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Who is the coolest teacher at the Mixopolis School?
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The Teacher is a Flexer Mixel.



The Teacher is a somewhat deadpan and serious Mixel. She is strict with her lesson plans and does not tolerate joking around. However, she is still a very kind woman and looks out for the best interests of her students and wants them to stay as safe as they can.

Physical Appearance[]

The Teacher has a tall, trapezoidal body with a small black stripe running through it in the middle. She has long, black tentacles with an orange tip on each of them. She also has four orange tentacle legs with a grey stripe running on each of them. On her head is a triangular overbite with two sharp teeth on it and two flat teeth on her bottom lip. Her eyes are attached to small, black eyestalks, and she wears a pair of brown bridgeless cat eye glasses.


Her arms can stretch out to high lengths.


Early life[]

Little is known about the Teacher's past. However, at one point in time, she began teaching at Mixopolis Middle School.

First adventures[]

She was seen teaching students about the art of Mixing, as she introduced Camillot and Mixadel; her new royal students. She then took her class on a field trip to the Mixopolis Zoo and was part of a Mix to defeat the Mixeloptors set loose by Mixadel. ("Every Knight Has Its Day")

Memorable Quotes[]

  • "Come in, come in. Okay, class, listen up. I want you all to welcome our new students, Camillot and Mixadel." - Teacher, Every Knight Has Its Day
  • "Okay, class, we’re now gonna see a classic instructional video called “Mixing, So That's How It's Done!”. I expect you to pay close attention, no joking or falling asleep. Knock it off, Booger. Enjoy the show." - Teacher, Every Knight Has Its Day
  • "So you see, class, Mixing can win the day, but indecision will spell disaster. I hope you were taking notes." - Teacher, Every Knight Has Its Day
  • "Okay, class, after lunch is the big field trip to the Mixopolis Zoo. There, we will see how even the wildest creatures of the natural world use Mixing to survive." - Teacher, Every Knight Has Its Day
  • "Okay, uh… uh, come along children, don’t dawdle!"' - Teacher, Every Knight Has Its Day
  • "Ooh, gracious! What have you been eating?" - Teacher, Every Knight Has Its Day
  • "Get back, children, this is no time to panic. You stay away from us, you monster, you!" - Teacher, Every Knight Has Its Day
  • "I have a Cubit!" - Teacher, Every Knight Has Its Day


  • She was the first female character to appear, after the existence of females being hinted at previously in the series.
  • She shares a model with Wintrifred.
  • She is the only female member of the Flexers.

Behind the Scenes[]


In the TV series, and where sound clips are used, the Teacher's voice is provided by Cree Summer.

Real-life history[]


The Teacher debuted in the TV series on March 5, 2016 in Every Knight Has Its Day. She does not have a LEGO set.


Main article: Teacher/Gallery


TV series[]

Season 2[]


Sources and References[]
