We're going to be late for the Nightmare Night festival!
"Huh? Are you that one kooky grandpa..."
"...from the Ponyville Retirement Village?"
"I'm Star Swirl the Bearded!"
"Father of the amniomorphic spells?"
"Did you even read that book I gave you about obscure unicorn history?"
Spike answering the door.
"Nightmare Night! What a fright! Give us something sweet to bite!"
Oh, just colts and fillies.
"Happy Nightmare Night, Granny Smith."
"I should have been asleep five hours ago."
Spike holding the candy bowl.
Would'a been quite a trip.
"Pipsqueak the Pirate, at your service!"
"It's my very first Nightmare Night!"
"Since you moved here from Trottingham?"
"My very first Nightmare Night ever!"
POOF! A pink chicken appears!
"Enough chit-chat. Time is candy!"
Pinkie, I'm not sure how to break it to you, but...you're not exactly the target demographic for free candy.
You're going to raise a fuss about target demographics on this show?
Why do you even think that?!
Giving Pinkie Pie some candy.
Don't worry, candy, you will be mine.
"Great costume, Twilight!"
"You make a fantastic weirdo clown!"
Pinkie eating all the candy.
C'mon, let's just go already.
There's Granny Smith again.
"Heh, it's a great costume. Grandpa."
Twilight's not happy with Spike mocking her costume.
The Nightmare Night Festival.
"He created more than 200 spells!"
Several costumed ponies, dancing.
"Maybe I should start a pony group to teach ponies about history."
"I bet everypony will love it."
What's that? I can't hear you over how tasty these candies are.
Sugar rush maybe coming so lay off the candy!
Watch out next time, Spike.
Spike talking, but Twilight's looking for somepony.
The two in an adorable paired costume as Raggedy Ann and Andy.
"Should we get something to eat?"
Spike HAD belched, Twilight is...unimpressed.
"Twilight, Twilight! Look at our haul!"
Look, Twilight, look what you're missing out on.
Pinkie Pie smiles at the amount of candy she has...
...and begins feeding on it, eagerly!
Must find the perfect targets.
Uh, Pinkie? I think you should look up. Something shocking is about to happen.
Rainbow Dash laughs atop her lightning cloud.
"This is the best night of the year for pranks."
"Look what you did to Spike."
"Aw, it's all in good fun."
There's another group over there!
Spike, you're still there?
"Happy Nightmare Night, Applejack."
"Howdy Spike! Hey, Twilight! Nice costume!"
Twilight is thankful for the compliment.
"She means me, Spike." (Or she could've been talking to both of you.)
"With that beard, I reckon you're some sorta country music singer."
Spike and Applejack are smiling, Twilight isn't amused.
"While y'all are here, you feel like bobbing for an apple?"
Derpy Hooves and Golden Harvest bobbing for apples.
Here I go, it's my turn to bob for an apple.
Derpy! That's not how you bob for an apple!
Wait, Derpy, DON'T PULL THA-...too late.
The crowd has been doubled!
Rainbow colored clown wig, nice.
Several ponies gather to the base of the stage.
The Mayor loves clowning around on occasion.
Lots of ponies in costumes.
"Now, all the little ponies who have been out collecting sweets should follow our friend Zecora to hear the legend of..."
The Mayor executes a marvelous evil laugh, buuuut...
"Spooky voice might work if she wasn't dressed like that." I wouldn't be so sure Spike. There may be one or two ponies here with coulrophobia.
Twilight giggles at Spike's quip.
A mysterious green fog appears on stage.
Enter: Zecora, through the lime-green haze.
Several young fillies and colts walk to a Nightmare Moon statue.
Zecora tells a horror story.
The statue of Nightmare Moon.
"I'll tell you where you got your fears of Nightmare Night."
With these green dusts, you will see the illusion that is just.
From Zecora's green smoke, comes the terror of the night: Nightmare Moon!
The Illusion of Nightmare Moon charges at the young foals!
Those eyes are watching us.
Nightmare Moon will gobble you up!
Do you think this is why her toy glows?
Nightmare Moon is gonna get us!
You should watch where you going.
As terrifying as the real thing!
Zecora tosses more green powder into the air!
Nightmare Moon descends, upon these three friends.
Nightmare Moon scares some more poor foals.
Unable to see any ponies, Nightmare Moon disappears!
"If we wear costumes to hide from Night Mare Moon, so she won't gobble us up, how come we still need to give her some of our candy?"
Ah, yes, that is a perfect question.
Blow this dust and an answer will be given.
"Fill up her belly with a treat or two..."
"... so she won't return..."
"... to come... eat... you!"
All your candy are belong to Nightmare Moon!
Zecora makes her third debut.
The guards pull her carriage.
The ponies are intimidated by these guards.
Twilight is intimidated by the sight of the guards.
Twilight is worried about what is happening.
Pinkie's being chicken now! Wait...
Pinkie is fear-struck by the sight of Nightmare Moon.
Zecora running away from Nightmare Moon.
Costumed ponies see a commotion heading their way.
Perfect Pinkie-style Panic!
Several ponies see the terrifying Nightmare Moon in her chariot.
And there she is, descending from her chariot.
Oh,no! She isn't Nightmare Moon!
Several Ponies bow in fear.
What are you doing, Spike?
Princess Luna's cloak flutters in the wind...
... and the cloak is revealed to be... BATS!
Princess Luna brandishes her wings.
Must be the season of the witch.
Princess Luna frowns at a citizen of Ponyville.
Cloud Kicker, screaming at the sight of Princess Luna.
Luna, giving the ponies a speech.
"We have graced your tiny village with our presence, ..."
"...so that you might behold..."
"A creature of nightmares no longer, but instead a pony..."
"...who desires your love and admiration!"
"Together we shall change this dreadful celebration into a bright and..."
"Did you hear that, everypony?"
"Nightmare Moon is gonna..."
Pinkie Pie and the foals screaming.
Princess Luna hears a major understanding regarding her presence.
"You have no reason to fear us!"
"Screams of delight is what your Princess desires."
Angered expression. Beautiful eyes.
"Thy Princess hath arrived!"
Even the Mayor is scared of Luna.
An act of honor, met with fear.
"What is the matter with you?"
Earth pony Raven quails in fear.
Sassaflash shivers in terror.
Berryshine is still quite afraid of Princess Luna.
"We won't even bother with the Royal Canterlot Farewell!"
"I'm gonna try to talk to her."
"You can't talk to her! She's Nightmare Moon!"
Twilight searches for the prideful Princess.
What is that a shadow of?
Luna lying before the Nightmare Moon statue, alone.
Twilight approaches Princess Luna.
"Princess Luna? Hi, my name is-"
"Star-Swirl the Bearded. Commendable costume!"
"Thou even got the bells right."
"Someone who gets my costume."
Awkward pause, accompanied by a confused, expectant stare.
Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna under the shadow of the statue of Nightmare Moon.
Twilight worries about the reaction she is receiving from Princess Luna.
Thou shot me in the face with a rainbow deathray!
FTW (For the Win), I might add.
Princess Luna's voice is a force of nature in itself!
"...and that was a good thing, right?"
"We could not be happier."
"It sounds more like you're yelling at me..."
"But this is the traditional royal Canterlot voice!"
"It is tradition to speak using the royal 'we', and to use..."
"This MUCH volume when addressing our subjects!!!" And we love you for it!
Twilight Sparkle fixes her beard...
"You know, that might explain why your appearance was met with..."
We have spent the past millennium there where no-one may hear thou scream.
Fluttershy can help you control your voice.
"She's delicate and demure with the sweetest little voice."
Are you in there, Fluttershy?
All shall scare me and cause fear! You shall not pass inside my home until Nightmare Night is over! AAAAAAH!
Twilight's having a hard time convincing Princess Luna of Fluttershy's 'nature'.
"Fluttershy. It's me, Twilight."
And...I thought I saw an Elder Evil.
I did! I did see an Elder Evil! AAAAAAH!
Fluttershy screams in fear of Nightmare Moon!
Fluttershy quickly closed the door.
"Wait right here." While I get Fluttershy out.
Princess Luna rolls her eyes. (No doubt she's thinking "This better not take long...")
Princess Luna waiting for Twilight to bring out Fluttershy.
C'mon, Fluttershy. Luna just wants to say hello...
Fluttershy dashes back into her home.
Fluttershy being completely controlled by Twilight's magic.
Looks familiar?
Fluttershy, say hello to Princess Luna
"Twilight Sparkle has spoken the sweetness of thy voice."
"We ask, thou teachest us to speak as loud thou speakest."
"Shall our lessons begin?"
"Shall we mimic thy voice?"
"A little quieter, Princess."
Fluttershy is still stuck on the door.
Twilight compliments Princess Luna.
Where do you think you're going?
Thank you dear fluttershy! With thine assistance, the adoration of thy compatriots shall be mine at last!
Ultimate Evil...hugging me...Goodbye, unkind world!
Oh, here she comes again.
"Nightmare Moon is here and..."
What did she do to Fluttershy?
Fluttershy's cuteness is amazingly unbreakable!
Young fillies and colts look on in fear.
She stole Fluttershy's voice so she can't scream when she gobbles her up!
Princess Luna realized that she forgot to lower her volume.
"I mean... nay, children, wait."
There, there. Let the Pony of Plans come up with a better idea.
"It is of no use, Twilight Sparkle."
"They have never loved us and they never shall."
"My friend Applejack is one of the most likeable ponies around. I'm sure she'll have some ideas."
Applejack gasping at Luna.
"Applejack, the princess is looking for a little advice on how to fit in around here."
"All you gotta do is have the right attitude."
Applejack, ready to show Luna about fun.
"What is this "fun" thou speakest of?"
"What purpose do these serve?"
"Try to land the sp-sp-spiders on the web."
Princess Luna sees her target in the distance.
Let's just try out this game, shall we?
Luna's spider landed close to the web, but fell just out of reach.
"The princess enjoys this "fun"!"
"In what other ways may we experience it?"
Luna loads a pumpkin into the catapult.
Luna then fires the catapult
"The fun has been doubled!"
So, do you want more fun?
"I ask that thou call us... me... Luna, fair Applejack."
"Show me to this bobbing apples."
Oh no, he's going to fall.
Princess Luna to the rescue!
Applejack watches what Princess Luna is doing with concern.
"Anypony seen Pip? We lost him the last time we had to run..."
What does Pinkie Pie spy, with her little eyes?
Princess Luna trying to save Pipsqueak.
"Help! My backside has been gobbled!"
"Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful..."
"...whelp!" Whoa...is it getting colder out here?
Uh, I think we should back up from her.
"Let us join together in..."
Target: Fun. Now Searching...
Luna lobs a toy spider into the air.
Well, they're not enjoying it.
"Not enough fun for you?"
Luna uses her magic on the toy spider.
A scary spider with red eyes.
That's not gonna fix anything.
No wait, they just wanted to crawl onto the web.
"Huzzah! How many points do I receive?"
Perfect score...?
Wait fellow ponies, please keep calm.
Ponies running and crashing in fear!
Somepony crashes into a stand!
This situation is getting out of control.
I must come up with a solution.
Why would the Mayor climb up on that pole?
Ponies bow in fear of incurring the wrath of Luna.
"Princess, remember! Watch the screaming!"
"We must use the traditional royal Canterlot voice for what we are about to say."
Twilight can sense, bad things are going happen.
"Since you choose to fear your princess..."
"...rather than love her..."
"...and dishonor her with this insulting celebration, ..."
"...we decree that Nightmare Night..."
Ponyville in shock and in despair
Did she just upstage Pinkie?
"Aw, shoot. We had everything goin' our way."
"Luna was happy. Everypony in town was happy,..."
Suddenly, Twilight realizes something.
"When she sees the symbol of Nightmare Night."
"I'm going to do what I do best."
"Leave me be, Twilight Sparkle."
"I'm sorry it hasn't worked out how we wanted."
Princess Luna's facial expression just looks so sad but yet adorable.
Princess Luna thinking about Twilight's words.
"Yes, I can tell. With all the adoring shrieks of the children..
I must figure out something.
The citizens of Ponyville are depressed that Nightmare Night was cancelled...
...while Pinkie is still being Pinkie.
When something catches Pinkie Pie's eyes.
What an efficient way to open up a candy.
Pinkie Pie chewing candy.
Eating the delicious candies.
That's a long line of candies.
Pinkie Pie follows the trail of candy into an alley.
Twilight tackles a distracted Pinkie Pie.
That tackle looks vicious!!!
"No! No shrieking. No screaming or squealing either. Okay?"
"There's something I want you to see. And I promise that it's safe, ..."
"...but you really, really can't shriek. Do you promise not to shriek?"
Hello there, pony with a chicken costume.
"You remember Princess Luna, right?"
"The ringleader of the frightened children."
"Hast thou come to make peace?"
Princess Luna offers her hoof in an act of peace.
Looks like everything is going to be fine.
Oh no, a thundercloud. Which means...
Bathed in lightning, a being of DARKNESS!!!
Pinkie Pie formed an egg out of fear.
Rainbow, why would you do that?
Rainbow Dash cackles on a storm cloud.
Oh, you're not going anywhere.
Twilight tackles Pinkie again.
"She's not evil or scary anymore! And she definitely doesn't want to gobble you up!"
The look most ponies get when talking to Pinkie.
"I'm almost as big as her. How's she gonna gobble me up?"
"So why do you keep running away and screaming?"
"...it's just really fun to be scared!" Recall the
Laughter Song.
"Pinkie Pie, you're a genius!"
"No I'm not, I'm a chicken."
"Princess Luna! I've finally figured out why you're having so much trouble being liked!"
"Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm."
"Come with me. I'll explain everything on the way."
"I never thought my very first Nightmare Night would be my last."
"Come on now, little Pip. Now don't you fret."
"Nightmare Night's not over yet."
"We still have candy left to give, ..."
"...so Nightmare Moon might let us live."
"What's Nightmare Night without the annual candy offering?"
"You don't want Night Mare Moon to gobble you up, do you?"
The rainbow wig doesn't make anything scary.
"Doesn't that sound like fun?"
"Goodbye, Nightmare Night."
"Citizens of Ponyville! You were wise to bring these candies to me."
"I am pleased with your offering..."
"So pleased that I may just eat it...instead of..."
Nightmare Moon stands on her altar!
Nightmare Moon with fangs.
Princess of the night (and vampire ponies).
Princess Luna is unsure if Twilight's plan worked.
"For what?" The answer will come sooner than she thinks.
Something unexpected. "Princess Luna..."
"I know there won't be any more Nightmare Night...but do you suppose maybe you could come back next year..."
"...and scare us again anyway?"
"Art thou saying that thou...likest me to scare you?"
"It's really fun. Scary, but fun!"
"Nightmare Night is my favorite night of the year."
"W-Well then. We shall have to bring..."
"...Nightmare Night back!"
Pipsqueak declares Princess Luna as his favorite Princess, ever!
Princess Luna is rather taken aback by Pipsqueak's words.
Pipsqueak hugs Princess Luna's leg.
"See? They really do like you, princess."
"Oh, most wonderful of..."
"...oh, most wonderful of nights."
Let the professional handle this.
Well it seems the legend of Nightmare Night was right about one thing, Luna likes candy
Luna eating an apple while the Eye of Sauron watches.
Spike pens down Twilight's Letter to the Princess.
"This still turned out to be the best Nightmare Night ever."
She'll never know what hit her...
Rainbow Dash ready to scare.
Behold! The Rainbow... OF THE NIGHT!
I wonder what got her scared.
Look who's having fun now.