, Ninjago. By doing this, Firstbourne was left to guard the Dragon Armor and faithfully waited for him to return to the realm.
A part of the Oni followed the young master in Ninjago to bring him back to the realm and rally him to their cause or kill him.
The City of Temples would one point shifted to the Realm of Oni and Dragons to allow the hosts to conduct the Tournament of the Sources there.[4] However, Thunderfang, furious about being refused of becoming a Source Dragon following the war, unleashed a massive storm on the City of Temples, aiming to annihilate everyone within. Fortunately, the Arc Dragon of Focus stepped in to confront Thunderfang, ultimately defeating him and imprisoning him within a mountain.
After the City of Temples changed realms, some monks remained in the Realm of Oni and Dragons and over time their descendants developed into the Dragon Hunters.[2]
At some point later, the Oni left the realm and headed to parts unknown. When Iron Baron learned of this, he withheld this fact from the Dragon Hunters to rule over them.
The Ultra Dragon's return[]
Sometime after the Final Battle, the Ultra Dragon returned to the Realm of Oni and Dragons and went to Firstbourne's nest.[5]
It met its end at the hands of the Dragon Hunters, and his skeleton was used for Iron Baron's throne.
Sons of Garmadon[]
Big Trouble, Little Ninjago[]
After using Traveler's Tea given to them by Mystake, Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole, and Wu end up in a desolate, sandy island, with ruined ninja uniforms and half of the Destiny's Bounty behind them. When they look over their surroundings, they see dragons and realized they have been transported to the Realm of Oni and Dragons.
While Kai, Zane, and Jay stayed with the Bounty to fix the radio, Cole and Wu went to look for food.
When Zane gets the radio working, the three of them soon hear something about an ambush and attempt to escape into the fog when they realize that they are the target of the ambush. They get captured, with the wreckage of the Destiny's Bounty being seized, by the Dragon Hunters and taken to Dead's End. Cole and Wu return to find that the Bounty and the other ninja are missing, and they go to find them after discovering tracks on the floor.
Iron & Stone[]
The captive ninja are thrown into the Pit to fight dragon Slab. Cole and Wu, who were disguised as Hunters, helped them by releasing a chain that they use to restrain Slab. Slab tries to attack Jay, but Zane uses his powers to subdue the beast, revealing their identities.
Iron Baron realizes they aren't Oni, since Oni don't have Elemental Powers, and ordered his Hunters to capture them since he realizes they're Elemental Masters.
Radio Free Ninjago[]
The stranded ninja, except for Cole and Wu, are captured by the Hunters and are used as bait to lure dragons. They eventually caught the Wind Dragon.
How to Build a Dragon[]
When the ninja made it back to Dead's End, they created a scheme to build a mechanical Firstbourne as a distraction so they could escape while Iron Baron attempts to catch it. Cole and Wu smuggle parts out of the camp and build the dragon in a mountainous area.
Wu flies the dragon over the hunters camp, prompting them to prepare an attack. However, this ended up summoning the real Firstbourne to attack the camp. After releasing the dragons, the ninja escape, and Iron Baron orders the hunters to find them.
The Gilded Path[]
The ninja noted Wu grew older in his sleep. Wu mentioned his dream about fishing with Garmadon and the First Spinjitzu Master; Heavy Metal overhears this and reveals she's a woman named Faith. She asked if he knows where the Dragon Armor is. Wu pointed to a direction and they set off for the Armor.
When they are approached by Daddy No Legs and Muzzle, the ninja tricked them and were able to tie them up. They stole their vehicles and continued driving toward the armor.
Two Lies, One Truth[]
The Dragon Hunters found Daddy No Legs and Muzzle tied up by Faith and the ninja. They followed them but were defeated when they reached the canyons. The ninja failed to notice a tracking device Jet Jack attached to one of their vehicles.
The ninja reached Oni land and went in to look for the armor. They see the land was abandoned but noticed the gates reveal a map to the Dragon Armor, which is located in Firstbourne's nest.
The Weakest Link[]
The Dragon Hunters stop looking the ninja when they realized they crossed Oni territory. Iron Baron, however, ordered them to cross the land.
When the ninja woke up, Faith handed them chain guns and they start training by chaining up a rock. When they, and Wu, succeeded, they have Wu ride Stormbringer.
When they stopped to look at their map, they realize the Hunters were following them. They were able to defeat them, but Faith has been captured.
Saving Faith[]
The ninja uncovers Faith under the sand but were surrounded by Dragon Hunters. They were tied up, but Wu escapes after recovering his memories. He agrees to take Iron Baron to the Firstbourne's nest to get the Dragon Armor if Iron Baron sends his ninja home, to which Iron Baron agrees. Both of them leave while others remain at camp.
Lessons for a Master[]
After successfully acquiring the Dragon Armor and subsequently the Firstbourne's trust, the ninja and Dragon Master Wu bid farewell to Faith and the other Dragon Hunters before leaving the realm and beginning their journey back to Ninjago on the dragons.
March of the Oni[]
The Darkness Comes[]
Faith and Firstbourne arrived at Ninjago through a portal, where they fell unconscious near the Monastery of Spinjitzu. A barely conscious Faith whispered to Wu about the Realm of Oni and Dragons being attacked, stating all the Hunters and Dragons were turned to stone by the Oni before she is taken into the monastery to heal.
The Oni arrive at the Realm of Oni and Dragons and are able to easily defeat the dragons and Dragon Hunters. Faith and Firstbourne are the only survivors and flee before the darkness can get them. After the Tornado of Creation was used to defeat the Oni, the darkness was purged from the Realm of Oni and Dragons, freeing the dragons and Dragon Hunters.
Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu[]
The Kaiju Protocol[]
While trying to open a portal to the Never-Realm, Wu and P.I.X.A.L. concluded the Traveler's Tea was not strong enough. They add more leaves, and instead, opened several portals to different realms, including the Realm of Oni and Dragons.
Dragons Rising, Season 1[]
During the Merge, the Realm of Oni and Dragons was merged with the rest of the realms.
Other appearances and mentions[]
The Darkness Comes[]
Faith and Firstbourne arrived at Ninjago through a portal, where they fell unconscious near the Monastery of Spinjitzu. A barely conscious Faith whispered to Wu about the Realm of Oni and Dragons being attacked, stating all the Hunters and Dragons were turned to stone by the Oni before she is taken into the monastery to heal.
Into the Breach[]
Garmadon mentioned the Realm of Oni and Dragons when he explained how the Oni came to Ninjago by using the Realm Crystal.
- Dragons
- Firstbourne
- Fire Dragons
- Ice Dragons
- Earth Dragons
- Lightning Dragons
- Stormbringer
- Stormbringer's baby
- Lightning Dragon Mother (non-canon)
- Ultra Dragon (deceased)
- Wind Dragons
- Arc Dragon of Focus
- Thunderfang
- Oni (formerly)
- First Spinjitzu Master (formerly; deceased)
- Devonians[1]
- Bonepickers
- Lizards
- Monks (formerly)[2]
- Dragon Hunters
- Dragonians
- Dead's End
- Firstbourne's nest
- Oni land
- Storm Village
- Thunderfang's prison
- City of Temples (briefly)[4]
- Dragon Stone Shrine (briefly)[4]
"Long before time had a name, there was the Realm of the Oni and the Dragon; the dragon had the power to create, the Oni had the power to destroy. Their war was never-ending. But a child arrived, born of both worlds. The child understood the power of both: without one you could not have the other. But when the Oni and the dragon fought over which side the child should choose, the child abandoned their world to start a new one called "Ninjago." After the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, he fathered two sons of his own. He thought he could escape the war. He saw the evil of the Oni was awakened to be unleashed in one of his sons—Lord Garmadon! It was up to Master Wu to control his brother's undying thirst to destroy, and with some help, Lord Garmadon was destroyed by the most powerful force of all—the love of his own son." - Mystake
Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
Season 8: Sons of Garmadon[]
- 77. "The Oni and the Dragon" (pictured)
- 81. "Game of Masks" (mentioned)
- 84. "Big Trouble, Little Ninjago"
Season 9: Hunted[]
- 85. "Firstbourne"
- 86. "Iron & Stone"
- 87. "Radio Free Ninjago"
- 88. "How to Build a Dragon"
- 89. "The Gilded Path"
- 90. "Two Lies, One Truth"
- 91. "The Weakest Link"
- 92. "Saving Faith"
- 93. "Lessons for a Master"
- 94. "Green Destiny" (mentioned)
Tales from the Monastery of Spinjitzu[]
- 1. "Master Class" (painting)
- 2. "Green and Gold" (dream)
- 3. "The Weekend Drill" (painting)
- 5. "Blue Lightning" (painting)
- 6. "Samurai X-Treme" (painting)
Season 10: March of the Oni[]
- 95. "The Darkness Comes" (painting)
- 96. "Into the Breach" (mentioned)
- 98. "Endings"
Season 11: Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu[]
- 99. "Wasted True Potential" (painting)
- 100. "Questing for Quests" (painting)
- 101. "A Rocky Start" (painting)
- 110. "Under Siege" (painting)
- 124. "The Kaiju Protocol" (portal)
Prime Empire Original Shorts[]
- 1. "Let's Dance" (painting)
Season 13: Master of the Mountain[]
- 145. "Shintaro" (painting)
Season 14: Seabound[]
- 165. "A Big Splash" (painting)
- 166. "The Call of the Deep" (painting)
- 180. "The Turn of the Tide" (painting)
The Virtues of Spinjitzu[]
- 1. "Curiosity" (painting)
Season 15: Crystalized[]
- 210. "Roots" (painting)
Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
Season 3[]
- 41. "The Lost" (flashback)
Ninjago Magazine[]
- 39. New Allies (non-canon)
- 45. How to Catch a Dragon! (non-canon)
- 46. Have a Nice Flight! (non-canon)
Legacy edition[]
- 32. Race of the Hunters (non-canon)
- This realm is the homeland of the First Spinjitzu Master, a being born of both Oni and dragon descent.
- It is also home to the Firstbourne, the mother of all dragons and possessor of every Elemental Power that her children possess.
- Three of the named entities originating from this realm are referred to as "first" or "last" in some way: the First Spinjitzu Master, Firstbourne, and the Omega (Omega being the last letter of the Greek alphabet).
- It also seems that the realm was divided into Oni land and Dragon land.[7]
- The Realm of Oni and Dragons in Season 11 is re-used footage from "Big Trouble, Little Ninjago."
- According to Chris "Doc" Wyatt, the First Realm plays a key role in the origin of the realms and maintains a connection to the Source Dragons.[8]
Promotional media[]
In Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu[]
The images on Realm of Oni and Dragons need to be organized.
In Ninjago: Dragons Rising[]
In other media[]
Language | Name |
Chinese (Simplified) | 鬼怪与巨龙的国度 |
French | Royaume des Onis et des Dragons |
German | Land der Oni und Drachen |
Portuguese (BRA) | Reino de Oni e do Dragão |
Spanish (LA) | Reino de los Oni y los Dragones |
Ukrainian | Світ оні та драконів |
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 https://bsky.app/profile/docwyattbeyond.bsky.social/post/3lcyn32ssvs2b
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 https://bsky.app/profile/docwyattbeyond.bsky.social/post/3ljkw5f4yrc22
- ↑ https://youtu.be/HFJLXy5iGxc?feature=shared
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 https://bsky.app/profile/kevinburke20.bsky.social/post/3li3o3qy2fs27
- ↑ "Green and Gold"
- ↑ How to Catch a Dragon!
- ↑ "Two Lies, One Truth"
- ↑ https://bsky.app/profile/docwyattbeyond.bsky.social/post/3lb6nunboo22e