"No 'pumpky-wumpkin's in public!"
It's not funny, Sunburst!
"Sorry chipmunk..." (That's even worse)
If you two are going to fight, you should sell some tickets.
"Welcome to Sire's Hollow!"
Twilight would declare this a crime against literacy.
"Welcome to Sire's Hollow!"
This is the kind of food only Maud could chew.
What did they use? Flour or Cement Mix?
"Welcome to Sire's Hollow!"
"Welcome to Sire's Hollow!"
"Welcome to Sire's Hollow!"
"Welcome to Sire's Hollow!"
"Welcome to Sire's Hollow!"
"Welcome to Sire's Hollow!"
"Okay, it's annoying. I get it."
"Oh, goodness, look at my wrist, I gotta go."
Escaping on tippy tip toe
Where do you think you're going, Sunburst?
Somepony went through quite a childhood phase.
Can you give us a second?
"I think I liked it better when they were fighting." (We all do, Sunburst)
"...And then, I thought the best way to look for a friendship problem in the present..."
"...was to look back in our town history even farther!"
"Now, I know you don't want me to make up a problem..."
"That's not how this—!"
"I mean, nopony ever became a success..."
"...by following all the rules, right?"
"How are things on your end?"
"We really are providing excellent assistance, aren't we?"
"I dare say our children should be grateful for our help."
"We don't want your help!"
"Because you're driving us CRAZY!"
And you...you're no better!
"That's what all of us think." (We're afraid they're right, Sunburst and Starlight)
"Why couldn't we have been sent..."
"...to stop a war or something?!"
The moment you realize that Starlight
caused a