- “No line is too long for the I-Cubit.”
- — Frazzled Mixel
The I-Cubit is an invention created by King Nixel.
Mixopolis Mixels traded in their regular Cubits for them, unaware that it would drain away their color and zombify them. This was King Nixel's last plan to conquer the Mixelverse. The product's headquarters was the I-Cubit Building.
Unlike the Cubits, which gave Mixels the power to Mix, Max, and Murp, the I-Cubit drained the color of its holder and turned them into colorless zombies. They had no ability to combine two or more Mixels, due to the Nixels' hatred of creativity.
Affected Mixels[]
The following Mixels traded in their old Cubits for I-Cubits and thus were zombified as a result (alphabetical order):
I-Cubits are square-shaped, solid electronic objects. They are divided into four small, grey and black square shapes that fill the base of it.
King Nixel set up booths across Mixopolis where Mixels would trade in their old Cubits for the I-Cubit. With almost every Mixel in Mixopolis without a Cubit, the Mixels were powerless as they could not Mix, causing the Nixels to attack Mixopolis. ("Nixel Nixel Go Away")

An unknown Mixel seen using the I-Cubit on an advertisement screen.
- The I-Cubit name, plus the fact that people go crazy for it once it is released, is similar to Apple's naming scheme and the popularity of their products.
- The I-Cubit design is similar to the brick-built LEGO Cubits in the 2014-2015 stop motion videos.
- Its ability is similar to that of the Mega Nixel Mixel Nixer.
- Booger and his friends are the only mixels to not fall for the I-Cubit scam.
- A newly designed Mixel was seen only on an advertisement for the product, it is unknown if this Mixel actually exists.
- Main article: I-Cubit/Gallery