Mixels Wiki
Mixels Wiki
Glowkie conjecture This character has a placeholder name

LEGO or Cartoon Network did not give this character an official name, so the members of this wiki have voted on a placeholder nickname to give them to avoid confusion across articles.

Crunchee is a Muncho Mixel.


Physical Appearance[]

Crunchee has a tall, narrow purple body. He has a large lavender jaw that hold four sharp teeth sticking up. His two eyes are in the center, and there is a lavender accent on top holding two triangular purple ears. He has purple arms with grey hands. He also has grey legs with lavender feet and triangular purple toes.


Early life[]

Little is known about Crunchee's past. However, at one point in time, he was enrolled in Mixopolis Middle School.

First adventures[]

Crunchee was seen in Muncholand, having a picnic with Banjoe. He is later seen attending a Muncho party. ("A Quest for the Lost Mixamajig")

Crunchee was first seen in the Mixing 101 classroom, picking on Camillot and Mixadel along with a few other students.

He was also seen on a field trip to the Mixopolis Zoo and later mixed with everyone to defeat the Mixeloptors. ("Every Knight Has Its Day")

Crunchee was one of the almost all Mixels that fell for the I-Cubit scam and was saved by Booger. ("Nixel, Nixel, Go Away")

Behind the Scenes[]


Incidental design sheet, including Crunchee

Name and basis[]

Crunchee utilizes the Incidental #3 character design model, being shared with Steelven.

Crunchee's name is a play on the word "crunchy". His name was voted on here. The winning name was "Crunchee" by ZootyCutie.


In the TV series, and where sound clips are used, Crunchee's voice is provided by Leonard Garner, although he is left uncredited.

Real-life history[]


Crunchee debuted in the TV series on September 26, 2015 in A Quest for the Lost Mixamajig. He does not have a LEGO set.


Main article: Crunchee/Gallery


TV series[]

Season 2[]
