Mixels Wiki
Mixels Wiki
Glowkie conjecture This character has a placeholder name

LEGO or Cartoon Network did not give this character an official name, so the members of this wiki have voted on a placeholder nickname to give them to avoid confusion across articles.

Ahem. You're in my seat.

Globbie is a Glorp Corp Mixel.



Globbie is snotty. He enjoys picking on anyone to amuse himself. Also, if anyone sasses back at him for anything, such as someone claiming his seat for theirs, he can get angry easily.

Physical Appearance[]

Globbie is mostly green in color. He has a round, circular lime green body with a dark green stripe at the bottom. His body leads up to a trapezoidal head with two eyes, black horns, and a dark green stripe running in the middle. He also has a large, dark green semicircular nose with a lime green stripe coming in the middle, a dark green lip, and flat buck teeth. He has black arms with grey hands. He also has grey legs with lime green feet and two dark green toes.


Due to having constant allergies, Globbie has a runny nose that holds up a large amount of snot and slime that he can project out of it.


Early life[]

Little is known about Globbie's past. However, at one point in time, he was enrolled in Mixopolis Middle School.

First adventures[]

Globbie was first seen in the Mixing 101 classroom, picking on Mixadel after he briefly met the new student. After he sneezed on him, Mixadel went up to him and claimed Globbie's seat his own by flinging a large spitball at him.

He was also seen on a field trip to the Mixopolis Zoo and later mixed with everyone to defeat the Mixeloptors. ("Every Knight Has Its Day")

Globbie was among the many Mixels that was Nixed on the day of the I-Cubit scam. He later appeared celebrating the Mixels' victory. ("Nixel, Nixel, Go Away")

Memorable Quotes[]


  • In the storyboards, Oozly takes his place in the episode instead. He also bears a large resemblance to him.

Behind the Scenes[]

Name and basis[]

Globbie utilizes the Incidental #11 character design model. He is absent in the original incidentals model sheet for Background Mixels by Miranda Dressler, although his incidental number is revealed in the credits of Every Knight Has Its Day.

His name is a pun on the word "glob" and the name "Robbie". His placeholder name was voted on here. The winning name was "Globbie" by ZootyCutie.


In the TV series, and where sound clips are used, Globbie's voice is provided by Andrew Kishino.

Real-life history[]


Globbie debuted in the TV series on March 5, 2016 in Every Knight Has Its Day. He does not have a LEGO set.


Main article: Globbie/Gallery


TV series[]

Season 2[]

