"Ready to give it a shot!"
Looks like Sweetie Belle's finally about to do magic.
Oh! She's doing it! It's working!
Sweetie struggling with magic.
"I think I threw my neck out."
"Liftin' brooms'll be a cinch!"
"I doubt it. That thing weighs a ton."
The following gag was ruined by the Hub bug. Good thing it's not in this picture.
"I'll never get my cutie mark." (What, so you want Twilight's cutie mark or something?)
...but I'm happy to keep helping you learn!
Twilight's gonna show me how to build a bike!
"I already told you I won't show you how, but I'll help you find the instructions so you can figure it out yourself."
"You'll find it in no time."
Did you follow the magic plant-growing formula?
Okay then. Let's try it out on this apple seedling.
Every moment I live is agony!
Pinkie approves of this smile.
"Laying on a little thick there, aren't we pal?"
Foursquare! (And we're not talking about the social network.)
"As you all know, I had promised to put on an amazing, first-time-ever acrobatic display for you all today!"
"I know, it's exciting. But I'm tired."
Trying to look sadly cute!
"I did not wish to disappoint you all..."
"...so I brought my butler Randolph to do them for me."
Whoa! Pretty good for a butler!
Go Randolph! Go Randolph!
Looks like Diamond Tiara doesn't just like to bully blank flanks but also elders.
The foals, applauding Diamond Tiara.
"I know. I don't know how to do it."
"I can't believe that she gets so much attention without really doing anything!"
"She's using somepony else to build herself up, and without even putting effort to learn her own skills like we do!"
"We could be the big shots around here."
Sweetie Belle, goes into deep thinking.
Wow! I guess that's why they call her Apple Bloom.
Officially, there is a braided pony whose hair is purple.
Anypony home? Equestria to Sweetie Belle!
Diamond Tiara is not the least bit impressed.
"...pretty nice of you guys."
What? (sigh) Here we go again with that "Bump Bump Sugar-Lump Rump" chant.
"D-did you say Princess Twilight?"
"She helps us learn cool new stuff to do!"
"That we actually do ourselves!"
And he had shakey legs earlier?
Bluejay. Remember, with the rhythm just a teeny-tiny bit off?
"..And, she's an alicorn."
Wherever Diamond Tiara goes I go, that's why we're besties.
"I don't think we should."
"We should totally say yes!"
Silver Spoon looks so cute in this shot!
And the bullies spaz out!
"Oh, you brought guests! Great!"
Unaware of the two "guests" watching with evil expressions.
"Bringin' guests yesterday."
Animation error, Scootaloo's tail is missing!
Uh, Sweetie Belle, didn't you just say "uh-oh" a minute ago?
The only fast food restaurant in Equestria
"I don't like this, Sweetie Belle."
"This feels like a trick."
Wait! Where are their cutie marks? ...And Silver Spoon's necklace?
The CMC looking amazed as Twilight eats with her entire face.
Golly Twilight's a pig, not to mention Pumbaa!
For a pony with OCD, she sure is a messy eater.
I guess Hay Burger's motto is "Why use napkins when you can use one of our burgers to wipe your face instead?"
You want some horseshoe fries with that, Twilight?
"Haven't seen you here in, like, forever and a half!" (Forever and a half?)
"I know. I've been so busy I forgot how delicious everything is here!"
"Hey, what's going on out there?"
Whoa, those foals are quick.
"Oh, never mind, they're gone."
"Never mind, they're gone."
Eat your heart out, Fleur Dis Lee!
This scene is another hint that Scootaloo's lifestyle is strongly influenced by Rainbow Dash.
"I couldn't help it. When I don't smile in a picture, I look sad."
"Ohhh, we're gonna look sad all right."
Where's Fluttershy when you need her?
Talk about personal space.
"Hey, get out of the shot!"
This is probably what it's like to be at BronyCon.
What is thy bidding, my master?
Scootaloo's hoof makes a great mirror.
"Razzle Dazzle" needs no payment from the friend of Princess Twilight.
How do Diamond Tiara's parents not hear them chanting?
Hasbro presents "The Trotting Dead".
"Relax. I know how to handle this..."
Looks like the angry zombie foals have immideately given chase.
Looks as if they've just won the race!
...And it looks like they've celebrated prematurely.
"Come on in, everypony! Spike made nachos!"
"We just felt it was the right thing to do."
Pipsqueak! It's been a while!
"I'd like to learn how to become a Cutie Mark Crusader."
Scoots assembling a scooter.
Apple Bloom preparing her potion.
Double, double, toil and trouble...
Stand back, it's gonna blow!
Twilight Time: What's the Damage?
"Man, this show really hates windows."
+$1700 (cha-ching)
Didn't quite turn out like you figured, huh?
"They didn't come here to learn after all".
"Neither did any of you." ( OHHHH, what a burn)
The other foals contemplate their hypocrisy. Wait, wasn't Twist supposed to be Apple Bloom's friend?
Sweetie Belle stealing one of Gob Bluth's catchphrases. "We've made a huge mistake."
That is a whooooolllle lotta nachos.
Spike also doing his best Gob Bluth impression.