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Bonflowers are a type of flower seen in Calling All Mixels, used for defending Cubit bases.


Stage One[]

The first stage of the Bonflower appears to be a bright yellow flower, which appears to be in the middle of growth. It has closed eyes with eyelashes, and a blushing grin underneath. Lava is seen pouring out from the top.


Can spew damaging fireballs on your enemies.


Stage Two[]

The second stage of the Bonflower appears to be fully grown, and there is a normal grin with two sharp teeth underneath and lacks eyelashes, unlike the first stage. The color is also different, basically being an orange color.


Fortify your flower.

  • Attack: +25%
  • Defense: +25%

Stage Three[]

The final stage of the Bonflower appears to have a full set of teeth with a menacing grin and two black eyes with tiny white pupils, and appears to be overgrown with a more reddish color. The stem seems to be growing prickly vines at the bottom of the stem.


The best blooms anywhere.

  • Attack: +50%
  • Defense: +50%


  • It is the only Cubit defense tower to be a living creature.
  • Their name is a play on the words "bonfire" and "flower".
  • A simplified version of one appears as a logo on the Fire Sprinkler.