Mixels Wiki

Fire Flowers are creatures that look like flares with eyes. They inhabit the Infernite Kingdom.


Fire Flowers are a gradient combination of orange, red, and yellow. They appear as small flames. They have black eyes which always seem to be closed.



A few appear in the establishing shot of the Infernite Kingdom.

Hot Lava Shower[]

A few appear in the establishing shot. Vulk also has one attached to a scrub-brush stick that he uses in the shower.


A few of them appear in the establishing shot of the Infernite Kingdom.


  • The name of the creature was found in the Infernite world files of the Mixels website.
    • Despite this, They don't look like flowers at all.
  • On the Cartoon Network website, they appear near a lava pool. When clicked on, one reveals an Infernite Cubit, while the others contain Nixels.
  • Without their flame bodies, they appear as yellow versions of their eyes.
  • Despite being living entities, they do not seem to move anywhere, and are motionless life forms; with the exception of their moving, fiery bodies.
  • Many online wallpapers contain Fire Flowers as a background motif, regardless of the tribe. Most of the time, they end up tinted as a color that relates to that tribe.
  • They are the only shown creature to not be based on a real life animal.
  • It is unknown what became of them after the shift to Mixopolis.



TV series[]

Season 1[]



