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Mega Man X DiVE script.

PLEASE NOTE: Unless done by editor error, all grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes are from the game. DO NOT correct it! See sic.

This script uses the Taiwanese version's English text, so there may be some differences from the global version.


I was just playing Mega Man X like I always do...
The screen got all weird... I feel light as a feather, too...

(The screen changes, showing a tunnel with screenshots from different games)

[???] Sorry I scared you! You're not dreaming. There is nothing wrong with your screen.
This is the entrance to the cyberspace. We call it the "Deep Log". It was just chance that you found the entrance to the Deep Log!
We store game data here, and there's a lot of memory storage, too. Memories of a precious gamer like you, having fun with games and loving them.
How many games are there in the world? How many gamers? Well, that's how many Deep Logs there are.
This right here is the data storage for the Mega Man X game you were just playing. This is your Deep Log.
...Hmm, was that long-winded?

(The area becomes red and the screens are damaged)

Let me explain the worldview a bit more... Does it feel different from how it was just now?
This Deep Log contains precious information about the Mega Man X Series.
It's been stored and managed like this for decades. After all this time, corruption and other problems have caused some program errors.
Look! The Mega Man X data and the Mega Man X3 data are having issues...
But we don't think it's just corruption due to age, There must be a specific cause behind all of it.
In order to recover the data, and to protect gamers' precious memories, we're going to have to come up with some solutions...
Oh, is someone coming...?

[Unknown sound] Huh? You can see me!? Woooooow! Found one at last!

(RiCO appears)

That was sudden. Must've given you a fright! But please stay calm. I know the right person for the job when I see them!
You're sure to understand the whole introduction to the worldview, right? You didn't skip anything, right?
Huh? Who's talking...?
Eesh! It's one of those things that allow talking directly to the computer... You know!
Come, Player! Over this way. Quickly! Quickly!

(RiCO guides the Player through the first stage. The player's level increases and the remaining game data is downloaded. After completing, the player is sent to the game's main screen.)

Good work on your first mission! This is the cyberspace where we manage Mega Man game data!
We're going to get you ready for all sorts of missions at the base. You can dive to prepare for mission, strengthen the power or shop...etc. at here.
First, in order to take care of all the Irregular Data that might show up later on... we need a fighting skill boost.
Use Capsules to get new weapons!

Tap Capsule

(RiCO introduces the Capsule menu)

Capsules help read Mega Man's game data, and then instantiate it into equipment within the world.
Activating a Capsule requires Element Metal for energy. But this one is already ready. So it doesn't take any Element Metal!
Unfortunately, the settings aren't stable. So there's no way to specify which data is going to get instantiated.
You can't choose, but the data will always be helpful! Please try activating one!

Tap Capsule
Tap Start

(The High-speed Rifle is obtained)

That... is all the data about weapons! Congrats!
I just got intel on some new Irregular Data. Let's go there to give it a try!

Tap OK
Tap Back
Tap DiVE
Tap Story
Tap 1-2
Tap Execute

Before you DiVE, you can choose your weapon loadout. Let's try out that new weapon you just got!

Tap Main Weapon
Choose this weapon
Tap Execute

(The player beats stage 1-2 and returns to the main menu)

Stage clear! You knew how to use the weapon on your first try! Awesome!
But this weapon doesn't seem to be as powerful as we thought... Hmm, did some data somewhere not get reset to normal?
Let's go check the weapon data.

Tap Equip
Tap Weapon
Choose this weapon

(Details of the selected weapon are shown in the menu)

The basic weapon information will display over here. The numbers aren't very high...
Ah-hah! This weapon is only at Level 1. When the data was reset, it must have gotten reinitialized.
But don't worry. In that last stage, you just got a little EXP Program.
Using an EXP Program will upgrade a weapon's level. Give it a try!

Tap Level Up
Choose this item
Tap Level Up

Weapon level up! Your fighting skill keeps getting stronger like this. Go take on a new stage!
And when you get other new weapons, don't forget to upgrade them too, okay?

(Back to the story mode)

Tap 1-3
Tap Execute
Tap Execute

(Stage 1-3 is cleared and the Player proceeds to 1-4)

Tap 1-4
Tap Execute

(Before starting stage 1-4, RiCO introduces Sub-Weapons)

You're used to using your Main Weapon now, right? That means it's time to learn how to use a Sub-Weapon. Using two weapons at once will make it easy to take on stages!
So let's equip a different weapon as your Sub-weapon.

Tap Sub-weapon
Choose this weapon
Tap Execute

(The Player clears stage 1-4 and goes back to the main menu)

While getting rid of Irregular Data, we recovered some materials, and we couldn't figure out what they're for.
It would be a waste to just let them sit... We can use the Lab to analyze these materials, then make new item data from them.
This new item data should be helpful!

Tap Lab
Tap Items

This is the Lab! Choose what you'd like to research. After the research period has elapsed, you'll see the results.
During research, this will take up one Research Slot. If you have more Research Slots, you can research more things at once.
Let's unlock that first Research Slot and give it a try...

Tap Research Slot
Tap Purchase

In this Research Slot, we can start doing some research. What looks like a good thing to research?
The recovered materials are just right to rebuild the Saber. Let's give it a try!

Tap Combine

Research requires waiting until the time period is elapsed. You can also use Element Metal to speed up the process.
Since this is your first research project, it wouldn't be fair to make you wait. Let me lend a hand.

Tap Receive
Tap OK

Research complete! Saber is available for use!
Hmm... The research resulted in a fragmented weapon data file. The data will need to be defragged before it's usable! Please come with me -

Tap Back
Tap Equip
Tap Weapon
Choose this weapon
Tap Unlock

Defrag complete! The weapon is ready to be used!
When there are glitchs, the data we retrieve might not be complete. Sometimes it shows up in a memory format.
But once you get enough memories, you can defrag them to create complete data!

(After the Player clears stages 1-5 and 1-6)

Everything is going well! Yay! Yay!
You must have noticed that the Irregular Data is getting stronger and stronger... We need a fighting skill upgrade.
Next we'll upgrade your Hunter Program's skill levels!

Tap Character
Choose this character
Tap Skill
Tap Level Up

Skill level up successful! Charge Shot now causes more damage.
In addition to your Hunter Program's skills, you can also up some weapon skill levels!

RiCO's explanations[]

(After leveling up, RiCO may ask the player to return to the main menu to give an explanation.)

Card System[]

(NOTE: The card system does not have any level restrictions.)

(Player goes to the character skill screen and clicks Card)

Oh, there you are, Player! Check out this new system that I have been working on for quite some time! I call it the "Card" system!
Ahem! Let me explain the system if I may. The "Card" system is a system I have created after extracting the data stored in the Deep Log, processed in the format of cards that makes them easy to collect.
Symply equip cards to a Hunter Program you control and the hidden power of a card will be transferred to the Program, making it even more powerful!
While you can enhance a Program simply by equipping a card, if you can manage to meet the required trigger conditions for the card, you can also activate the card's hidden passive effect.
The colored icon located on the upper left of a card indicates its trigger condition. Be sure to check the different effects and try out different combinations!
That reminds me! You can exchange cards at the Lab or at the Shop. If you do so at the Shop, you will need special tokens that are intended for card exchanges. This token can be obtained in various places, so don't miss them!
In addition, cards can also be enhanced using different materials or cards you do not need. Alternatively, you can use identical cards to increase the stars on a card.
Right, it seems that I have gone on for too long. Be sure to make good use of the "Card" system and let's become more powerful together!

Level 9[]

You've cleared a lot of stages, so your Weapon Mastery has built up, too.
You can use Weapon Proficiency to increase your weapon's status. Let's give it a try!

Tap Equip
Tap Weapon
Choose this weapon
Tap Upgrade

Choose one from Attack, Health, Critical, Accuracy or Luck to upgrade.
This time, let's pick Health to upgrade. Without your health, you have nothing!

Choose HP
Tap Upgrade

Upgrade successful! The health provided by the weapon is better now.
The higher the Upgrade level, the higher the Mastery it requires. Using Mastery Convert to get it from Mastery Memory Card!
Even without "Proficient memory card", equip the weapon to play through stages to acquire proficiency! See the "MP" icon?
The proficiency scales with the use count of the weapon! This means that you can acquire proficiency for the weapon by equipping and using it!
To gain proficiency fast, the "Proficient memory card" is the most effective way!
Should you upgrade evenly, or focus on one area to upgrade in? That's up to you to decide!

Level 11[]

While you were battling that Irregular Data, I found some X memories. You can upgrade your its Star Rank.

Tap Character
Choose this character
Tap Rank Up

When your character Levels Up, it unlocks new skills!

Tap Rank Up

Rank Up successful! X has gained the new skills.

Tap Skill

These two skill cards are upgrades for Charge Shot. Charge Accelerate makes charging take less; Power Up adds more power when the charging period is done.
You can choose one of these upgrades. Let's take Power Up this time.

Choose this skill
Tap Equip

Skill card equipped! X's fighting skill has improved again!
Oh! By the way, one Hunter Program can equip two skill cards at the same time. You can change it at "1"&"2"button, don't forget to equip it when you unlock second skill card slot.

Level 13[]

I have some good news for you! We've successfully analyzed the data from that boss you just defeated, and converted the data into Chips.
How about that! Am I good? Please say that I'm good!
Using Chips allows you to use some of a boss' skills during battle. Let's go set up your first Chip.

Tap Equip
Tap Chip
Choose this Chip
Tap Unlock

You've received the Chip for Maoh the Giant. Putting a Chip to use first requires equipping it on your weapon.

Tap Equip
Choose this weapon
Tap OK

Chip successfully equipped! When you use this weapon, you can use Maoh the Giant's special Spiked Ball Attack.
Now it gains a button of Boss Skill in battle! Tap to switching on off it.
When it's on, you can use Boss Skill while attacking! Because it equips on weapons, it will release with tap attack button.
Boss Skill is pretty powerful, don't hesitate to use it. That will be very helpful!
But be careful! Each Chip works with different weapons. The Maoh the Giant Chip can only be equipped on ranged weapons.
There are more chips, and you can research them in Lab. Once the research is done, you'll get the new chips.

Level 15[]

You can do more and more! Worried that there's something I missed?
It's time to talk about this Mission thing over here. Come check it out with me!

Tap Mission

These Daily Missions are the missions I hope you can finish every day.
When you finish them, you get EXP, Element Metal and more valuable resources. Challenge yourself every day with these missions!

Level 16[]

We've successfully created the Battle Network. Here, you can battle other Players.
Battle Network is ready finally! Let's give it a try now!

Tap Versus
Choose Battle Mode

There are lots of battle modes to choose from here. You can use this feature to battle other Players in real time, online. During battle, all Players skiils get adjusted to the same level. So, don't worry about level limitations here!
But even weapons will be adjusted to the same level, player's star rank、 skill and character's skills won't be changed in battle.
I'll explain the rules to you later!
Most importantly is the fight skills yourself! But since you recoveried so much satges, I trust you can do it!
That's right! You can do it!
If you're not familiar with the Battle yet, try warming up with a 1-on-1 practice match. When you've leveled up, try activating the other battle modes.

Level 17[]

The Lab has added a new function! It can now research the DiVE Trigger skill.

Tap Lab
Tap Skills

The DiVE Trigger is very powerful, but it can only be used once per combat. All characters can use it.
Electric Spark skill research complete! Let's go equip this skill.

Tap Equip
Tap Change Main Skill

DiVE Trigger equipped! Now it's ready to be used in combat.
You are more powerful now!
This skill is very powerful, but it can only be used once per combat. Please choose carefully when to use it.
Next, let's upgrade skill levels.

Tap Level Up
Tap Level Up

Leveling up DiVE Trigger will give your power a permanent boost.
Leveling up will unlock new DiVE Triggers. Keep on upgrading to get more skills!

Level 18[]

New stage mode Challenge Stage available! Let's go check it out.

Tap DiVE
Tap Challenge

This stage will bring you right to the boss. There's a limit on how many times you can try per day.
After you defeat a boss, weapons and Chips might drop. Bosses here are stronger than before. Keep on challenging yourself!

Level 20[]

New Armor equipment type available! Equipping armor will raise your health and defense a lot. It's time to go try on your first suit of armor! How about that! Am I good? Just say it!

Tap Equip
Tap Repository
Tap Combine Armor

Every suit of armor has six different sections. Combine different Armor Components to create the armor. Try combining the Light Upper Body Component!

Choose this Armor
Tap Start
Tap Yes

Armor Combination complete! The combined status will be random. If you don't like the values, try combining again! Next, let's try equipping some Armor.
Armors can be strengthened too, and the level will transfer to the new armor you change! So please don't worry about it.

Tap OK
Tap Back
Choose this Armor
Tap Equip

Armor is shared by all your characters. You can create six suits in total. No matter you use X or Axl, armors you equipping won't be changed. If you want to get new Armor or components for combining, go to the Co-op Stage.

Tap Back
Tap DiVE
Tap Co-op

The Co-op Stage is a real-time stage where you can form groups with other Players. You're thinking about "I've never seen it in Mega Man X before", am I right?
The Co-op Stage is the main source of Armor. Come challenge yourself every day!

Level 22[]

New stage mode "Event" has unlocked!

Tap DiVE
Tap Event

The first event unlocked is "Resetting X Database", from here you may acquire the "Self-learning system" for enhancing DiVE Trigger.
You performance in the stage determines your "Level Completion Grade (LCG)". With better LCG, you get more materials at completion! While there are limited challenge counts a day, the materials can greatly improve your power. Make sure you complete it every day! At higher player levels, more events will be available!

Level 25[]

The time has come...! Play "Ranked match" and fight the deep record player opponents! Get famous today!

Tap Arena
Select Ranked match

You acquire rank points from wins, and your "Hunter Tier" is promoted accordingly. In the original story, X was promoted rank by rank from B! At the end of the Season, the ranking reward is sent to all participating players. The reward given depends on the Hunter Tier at the end of Season! Let's put up our effort for the best result!
Note that other players of equivalent or similar tiers are prioritized in opponent searching. Start with opponents of your performance level! Losing a match may cause your Hunter Tier to go down, you will be given rewards based on your best tier in the Season, feel free to test your limit!

Level 27[]

Good news! The base has added the "Armor Enhancement" feature, allowing you to improve your armor stats!

Tap Arena (sic, actually Equip)
Tap Repository
Tap Strengthen Armor

Select the armor piece you want to enhance with Shock absorber.

Tap Strengthen

The enhancement is complete! When you put on a new piece of armor, the enhancement level will be transferred to the new one, so there's no need to worry about obsolete enhancement!

Level 40[]

A new mode "Jakob Orbital Elevator" has been added to the Challenge Stage and it is said to be of even higher difficulty... Would you be interested in taking on the tower?

Tap DiVE
Tap Challenge
Please click Jakob Orbital Elevator

"Jakob Orbital Elevator" is a track elevator of a series of stages. While the difficulty increases with stage number, players also get better loots!
However, characters you use to challenge the Jakob Orbital Elevator will accumulate "Fatigue"; and a character's stats will fall as fatigue increases, until the character is no longer able to challenge it...
But there is no need to worry, because all characters' fatigue will be reset on a daily basis, and you'll be able to challenge the tower once more!
Not only that, when you use specific character or weapons to challenge a stage, you'll receive bonus effects that you can use to your advantage~

Level 45[]

New functions have been made available in the Lab, you can now research the "Backup System."

Tap Lab
Please tap to Backup

The Backup System is composed of many back-up slots, you can put your weapons into the back-up slots...
The backup slots will convert the combat power of the weapons in those slots, so that you can still receive enhancements from unused weapons!
Let's try it now! First, unlock the backup slot.

Tap Unlock

Successfully unlocked! Next, please choose the weapon you want to insert into the slot!

Please click on the change weapon button

Remember, the combat power converted from the backup slot is related to the combat power of the inserted weapon, so try to choose a weapon with high combat power!
In addition, the backup slot can also be upgraded. After upgrading the slot, the conversion rate will be higher and more combat power can be converted!

(After leaving the Backup screen)

To upgrade the backup slot's level or unlocking new backup slots, you will need "Sync Devices," which can be obtained from the new challenge level "Race Mode!"

Tap DiVE
Tap Challenge
Tap Race Mode

As the name "Race Mode" suggests, it is a mode for challenging the completion time of each level. Clearing the level faster means you'll get a higher rating, and more "Sync Devices!"
Please click "Rules" in the upper right corner to for a detailed description for "Race Mode" and confirmation of the rules!

Level 50[]

The research to discover the wonders of DNA Code has been successful. Check it out now.

Click Character
Click Character
Choose this character
Please click the DNA Code button

Each character has his/her exclusive DNA Code, and this makes it possible to power up your characters even further.
I'll prepare detailed explanations for the rules soon, be sure to check it out when it is done!


(When the Guild becomes available)

Good news. You can now access the Hunter Guild system from your Base!

Find like-minded friends and create a Guild together. You may also join your friend's Guild for Large Expeditions!

Click the Guild button.

You can browse for Guilds and choose your favorite Guild to join.

Alternatively, you can create your own Guild and invite players to join you.

If one of your friends has created a Guild, they can add you to their Guild by sending you an invite.

Let's join a Guild to challenge the Guild Boss!

Guild Updated[]

(After new Guild update released)

Hi Player! Congratulations on joining the Guild. Let me introduce you to the Guild's functions!

First of all, come to the Guild Hall, this is where players gather. Here you can check fellow Guild members and view the Guild Log. Then there is "GUILDBOSS", which is a periodic guild event. Only players who have joined the Guild before the event starts can participate, and they cannot leave the Guild during the event. The Guild Rank can be raised. When the Rank is raised, the maximum number of members in the Guild will also be raised. New positions will also be added.

(Bounty Lobby building appears)

The new building that has appeared is the "Bounty Lobby". Players can use the Bounty Lobby to accumulate Guild Points (GP) and Guild Funds. Or, you can donate to the Guild to get Guild Funds quickly.

Click Bounty lobby

There will be daily Bounty Missions available here. If you are not satisfied with a mission, you can refresh to change missions. The missions will be refreshed at 4:00 AM (UTC+8) the next day after a mission is completed.

You can dispatch Hunter Programs to perform various missions. By doing so, you can earn GPs, Guild Funds and various Treasure Chests!

Click Dispatch

The Hunter Program must meet the Strike Conditions in order to be dispatched.

If you meet the Additional Conditions, you can increase the chance of Great Success and Superb Success. Great Success and Superb Success will have different rewards, so you can get more bonuses!

Click DiVE

You can also select eligible hunter programs through Automatic Teaming, and quickly dispatch the Hunter Program to Strike.

Click Support

Or ask your friend's Hunter Program to help with a mission. Friends can only help 3 times a day, and each time a maximum of 1 person can help.

Click Close
Click Back

(Energy Pillar building appears)

Next let us learn more about Energy Pillars.

Click Energy Pillar

Players can obtain various auxiliary gain effects through the Energy Pillar. The leader can activate the effect of the Energy Pillar by spending the Guild's Funds.

All members will receive the effects after the Guild Leader activates it.

The leader can turn on the effect at the energy pillar by spending the guild's capital.

The higher the level of the Energy Pillar, the more types of minerals can be activated. You can also upgrade the effect of the original mineral.

Click Back

This is the end of the introduction of the functions of Guilds. The growth of your Guild depends on the joint efforts of everyone. Let's work together to make the Guild grow and thrive!

Deep Recorder[]

(When the Deep Recorder becomes available)

Players, challenge the level to activate the all new "Deep Recorder" Mode!

You can fight and explore to collect DNA Points quickly. Go take on the challenge now!

Click DiVE
Click Challenge
Click Deep Recorder
Click Character Loadout

10 characters and 10 weapons can be dispatched to Deep Recorder. Character weapons will add three new values: Combat, Exploration, and Action.

Total Action represents the amount of actions that will be restored every hour. Total Combat and Total Exploration will affect the success rate of a Event.

Click Highest Overall

You can also use Auto Loadout to quickly Loadout your team.

Once you have selected your character's weapon and are in battle, you cannot change your character's weapon loadout until the next Event begins.

Let's go exploring together!

The Deep Recorder can be played by up to 4 players. Each player will be able to complete all the Grids. Maps can be zoomed in and out.

There are 5 types of Grids. They are [Combat], [Exploration], [Hardpoint], [Power], and [Random]. Each time you complete an Event, you can get the reward on the Grid.

Click on the adjacent map Grid to perform an Event. Each time you enter an unfinished Event Grid, Action will be consumed.

Click Loadout

The Deep Recorder is reset every Monday at 4am (UTC+8), and the reset time can be confirmed on the Loadout screen.

Click Return
Click Record

Players' Actions, Power and rewards aquired will be recorded in Record, which can be viewed here.

Please click here to close the Record page

The ranking of players will be based on the overall Grid completion. Let's break through the Deep Recorder!

RiCO's menu dialogue[]

Total Power:

  • C: There are still a lot of ways to become stronger! Let's work hard together!
  • B: You have grown quite a lot! However, you are definitely stronger than this. Please continue to work hard!
  • A: You are so amazing! But I still have another piece of good news to tell you... and that is you can become even stronger! That's right! You definitely won't have a problem!
  • S: You are just awesome...! You have become even stronger!
  • SS: That is so amazing...! Were you also active in the computer world of other games as well?

Lab (Free Research):

  • We have some research results! Don't forget to pick them up.
  • There are some research results that have been passed up... would you like to distribute some resources to re-do the research?
  • The research must continue tomorrow!

Lab (Level _ Research):

  • There's nothing to do! Let's get some research done!
  • Currently being researched...!
  • The research has been completed! Go and see the results!

Combine Armor:

  • Please select the armor you would like to combine!
  • 0 Star: It doesn't look very good...
  • 1 Star: Does it seem like there's room for improvement...?
  • 2 Stars: Not bad results!
  • 3 Stars: Congratulations! That's perfect!

Story stages[]


(After entering the Deep Log, the player appears as X in the Highway)

Sorry, I should've introduced myself earlier. My name is RiCO.
I'm the cyberspace's - the Deep Log's... er, well, you could call me the "admin".
Now, Player, your name would be...?
Oh, what a nice name!
How should I put this? I mean, we only just asked you to register...
But to us, you are one of those loyal gamers who's alllllllllllways played the game!
You were just playing Mega Man X, right?
And there was that time you begged your grandparents to buy a game for you at that game store, near where you live? And even though you were strictly limited to one hour of gaming a day on weekends...
and you weren't supposed to play past 8pm, you still played, right?
In addition to game data, all these memories are wrapped up nice and snug in the Deep Log.
So then! For the sake of simplicity, please allow me to call you Player!

(Stage 1-1 starts)

There is no time to lose. First, could you please restore the data for this stage?
The Hunter Program I can currently call up is called "X".
Please use X to get rid of all the Irregular Data.
Just getting rid of it, repairs it!
That's right! It's that Mega Man X stage you were just challenging yourself to, Player!
You must feel like your head is full of cotton, right?
I'm going to show you how to work the controls. Let's give it a try and get started!

Move forward to specified location

(X moves until he spots a Ball De Voux Shot Type)

There's a Irregular Data! Press Weapon button to attack.
That's right! A long press on the attack button lets you go into an automatic mode that uses all the ammo you have left!

Long press Weapon

(The weapon button appears. The player uses it to destroy the Irregular Data.)

Good job! You cleared out some Irregular Data!
Did you see that? Just like that, you can auto target diagonal enemies!
Heehee! In order to make the data repairs go faster, we keep doing research. That's how we created the cyberspace's unique system!
So, let's continue! Oh, the path up ahead has collapsed... Jump over the gap!

Long press forward
Tap Jump

(The Jump button appeared, and is used to proceed.)

See? A normal jump wouldn't have gotten you to the other side.
But please stay calm. You only need to tap the Jump button again while jumping to active double jump!

Long press forward
Tap Jump

(The player must double jump to proceed, and finds a Gun Volt after walking a bit.)

Some more Irregular Data has appeared! Ah! And it's shooting missiles!
Quick, crouch to avoid the missile!

Hold down crouch

Dodged it! Let's move on to the next stage!
Let's try that Charge Shot skill of X's that everyone has waited for!

Tap Skill

(The first skill button appears. When tapped, X starts charging energy.)

Lives up to its name, right? The Charge Shot skill adds energy! After you tap the skill button, the shot starts automatically charging up.
The more you charge, the stronger the shot. Now tap the skill button again... The shot goes out with a "boom"!

Tap Skill

(X fires a Charge Shot and clears the Irregular Data.)

How do you like that? Even powerful Irregular Data gets wiped out in one shot! The skill's awesome power is truly...
Sor - sorry. I've been talking too much. Let's pick up the pace a little!
Press the dash button to get a burst of speed. Tap dash and slide to jump can be dash jump!
Also, if you hold down the dash button, and drag your finger toward the Jump button, you can do a dash jump! That'll make your movement nimble and speedy!

Press dash and drag toward jump

(Dash button appears and the player continues a bit.)

While I'm at it, holding down the Jump button, then dragging your finger toward the Weapon button makes it easy to do a jump attack!
Remember not to pick up your finger. Just do "dash → jump → attack" in order to make quick progress! Doing it that way makes controlling your Hunter Program that much easier!

Hold jump and drag toward weapon

(The player continues until a Bee Blader appears)

Wait ! Irregular data is coming!
The Hunter Program has 2 standard skills.
X's second skill is the Seeker Missile. It's not as powerful as the Charge Shot, but it can track targets, then explode for area damage!

(The second skill is now available. The player defeats the Bee Blader and the path collapses.)

Huh. The path is collapsing.
But don't worry! See what happens when you hold down the right direction button while continuing to jump.
Use Wall Kick to make your way up!

Long press forward
Tap Jump

(The player climbs out and continues, finding Maoh the Giant in the end of the path.)

It's that Irregular Data called Maoh the Giant! Hmm, that data shouldn't even be in this stage. There seems to be a data fault...
Ah! Careful!
Do you see that line on the ground? That shows the Irregular Data's attack range.
See the boss' actions and warning line? It's planning to do a wide-ranging attack!
Jump to dodge!

(The player jumps to avoid the attack)

This Irregular Data must be what's causing the program faults... Attack right away! Restore the game data!
That's right, you're in charge now!

(The player defeats Maoh the Giant)

Irregular Data repair complete. Good work!
You really are a Player! You must have spent some time in other games' cyberspace!
See, I really do know people!
You might want to blaze through it just like that, but we should go back to the base for a little rest first.
Later, we'll learn about the cyberspace Deep Log in a bit more depth!
We'll get to know each other better later on!

(The Player returns and gains a new weapon. Afterwards the Player enters stage 1-2)

You must be pretty familiar with the controls now, right? Right?!?
When you're doing a quick combo of Dash → Jump or Jump → Attack with your next action, remember not to lift your fingertip up off the screen.
Slide directly to the button for the next action!
If you want to control your Hunter Program well, this is super important!
If you go back to 1-1, I'll show you again how to work on the controls. If you need help, just ask!
Practice is the best way to learn. Let's start a mission right away, Player!

(The player proceeds until a Deep Element is spotted)

...Weird! Hold on a sec.
...This area... there's something not right about it. Please go check it out!

(The player takes the Deep Element)

Oh, oh! It's an item that was hidden before! Well, that means there must have been items hidden in every stage! Keep an eye out for them, okay?
If I discover any, I'll guide you to them. But they must be hidden in a lot of places we didn't notice before. We'll have to be eagle-eyed!
That's right, you're in charge now!

(The Player returns and learns to improve weapons, and later enters stage 1-3, proceeding until a Bee Blader is defeated, falling down.)
[Note: This part can be skipped if the Player defeats the Bee Blade while standing behind the Bee Blader]

Do you remember how to use Wall Kick!? You can clime walls with it, hold down the direction button while continuing to jump.

Long press forward
Tap Jump

(After learning about Sub-Weapons, the Player starts stage 1-4 above a moving vehicle)

There's usually no stage like this in a Mega Man X game...
Please be careful not to fall off. Defeat this Irregular Data!
Oh, right! If you want to switch to a Sub-weapon you just equipped, just tap the Switch button over here!

(RiCO shows that a new button is available)

During combat, when you don't have enough ammo or you want to use a different weapon, you can always switch weapons. Make good use of it, whenever you need it!

(All Irregular Data in the area is destroyed)

Mission complete! You've reached the goal!
Good work! Now, wasn't that satisfying?

(After checking the Lab, the Player enters stage 1-5, where at one point RiCO will inform about the transparent floors)

Huh? There seems to be no path back...
But please stay calm. Do you see over there, where the ground is transparent?
Please try the Crouch you learned back in 1-1. Hold down the Jump button.

Hold down crouch
Tap Jump

Hehe, how is that? When the floor is thin like this, you can go right through!
There'll be a lot of floors like this later on. So this is a trick worth learning!

(In the end of the stage)

Wait just a moment! There's a huge Irregular Data signature up ahead.
Rest a moment. Success is 99% preparation, right?

(Starting stage 1-6)

...Exactly right! That huge Irregular Data is right ahead!
Don't worry! You've got what it takes!
Do your best!

(Maoh the Giant is defeated)

You really are a Player! You've finished the Highway stage restoration work.
Oh, right! Our restorations have only made progress thanks to you. And that's why I've been able to call up a new Hunter Program.
Finishing different stages gives you different amounts of stars (☆), right? And that's why new calls become available.
Basically, Hunter Programs are stored in the data, and then they're displayed as figures within the Deep Log.
The Deep Log's world is getting affected by bugs. Because of that, Hunter Programs that don't show up in the game script are appearing. They can even talk!
So? You're not the only one progressing! I can grow, too!

(Afterwards RiCO explains how to make Hunter Programs stronger)


(The player starts stage 2-1)

Where are we off to next? Ah, yes, the Gallery Stage from Mega Man X.
Don't worry, I'll guide you. I won't get you lost!
Get yourself ready and go!

(The player finds a Mole Borer in stage 2-2)

Ah! It's dangerous! Watch out!
The attack from that medium-sized Irregular Data is super super super dangerous! It's going to take a lot of concentration!
Get to the evacuation point on the right side as fast as possible!

(Near an opening in stage 2-3)

I'm getting a medium-size Irregular Data reading at the bottom of this cave!
There's something strange going on... Be careful as you head into battle.

Mole Borer:

Ah! Was that Irregular Data talking just now?
That might have been caused by a bug, too... What's going on around here?

(Mole Borer is defeated and Axl appears)

Heheh, not bad, eh?
I am Axl! Or, just the manifestation of Axl's game data within this world.

Axl! The Hunter Program is instantiated!
It looks like the fault in the Deep Log is no ordinary error...

Exactly! This is no ordinary error. Let's cut the chit-chat. It's not just game data. Even the Players' precious memories are being overwritten. Like the Irregular Data that showed up before!
If this keeps going on, then even if you blow on the cartridge or turn over the console like you used to...
or hit the reset button while holding down the power button, it won't help...
I'm sure you understand how serious this is! Starting now, you can control me as a Hunter Program. Let's restore the world to how it was!
Okay, then it's up to you, RiCO!

That's one more trusty colleague! Let's go back and load up Axl as a Hunter Program!

(Starting stage 2-4)

This is a mine cart stage! Please be careful not to fall off!

Did you load up me as a Hunter Program?
I can use some skills that X can't, so please execute me sometimes!

(The player reaches the end of stage 2-4)

Mission complete! How do you feel about the mine cart, it's not bad, right?

(Starting stage 2-6)

...something has appeared!...
There's a huge Irregular Data signature up ahead... But I'm sure you can take it, Player!

(The player passes a shutter and faces Mega Scorpio)

Mega Scorpio:

...As you've always thought?? That medium-size Irregular Data just now, too... What are they talking about?...
This Irregular Data is enormously powerful! Please be careful!

(Mega Scorpio appears to be defeated, but...)

Ah! Be careful!!

(Mega Scorpio rises and steps on the player.)

Mega Scorpio:

Ah! How can Mega Scorpio talk?... Seems like I've heard that before somewhere...

(Mega Scorpio is about to stab the player, but a shot destroys its arm.)

Mega Scorpio:

(A blue Zero appears.)

Mega Scorpio:
...YOU! YOU'RE...

Humph! You're going to meet your doom here. I'm going to repair this error!

Mega Scorpio:
How vile. We'll wait and see...

(The blue Zero destroys Mega Scorpio)

Hey, you're okay, right?

Huhhhhhhh? Zero?!
But the color seems different. Is it because of a program fault?
Th-Thank you for saving me!

Zero?! Haha! The pose might be that way, but I am not Zero! My personality is totally different to him, isn't it?
I used to be the administrator of the Deep Log. But now my appearance in this world... also some kind of program fault. When the fault occurred, I appeared as Zero.
Hah! She must be RiCO, then! You've been relying on her guidance too much! Leave it to me! I'll lend a hand!
We need to return this Deep Log world, the data, and all these memories to how they originally were!
We need to do a full backup first... How about this? I'll give you some new weapon data. RiCO! After you get back, please help the Player to analyze it!

What?! Relying on me too much? Of all the nerve!
But he did help, and gave you a new weapon, so that means we've added a new ally!

Oh, right...
I'm not actually the Hunter Program for Zero. So from here on, I'll only be able to help with guidance.
As for the real Zero data, that'll depend on how you and RiCO grow... One day, you'll be able to call on it! You can do it!


(Starting stage 3-1)

The next piece of data to restore is the Factory Stage from Mega Man X!
Now you understand how to control a Hunter Program, right?

Huh! Wait a minute, I'm the one who's supposed to introduce the stage data!
The stage design here is complicated, but you have to keep bravely going forward! Go!

(Stage 3-3)

There's a huge Irregular Data signature up ahead.

Except for its face, the huge Irregular Data up ahead is immune to attack! Keep that in mind as you go into battle!

Oh, that was awesome! You understood it all perfectly.

Well, I'm familiar with the Deep Log, too. Anyway, it's your turn, now!

(Gigantic Mechaniloid CF-0 appears)

Gigantic Mechaniloid CF-0:

Gigantic Mechaniloid CF-0, I get it. But I didn't realize you'd show up here.
Get going! Start the restoration!

(Gigantic Mechaniloid CF-0 is defeated)

Irregular Data repair complete. That was wonderful!

You listened carefully to my suggestions and didn't jump off! Okay, time to go back to base.

(Starting stage 3-5)

Player, are you tired?
It's only been due to your help that the data restoration has made any progress. But don't forget to get some R&R, too!

Oh, what's up? RiCO, you've been a guide, too. You're so sweet!

Oh, come on! I've heard enough from you!

(Starting stage 3-6)

There's a signature up ahead. It's Irregular Data, more powerful than any I've seen before!
Please be careful!

(After passing the shutter, Rangda Bangda W appears)

Rangda Bangda W:

This must be Rangda Bangda W. Its weakness is the spherical cores. The walls on both sides will close in...
But don't worry! Due to a design error, they stop halfway and won't be able to close in any further!

Huh, so that's how it is. Seems like I'll be able to take advantage of that somehow!
That'll be a huge help!

(Rangda Bangda W is defeated)

Irregular Data repair complete. Good work! Just like that, the Factory Stage restoration is finished, too. The Deep Log data restoration is going great! And it's all thanks to help from you, the Player! It just seems...
So cool!

Yeah, you've become very reliable! It's like you're a completely different person from when I needed to help you out.
But you will become even stronger! With your strength... I know you can do it!

Yep, you got it! I have to say again, I know the right person for the job!
Okay, back to base for a bit of R&R.

Air Force[]

(Starting stage 4-1)

Here you are! The next stage is...

The next stage is "Air Force"! It's the Air Force in Mega Man X4!
That was close. I'll do the navigation just fine!

Hahaha! That's good, I'll leave it to you. I'm glad you're helping! Player!

This is an air fortress with air fleet and turrets! Make sure you stay on your toes!
If you find the enemies overwhelming, return to the base for enhancement!

(Mid-boss in stage 4-3)

Hold on! Moderate irregular data spotted ahead!
Be careful when you carry out a Mission.

(RT-55J appears)

The player at the east is "RT-55J"! "RT-55J"! The time's...

He is "RT-55J." He can freely extend its arms, so he's not easy to deal with. He was a Yokozuna-tier Rikishi, but he gets astounding leaping power! Never let your guard down!

(RT-55J is defeated)

This is... quite unexpected! The decisive "blow" works out, the player wins...

That's a success! Good job, player!

Even he became irregular data, he lived up the spirit of a Rikishi, he should have our respect.

Um... I just found some terms I've never heard of... Do you know much about sumo? Tell me if you know!

(Starting stage 4-6)

Excuse me... I'm coming to you at this moment... and I believe you know well what I'm going to say...

Hey, RiCO! You should be doing your navigator duty!

Ahem... my apologies... Let's get back to the topic... large irregular data spotted ahead!

Huh? She has been leading the player, and now she's playing riddles.

I say...! That's pretty rude! This is my way, RiCO's way!

(Chill Penguin appears)

That's the "Chill Penguin!" Even though I was prepared, but the 8 Major Bosses from Mega Man X have become irregular data!

The locations, the opponents, everything is messed up! Looks like the data is a mess.

Chill Penguin:
Shut up! You interfere us with your very presence!

Hey...!? Did you hear what he just said? These irregular data can understand us...

Haha! You actually pissed off this guy that's a pain in the butt!
I know that you're tired of life at North Pole, but did you really have to come to a place where you didn't fit in at all??

Chill Penguin:
What a horrible guy! This player will be first, and I'm going to turn you into a hockey puck!

You've been called out! Be careful, this Penguin isn't like the penguins in the beginning and isn't that easy to take down!

(Chill Penguin is defeated)

The repairs of the irregular data has been completed. Great job! Ohh... its' quite cold, let's return to the base!


(Starting stage 5-1)

This is the "Sky" stage of "Mega Man X"! Have you enhanced your weapons and armor for the battle??
The correction stages are becoming more and more difficult. If you have any questions about the basic operation of the Hunter program, find me at 1-1!

(Stage 5-6)

So slow! I can wait no longer.

(Vile appears with the Goliath)

Goliath! He was a challenging opponent in "Mega Man X3"! Finding him as irregular data is the most unexpected...

Oi, where's that silver-haired one? Fine. I'll be your last opponent, we have nothing to say.

(As Goliath is protected by a barrier, the player is unable to cause damage and is defeated)


Say, you're too weak to satisfy me! Let's play a little longer!

(The blue Zero appears and jumps on Goliath. Note that the Goliath is known as Brown Bear in Japan, thus the "Grizzly" comment)

Oh, you come up with the Grizzly! How does the ride feel?

You... 【ViA】!! Damn!

(The blue Zero causes a large explosion that destroys Goliath's barrier)

Are... you all right? That explosion... seems to inflict a bit of damage! My eyes...

Ugh... I'm all right... Player, it's not the time to care about me. You have to put up your best fight...!

(The blue Zero refills the player's life energy)

If you lose here... Your deep record will not be restored!

(The blue Zero leaves)

So... all you know are these boring tricks. Now be good and I'll make it short work!

(The player fights against Goliath again, this time winning)

So, 【ViA】... You summon me then have me destroyed... How very carefree of you...
...still, thank you for reminding me of my mission.
Definitely, it's for myself... and you... I will be made whole... at any time...

Great! That was a difficult opponent, but we got him corrected. Well done!

You did very well! But still, you seem to need my assistance. I still need to take care of you. You're no different, RiCO!

That's... pretty rude! So you're called 【ViA】. How could those irregular data know your identity?

I'm but a system manager, I don't have a name. I suppose those irregular data calling me that way out of program error.
But that's fine, I'll use 【ViA】 as my name. Let's get back and quick. I want to repair my body, too. RiCO, I'll leave it to you.

Floating Ruins[]

(Starting stage 6-1)

So, player, you're going to dive into the "Floating Ruins" next. It's a stage of "Mega Man ZXA". Its data is connected with this deep record file.

It is even mixed with the data not of "Mega Man X"... I wonder... how widespread this program error is...

Still, with my navigation and the player's effort, it will turn out well. The correction duty... will be carried out by the player.

(In stage 6-6, Overdrive Ostrich appears)

It is the "Overdrive Ostrich". It belonged to the Airborne unit, but lost its flying capabilities from an accident and retired.
A non-flyer showing up on the "Floating Ruins"... The deep record program error is doing a terrific job.

Overdrive Ostrich:
Did you say to me "showing up" here? You're talking like it has nothing to do with you.
It's my new mission, new purpose. I will duty carry out my mission.

Here it goes!! The field is large and wide, you need to pay attention to enemy actions. Try to gain advantage in this battle of speed!

(After defeating Overdrive Ostrich)

That's a success! The correction of the "Floating Ruins" is also complete!
Well done! That's enough talking. Now that the boss is defeated, it's time to take a rest!

Area Forest[]

(Starting stage 7-1)

The next DIVE location is... The "Forest" stage of "Mega Man ZX"
Even the weapon data is mixed with those not of the "Mega Man X" series...
Chances are... all Mega Man series have been affected!
Even the BGM is not the original one! It may be too late to say this, but the impact of this program error is more than we anticipated!

Huh? RiCO, you're too slow to learn the condition! My apologies, player, you'll have more work to do. To restore this deep record file, your power is what we need!
Well, I'm not RiCO... but as she said, it is going to be your duty!

(Stage 7-3)

(Vile appears with the Goliath again)

Eh? Goliath again? I thought we've corrected it?

Hahaha! You seem startled, but remember what I said... "I will be made whole... at any time..." Just like this one.

(In stage 7-6, Sting Chameleon appears)

Sting Chameleon:
Hehe...! So you made it to this place. I'd say is destiny.

Sting Chameleon... It is one cunning guy that uses camouflage and finds the chance to take the strike at the most unexpected moment. You must be careful!

Sting Chameleon:
Hehe...! It's all for the Master... Definitely...
Did you just say I'm cunning, ViA? Well, well... It surprises me... that you'd use that word to describe me. How rude... and terrible...

What do you mean...? I suppose you know things, ViA?

Can it something about the "Master"? All these events should be related to that Master! This event included!

The Master?? Ah! Here it goes!!

(After defeating Sting Chameleon)

Phew, that was clean work. It was not an easy fight, I know.

That is so amazing! No matter how powerful the opponent is, my navigation will get things right!

Huh? That's some big words from you. RiCO, you said nothing during the battle, didn't you?

That's because... I wanted our player to concentrate! I know you will agree with me!

Military Train[]

(Starting stage 8-1)

This is the "Military Train"! It's a stage from "Mega Man X4".
Please take care not to fall off from the train. I'll be your guide for the ride!

(Starting stage 8-3)

Please wait! Moderate irregular data spotted ahead!

Oh here it comes! RiCO's signature "Wait"! But I am guessing you wouldn't like to be interrupted, right? Player.

Oh come on! Not such rude things again! I am serving as the player's guide!

Haha, my bad my bad! Enough chitchat, you should proceed with caution from here! There seems to be powerful enemies waiting up ahead.

(REX-2000 appears)

This... this irregular data is...!

He is "REX-2000". He first showed up in Mega Man X3.
Although it's already a known fact, I see that all sorts of data from the Mega Man series have been thrown into the mix. Well, it's too late for that now.

I could say the same about you, Mr. ViA...for making such a thoughtless remark! Player! No matter who may come your way, go with courage and force on!

(Starting stage 8-6)

Please be careful... Large irregular data spotted ahead.
It looks like you've got a pretty tough opponent. Please maintain your focus and push on! !

(In stage 8-6, Mad Nautilus appears)

Mad Nautilus:
So you have come to correct me? You bunch of miserable cretins. But like the others you have met before, I have been driven to action by my desire to complete my mission!

Mission...? What is he talking about I wonder? I recall other irregular data before him having said something similar...

Mad Nautilus:
Your reason for wanting to defeat us is to restore the deep log and correct program error, right? And you've come waving that banner of justice!
But if that is your mission... What would my mission be? Have you ever given thought to the reason of our existence?

Hmmm, apparently there's been an unknown program error that has caused everyone to utter gibberish like that! Player, you've got to be careful!

Mad Nautilus:
Unknown program error??? Hahaha! You are so naive! How can you not be aware of the truth having played the Mega Man X series for so long?
Furthermore, we irregular data are not the only ones that have manifested due to the program error...

You are quite clever I see... just as I'd expect from a "High Speed Computing Algorithm Android"... But you talk too much!
There's no way we could let you take away important game data and precious memories that below to players!

Mad Nautilus:
Hmph, it's you, ViA! I'll just bury all of you here, and you can become witness of the meaning of our existence!
Furthermore, don't forget there may be those who would be delighted by errors that cannot be corrected, who knows? Like that blue little girl who has been quietly keeping watch all this time...?

Please, no bullying! Protecting this deep record and safeguarding precious memories I share with players... That is my mission!
Come, Player! Your mission is about to start!

Mad Nautilus:
Leave it to me! !! !!

(After defeating Mad Nautilus)

Mad Nautilus:
Ugh... it seems... that this is as far as I'll go... Apparently program errors are fated to be corrected...
But don't you forget this, Player... If this World is restored to it's original state, All game data that doesn't belong to the Mega Man series will cease to exist in this cyberspace...

What is he trying to say exactly...

Mad Nautilus:
If that ever becomes the reality, what do you think would happen to characters who originally do not exist? ?

Hmph! The bookwork types are all the same...they just keep lecturing as if they know everything about the world, even in the final moments of their lives.

Mad Nautilus:
Player, mark my words... In this cyberspace... if the error did not take place...
There will be characters who should... have never appear in this world... Like those two blue fellows over..therer...

Mr.ViA! About what you were saying... does that means... The reason that Player and I were able to meet is because...

Sigh! RiCO, don't take what he said seriously! He was only saying all that nonsense because of a system error!

Re... really? Is that so?

Oh come on now! Are you doubting that all the hard work you and the player have achieved thus far... And all the support you have given to the player had been the result of some program error?
Those are indisputable facts. I have witnessed for myself how active RiCO and the Player have been along your journey!
That can never be the outcome of a program error!

You... you are right! The memories that the Player and I share thus far... cannot be the product of a malfunctioning program!
And they will not simply vanish for no reason! I know you will agree with me!

That's right! Oh by the way, Player! The "Cause of program error" that he had just mentioned...
To quote what he just said, You must already be aware of it because of your profound experience with Mega Man X, right?

Is that true!? So you already knew? !

Oh come on, RiCO... I am more surprised by the fact that you didn't know already!

Huh? Huh? But why would you know it? ? Anyway, let's go back and have a break. But after that, you must explain everything to me!


(Starting stage 9-1)

Player, welcome to "Cyberspace"! Don't you think this place feels somewhat similar to the Deep Log?
This used to be a space guarded by a protection program that talks in a funny way, I wonder what has become of it now...
...That's weird. Usually this is when Mr. ViA would suddently interject... What's the matter with him? Perhaps he's still recovering from the injuries from last time.
Player, let's just go! I'll work extra hard to make up for Mr. ViA's part in supporting you! That said, almost everything needs to be handled by you!
That's right, you're in charge now!

(Starting stage 9-4)

What is this? Still fooling around? You could at least show some consideration for someone who's been waiting for you for so long...

Huh? That voice... that wasn't from you, was it?!

It looks like you've had it easy thus far! But it's about time for your adventure to come to an end. Don't take it the wrong way... it's an order from the Doctor.

Player! I've got a bad feeling about this! Be sure to be extra careful when you try to repair the data...

(In stage 9-6, Bit appears)

Welcome! Welcome! I knew you would come to me, so that I can destroy and obliterate you!

Bit! He is a powerful enemy who first appeared in Mega Man X3 as an agent of Nightmare Police!

Yes; it's true that I used to be a member of Nightmare Police... And that I was born for the sole purpose of defeating X. All of that are true, as far as the game records are concerned.
But here in the Deep Log, it seems that I've been given a different mission. From the moment I was born into the Cyberspace, I have heard this voice... uttering the same thing to me, over and over...
In the world of Deep Log, there's an existence that is so evil that must be existence that can only be my nemesis-
And that existence is you, Player!!!!!

(After defeating Bit)

You did it, Player! Now you've done it, the data for this stage has also been fully repaired!

Bit: fool! If only you know what lies ahead, you might have chosen to die by my hands instead...
Since you have chosen this path by your own volition... I'll be Mr. Nice Guy and offer you a piece of advice... You'd better "be prepared" for what you are about to face...
Player... You should know this too. In this world. Even the most heart-breaking departure could happen at anytime without warning.
Even that "peace-loving fellow" isn't spared from the fate of death.
...And as for you, you'll be the one who buries everything. But it isn't your fault... It is simply because how the data is configured from the get-go, that's all...
How miserable this is, Player... Can you relly just sit and watch these tragedies unfold without doing a thing about it?

(Bit explodes)

What's this...? He reminds me of those irregualr files before they are corrected... they also said something freaky like this before they were corrected...
But no! I shouldn't let this feeling of uneasiness and doubt get the better of me! I need to pull myself together and protect this world of Cyberspace together with Player!
That reminds me... last time Mr. ViA did mention something about the "cause of program error"... What is it actually!? Player, please be so kind and tell me?


(Starting stage 10-1)

Wow this place is hot! Player, this is a volcano stage!

Hey wait a minute; why are you complaning about the heat when the player is the one who infiltrated the stage?

Oh come on! Don't worry about such things! What does it matter? It's the feelings and atmosphere that matter! Conveying and describing the stage of the stage is part of the job too!
Let's leave that for now. Where did you go last time, Mr. ViA? We had such a difficult time!

Hmm? Oh, I had to go take care of a job; it wasn't anything important. That said, you need to be careful in this stage, Player! Because lava and molten rocks will be flying at you.

If the Player manages to get this far, this stage shouldn't be any problem! After all, he still has my helpful and friendly navigation!

Haha! That sounds reassuring! Player, we'll be counting on you again!

(Stage 10-3, before reaching the mid-boss)

Player! I've picked up response from a medium-sized Irregular Data just up ahead!

Oh...Looks like I've got another opportunity to take on a powerful fighter. You have my gratitude...

Huh... I heard a strange voice talking! Player, please be careful!

Hey, Player... Doesn't that voice sound familiar to you somehow?

Fight me! But if you cannot defeat the opponent who comes before me, then you are unworthy of facing me.
If I have been brought to this world to fight anyone other than X or Zero, you'd better not let me down.

The owner of this voice... Clearly, it is not coming from the medium-sized Irregular Data ahead. Please proceed with caution!

The only thing you can do is to go and see for it yourself who is waiting for us. Player, you can do this!

(In stage 10-6, Magma Dragoon appears)

Magma Dragoon:
Player, you surely have kept me waiting! My name is Magma Dragoon. Come, show me what you are capable of!

Player!! The energy level of this Irregular Data is off the charts! He is going to be a powerful foe!

Magma Dragoon:
RiCO, this is the stage for the duel between the Player and I. You and I have both been brought to this place and you should already know this. Please stand down.
I am merely carrying out my mission. And challenging powerful fighters is a part of my instinct!

Huh? Did he just call me by my name!? From the way he addressed me, he sounded like we were acquainted...

Magma Dragoon:
Let's do this! A duel only has meaning when we both put our lives on the line!

(After defeating Magma Dragoon)

Magma Dragoon:
You've done well... Player. I didn't expect anyone but those two to actually be able to defeat me...
But this is what makes battle interesting... Alas, I can't help feeling a little regret, knowing that my mission has come to an end...
RiCO, can you hear my voice...?

Huh!? What's the matter??

Magma Dragoon:
You are the admin of this world, right? In that case, please analyze my data when you have the time to spare...
Player, RiCO... I, and all of my brethrens in the squad that I served in the past are the same... We travel through time, crying out loud our hunger for battle...
Farewell, Player!

Magma Dragoon... You are right...I have been analyzing the data from various titles in the "Mega Man" series and have been unlocked in this world as a Hunter Program.
I wonder how much data is still in slumber! Incidentally, you have been using several Hunter Programs to correct game data.
You'll find lots of data that bring back old memories from the Mega Man series!
Leave it to me, Player! As your navigator, I'll work harder to analyze and unlock more data for you!
That said...Mr. ViA went missing again!

Oil Field[]

(Starting stage 11-1)

Hmm, it's rather hot here too! Player, this time you will be infiltrating the Oil Field stage. It's a stage that previously appeared in Mega Man ZX Advent!

That is correct and thanks to you, we've made good progress with data correction. You are really dependable! But apart from data correction, how are you doing with the unlocking of Hunter Porgrams?

Hmph~ With my support, Player can now unlock more than just data from Megaman X series; it is now possible to unlock data from other Megaman series as well!
"Go ahead and try unlocking me as a Hunter Program!" That's what Magma Dragoon said when we encounter him previously, isn't it? When he said that, somehow I know I can do this!
Of course, the help from Player has been crucial! I was only able to add more unlockable data because data correction has been going on smoothly.

You are right; the power of Hunter Program is absolutely essential in data correction... That and the skill that you bring by controlling the Hunter Programs, Player!
It's thanks to you that characters and enemies from previous series can make their return. And this makes the "what-if"s of encounters that would never happen in the original series possible!
Looks like it's about time for me to "show" something to Player.

Huh? What do you mean by "show", Mr. ViA? What is that about?

Oh, don't mind me! It's not important. We should stop the chitchat here! Stay alert and go through the stage with caution! RiCO! Player!

(Stage 11-3)

(Before reaching the mid-boss)

Player! By now, you should know very well what it means to have this pause here, right?

I suppose it means you've picked up response from a medium Irregular data, right?

That's right!

Hmph! You are getting all worked up just because a medium Irregular data has shown up?

This voice...!? It is not coming from the medium Irregular data ahead of us!

I guess it's part of fate that our paths should cross once more. And stop those who come before me is my calling.
Player! It seems that you have already defeated my comrade. If possible, I'd like to talk to him once more but I guess I'll see what you choose to do first, ViA.

Hmph! Spare us with your meaningless words! You won't have to worry about waiting, because Player will be coming for you very soon!

Why do you still put on this act? Or is it because you've been acting for so long that what's false has become true?
Oh well, that's enough for our chitchat. Player, there's another member of the Nightmare Police waiting for you here.

Mr. ViA, do you know who that voice belongs to...? It seems he said something that sounded rather important, and yet I can't be sure...

Yes, but don't worry about that now! You'll understand everything when the time comes. Player! In case you missed it, he mentioned "Nightmare Police" just now.

Huh!? "Nigh Mayor Purr Lease"!? Do you already know who it is, Player?

Seriously, RiCO... Are you really the administrator of this Deep Log?

(In stage 11-6, Byte appears)

"Byte"! Similar to "Bit" whom you have previously encountered, he is also a member of the Nightmare Police - an organization that appeared in X3!
Ahh! I see! So you already knew!

So your name is "RiCO"? You've been blabbering for quite some time now.

Hehe, I am sorry about that. I must have been absent-minded for some reason and forgot about this! I am sorry about for the inconvenience!

Absent-minded huh? Why? Did you catch a flu or are you not getting enough sleep? But that's surely not the case. It's about time you tell her the truth.

Huh? Do you know something that I don't, Player?

I am not talking about Player; I am talking about you, ViA.

That is correct; Player is not aware of this. But if we have to talk about the reason... it's because of what we do.
The very act of data correction that we do... It is having an effect on RiCO.

Huh...? What is that supposed to mean...?

Hey now, do you think I'll just let you keep talking like a storyteller here? My fate is to crush and pulverize Player right here. Just like Bit.
You can talk till your hearts' content in the netherworld. Do you not realize that you are destined to oppose each other, Player and RiCO!?
My name is Byte! And when I am done with you, I'll go and face the archrival of my destiny! Here we go!

(After defeating Byte)

Ugh... I lost... again... I am surprised...Player... To learn that your power could rival my nemesis - X...

Player and I have fought together as partners thus far and we've been through numerous trials! His potential power is just as great as that of X, if not greater!

Fighting as partners...I see. It'd be nice if you can stay that way till the end of all the fighting...
At least I'd hope for your safety...
Bit... It seems our reunion will have to wait... I am counting on the future!

(Byte explodes)

Phew, what a mighty foe! You've done well, Player!
That reminds me, Mr. ViA; you were talking about the reason for my absent-mindedness before the fight started. So what is it exactly?

Well, simply put, it's the side-effect of data correction! The act of data correction is the same as attacking data. And since you are the administrator, you are bound to feel some of its

I see! Well I hope it doesn't get any more serious than this...

Don't worry! I've got your back! And Player will be there for you too! And he is more reliable than anyone else, right?

That's right! As long as Player is around, I've got nothing to worry about! Let's head back!

Power Control Center[]

(Starting stage 12-1)

Player, let's proceed with this mission! Now we are here at the Power Control Center. Apparently it's a stage from X3.

RiCO, are you doing alright? It seems you've lost some memories awhile ago while you were correcting data.

Don't worry, Mr. ViA! See? I am full of spirit now!
I am sorry to have made you worried about me, Player. But from now on, I'll stay fit and healthy by your side!

That's the spirit. It just wouldn't feel right if you were to change in any way, RiCO. Wouldn't you agree, Player?

Oh wow! You share his feelings too, Player!? Thank you both so much---!

Regardless, it is an indisputable fact that the task of data correction has affected RiCO in some ways.
For what I know about you, Player... I am guessing that you may have doubts as to if we should keep going...

What are you talking about, Mr. ViA!? Correcting and fixing the Deep Log, protecting the special memories that Player shares with us... Those are missions of critical importance to Player and I!
Not only that, I've fully recovered and back to my old, energetic self! So you shouldn't hold back and instead, you just need to keep on going, Player!

Well said! I am sorry; it seems that I have been worrying about the future for no good reason.
I have great faith in the two of you, after all!

(Starting stage 12-3)

Hold it, Player! As usual, if we stop here, that means "it" should have appeared...

Hey RiCO, don't be so sloppy with your job! Watch out, Player! It's a response from mid-sized Irregular Data.

Oh come on, that's not a nice thing to say about me, Mr. ViA! It must have been a side effect from data correction...

Okay that's enough~ Stop using "side effect" as the excuse for everything... Alright, Player. That's enough joking and fooling around for now. Proceed with caution!

Hey that's pretty mean of you, Mr. ViA! What happened to that caring Mr. ViA who spoke so earnestly about my conditions during the last stage?

Looks like I needn't worry about you if you have the energy get smart with your mouth.

(In stage 12-6, Flame Mammoth appears)

Flame Mammoth:
Bwahahaha! And I was wondering who my visitors could be...
It's just a B-Class Hunter I see... Hmmm...that's not right. Who might you be?

That is... "Flame Mammoth"! What is he doing here in the Power Control Center?

Flame Mammoth:
Bah! That's what I want to know! Hey watch it, ViA; I can take you out of your misery at any time I want; watch yourself so you don't get trampled by me!

I'd love to see you try, Flame Mammoth. But before you do, you have Player to contend with and Player is not someone you should underestimate.

That's exactly right, Mr. ViA! Player, let's do this!

Flame Mammoth:
You sure talk big for how weak you appear. I'll stomp and crush you under my feet, bring it on!

(After defeating Flame Mammoth)

Irregular data corrected successfully! Nicely done, Player!

Flame Mammoth:
Ugh... correction complete huh... It seems this is where my mission shall end. But ViA... isn't it time to carry out yours?

Hmph! My mission is to work with Player to repair and protect this Deep Log!

Flame Mammoth:
Bwahahah, what nonsense... It's about time you remove that mask of pretense...
Oh well... It's great to have fought you, Player. You were strong... And you too, RiCO...
Farewell now... It's time for me to reunite with that penguin and flatten him under my feet...

(Flame Mammoth explodes)

You've worked hard, Player! Flame Mammoth seemed to have been searching for a worthy opponent and he seemed pleased to have met you, Player.
Alright, now that the mission is over, it's time for a break! Let's head back!

Snow Base[]

(Starting stage 13-1)

Brrrrrrrrrrr, it's so cold! Player, we have come to the Snow Base... It's a stage from Mega Man X4!
Let's stay focused and forge on as usual!

Hey wait a minute, RiCO. You are navigating remotely, are you not? Why would the cold bother you?

Wh...why do you have to ask?! I just want to have an immersive experience so that I can feel as if I am fighting along side Player!
That and the fact I do feel a little chilly...

Hey, you alright? Did you catch a cold?

Nope, I am fine! It's just that my memory hasn't been doing very well lately!

I see... yes it has indeed become more and more apparent after our encounter with Byte. Maybe it is the "side-effect of data correction" that I was talking about.

When correcting data, the system would attack Irregular Data and this could affect me as the Administrator of Deep Log... That's what you said, right?
But now that I think about it... why should correcting game data affect me in the first place?

Well, about that...
You've got to come clean with her one day you know...
Wouldn't you agree, Player?

Tsk, what a pesky fellow. Isn't your part in this supposed to be over by now?

Hah! It is no longer up to you to decide the roles in this story at this point! And I am so happy to be meeting you once more!

This voice... but it can't be... This Irregular Data should have already been corrected by the Player!

Oh come on, young lady! Don't be so cold~ Any time will be the right time for something like a program error.
Not only that, I could say the same about you, young lady.

You mean I am the same as you...?

Hahahaha! Ignorance is bliss indeed! ViA, you've been slacking a little too hard, haven't you?

Hey watch your mouth! I might just decide to force remove you from the game.

Woah~ that makes me so scared! How can you say such a thing when we ought to relish our reunion.
Well then, let's leave it at that for now. As per usual, I'll be waiting for you here.
Afterall, this is the "rule" of the data... Something known as "pre-established harmony", right?

Mr. ViA! What did he mean when he said I am no different from Irregular Data...

Don't worry RiCO! But for now, let's focus on fixing that fellow!

Right...! I should be alright, right? Player?

(Starting stage 13-3)

Hold it---! Hey, Player! Don't you miss my "Hold it--!"?

What is this? Aren't you being a little too over enthusiastic?

Well, it has been kinda gloomy recently because of me... So I wanted to set a different tone!

Set a different tone? Come on now, you are even talking in a different style...

Eh? Hehehe. I guess that's a part of the "side-effects of data correction"!
Back to business, Player! I've picked up signal from a mid-sized Irregular Data up ahead!
I am sure with your profound experience, you have nothing to worry about! But it never hurts to be careful!
Pausing Player's progress for no apparent reason in mid-game seems to have become a ritual now!

So you knew what you have been doing all along huh...

(Raider Killer appears)

That's Raider Killer! He's a powerful Irregular Data that has previously appeared in Mega Man X2!
In the original game, Raider Killer will evolve into different forms depending on the state of the stage... I wonder which form he will appear in this time.

But Player will have no problem handling any kind of enemy! Right?

Yes, the Player will have no problem... Why did you steal my line again!

(After defeating Raider Killer)

You did it! It's thanks to you, Player!
Let's strike while the iron's hot!

That's right. I hope you can ride the momentum and come to me as soon as you can.

It's that voice from before!

Hey Player! Have you ever wondered why enemies usually have to wait for the protagonist to show up so passively?
It's almost as if we are forced to wait for the punishment of justice and can only anticipate nervously for that moment to come.
But that is also a part of the "rule" that governs over all things in this world... I've got that part figured out decades ago.
However, the banner of Justice is no longer exclusive to you, Player.
Anyway, I'll play by the rules and wait here. So you better hurry.

I... I won't lose! Although I feel really uneasy right now, but I've got Player on my side!
Go! Go and defeat him! This mission...
That's right... it is yours to accomplish, Player!

(In stage 13-6, Bit appears once again, this time, wielding his shield)

So you've finally come. I've waited for so long that I feel frozen completely.

So I was right... the voice had belong to you, Bit!

Yeah... I am sure the player had beaten him previously and corrected his data... So this must be some kind of program error!

"So I was right?" You really should stop with your corny acting, ViA.
Fine. As per usual, you guys should be making some sort of description of me before the fight starts, but I am sick of this "rule".
So let's get started right away, Player!!!
Oh by the way, I am going to be using this "Shield" here. The good Doc did give it to me after all but I didn't use it previously. It's time for it to shine!
And this must be the effect of program error... Wouldn't you agree, ViA!

(After defeating Bit again)

Ugh... I lost yet again... If I had known this, I would have used this shield given by the Doctor last time instead of choosing not to use it...

You did it, Player!

Hey RiCO... Such is the way of this world... and our paths may cross yet again...
I wonder if we will meet again as an Irregular Data or in some other shape or form? What do you think, RiCO?

Huh...? Other form...!? Magma Dragoon said something similar too...

About coming back as Hunter Programs! That's what he said, right, RiCO!?

But by that time comes, my existing memory may no longer be around...
So while I still remember it, I'll do you a favor and give you a hint...
You are the same type of existence as us...
And you need to watch out for ViA...and the Player too...
Ahhh...! That feels good! Well then...I'll leave the rest to you, RiCO...

(Bit explodes)

Bit, other Irregular Data and I are the same type of existence...

Sigh! Don't be too concerned about it, RiCO!
Everything that has happened thus far, you and the Player were able to overcome, isn't that right?

But I still can't figure out what the "side-effect of data correction" really is...

Oh RiCO...the Player wouldn't want to see you like the way you are now! Both the Player and I would much prefer the normal RiCO who's chatty to the point of annoyance!

Oh? Is... is that true?! Player-!!
Hey wait a minute... What do you mean by "chatty to the point of annoyance"...?

Erm... don't mind it! An...anyway, it's time to go! Let's go, Player!

Hey you can't just swallow your words like that! And you too! Player!! Come on!

Sigh... Took you no time to revert back to your old self, RiCO!

Bio Laboratory[]

(Starting stage 14-1)

Player! You have come to Bio Laboratory.
This is a stage from Mega Man X4! In the original game, it was an abandoned laboratory controlled by a certain Reploid...

Maybe it is under the control of someone here too, as a base of some kind!

That's right! And the culprit for this program error... is most likely "that guy"!

Ohh! Sounds like the good old RiCO is back!

Yeah... during the previous stage, Bit said Irregular Data and I are the same type of existence, didn't he?
And before he disappeared, he warned me to be careful of Mr. ViA and Player.
Coupled with the fact that Mr. ViA attributed the issues I was having to being "side effects of data correction"...
Taking all these points into consideration, after careful deduction, painstaking examination and meticulously scouring for evidence... I finally came to a conclusion!

You could have just said you pondered over it...

That's not the key point!

Oh, I am sorry! Well then, what did you discover?

My conclusion is...


I "worked too hard"!

...I'd like to see how you rationalize that...

Simply put, Player and I have been working hard to correct data and we were both exhausted. It is crucial that we don't overexert outselves or I could become a program error!
There you have it!

What? How did that make any sense!? (She did get it right about program error)

Huh? You were saying something...?

Oh no, it's nothing; don't mind me! Alright... RiCO and Player, let's press on with vigor!

Right! Hey wait a second! Didn't I tell you not to steal my line!?

(Starting stage 14-3)

Player, please wait!

You certainly sound more casual than usual.

Well, I thought I should have a number of styles in my arsenal... Back to the topic! Player! I have already picked up signals from a Medium Irregular Data up ahead!


Huh? Player, did you hear that low growling voice that sounded like it came from a monster!?

What? I didn't hear anything.

Is... is that so... Must just be me then.
Well, well then... let's get our acts together and get going once more!

(Starting stage 14-6)

Player, this is it! The Irregular Data that is causing the program error is just up ahead!

Oh, he must be the boss of Bio Laboratory!
It did occur to me that "that guy" from Mega Man X4 is probably not the boss here...

But this is a bit strange isn't it? So far, each and every Irregular Data had initiated contact with us...
It almost seems... that we are back to the way things used to be...

Yeah... the Irregular Data hasn't tried to reach us at all.

That's right... that reminds me... When Player and I just met, I recall that some Irregular Data are indeed not communicative.

Hmmm... although that feels recent... I had no idea it has been so long ago!
I remember helping you out at that moment. Player... RiCO... You really have come quite far along!

Oh that's for sure! But you will have plenty of time to praise us for the excellent job we do when we return. This probably means it's going to be a non-communicative Irregular Data this time!

With our enemies being so chatty, I guess we've gradually come to take it for granted.

Mr. ViA! You should never take anything for granted!

Wow! That's a check from RiCO!

Player, please be careful.
Let's go!

(After entering the boss room)

Yellow Devil:

That...that is the Yellow Devil! So that's where that noise I heard just now came from!
He is one of the powerful bosses that first appear in Mega Man! And in Mega Man X5, he appeared once more in his black variation as the Shadow Devil...
Dark Man is also one of the bosses that appeared in previous titles of the series. It looks like game data from Mega Man had somehow been mixed up with the Deep Log due to program error!

Yellow Devil:

That...that voice... By responding at that moment, it feels like it was trying to say, "Bingo"...

Yellow Devil:

And that response seems to be telling us, "Stop making things up"...

Hey! RiCO! That's enough with the jokes! Be careful, Player!
We seem to have gotten a little careless! He really is a tough opponent! Because of him, many players had trouble with the game and some even raged-quit the game!
Player... are you among those players who had trouble with the Yellow Devil?

Even so, Player will definitely be able to handle it now! Even in the face of difficulty, he will not throw his controller or just rage quit the game! Right?

Yellow Devil:

Hmm-hmm~ I knew it! Well then, the mission is about to start!
That's right; the Player will handle it!

(Yellow Devil is defeated)

Great work, Player! You've properly corrected the Irregular Data!

You have completely overcome your past trauma! Excelent work!
It's not just Player... This will no doubt help to erase the painful memories for countless other players of Mega Man!

Hmm... Somehow I can't help feeling that we will encounter this Yellow Devil again in the future...

Well I think you are right... It is a tough Irregular Data that cannot be so easily corrected... Just like how it used to be in the original game.

This means it will keep coming back... That's scary...

Yellow Devil:

Huh! Did you hear that!?

No... I didn't hear anything.

No! I definitely heard something just now! You must have heard it too, Player, right??!

Super-Electromagnetic Lab[]

(Starting stage 15-1)

Player, the mission is about to begin!
This time we have come to the "Super-Electromagnetic Lab" stage featured previously in Megaman X5! I wonder what challenges await us!

Hey, I thought it's your job to tell Player exactly that?!

Come on, Mr. ViA. Don't be so hasty. This facility was originally built for the research of energy engineering.
This means it is very likely that the Boss and Irregular Data that await us are both related to that energy, and they will probably be tough!

That's a rather sloppy job of explaining you did there... That said, it seems you are doing quite well recently.

Oh that's right! I must have recovered or something, and I feel full of energy now! Don't you think so, Player?

Right, that's good to hear.

Perhaps it is because my Hunter Program turned out to be quite useful!
Here's an idea: Let me correct this stage!

Oh my you really are pumped! Why don't you try and get my data manifested too?
By the way... that "woman who looks like RiCo" that Bass mentioned previously... Have you run into her?

Oh yeah! Mr. ViA, I...

What!? Did anything happen!? I had already told her countless times not to...

Of course I'd love to meet her, but I hadn't had the chance so far!
If she is just like me, that means she must also be an intelligent and capable lady. I wonder if she is a little more timid than I am? What do you think, Player?

...Huh? Oh I see? So nothing happened then? That's good, never mind what I said!

What's the matter with you, Mr. ViA? You seem to be rather unnerved...
Could it be...
You are worried that if she really showed up, she would muscle you out?
Oh you needn't worry about such things, Mr. ViA! You will always be our partner! Isn't that right, Player!?
If you are not around, who's going to pull my leg and provide comedic relief?

Oh so you are aware of the whole gag thing too? RiCO... I guess you are right...!

Alright then, Player. It's such a rare sight to see Mr. ViA in a panic... but it's time for us to get going!

(Starting stage 15-3)

Player, please stop...

I have picked up the signal of a medium Irregular Data up ahead! Be careful, Player!

Mr. ViA! Please don't steal my line!

Oh, sorry about that! That said, the vibe I am getting from that medium Irregular Data feels somewhat unusual.

Me too... It feels as if the signals aren't as clear as they usually are...

That's right. You better keep your guard up and proceed, Player!

Yes! I am sure Player can handle it!

(The Player destroys a wall and Hell Crusher awaits behind it)

Hell Crusher: have come, Player...

That is... "Hell Crusher"! The mining robot that appeared in Megaman X3!

Hell Crusher:
Eliminate... that is...

We have gotten so used to Irregular Data that talk normally, and it feels like we haven't encountered one that actually stammers.

But Hell Crusher's response is different from the average Irregular Data that we have been dealing with... Even though it is only at medium level of power without anything special...

Hell Crusher:

Unknown (RiCO?):
Why not find out by actually fighting it? Go at it already. Ready yourself now, Player.

Huh? Whose voice is that...?

That voice...! Damn it, she's here too?!

(Hell Crusher is defeated)

Unknown (RiCO?):
Oh my, you are pretty good anre't you, Player? Looks like the Hell Crusher was just a push-over for you.

What do you want!? And where are you!?

Unknown (RiCO?):
Don't get so anxious, ViA. I only came here to say "hi".
And just in case you had already forgotten, I have been doing all the work that you haven't been doing. You should be thanking me, you know!

Huh? What? Mr. ViA! Is this the voice of "the woman who looks like me"?!
Hey, I'd like to say "hi"! Can you please show yourself?!

What do you think you are doing, RiCO? Stay away from her!

Unknown (RiCO?):
Fufufu, ViA. You really have been getting too comfortable. I hope you hand't forgotten what your original objective is.
And by the way, RiCO and Player... We have actually met before this.
Remember the stammering robots in stages 2 and 3? Part of my job is to control them.
I hadn't greeted you back then and I am sorry about that.
Also, About you and I, RiCO...

That's enough! If you don't stop now...
I'll be forced to take action.

Unknown (RiCO?):
Oh my! Don't be so serious; I was just joking. I know where the limit is.
I am just surprised that you have gotten so engross in this... I am feeling a little envious of you.
Well then, I am sure we will meet again. In fact, we will be meeting really soon, isn't that right, ViA?

... Let's go too.

(Starting stage 15-6)

It's about time you tell us the truth, Mr. ViA! That voice that was talking to us at back at that stage with the medium Irregular Data...Who is it really!?

...Hmmm, I guess you are right. If I don't explain the situation to you, you will probably have no idea what is going on.
She is...
Wait, this signal... Damn it, how far must the interference go before they are satisfied...!

Huh?? What has just happened?

Have you noticed the response from the large Irregular Data that's ahead as well?

Yes, of course! The Boss is just up ahead!

That is correct, and I am guessing she will be there too! Let's take care of the Boss first, Player.
I must warn you first though; that Irregular Data's movements will be different from usual. Be careful.

(After entering the boss room, Byte appears once again)

You've kept me waiting, Player, RiCO.

Hey! It's Byte! I thought we had already fixed you! Why are you here?

I wasn't expecting to meet you again myself... Just know that this is not my doing.
While I am truly grateful to have the chance of fighting someone who has defeated me again, I did not intend for this to happen...
I... don't have much time... Hurry... Let's do this... Player...

...Damn it!

That's weird... Player, something is not quite right about him...


Unknown (RiCO?):
"Did not intend for this to happen"? Easy for you to say! If you had been stronger, I wouldn't neeed to do this to help you.

So it's you...

I really hadn't planned for this to happen... forgive me, Player... It would be nice if I could fight you again with my own free will...
Please... do me this favor and put me out of my misery one more time...

Unknown (RiCO?):
Oh my... your will is stronger than I thought. But that's enough chitchat... let's get to it.

(After defeating Byte again)

Unknown (RiCO?):
That was pretty good, Player. It seems that I have been rather disrespectful to have fought you in an incomplete state like this.

Well, Player has been seasoned after so many battles. There's no way Player could lose!
And who are you, exactly?! I had wanted to meet and know you so much but look at what you did to Byte!

Unknown (RiCO?):
Hohoho, that's cute. Don't get so upset, RiCO.
RiCO and Player, you two make such a good team. I can see why you are so fond of them, ViA.
Player, RiCO... the next time we meet, things will be very different.
RiCO... it's going to be a real shock to you, I promise you that.
But that's enough for now... I've had fun, Player. I expect more from you next time.

Well, although we didn't actually get to see her, I supposed she had already left? Mr. ViA, are you acquainted with her?

...Yes. I know who she is.
Actually, you should know her very well too. Because...
She is you.

WHAT!!!!!???? She's me!?

That is right. Well...

I am guessing it's going to be a long and complicated story, but I am hungry now. Let's go back first and we'll talk about it! Come on, Player!

Hey, RiCO! This is serious business we are talking about here...

Den Area[]

(Starting stage 16-1)

Alright then, Player!
Hmmm... from the looks of it, you seem have come to a stage that isn't from Mega Man X.

I think this is the Den Area from Mega Man Network Transmission.
This probably means data from other series in the franchise has gotten mixed in this Deep Log.

"Den Area" Huh?! For some reason I get a strange sense of familiarity with it. What a fascinating stage.
I wonder if Mr. Hikari and Mr. Mega Man are doing well? It would be nice if we can meet them again, wouldn't you agree, Player?

Well that would be nice indeed. But about what I told you previously... would you be interested in learning about what transpired later?

Oh you mean about that incident!? That incident...
...Actually, I have no idea about what you were referring to.

Sheesh, you just aren't cut for serious moments or plot developments, are you? What do you say, Player? Would you be interested?
I was referring to the mysterious girl who looks like RiCO and is capable of commanding Irregular Data.

Ohhh, now I remember! She claimed to be me, didn't she? That's such a strange thing for her to say, Mr. ViA.

Hey, don't blame me for what she said... The situation is a bit complicated, but...

Unknown (RiCO?):
Why do you have to beat about the bush? Just let me tell her everything and be done with it.

...Just as I thought, you have come too.

Well, this isn't exactly our first meeting, but I guess it is the first time for us to reveal myself directly like this.

This... this is me??

Surprised? But your guess isn't too far off either.
And I am you too, RiCO. But that's to be expected.
Don't you worry... Even though we are the same entity... our encounter will not result in one of us disintegrating as those silly urban legends claim.
Then again, those urban legends might be true and one of us might just vanish into thin air. What do you think, ViA?

Well, you are mostly correct about the whole situation... So, have you made up your mind about your name?

Oh right, I haven't told you about it. My name is "iCO". That's a good name, don't you think?

Ms. iCO!? Your name is quite similar to mine too.

Oh, is that so? Well, if I have that ribbon you wear on your hair... Maybe RiCO would have been me instead of you.
Also, although our encounter would not make either of us disappear... the fact that we will eventually vanish does not change.

iCO, you have said too much.

On the contrary, ViA. You have said too little.
Well then, let's keep chatting while we correct this stage.
If you would excuse me for now, we will meet again soon, Player.

(Starting stage 16-3)

Player! I have picked up signal of a medium Irregular Data ahead of us!

Be careful! iCO might be there too.

That's right, although she did tell us her name, we didn't get a chance to ask her about many things!
Though she looks a lot like me, her personality is very different from mine!
She seems more mature and collected...

You are the one who's being too frivolous! But that's what makes you... well, you!

Huh! I was about to get angry with that you said but it sounded like a compliment too... I don't know what to make out of this...

(After the Player uses the teleporter)

Oh there you are, Player. Looks like you are doing quite well with the data correction.

Ms. iCO! Would you mind carrying on with the conversation we were just having?

Don't be so hasty, RiCO. It's been so long since i said so much and my throat is getting a little dry.
Sure, I don't mind explaining and answering your questions. As long as you bring me a delicious beverage next time. Let's see... how about some tasty Earl Grey?

Earl Grey... what is that?

Fufufu... If you don't know what that is, why don't you use your specialty of "Unlocking" and manifest it?
Don't you ever forget that... That power of yours is very important. Won't you agree, ViA?

You are right.

What? What does that mean? Unlocking and manifesting... Are you talking about what I have been doing to summon Hunter Programs and Weapon Data to this world?

Yes, that's what we meant. In addition to that, Player's ability to "Correct Data" is critical too!
It is what we need to restore the Deep Log to is original state... And for the sake of...

For the sake of our existence, right? That applies to you too, RiCO.

Existence...? This means our powers are needed...?

That is correct. Well then, Player... show me your power once more.
Oh by the way... this little fella is not under my control. I'll be waiting for you up ahead... don't keep me waiting.

(Starting stage 16-6)

Player! I have picked up signal of a large Irregular Data ahead of us!
Ms. iCO must be there too...
My power to unlock and manifest... And Player's power...
Both are crucial to our existence...
Arrggghhhh! I don't understand any of it!

Sigh... It must be rather complicated for you.

Seriously though... Why does Ms. iCO have to be so cryptic?! If she is my alter ego or something like that, surely she knows what is within my comprehension!

... Did you just say she is your alter ego? Have you already moved past that point?

Fufufu, Mr. ViA. You are too naïve! Don't underestimate me!
Even if I wreck my brain trying to figure it out, I'll never understand it. I might as well just accept it!

...Sigh... Player. It looks like we have an incredible Navigator on our team.
But RiCO is right! It's no use obssessing about it! What matters is that we do what we must do!
Let's go, Player! Be prepared though... the large Irregular Data ahead of us is a tough opponent!

Oh, Mr. ViA! Please stop stealing my line!

(The Player takes the teleporter leading to a room where Godkarmachine O Inary awaited)

Godkarmachine O Inary:
There you are, Player.

That is... Godkarmachine O Inary! A mighty foe from Mega Man X3!

That's right. It is the combined form of Bit and Byte of the Nightmare Police!
But hasn't Player already fixed Bit and Byte previously?

Oh why worry about such details? O Inary already said he would like to fight Player.
That's wonderful isn't it, O Inary? Well this time I won't corrode your body and spirit... You can fight as you wish.

Godkarmachine O Inary:
Hmph! iCO. So it was you who did this for me? Thank you.

Don't mention it. I only wanted to use you to test Player's strength and see if he is worth betting on.
And just so you know... it was RiCO who manifested you. She did it.

Huh...? What did I do?

Godkarmachine O Inary:
Hahahaha, it is alright if you don't know what is going on. But it's thanks to you that I now have a chance to challenge Player again. You have my gratitude.
Player! I'll fight at my full power! Tremble before the new power that Dr. Doppler has granted me!
Even if I perish here, I shall have no regret! Let's do this!

(Godkarmachine O Inary is defeated)

You did it! I expect no less from you, Player!

That was impressive, Player! I will acknowledge your strength.
ViA, you certainly seem to have picked the right person.

Yeah, I know Player has what it takes to get the job done.

Mr. ViA! Player is so strong!

RiCO, what is the matter with your vocabulary?

Ms. iCO, please tell us this! Are you fighting on our side...?

Sigh... I wish I could tell you.
Am I a comrade to you? Perhaps I am your enemy. At least that's the mission that is destined for your alter ego "iCO"... the other half that has been split from you.

...Ms. iCO is my split half...?

That is correct. We have been created because of a program error that exists in the Deep Log.
Simply put...

We are just like Irregular Data. And that applies to you too, RiCO.
And as for you, Player... your job is to correct Irregular Data.

But... how can this... be...
This cannot be true, Ms. iCO! If it is, when Player finally fix the Deep Log, we would be...

That is correct. We will no longer exist in this world.
ViA, as if it wasn't bad enough for you to conceal my existence... You didn't even inform them about this?

I am sorry, RiCO and Player, for having kept both of you in the dark for so long... But I can't afford to let "them" find out about my plans.

Don't worry, RiCO. The only one who has the power to connect us to this world...
Is you, RiCO.
Even if we did not originally exist in the universe of Mega Man, you hold the power to link and connect us to this universe.

Old Castle[]

(Starting stage 17-1)

Player, you're here. Actually, there's something I've been wanting to talk to you about.

Out of the blue, Ms. iCO! I haven't even explained what level this is!

Oh, or you can go ahead. But let's be concise and strong, so I'll give you 10 seconds.

Ony, only 10 seconds? Uh, hi player, this level is......!

Time's up, what a shame. My turn.
Player, you seem to be using my Hunter Program a bit too casually. It's not everyday you get to use "iCO". I hope you can use it wisely!

RiCO: that all you have to say?


Hey, iCO! Did you come here just to talk about such trivial things!

How rude of you to say that! If there's someone to blame, it's your fault for not guiding the players properly.

Okay, Ms. iCO, calm down a little ......

RiCO, you're the same, you're too chill.. Did you forget? Your ability to "parse and materialize" is crucial to our connection to this world!

I remember everything! As long as the player restores the Deep Log to their original state, and I materialize everyone into the Maverick Hunter Program ......

We will not be Irregular Data, but will be able to survive as "Megaman X series characters", right?

Oh, you remember it well. Looks like I need to reward you all. How about a cup of Darjeeling?

Oh, I'll take it ......

Hey, RiCO, what you are two up to over there? Let's move on!

You see, ViA is angry!

Sorry, player. It's my sister's fault for not teaching you well. How embarrassing.

Ah! Player, who do you think is the older sister, me or iCO?? It's definitely me, isn't it!?

(Starting stage 17-2)

Okay, players, let's get going.

Ms. iCO! I feel so relieved to have you here to help me!

As I said before, I'm not just purely "helping". Right, ViA?

You guys, originally I thought it would be faster to remove the player directly. Your ideas keep changing.

I've never changed my mind. Just talking trash to you guys because I want to mess with you all!

No wonder! I forgot to explain the level to the player!

Hey, it's obvious that you forgot, don't blame others! And iCO! I see you're having fun too!

......ViA, say one more word and I'll destroy you.

Oh, that's scary! Player, RiCO, you guys go first! We need to investigate the area more carefully!

Investigate? Alright! Player, let's go!

......They've left. iCO, you need to work on your acting skills.

I don't know what you mean. I just see they are quite idle, so that's why I joined this mission

Never mind. I'm sure you've sensed the "vibe" yourself. Do you plan to protect them from the sidelines?

You have a great imagination. I was just looking for the source of the vibe. If that's really what the player is after, that's what I want.

Yeah, maybe that's what we're looking for in "existence"......

(Before starting stage 17-3)



Mmmmmm. It doesn't taste good. The boiling water is probably overcooked.

Wait, why do you have time to drink tea? You've been a bit strange today!

I've always been like this. You're the one who came here unannounced to disturb my tea time.

What kind of person enjoys tea time in a place like this?
But it's a good thing you weren't attacked with Irregular Data!

You are very considerate, I am very touched. However, if the enemy comes knocking, I'll be ready to fight them off.
Come on, player, there's no time to rest now. Hurry up and fix the level.

No time to rest? Then what's this cup of tea?

Enough about me. Player, RiCO, let's go.

What the heck ......!

Unknown (Sibling 3):

Unknown (Sibling 2):

Unknown (Sibling 3):
What the heck, that iCO is a real pain the ass!!! She's been on guard duty since just now ......
I wanted to make them disappear without any pain... I'm kind of regretting not doing that!

Unknown (Sibling 2):
Umm...I was going to ask them to play with me ......

Unknown (Sibling 3):
iCO definitely found us ...... That's why they've been following the players around! It's super annoying!!!

Unknown (Sibling 2):
But ViA didn't seem to notice. I want to go say hello to him soon!

Unknown (Sibling 3):
Wait, Angie! You can't show yourself yet! I'm the one who will be scolded by big sis!
Those guys look so happy. I just can't seem to come to terms with that ......
That's right ...... Just use that ......

(Sibling 3's appearance is revealed)

Unknown (Sibling 3):
I'll be the one to destroy the players!

(The Player finds a large crystal inside the Boss room)

It's medium-sized Irregular Data! I can't believe this is happening ...... Just now there was no response!!!

It is indeed a bit strange. Let's be clear, this time it has nothing to do with me oh.

Well, I know. You can only manipulate unorthodox data through "corrosion", but there is no way to create Irregular Data ......"

You know it well. ...... seems to be around here.

Hmm? Around here ......? Ms. iCO, is it someone you know!

Haha, RiCO will always be RiCO, I'm relieved ......! In this the area where we can find "the guy we've been looking for"?

Yes, it's not in vain that I have been waiting by the player's side, finally there is a result.

Let's talk about it after we get rid of this guy in front of us. Player, RiCO!

Understood! Player, to battle!

(Magna Quartz is defeated)

Success! Not bad for a player!
By the way, Mr. ViA. What did you mean by "the guy we've been looking for"?

It's nearby, but that guy won't surface easily.

Probably because she hates me, she doesn't want to come out. It's a pity that I was going to prepare black tea to serve my guests...

I see you know that guy. I don't know what's his name, I haven't even seen his face before.
Player, soon, that guy will soon appear ......
That's right ...... That guy is also the root cause of this Deep Recorder program error"!"

Huh!!! Wasn't it caused by the Sigma Virus!!!?

RiCO...... I don't dislike your ignorant side......

(The Player leaves the stage)


Unknown (Sibling 3):
It really does not work! ...... Why do things never work out the way they should! I'm so pissed off!!!

There, there... Sister Droit, let me touch your head!

Angie is so sweet! Yes, I'm was so well behaved, but they don't accept it! It's all their fault!
Why are they so happy...... It's obviously the fault of the "player"......
Why...... I absolutely will not allow it!

(Starting stage 17-4)

Mr. ViA, you said that the reason for the program error is nearby? What kind of person is he?

I haven't actually met him, so I can only confirm that he's "not a bad guy"......

Oh, that's right! In that case, we might have a chance to make friends! Then we won't need to fight...

You are so kind and gentle, my sister indeed.
RiCO, player, you two listen up. Although the other side is not bad, but you can never understand each other. Even I am also the same.
One more piece of advice for you. "You must believe wholeheartedly in your mission."
Never think for the other side. Especially RiCO, as the player's navigator, you must not forget this, understand?

Can't think for the other side?...... But if we can put ourselves in their shoes, then perhaps we can understand each other, right!?

......RiCO. Your kindness could get you killed! I think it's right to listen to your sister.

You are indeed a good girl. However, kindness alone will not save the world.

......I'm still in a daze. However, we need to save the world, player!
Let's get going!!!
...... By the way, Mr. ViA! Despite what you just said, I still feel like I'm the older sister!

Well! You listened very carefully! I was actually just subconsciously saying...... Anyway, it doesn't matter, does it?

It is important!

Very important.

(The Player beats and exits stage 17-5)

Unknown (Sibling 1):
How long are you going to fool around, Droit? Get it over with and come back.

Sister! But why are they so happy! Obviously I'm also......

Don't cry, Sister Droit......

I'm not crying, Angie!

How dare they make Droit cry? We must destroy them all.

Angie, just hide behind me! I can't take it anymore! I will break them into pieces and let them understand that this is what happens when they piss me off!

Unknown (Sibling 1):
Oh, you're really serious about this. Be careful not to hurt yourself, and come back safely.



(Starting stage 17-6)

Players! There doesn't look to be any large Irregular Data here...... Huh?
So.., sorry, player! Obviously there was no response just now, But suddenly there was a response to the large Irregular Data......

Damn it, it's here.

Yeah. It means that the guy is nearby, so there is a way to create large Irregular Data.

Although I would like to leave it to the players......
Just in case... If I join forces with you, there should be a way to solve it, right? iCO!

ViA, you seem to have made a mistake. Have you forgotten that I am also a member of "that" side?
Come to think of it, "you were also a member of that side" too.

Oh, it's really not as simple as I thought......! Never mind, I think it's okay to let the player handle it! Right, player?

Ha, of course! And the player has my help on the side!

(After entering the boss room)

That's the "Magna Centipede"! He is the captain of the covert unit and has appeared in Megaman X2!
Player, be careful! This Irregular Data is very powerful!

Damn it, to summon such a powerful Irregular Data from so far away!

You guessed wrong, ViA. That guy is nearby.
Don't be shy. Come on, show yourself, Droit.

Speak no more!!! iCO, I just hate it when you treat me like a child!!!

Well, I'm sorry about that. How about a cup of black tea to calm down?

I don't need it!!! I didn't expect you to be on their side, seems like I was wrong about you!

Don't be mistaken. I'm not on any side. I'm just an "Irregular Data". You are the same, aren't you?

Oh, Ms. iCO, do you know her? Nice to meet you, my name is RiCO......!
You are... Ms. Droit right?

Don't call me like you know me well! Only Angie and sister are allowed to call me that!

Sorry......! May I ask your name......

You don't need to know my name! Let's start!!!

Player, it's about to start!!!

(Magna Centipede is defeated)

It worked! Player, is everything okay?

Oh, it really doesn't work. I always fail all the time, I'm such a loser......

May I ask...... how are you doing......? If you don't mind, can you tell me about it......

Huh, will you listen to me......? But, but......

Droit, why don't you tell people your name first?

Well...... My name is "Droitclair". Angie and sister call me Droit

So your name is Droitclair! That's a beautiful name!

Real..Really? RiCO and all of you can also call me Droit...

Unknown (Sibling 1):
That's enough, Droit!

Ah, sis! I'm sorry......!

Erato, please don't be angry with Droit!

Angie, I'm not angry Droit, right?

What's this dangerous vibe......!
Are there 3 people here...... But...... finally I've found you!!!

Sorry to let you down, ViA. I just came to say hello to you this time.
I'm also here to pick up Droit. Droit, come to your senses... It's those people who are wrong.

Nooooo! I can't take it, it's all your fault!
You are the villains who want to destroy us! But you look so happy...... It's too much!!!
Obviously we are also......

Droit, do you still not understand?? Can't you remember? It's the players' fault!

I'm sorry, Sister Erato! Let's go!!!

There you go, Droit. Ok, let's leave now.
Till next time then, take care.

Wait, wait!!!

They've left...... Obviously with a little more time, they could understand Miss Droit better......"

I can't believe the three of them are also siblings, how ironic......

RiCO, remember what I just told you? Never think for the other side, or your heart will surely suffer a meltdown.


You and they will never be able to understand each other. You only need to think about "fixing this world, saving this world".
RiCO, show your confidence. There will be no problem with your power.

iCO...... I know now.

That's the way to go, RiCO. ViA, you just said that they are also "three siblings, right?"
You don't think the three of us are siblings, do you?

Huh? I'm just like your brother, aren't I? Right, player?

I don't want a brother with such a chill personality like you.

What! That's too much, isn't it, RiCO?

Just rely on me, Mr. ViA! I promise you!

RiCO, you're the one with the most carefree personality......

Ammunition Factory[]

(Starting stage 18-1)

Player! This time, let's get our spirits up and fix the data!

Ha! You seem to be getting more and more motivated!

What are you talking about? I've always been like this. Instead, I should be asking you if I ever lost my drive?

Oh? Let me be frank and tell you. First of all, the base malfunctioned because of a bug in the code of the transmission program and the omission of confirmation during analysis......

Oh, Ms. iCO, that's enough......

(rambling on)

Sorry, sorry! Player, help me!

Haha! The mere thought of having a sister or a boss like iCO gives you a chill down your spine. Right, player?

ViA, you seem to be seeking empathy. I'm not sure what you're doing, but you're forcing others to accept your own subjective opinions. I'm really ......(rambling)


Let's stop here, let's go fix the data! So far we have always successfully defeated the Sigma virus!

Yes. We've already defeated the Sigma in Droitclair and Angepitoyeir. All that's left is their sister, Eratoeir.

That's right...... although I don't want to fight them. But we just need to expel the Sigma from Erato's body like we did with Droit and Angie......
And if I materialize her as a hunter program, she will definitely be saved! Right, player!?

But that "Erato" should not be underestimated. Of course she can't be compared to me either.

Well, I feel the same way. After all, being the older sister of those two, I can feel her great power and ominous aura.

Yes, at the same time, you can also feel a hint of sadness...... It's like the pain of losing a sibling......

RiCO, I think you should be ready for this......

Well, I won't be confused anymore. I will firmly believe in my choice and save Erato and the cyber world together with the player!!!

(Starting stage 18-2)

Player, Erato doesn't seem to be here. Is it possible that she won't show up at this level.

I can't really feel her presence. I guess she's probably watching our movements as well.

Why not ask her sister and brother. Ask them, "can you help call your sister out?"

Is it possible for her to show up with a chill and playful mindset......

You have to try first, just do it! If she does show up, then it's all worth it!
I'll turn on the video link to the base. Let's see, okay, start connecting......
...... Ah, it's connected! Ms. Droit, Mr. Angie......

Waaaahhhhh! Strange, how did it break down like that! What a letdown!

Angie! I thought I told you to behave yourself. It's okay to play, but only if you behave!

But didn't you say that everyone would play with me! And now the player and RiCO are not here.

Yes, but you made a mess of the base, what if iCO gave you an earful......
Ah, but the base is so fragile, it's also a responsibility of RiCO and them. Well, yes, it's all their fault. Angie and I didn't do anything wrong!

Droit, come on, come on! Let's go play the game of destroying the building!

You're hopeless, Angie! Anyway, if you don't talk to RiCO and ViA, we won't be found out, right?


Anyway...... They look very busy, so let's just ignore them.

Uh... It's going to be a lot of trouble to deal with the mess.

However, when Droit mentioned being scolded, did she only mention that she would be scolded by me?

No, that's not true...... I think you heard wrong......?

(Starting stage 18-4)

Player. We've come this far, but we still can't feel Erato's presence.
i think it's a bit strange. We've already defeated 2 Sigma viruses, and now the only remaining virus is inside Erato. But the situation has not changed at all.
I thought was that the status quo would be gradually restored and the frequency of Irregular Data generation would gradually decrease.
However, the Deep Recorder continues to produce Irregular Data......
Is there someone other than Erato who has the Sigma virus in their body?

It's inevitable that you think so! Not seeing concrete results from one's efforts is pretty upsetting.
But what you and the player are doing is really taking this cyber world in a better direction.
And it's not just this world. There's me, Droit and Angie. And, of course, iCO. Don't you think so?

Oh, is that a thing?

Ha! Even though you say that, you're actually watching over everyone. That's your answer, isn't it, iCO?

ViA. How can you say such a thing while keeping a straight face?

I'm a little embarrassed that Mr. ViA would say that. Isn't that right, player?

Listen up, RiCO. Just like in the case of Droit and Angie. The Sigma virus is always parasitic on a host or something.
As far as we know, the final virus is probably inside the body of Erato. After liberating the Sigma virus from her, the player can then attack it.
RiCO, you "saved" the hosts, Droit and Angie, by materializing them into hunter programs.
So I'm the only one of us who hasn't materialized into a hunter program yet! Hey, RiCO, when are you going to analyze my data?

Even if you become a hunter program, you're probably no better than me.

Ha! I hope it's not really like that... I mean, being able to be materialized as a hunter program would be salvation for Droit and the others.
After all, they are now recognized as "Megaman X characters" by the player!
This is also "salvation" for me.
Player, I told you before that "the only one who can stop me is you". Don't forget that!

What's up with you? This is not what you would normally say......

I talk too much, I'm sorry! Player, let's go!

......ViA, you yourself are not forthcoming at all.

(In stage 18-6, Dynamo appears)

Player! That's Dynamo! He appeared in "Megaman X5" and is a powerful and elusive enemy!
Why is he here...... Erato still hasn't shown up......

My my, aren't you the legendary player. First time meeting up, how are you?

This guy's way of speaking has no sense of apprehension at all.

Player! i think we've met a few times, right? But this is a different occasion. It's a pleasure to meet you.

This, this is Dynamo...... I feel a strong sense of self-awareness. Or he seems to know the player's "real face"....

I'm not sure what all this is about. But since I've been called here, I have to carry out my mission too......
Whoa...... uhhhh!!!
You, what did you say......! I'm a mercenary...... but if that's how my employer...... Then I'll have to pass this time...... ah ah ah ah!

What's going on here!!! Why suddenly......

Is it......?

Yes, she's here.

......Hello everyone. Is that how much you wanted to see me?......

Erato!!! You finally showed up. Watch out, player!!!

Erato, please wait! Please, please talk to us!
By the way, Ms. Droit and Mr. Angie are both doing very well!
And they miss you very much! And......

Thank you, RiCO...... you are a gentle soul. However, if you really want to talk about it, it was you who took them away from me, wasn't it?

That, that is because......

My looks can be deceiving, I'm actually quite angry. You should know exactly why. You split up us siblings.

But......! Erato, you have a virus inside your body, we just want to save you...... that's all we want!

Well, that's enough, this is all too annoying......

This feels...... Player, Erato is currently very close to us, please be careful.

Here she comes!!!


(Eratoeir's appearance is revealed)

No one has seen my face in the past except for Droit and Angie. But there's not much time left.

Are you Erato? ......!
Nice to meet you for the first time! I'm RiCO, and then......

No need. I'm Eratoeir. You do not need to remember my name anyway, someone will eventually die. As for whether it is you or me who will die, it will be determined by the mission assigned to you.
Then again, even if I die, that thing will continue to search for its next host, and it will never end. Right, iCO?

How would I know? It won't be me anyway.

Oh, what's wrong with you. I had a second of concern for you back then.
But it seems that ViA has been aware of it for a long time. Right, ViA......?

Ha, I know best what my mission is. Don't underestimate the player and RiCO!

Huh......? Mr. ViA, what does that mean?

How enviable...... But I don't want to die either, I have to go get Droit and Angie back.
Dynamo, go ahead. i won't allow you to escape.

(Dynamo is defeated)

Player, it worked!!!
But there's still Erato! Don't be careless!

Droit and Angie, I'm sorry. I'll get you two eventually.
RiCO, ViA also told you just now, right? I advice you to materialize him as a hunter program as early as possible. I believe iCO will help you.
The time is ripe.

Please, please wait, Erato......!
She left. ...... Mr. ViA, what did she mean by what she just said?

......Well. It means that the time is coming.
I have to be ready to carry out my mission too! And it's not yet determined whether the player or I won.

Oh, how long are you going to act cool.

Ha! You're no different, iCO! When we get back, let's stay up late and have a battle meeting with the player!
It's true what Erato said, this is not the right time to fight her! RiCO, please analyze my hunter program as soon as possible!

Of course I will do my best. But tell me what's going on here, Mr. ViA!

Ha! This is the agreement between me and the player! I'm not talking to you!
Isn't that right, iCO!

...... Your way of speaking really puts people off.

Reploid Air Force[]

(Starting stage 19-1)

Player! This time, let's also fight to correct the data!
We have finally eradicated the Sigma virus from Ms. Droit's body and vanquished it!
However, Ms. Erato asserted, "The Sigma virus will move to other places and it will never end."
And "The next host has already been decided."
What does that mean, exactly?
Oh! Could it be... Player! What should I do if the next host is going to be me?!!
...Huh? As a rule, Mr. ViA or Ms. iCO should have joined us at this point.

Oh, don't worry, RiCO.

Ms. Erato! Are you here to answer our questions?

No so fast. I'm here to share "something else" with you.

Don't just leave us hanging; just tell us!
...Oh, do you think I am very difficult?

Heh, sorry, but that's not true. I feel very happy to be talking with you guys.
I just can't help but feel that it's a cruel thing to face reality.
I shouldn't interfere with your tasks. However, about the "Sigma virus..."
You, as the manager of this Deep Log, should know what the Sigma virus is. Don't you?

Of course, I do. It refers to the Sigma's virus!!!


...Don't suddenly fall silent!

Heh, nothing. I guess there is no clear record in the data of "Mega Man X." It's not like you can help not knowing anything about it.
The "Sigma virus" refers to the "evolved" stance of a program. Although they were originally different things.

Is the Sigma virus the "evolved" stance of a program? What does that mean?

I should have mentioned before that the Sigma virus can happen in chain.
The story began with a "certain program." It found other hosts, created a unique evolution and so it began.

...Huh? In this case, the Sigma virus refers to...
A program's "stance that was evolved in the body of Mr. Sigma...?"

Heh, it is not for me to conclude.
I can only say that everything happens for a reason.
Errors in Dep Log, Irregular Data and the birth of Droit, Angie and a being such as me...
Not to mention your encounter with the player. There's a reason for all of this.
...You should go. I'll explain it later.

Alright... then. Well, players, we've talked about a lot of things, but we better straighten up and get going!
On the other hand, Where in the world did Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO go?
The two of them did not interrupt as they usually do. It's freaking me out.
Ha! That's amazing! Initially, there were only two of us, myself and the player...
Before we knew it, Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO have joined us. To be honest, I didn't think our data recovery would end up being so entertaining.

(Starting stage 19-2)

Mr. ViA? Ms. iCO? Isn't it time for you to show up?
What in the hell are they doing?
Oh, could it be that you can't get away because you're playing with Mr. Angie at the base?

No, I wasn't playing!

Huh? Mr. Angie, what are you doing here? It's dangerous here! There is also a lot of Irregular Data!

I got it, RiCO. I'm a bad ass!

T-that's true. You are indeed a bad ass... But it's also a fact that it's dangerous here. Leave this to us. Go back to the base and stay there!

Well, I'll go in a minute!
There are just some things I must say to you!

Huh? What is it? We just had a lengthy conversation with Ms. Erato.
If Mr. ViA or Ms. iCO were here, we could have asked for more information! What in the hell are they doing?

Hm? ViA and iCO!? Where are they?

We're also looking for them. I thought they were hanging out with you...

In fact, we did. But ViA said, "Maybe I won't be able to play with you later on." Isn't he awful?

...Huh? What's that supposed to mean?

He said it was enough if you could keep him and iCO "in your memory." Can't figure out what he's trying to say, can you?
I'm still not having enough fun!

Other than that, what else did Mr. ViA say!?

Well... ViA didn't mention it, but I had seen it.
I feel like I've seen ViA somewhere before.

You've met?

It's the same as when the bad virus got into my body. I seem to have seen ViA somewhere.
I've never met him before, but there's something familiar about him. Incredible!

Could it be that you saw him in a dream?

Maybe it was a dream; maybe it wasn't. When ViA hung out with me...
I asked him, "Were you in my body?" He replied, "Ha! It's possible!"
So it must not be a dream!

Mr. ViA is in Mr. Angie's body? I thought what you have in your body is the Sigma virus...

Haha! I don't know what I'm talking about either! I'm so hungry. I'm going back!
Ah, if you find ViA and iCO, come back together soon! Let's all play games together!

...What Mr. Angie said was incredible.
Ms. Erato also told us a lot...
Oh, man! I just don't get it! I'll leave the thinking to you!
Enlighten me when you figure it out, player! Deal!

(Starting stage 19-3)

The correction of Irregular Data is going well, player!
After this, we'll wait for Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO to meet up with us...

Hey! Player! RiCO!

Oh! You're too slow, Mr. ViA! Now you...
Ah, Ms. Droit! How come you're also here?

Huh... I came uninvited. Has it caused you trouble...

T-that's absurd! What are you talking about? You are always welcome!

R...really? Same here. Being able to be with you all... already makes me really happy.

We haven't been able to find Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO. I'm wondering what's going on. Right, player?
Oh and what's the matter? Ms. Erato and Mr. Angie were here just now!

Right. So they were here... Somehow, we all feel that this may be our "Mission."

"Mission?" But it's really nice to talk to you guys!

Only if I could keep on being with you all... But... They also have their "duties," which they can't do anything about.
iCO and RiCO were originally the same entity, right? So you've also come to get a vague sense of it, haven't you?
But you pretended not to have noticed. Are you continuing to lie to yourself?

Huh...?!... What do you mean by getting a sense?

Get a sense of iCO's mood. iCO's not good at expressing her feelings, but...
She looked very happy when she was with you guys, player.
You guys know I'm a very emotional person, don't you...? Occasionally, I can't help but feel the urge to scream.
One day, iCO suddenly said to me, "I envy you for being able to be like this." I felt at the time that she was looking down on me.
In hindsight, perhaps all she wanted was to be franker, too. But she can't do it because she has to fulfill her "Mission."

What, what's wrong? You don't look like your usual self! Cheer up, will you?

I'm just a kid. I don't understand great truths. However, RiCO, player! I believe that you can save the world.
Not just this world... You must save us just as you did...
Save ViA and iCO! Because iCO has to make a choice now. Choose the player, or...

...Huh? What are you talking about... Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO need to make a choice? Aren't they always beside me and the player?
What do they need to choose...

That's how it is! You will understand if you continue to move forward!
Then I'll go back to the base and wait for you there with everyone! Bye!

...Even Ms. Droit doesn't look like herself.
I want to ask Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO so much... But Ms. Droit said that I'll definitely understand if I continue to move forward!
Maybe Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO will suddenly show up. With an expression that shows he couldn't care less, he said, "Ha! Sorry we're late! Player!"

(Starting stage 19-4)

Oh, man! I can't hold it anymore! Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO are way too slow!
How long are they going to keep us waiting? Where the hell did they go?
In that case, we will go back later to correct the data. Let's go find those two late people! They're definitely hiding somewhere messing around!

Player, RiCO, can you hear me?

Hm? Hm? Hm? Ms. iCO!? What took you so long? Where are you?

I was a little busy and couldn't get to you guys. By the way, player...
The Irregular Data in the front is the cause of everything. If you defeat it, everything will be solved.

Really? This moment has finally arrived... But Ms. iCO, aren't you going to show yourself?

Testy. Didn't I say I was busy?
You all understand what I just said, don't you?
Everything is over once the Irregular Data in front is defeated. You don't have to think, just fight and fix. This will solve the problem.

Understood, Ms. iCO! Is Mr. ViA with you? We've been looking for you!

Oh, is that so? That guy... But you will see him soon, right? I'll leave it to you.

Understood! Player! The "Final Boss" is about to show up!
I'm feeling so motivated now!! Let's go!

(Starting stage 19-6)

...It's right ahead, player.
Response to super huge Irregular Data appears ahead... Must be a very strong opponent...
But you'll be fine! After all, no matter how difficult the obstacles, we've managed to overcome them thus far!
Furthermore, if the worst case scenario occurs, Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO will also come to help! Right?


Ah, Ms. iCO! Hey, how come you still won't come to us? It's a shame we wanted to see you so much!

Ha, you guys are so cute. However, you have to concentrate on the Irregular Data ahead first, player.
After defeating that guy, you can go back to your "original daily life." Spare no time.

Didn't think Ms. iCO would say "ha!" It's like something Mr. ViA would say!

...Yeah. All right, you guys get going.

...Weird? I keep feeling that Ms. iCO is not the same as she was ordinarily.
So rest up and get ready for the last battle! Player! A old saying goes...
You're in charge now!!!!

(In the boss room)

It's Sigma!!! It is true that when it comes to the Boss of Mega Man X, it must be the popular Sigma!
Just fix this Sigma, and all the Sigma virus in the bodies of Ms. Erato and others can be freed...
And the virus chain that Ms. Erato mentioned can be solved, restoring the world to its original state!

...Sigma virus? What are you talking about?
Yes, I am none other than Sigma. The captain of the 17th Elite Unit of Maverick Hunter. Have we met somewhere? If so, please don't be offended.

...Huh? There's something different about him... Player, generally speaking, are final bosses like this?

Oh, so you're called player. What's the name of this young lady?

I-I'm RiCO...

RiCO. Hahaha, nice meeting you. Did I scare you?

This Mr. Sigma's... a bit odd. He doesn't seem to be a Maverick...
Just now, Ms. iCO said that this Mr. Sigma is the cause of everything. If we defeat him, we can put everything back to normal, right?

Maverick? Oh, so you are also Maverick Hunters? My apologies.
After all, I have many men who should be guarded. Player, RiCO. I feel a lot more at ease now that I've met people here who share my views with me.
It is fate that we should meet, so please tell me more. This world apepars to be different from the one I was in previously.

...Player, I got it. The virus must be pretending to be Mr. Sigma, trying to make us lower our guard!
Ms. iCO made it very clear! Once the virus is defeated, everything will be restored!
Let's do this, player! ...But I keep feeling that things are not quite right...

Hahaha, what a hot-blooded hunter. Very good. Young people should be like this.
Good, let me see what you can do. You look like you have a backbone.

(Sigma is defeated)

You're called player, right? You've got a way. You can be a great Maverick Hunter!
There is a hunter named X in my army. He may be a little naive, but I have a lot of faith in his potential for strength.

...Huh? How did this happen? Didn't she say that if we defeat Mr. Sigma, everything will be restored to its original state?
Player, why did you stop attacking? ...
...That said, I myself also find this battle a bit strange...

Defeat me...? Hahahahaha, young lady. As you can see, I am intact.
As long as you continue to carry out your tasks as Maverick Hunter, we will definitely see each other again one day.
I look forward to seeing you guys get stronger.

(Sigma leaves)

...Player, why did you stop attacking? Why don't you defeat that guy?
Just defeat that guy and everything will be over... "That way, everything will be over..."

Ms. iCO! In fact, I also think that Mr. Sigma is not the cause of everything. There's something weird...
Ms. iCO, can you come over here? I would like to talk to you in person!
Also, I still mind Mr. ViA not showing up...

Ha! iCO, this is not like you! You're trying to protect me, aren't you?

Mr. ViA!!! You're here at last! It took all of you way too long!

Shut up, ViA. I am just doing what I want to do. Nothing to do with you.

Oh, that was fierce! Is that right?
You intend to set Sigma up as the "reason for the mistake" and ask player to defeat him and consider everything over, don't you? Thank you.


But that alone does not end our story.
I mean the story of "me and the player." Right? Player, RiCO!

What the hell are you two talking about!!! I was so confused! Explain, now!

Ha! I'm sorry, but I always find it hard to say the important things.

...ViA, is this your decision?

Rather than calling it my decision, it's more like my "Mission!"
Keep it short! Player, RiCO, listed up!
How do I put this... The reasons for program errors...
is me.

...Wait, Mr. ViA! Is this some kind of joke? What are you talking about?

RiCO, this is no joke. This is my "Mission." I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Player, RiCO.

...Huh? Is this really happening...?

Oh, my bad! I didn't expect this! I'm really not used to this kind of atmosphere!

You should have seen this coming. This atmosphere is also caused by you, ViA.

Ha! True! Sorry!
Player, I told you this before, didn't I?
"Only you can stop me."
Over to you, player.
Oh, and RiCO!


Hey, what's wrong with you, RiCO? It's not like you! Hey, keep your chin up!

It's all your fault!

Ha! You're right! Sorry about that.
I... We couldn't have become the hunter program and become the "Mega Man X character"
if not for you. It's all thanks to you. Thank you.
My "Mission" is just that. As for my "wish..."
It's that "I hope you'll always remember me and remember us."
Player, RiCO, I'll wait for you to come.
I've been looking forward to fighting with my "true capability." The opponent will be the stronger you.
Well, ta-ta!

Player, RiCO, sorry for lying to you. I will continue to carry out my "Mission" as well.

Wait, Mr. ViA, Ms. iCO! I... I still can't believe it!!!

...Suck it up, RiCO.

...Ms. Erato.

I've said before that the Sigma virus is "an evolved form of a program." Remember? The reason for this deep log error is the program.
The program is called "Robot Destroy Program." It is said to be a system installed on a red Maverick.
The "Robot Destroy Program" had infiltrated Sigma's body at the time. It evolved in Sigma's body and became the Sigma virus.
And the things used to install the "Robot Destroy Program" are the "hosts" like us. This is also true for a certain red Maverick.
And the appearance of ViA is derived from the red Maverick. That's why, when we first met ViA, he reminded us of someone we knew.
As the host of the re-installed "Robot Destroy Program," ViA is looking for us. Being born in this world shouldering everything.

...W-what... In this case, the reason why Mr. ViA intends to fight with player...

is because the "Robot Destroy Program" that was the cause of the error went out of control. That is why he wishes for the player to destroy the program in his body as well as himself.

How could it be!!! How could we do that?!! ...Right, player?!!

No way. This is our individual "Mission."

What is the "Mission" you are talking about? I don't get it at all! Besides, I don't want to accept this duty at all!

In this computer world, there is a so-called "Mission." The main character eliminates the evil, and the evil will eventually lose to the righteous...

Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO are not bad guys! And...
If this is the duty you claim it to be, we will destroy it!
That's our "Mission!!!"

Hehe, true. You saved us. This time you will do the same...

There's no "give up" in our dictionary!!! Right, player?!!
We'll save Ms. iCO and Mr. ViA!!!

Deep Log[]

(Starting stage 20-1)

Yo, Player! RiCO! You're here!

Mr. ViA! Were you also nearby?!

Ha! Sort of! But it's going to take me a while to get ready.
I'll leave it to you to correct this Deep Log.
Did you see that capsule over there? There's still some Irregular Data left.
After you fix them, come find me.

You speak too much Aren't you in a hurry?

Ms. iCO! Where the hell are you and Mr. ViA......!
I have ...... We have made up our minds!
We will save you! For sure!
Because that's our "mission!"
That's right, Player ......

"Player is in charge!" Right?

Sigh ...... this girl is as naive as ever. In your state, can we entrust our fate to you?

What the hell! Mr. ViA, don't steal my lines!

Ha! I'm sorry!
I wish I could get along with you guys like this ......
Player, you should know best, right? Our mission in this Deep Log, and-
your own mission.
This is the beginning of the story of me and you. You don't want to perish on the mission before you find me.

Thus begins the mission!

Players, let's go! Let's fix as much Irregular Data as we can.
We must save them both!
I can do it ......
I think I've finally realized ......
what my "mission" is.

(The player enters one of the capsules)

This Irregular Data ......
This is the Mega Scorpion that we fought when we first met Mr. ViA.
That's the beginning of our story.

(Mega Scorpio is defeated)

It's done! There's no time to dawdle! Let's go find ViA first ......
Player, look out!

(Mega Scorpio rises and steps on the player.)

Are you okay!!! I'm here to help ......

Hey, Player! You hit an obstacle so soon?

(A shot destroys Mega Scorpio's arm.)

Mr. ViA! You've come to help!

How nostalgic. That's where I met you and that's how it all started.

(ViA destroys Mega Scorpio)

You're not hurt, are you?

Thank you! You finally showed up!

Ha! I'm trying to recall how we made it to this day.
Player! You didn't get knocked down on purpose to lure me out, did you?

Huh......? Player, was that your intention?

Of course, RiCO! There's no way Player would be knocked down so early.

Hey Mr. ViA! I've discovered something!
The known cause of the program error is the "Robot Destroy Program," and then Ms. Erato told me that its host is you.
In that case, Player and I just need to fix the "Robot Destroy Program!"

Ah, RiCO, how do I put it...... I appreciate you having the heart, but it's not that simple......

Good idea. No wonder you're my sister. I'll help you out too.

Ms. iCO! Do you agree with me too!

Hey, iCO ...... you know very well ......

Why not? Let them do it.

That's right! Mr. ViA, just wait for us up ahead!
Let's give it a shot! What do we have to lose?
I'm going to work on it and try to see if there is a way for Player to attack the "Robot Destroy Program" only!

If you can do it, it would be great ......

Yes! But it might be a bit rough, so please be prepared!

That's terrifying! OK, let's see.

Player, let's get back to base and get ready!

(Player ans RiCO leave)

......iCO, you've really changed.

Oh, what does that mean?

Ha! There's no way the old you would've let them get their hopes up.

At this level, it doesn't really matter. Plus, I didn't give them hope. They are the hope. Right?

That's true......
But I've been "off track" for some time. There's no stopping it now.

Yeah, there's nothing to be done about it.

(Starting stage 20-2)

Player! Our preparations are complete!
Here's the strategy! Mr. ViA is already confirmed to be the host of the "Robot Destroy Program."
All we have to do is to remove the "Robot Destroy Program" from his body and then......
You fix the virus that was removed!
The way to remove it will require the help of Mr. ViA. Just apply a physical impact, and then I will analyze the distortion generated and extract the corrupt data from it!
How about that! What a perfect strategy! Come on, give me some compliments!

How can you be so smug, RiCO?

Ms. iCO! I can't help but be proud!
Please wait a little longer! Players and I will definitely......
save you!

I'll look forward to it. Then I'll go ahead and wait for you with ViA.
Be careful. ViA won't help you for nothing.
That dude is like a child and compared to the mission, he seems to care more about......
"A serious fight with Player."
Poor you. It's hard to have someone like him locked on you.
Okay, it's time for you to go.

(The player enters one of the capsules)

Hey, I'm waiting for you guys!

Sorry to keep you waiting, Mr. ViA! Then, please assist......

You mean to extract the "Robot Destroy Program" from my body, right?

That's right! Mr. ViA is indeed Mr. ViA! Then I don't have to say anything more!

Ha! There's actually a faster way! That's when I fight Player, and Player attacks with full force, forcing it out of my body!

Hey! You're always like that, you just want to fight whenever the opportunity arises!

Well, when you see a broken machine at base, don't you also try to knock it around and fix it?

That's not the same thing! Besides, it's still not fixed after knocking......!

Didn't you say, "Let's give it a shot?"
Player, let's go! This time I'll be more "serious" than ever!

(ViA is defeated)

Okay, okay, I admit defeat! That's it, Player!

That's not what I call "serious", ViA. How is that different from business as usual?
Anyway, RiCO, has the "Robot Destroy Program" been extracted successfully?
Look, the capsule in front of us is reacting to it. You should get there ASAP.

......Oh!? Really! We did it!
Although it doesn't feel real, since you said it was successful, you must be right!
Mr. ViA, Ms. iCO! This is the end of the matter!
Mr. ViA, you have also been liberated from it! In this way, you......
won't disappear, right?

Yes! Thank you all!

That's alright! The four of us can get together again as usual!
I'm so happy...... To think that I can be with you, Ms. Droitclair, Mr. Angepitoyeir, and Ms. Eratoeir once again......

Yeah...... Well, if you don't hurry up, maybe the "Robot Destroy Program" will disappear, so get going.

Yes! Players, get out of here!!! Mr. ViA, please wait for us back at the base!

......I'll take care of the rest.
......ViA, just bear with me a little longer.

......Whoooosh. When did Player get so powerful!
He really did live up to my expectations. I even had to take it seriously for a moment, that was a close call.

......How can I show up in this manner without giving a heads up?

I'm really not used to seeing you like this.

Ha! Is that so?

(Starting stage 20-3)

Player, we finally made it this far!
According to Ms. iCO, the "Robot Destroy Program" is right up ahead!
Right, Ms. iCO!? ......Huh? Where's she?
Strange. Where did she go again......
Ah! She must have gone back to the base with Mr. ViA to play with Mr. Angie and the others!
Well, let's finish our work and go back to meet up with them!

(The player enters the capsule, where Godkarmachine O Inary is waiting)

Player! It's here! This is the "Robot Destroy Program" ...... Huh?
How could it be ......

What a good old memory, isn't it?

Ms. iCO! What are you doing here? Also, is this Irregular Data really the "Robot Destroy Program"......?

Sorry, RiCO.
I'd like to look back on the past with you guys too.
I miss it so much. When I manipulated the Byte that I entered, and appeared in front of you.
After that, I stopped hindering you.
This is thanks to you.

Don't say that. You don't seem to be your usual self...... What's wrong.

RiCO, I......
From the moment I separated from you, I've taken on my own "mission."
I will also complete my "mission." Just like you, I will strive to achieve it.
I trust ViA has already talked to you. Now, I also hold the same feeling......

Ms. iCO, please don't do this......


Please don't say such nonsense......!

I hope you will always remember me......

(Godkarmachine O Inary is defeated)

Player, we've already defeated the "Robot Destroy Program," right?
So, it's all over now, right? Right!!!

......RiCO, there is still the last Irregular Data ahead......
Go confirm it...... I'll leave it to you.

Just fix the Irregular Data ahead...... Then we will be able to go back to our daily lives, right?

......It would be nice if things could go that smoothly.

Ms. iCO! This is not like the old you at all!

......Well, this is one of the sides of me, too. After all, the joyful and playful side is now with you.
My mission cannot be changed. But I will see it through to the end.
And the end of my story......

(Starting stage 20-4)

Ms. iCO once said "the last Irregular Data" is right in front of us.
As long as I can extract the "Robot Destroy Program" from inside Mr. ViA and destroy it......
then I can save Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO, right?

RiCO, don't lose sight of your objectives.

Ms. Erato! But, but......

You're always willing to try for the sake of everyone. That power of initiative is your strength.
If ViA had been here, he would have said, "Ha! RiCO, this is not like you!"

I wish he could tell me that himself. And, actually, I......

You know very well that this is a common "mission" you share with Player, right?
Listen up. Your story is drawing to a finale.
Regardless of how it ends, you can only stand up to it. You must seek to "resist" the mission you were designed for.
After all, you have to rewrite the story of "manifest destiny." You must be fully prepared mentally.

Fully prepared mentally......

From ViA and iCO, I can see this determination.
They know their destiny and mission, but they have still joined forces with you. At the end, they intend for you to send them on their last journey.
They spend every day with you, helping you grow and growing with you.
You must return that love and affection.
It's not just ViA, even iCO said "I hope you remember me."
I'm sure that she treasures the time she spends with you.
If you are ready, go ahead.
Embrace the final conclusion of "your story."

Ms. Erato, this is not just our story. It is the story of all of us.
It incudes Ms. Erato, Ms. Droit, Mr, Angie, and everyone else who appears in the story!
We won't let it end here! Right, Player?!

Oh, you do seem to have made up your mind. Then I have nothing else to say.

Thank you! Okay, Player, ready?
Let's take down the "last Irregular Data" in front of us and return to our normal lives!
Let's go...!

(The player enters the capsule)

That's the "Sigma Virus"!!! So that's it!!! We've done it!!!
We have successfully extracted the "Robot Destroy Program"! We've come this far, all that's left is to defeat that despicable enemy!
Come on, Player! That's fix that "culprit" and find Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO.
Let's give it our best shot!!!

(Sigma Virus is destroyed)

We did it!!! We've finally fixed all the program errors in the Deep Log......
Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO can be saved! Player, thank you!!!
Mr. ViA! Ms. iCO...! Aren't you guys coming?
Seriously, did they head back to the base? I was hoping to savor this moment with everyone!

Hey, Player, Rico! The story is not over yet!

This voice is Mr. ViA! We finally did it......!
You're all fully recovered now, right? Can you come over here? Let's go back to the base together!

RiCO, I'm sorry. You guys gave it your all, but... Never mind, haha, I'll concede defeat.
Player, you should know very well that even if the Irregular Data just now was corrected, this story will not end so simply.
RiCO, you understand too, right?

Mr. ViA......
That's enough.
Can't we just live happily as usual? There is no battle and no one will disappear.
Can't we live like before, with the Player and everyone else?
That's right! As long as......

Ha! What a moving speech! You are the administrator of this world, right?

RiCO, you're unbelievable sometimes. I will not forgive you if you forsake your duties.

Please, RiCO. This is our last request.
Please work with the Player and......
"fix" us!

I refuse!!! I will not accept this!!!

(Starting stage 20-5)

Oh, Player......
It probably wasn't a good idea for me to say that to Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO, right?
I let them down and denied their "request"......

(The player enters one of the capsules)

Whoa, Mr. Sigma? I thought all the Irregular Data had been corrected.

Irregular Data? What silliness is this, young lady?
I am indeed Sigma. I am the leader of the 17th Elite Unit of the Maverick Hunters.
You must be surprised to see me here all of a sudden. Sorry to scare you.
I have to tell you something.
I am not here on behalf of those two people, I am here in my capacity as the captain of the Maverick Hunters.
Apart from considering the situation of those two, I have also come to understand that it is my "mission" in this story to explain this further to you.

What message do you have for us?

If the world and the mission were slightly different, everything would be different.
Let's say I'm the main culprit in the story. I would have become an enemy of Zero, Vile and X.
And I'd be fighting you too, Player. I'm sure there's a world where this has occurred.
RiCO, the Deep Log is a cruel and uncontrollable world.
Listen up.
Once the story begins, it must be led to its conclusion by someone who can end it.
And the protagonist of this story is you all.

Mr. Sigma......
I understand now and I think I'll eventually come to accept it!
But, my heart......
It's about to collapse.

Hahahaha! As long as you understand.
After which you just need to take action, right?

Things are not that simple!

What, have you forgotten how to act? Oh you're hopeless.
I'll train with you.
I don't need spineless members in my team!
Come on, let's do the "final training before the duel"!

(After the training)

Haha! good one, Player. There's no need to worry since you can fight evenly with me.
RiCO, you have to rise up and face the challenges ahead, face your destiny.
Even if it doesn't end the way you want it to, you have to "face your destiny."
In this world, there are people who want to do this but can't, and there are cowards who just run away.
Have you ever wondered why ViA and iCO entrusted you with the finale?
Because you will face your destiny. To them, you are the true hunters, the "heroes."

Ha! Well said, Sigma! I can't believe I got you to help me out!

Wait, ViA, I don't think they'll recognize you when you show up like that.

What a thing to say! Even if my appearance has changed, our relationship remains the same! Right?

Wh...Who are you!!??

Gosh, I've not even finished speaking and they've already proven me wrong.

You're lame. Even at this critical final moment, you're still fooling about. Don't let Sigma regret helping us out.

Haha! This is the "serious me"! Did I surprise you all?!
Thank you, Captain Sigma.

Hmmm. This is my "mission" in this world.
Player, RiCO! As the leader of the 17th Elite Unit, I'm ordering you to undertake a final mission.
Fight with the blue "Hunter" and win.

(Sigma leaves)

I'll be waiting for your report.

Ha. You call me a "Hunter" instead of a Maverick.
RiCO! Did you hear the captain's order? The mission is about to begin!

Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO...... I understand.
We will fight with Mr. ViA.
And then...... Save you!!!

Well, I'll see what happens.
Player! You will find me a formidable opponent to battle.
Finally, I'm able to have a "serious" battle with you. It goes without saying that I will not show mercy.

You and your swagger... Wait till you get beaten by the Player.

Ms. iCO...... Can you now talk me down for once?

(Starting stage 20-6)

Player, we've finally come this far.
Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO are just ahead. Although I've made up my mind, I'm still a little unsure.

If you're looking for me, I'm right here!

Mr. ViA!!! I thought you'd be waiting in the room ahead!!

Ha! Did I say that I would? It's okay, let's talk while we walk over there.

......What the hell is going on? Is this really the final battle?!

I've said it before! I hate this kind of touchy feely vibe!

Who do you think caused this?

Ha! That's right!
Player, my next fight is with you. How do you want to start? A buster attack first? Or do you want the saber to make a dash attack?

This conversation does not feel tense at all. I've never seen anyone talk so much before a fight.
Player, finish this guy quickly. This way things will be much easier, trust me.

Wow, that's scary! I'm just kidding!
She is really mean, I have to go first! Don't keep me waiting!

That guy is hopeless. ......I think he still needs me by his side.
Player, RiCO, we have been partners for so long, I believe that you know what I am talking about.
He was just trying to lighten up the mood in his own way. Yet he's still the same old him.

That's right! He's still as insensitive as ever!! I don't know what kind of mood I should be in!!

Ha! That's right. I'm going to go first too.
Player, RiCO.
Thank you for your company so far.
......I love you guys.

Ms. iCO......
Player! We're in a bit of a complicated mood because of Mr. ViA!
Let's go fight him and save them!
That's right.
It's up to you to do it!!! Let's go!

(The player enters the final capsule)

Hey, Player and RiCO! You guys are here!
I'm tired of waiting. I was going to go back to the base and play a game with Droit and Angie before coming back.

You're always like this, you're always ready to crack a joke and fool about!!

Ha! Sorry!
Sorry for the wait, Player.
The "final chapter" of our story is about to begin.
When we first met, I didn't think you would become so powerful!
But after meeting you, iCO and RiCO......
I was convinced that I was right.
Only you can stop me.

Oh Mr. ViA...... Don't suddenly get serious at the last minute like this...... I'm really still......

Ha, RiCO. Don't look so gloomy. For me, it's the best thing to have happened.
I can go on adventures with you and witness your growth up close.
My mission is to be the host of a "Robot Destroy Program."
My life, which was originally dull and dreary, has shone brightly and splendidly because of you.
At the end of my life, I can still fight with you and let you finish my story.
......What could be more delightful than this?
Alright, it's about time! Let's fight, Player!!!
It's up to you to stop me! I'll say it up front, this time I'll show my real skills.
This is the final chapter of "Our Story"!! Let's do it!!!

(ViA changes into his ViA■ form. After the battle...)

......ha! Not bad
I lost......

......What a joke. Come on, what was that?

Sorry about that, iCO. Player, RiCO, you've become stronger.

Mr. ViA, Ms. iCO......
The battle is over, right? The corrupt program has disappeared too, right?
We can go back together, right?

Hey, RiCO. I thought I'd finally see your strong, determined side. Why are you saying that right now?
As your brother, I won't allow...... You can't say that again......
The world has now returned back to its original state...... The mission is over, Player.
But...... Your story isn't over yet......
When the time comes, maybe iCO and I...... will still pop up......

(I can't believe you actually gave them hope for a different outcome, that's not like you at all)

I'll be honest with you, iCO......
I want to be with the Player and RiCO all the time too!!
Why do we have to disappear! If we have such a mission, why did we encounter each other in the first place ......
Ha! I'm just kidding, don't take it seriously.
Just a little bit of wishy-washy talk, never mind.
Okay, we should get some sleep.
Player, RiCO, that's a commitment.


Always remember us!

Always remember us!

(ViA■ fires a shot in the player's direction)

Ah! Mr. ViA, what are you doing......

Goodbye! Player, RiCO!

(ViA■ and iCO explode, and the screen gets dark)

......I like you guys the best.

Where did they go!!!
I think they went back to the base first.
That must be it, right? Player!!!
Okay, I understand all that.
Actually, I know very well. They have......
Wait! Isn't that what Mr. ViA said at the end!
"Your story isn't over yet."
So we can expect there to be other programming errors in the Deep Log!!!
Then Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO will show up and stop us. That's how it must have gone!!
Am I right? Mr. ViA and Ms. iCO!
Okay! Then we have to get ready to fight anytime, anyplace! Our journey is not over yet!
Player, please follow me!
So you're saying that this Deep Log has been corrected?
Don't be ridiculous! Please take a good luck, there are still so many program errors left!
Good! Let's have a meeting to discuss the strategy! The next Irregular Data must be the cause of the program error!
And this correction......
Of course, you should do it!!!


Event stages[]

Boss descriptions[]

Regular bosses[]

Note: Bosses are listed in the order they appear on the BOSS Challenge mode, when applicable.

Bee Blader
Bee Bladers uses machine gun and launching guided missiles to attack. It will also drop Ball De Voux to assist them.

Maoh The Giant
It's a huge Mechaniloid, and bigger than buildings. Besides head and arms, its covered with hyper-metal that won't cause any damage. It can crushing everything easily with spiked steel balls.

Mole Borer
Mole Bore is a Mechaniloid used to open paths on mines. Its spiked roller can destory rocks and cuase fatal damage.

Mega Scorpio
It's a giant scorpion-like Mechaniloid that belongs to Red Alert. Used to track down Axl after he escaped, and it almost destroyed everything in the city.

Gigantic Mechaniloid CF-0
A mass-produce giant Mechaniloid that used to conquer cities around the world. It has great power and looks horrible, but low speed due to its size and weight.CF-0 can only be damaged by attacking the head.

Rangda Bangda W
It has three eyes, each with a different color and attack, which appear one at time from one of the two eye cavities.

RT-55J is a big sumo wrestler robot. It will use sumo skills and try to catch player with its extendable claws to attack.

Chill Penguin
He was a Maverick Hunter from the 13th Polar Region Unit. Chill Penguin has flexible thought circuits in order to perform missions with his small body. But due to the other coworkers can't understand his thought, so they consider him as a trouble maker.

Dr. Doppler made it for Vile, and it's the first ride armor that designed only for fight. It can attack by spike punch, shoot beams and set traps.

Overdrive Ostrich
He was a irregular hunter of the 7th Airborne Unit. Without the wings, he can no longer fly, but this allows he to make good use of his feet. Its Big Leap following a long sprint can easily crush his enemy.

Sting Chameleon
He was a irregular hunter of the 9th Special Unit. He possesses the Camouflage ability that allows he to blend into any environment. Cunning and skeptical, he usually uses ambush, trap and other combat skills.

The mechanical robot resembling T-rex is the D-REX improved with walking legs. The powerful jaws are traded off for missiles as the primary weapon.

Mad Nautilus
This huge shell-type robot created by Dr. Psyche, the crazy scientist, is equipped with guided missiles as well as four tendrils shooting out rays inflicting various afflictions.

Mettaur Gigant
Mettaur with the idea "becoming gigantic will make him stronger," but seem to be unfamiliar with his oversized bodies and often fall over on his backs.

One of the members of Nightmare Police designed by Dr. Doppler. He has a variety of offensive skills including Dash Blade, Decoy Flares, Binding Ring and so forth. In order to make full use of his incredible speed, he has chosen to give up his heavy shield.

Toxic Seahorse
The Reploid composed of special liquified metal can sink into the terrain. Its acid bomb also has rebound and splash characteristics, which increases the difficulty of avoiding the acid bomb.

An arachnid-type mechaniloid that moves in a random fashion along rails and would spawn petipiders to interfere with enemy's movement. However, when it contacts the ground, his body armor would loosen and render him immobile for a brief moment.

Magma Dragoon
The Leader of the Maverick Hunter's 14th Special Unit. He is a skilled hunter who specialize in martial art techniques and fire-based attacks and as a martial artist, he longs to challenge X and Zero in a fair fight. Driven by his desire for battle, he even destroyed the Sky Lagoon, thereby starting the Great Repliforce War.

Shurikein is an enemy materialized from the Sigma Virus in the form of a shuriken and it attacks by charging into target at high speed. But as long as you familiarize youself with its path of movement, you'll be able to avoid it.

One of the members of Nightmare Police by Dr. Doppler. He is the opposite to Bit who specializes in his incredible speed and is a combat-focused robot with overwhelming power. He attacks by throwing magnetic mines that impedes movement and destroyer his enemy with brute force.

Chop Register
Sword-shaped enemy that materialized from the Sigma Virus. While its edge is capable of performing powerful parries and blocking effects, the hilt is relatively weak and defenseless.

Raider Killer
Raider Killer used to be a mechanical robot built specifically to repel intruders inside ultra-large computer systems and he is capable of becoming stronger by analyzing the capabilities of intruders with his radar and duplicating intruders' abilities. After being modified, he would assume his strongest form and challenge the player.

Drill Man
Drill Man was originally designed and built as a driller robot for construction purposes but Dr. Wily modified him and gave him the serial DW No.27. The drills on his hands are interchangable and can be replaced with different drill heads for different purposes, including explosive ones that are charged with dynamite.

Shurikein & Chop Register
Sword and shurikein-shaped enemy that materialized from the Sigma virus. The combination of sword and shurikein brings the strengths of both weapon together to cause serious threat to the enemy.

Flame Mammoth
The former leader of the 4th Land Unit of the Maverick Hunter, the Flame Mammoth has been fighting over the years in the desert regions. He takes pride in his enormous body and stores a huge amount of kerosene in his abdomen. With ignition devices in his hands, the Flame Mammoth is able to perform powerful combination attacks with kerosene and fire.

Bit (with Shield)
One of the members of Nightmare Police designed by Dr. Doppler. He is equipped with a shield for enhanced defense capabilities on top of his original offensive skills including Dash Blade, Decoy Flares, Binding Ring and so forth. He also agains a new skill of Shield Charge.

Yellow Devil
It made its first appearance in the first Mega Man game as the robot designed by Dr. Wily with the shape-memory alloy that he stole from Dr. Light. Its eye-shaped chip at the core functions as its chief control component that can dismantle itself and reorganize itself into its humanoid shape. However, as the technology wasn't mature enough, it is unable to move when it takes the humanoid form.

Byte (Gravity Gear)
One of the members of Nightmare Police designed by Dr. Doppler and this version features overwhelming emphasis on raw power. Apart from his standard weapon of magnetic mines, he has also been equipped with a blackhole generation device that can pull or push targets.

Illumina was originally designed as a gigantic Battle Reploid during weapons development but as the project was never approved, its development was put on hold and it was scrapped in the end. However, it was reactivated due to the influences of the Nightmare Phenomenon and became the guardian of the Weapon Development Facility, attacking anyone who dares to intrude. Illumina attacks by shooting multiple gigantic laser beams along with Hover Gunners to focus her lasers. To defeat Illumina, one must first destroy the cables that supply it with power.

Hell Crusher
Hell Crusher used to be a mining Reploid at the mines, but after being infected by the Sogma Virus, it rebelled and incited others to join in the chaos. It attacks by charging with its powerful drills and launching drill missiles ath the target.

Split Mushroom
Dubbed "the Little Devil of the Ruins", Split Mushroom was once the administrator of a Bio Laboratory but when the facility was shut down, he was decommissioned as a result. Split Mushroom was later resurrected by Sigma as a Maverick to reclaim control of the Lab. He would attack whoever entered the lab of fun and as a result, drawn the attention of the Maverick Hunter.

Magna Centipede
Also known as the Crimson Assassin. Magna Centipede was originally a Maverick Hunter who belonged to the 0th special unit, and is so mission-oriented that he will not hesitate to kill even his companions as long as the mission can be carried out. He slipped in one of his missions and was captured and brainwashed by X-Hunters, after which he switched sides and joined the X-Hunters.

Magna Quartz
It is an unknown type of robot found in an Energen Crystal, with an eye-like design in the middle, encased in a huge crystal. But the purpose of its production, function, and even why is buried in the Energen Crystal are shrouded in mystery. The Magna Quartz itself can not move and attack, the main means of attack comes from the automated satellite cannons. In order to effectively attack the eye of the Magna Quartz, you must first break the crystal shell that covers the eye.

Frost Walrus
With the alias "Rumbler of the Far North", he is a member of the Repliforce Army of the Repliforce. He was convicted for his violent behavior and was deemed a Maverick. He was saved by General before his execution and joined the Repliforce as a soldier, and was also the commander of the Snow Base. He is happy to see a coup of the Repliforce, as he can finally wreak havoc!

Godkarmachine O Inary
The ultimate form of Nightmare Police. The Godkarmachine O Inary is the combined form of Bit as the upper body and Byte as its lower half. Despite their nimbleness as individuals, their massive body after the combinaton comes at the cost of greatly reduced agility as a tradeoff for their incredible power. Its main attack is initiated by Bit, while Byte gradually restricts enemy's movements with its massive body and tramples enemies when the opportunity presents itself.

He once helped RiCO and Player, and fought together side by side to restore the Deep Log to their original form. However, he is also the catalyst of this story and was born with a "mission" for the finale of the story.
As the cause of the error of the Deep Log, he hopes that Player and RiCO may end his misery. He also looks forward to the growth of Player and therefore approaches Player.
His unrestrained and direct methods have led Player in the right direction of the world. So far he has spoken no single falsehood, that is, except for his true colors and feelings.
His determination is driven from the slightest inkling of hope, still wavering till the last minute. Alas, it was ultimately still an unrealizable wish.

"Nice to meet you, Maverick Hunters. I have no hard feelings toward you, but this is my mission..." A mercenary of unknown origin, hired by Sigma. Possesses the combat skills of a SA-Class or above. His personality is sloppy and fickle, and is afraid of trouble. His mission is to disrupt X and Zero's operations as much as possible. Dynamo helps Sigma attack space colonies and spread the Sigma virus.

Old Robot
Robots that were once active in battle. After the end of the war, they were abandoned and became part of the many scrap metal dumps. Pararoid S-38s unearthed them in scrap metal dumps, and then parasitized them, reactivating them as a shell of their former selves. However, because of the long period of corrosion, many parts are quite fragile and even fall off. However, S-38s can repair them by using other scrap metals.

"Good job, I'll take care of it from now on. I can't let you all sacrifice like this anymore."
The leader of the 17th Elite Unit is also the boss of X and Zero. He is of brilliant intellect and excels on the battlefield, and is regarded as the greatest creation of Dr. Cain.
He is a captain who always does what is best for his men and his unit, so he is trusted by X, Zero, and others under his command.
One day, he received information that the "Red Maverick" that destroyed Gamma's Unit had surfaced once more. As a leader, Sigma did not want to see his team members continue to sacrifice and rushed to the scene himself. For the sake of peace and order in the world, Sigma opened the portal the place where the "Red Maverick" are located.
And so it begins...

Volt Catfish
Also known as the Rescue Power Plant. It is a thinking robot that is built with a super high performance electricity generator device and acts as a mobile power station when a disaster occurs. It was invited by Dr. Doppler to Dopple Town, where it was infected by the Sigma Virus. Finally, it took over the power management centers around the world, leaving human cities without electricity.

"I'm Bass, I roam the Cyberworld and fight the strong!"
"You are are worthy opponents!"
The world's first independent NetNavi who did not need an operator and had excellent capabilities.
His potential for great power exploded as a result of the intense resentment and suffering he experienced as a result of human betrayal.
He gained the power of darkness after losing his memory. His sole objective was to eliminate all weak humans and navigators in his pursuit of the most powerful ability.

Event bosses[]

Note: Storm Eagle, Dark Man III, and Boomerang Kuwanger also appear in the Jakob Orbital Elevator mode, but without a description.

Gigantic Mechaniloid CF-0 Jealous-type
This Jealous-type Gigantic Mechaniloid was developed to demolish the lovers' White Day.

Storm Eagle
He was the captain of irregular hunters of the 7th Airborne Unit. This calm, level-headed unit has a strong sense of justice, and is well respected in the unit. This unit excels at air combat with an unpredictable Diving and Gust.

Dark Man III
This machine series is fabricated by Dr. Wily for assassinating Mega Man. It is skilled at shooting its right buster while in the air, and its ring shot from the chest can immobilize its opponent. In the cyberspace, the series has apparently been enhanced with upgraded abilities...?.

Boomerang Kuwanger
It is previously the member of irregular hunters of the Seventeenth Elite Squad. Its rapid movement makes it hard to locate. Its horns can serve as a boomerang and can pierce through enemies.

Copy X
The ruler of Neo Arcadia, is a replica of the legendary hero "X." Anxious to prove that he is just as good as X, he has adopted extreme protection policies towards humans. Under the pressure of insufficient energy while worrying about the informalization of robots, Copy X has gradually become a dictator-like existence.

Summer Penguin
A Reploid designed for extremely cold environments. It has grown weary of guarding the polar outpost and is finally given the opportunity to return to ubran areas thanks to the call for troop reinforcement. Now it will finally be able to relax and chill out at the water theme park.

The ultimate weapon of destruction created by Dr. Weil by modifying Zero's original body and implanting a new personality into it. Consequently Omega has proven its incredible might on the battle fueld as it has Zero's battle skills and overwhelming strength. During the Elf Wars, Omega was single-handedly responsible for unimaginable casaulties and in order to prevent such a tragedy from ever happenning again, he ended up being exiled into space.

It is unthinkable for a traditional festival to appear in the Deep Log! Robotic tanks fashioned like T-rex dinosaurs in custom paint jobs with target-seeking missiles launching with dazzling fireworks will be featured as part of the celebration for this event.

Servbots is designed and created by Tron Bonne and they are the all-purpose support robots serving the Bonne Family of Air Pirates and there are 41 of them in total. All actions by the Bonne Family, including fighting on the front lines, servicing the mechanical pilots down to miscellaneous chores such cooking and cleaning are performed by them. Servbots are mildly competent but careless in their work and they are somewhat goofy at times. But when the Boone Family's stake is concerned, they will always stand as one and outperform one's expectations.

Pumpkin Head Dark Man
With a penchant for wearing strange and bizzare apparel, Dark Man has occupied an abandoned castle and nurtured his forces there, vowing to sweep the world with a new wave of darkness and fear. In addition to the original attack patterns for Dark Man, Pumpkin Dark Man will also summon pesky pumpkin heads and bats to attack the player.

Cyber Peacock
Cyber Peacock was originally designed as a defensive mechanism of Cyberspace. After its infection, it began destroying relevant programs that are connected to Cyberspace while collecting and analyzing data on the members of Maverik Hunters.

Christmas Bit
To prepare a great gift for obedient players, Bit donned the Santa suit and stationed in the frozen, snowy mountains! What will you get this time?

Flaming Storm Eagle
It is said that one may only have a chance encounter with the Flaming Storm Eagle during Hatsuyume. Fully eveloped in blazing energy, is the Flaming Storm Eagle a friend, or a foe? Be aware that some of his attacks will cause burning! Challenge him and receive the best Hatsuyume blessings!

Colonel was born from an ultra-secret project designed by the Special Research Department of the Repliforce. He is an officer in the Repliforce and the de-facto second in command of the army. He is a skilled sword fighter and always keeps his cool composure on the battlefield. However, he is also very protective of his sister.

Claiming to be the former administrator of the Deep Log, he used to be responsible for maintaining order and correcting errors in the cyber world. Although he is currently helping Player with the correction of Irregular Data, his true purpose and mission remain unknown and as far as Player is concerned, he is still shrouded in mystery.

The supreme commander of the Repliforce. After the Sky Lagoon incident, Repliforce was wrongly accused by the Maverick Hnters as the main culprit for the disaster and General refused to disarm and come in for questioning. He straged a coup in the hopes of creating a nation where Repliforce could live in freedom. After the coup, General relocated to space at the giant destroyed satellite, the Final Weapon, while commanding the Repliforce troops. As he fought the Maverick Hunters, Sigma took his chance in the midst of chaos to activate the Final Weapon, targeting the weapon on Earth. After realizing his mistake, he self-destructed as a way to atone for his sins and destroyed the Final Weapon.

This robot is a special model. He is made by Dr. Wily based on Mega Man. Being assigned SWNo. 001, he is a fighting robot with strong ego and he wants to do well in everything. The only thing he wants to do is to defeat Mega Man, his chosen foe. Meanwhile, Dr. Wily refers to collaboration between Mega Man and Rush to create Treble, a wolf robot specialized for combat, to support Bass, in hoping for crushing Mega Man in every way. However, Bass does not completely obey Dr. Wily. He camps on Dr. Wily's side because he needs Dr. Wily's research ability.

She is the only "victim" who was spared from the Bridal Gown Program Error among the three operators. Because she didn't get to dress up in a beautiful bridal gown, she became enraged and is about to vent her anger on others. If no one stops her in time, she would provide erroneous route navigation information and lead to even more grievous program disasters.

Magnamalo Sigma
The data from "Monster Hunter Rise" was mixed into the Deep Log, and merged with the Irregular Data of the Wolf Sigma that was named "Magnamalo Sigma." Magnamalo is a monster that will continue to prey on other monsters, and is engulfed in "Hellfire." The appearance of this Irregular Data takes the shape of that ferocious and brutal Magnamalo and after it gained an unprecedented mysterious power, the excited Sigma set out again to conquer the world and claim Magnamalo's power. Hunters... Hunter Programs, hunt down the Magnamalo Sigma immediately! Go and valiantly vanquish the beast!!

Summer Mammoth
It's quite hot being in the hot desert for so long and after applying to go to deserted island to see that it's filled with treasures, perhaps the information about the treasures could attract some interesting people wage war against each other...

χ -kai-
χ -kai- is the killer robot that Dr. Wily built from X's stolen blueprints. However, Dr. Wily chose to give up the project due to the immense difficulty in the creation of a logic circuit for the prototype, thereby discarding χ -kai- unfinished. Later on, Serges, a member of Sigma's X-Hunters, came by the protype by chance. He re-initiated χ -kai- and had him join the X-Hunters. χ -kai- is proud, aggressive, and merciless. And yet he hates using despicable and dirty tricks in battle. After Serges informed him of his origins, χ -kai- percieved X as a dangerous opponent, while being obsessed with X as he was a clone of him.

"His name is Rouge, because he relies on no one"
Rouge is the EM Wave Change of Solo, the last living descendent of Mu, an ancient civilization. Due to his immense power, he was feared by others. Rouge often laments the weakness and fragility of human beings and the fact that mankind has to cooperate in numbers to achieve anything. Even in their numbers, mankind is still no match for his individual might. He dismisses the concept of "camaraderie" that people cherish as something trite and he is the rival of Geo Stelar (Mega Man). Putting his pride, dignity and his own camaraderie on the line, he seeks to engage Mega Man in a "manly showdown".

Revered as the "Master of the Fist", Akuma is a fighter that has chosen the path of Shura. Driven by a burning desire to challenge those who he deems worthy in "duels of death", Akuma has subjected himself to unthinkable training and obtained unworldly prowess through "Satsui no Hadou". Numerous powerful fighters and warriors have already died by his hands.

After "Street Fighter V" became incorporated into the Deep Log, Akuma's data manifested as a Hunter Program as he appeared before Player and his companions. Being an uncanny double of the feared fighter himself, Akuma also seeks to challenge the most powerful fighters to duels of death in this world...

"To go from being beyond beyand reach heaven!"

ViA (Pulsing Force of Destruction)
"Come on! Prove it to me! Show me you have the power to save everyone." After unleashing his true power, ViA is enveloped in an ominous aura as if he had activated "a certain program". His once cool and collected gaze now reveal an overwhelming urge to destroy.

A new breed of Bospider that has appeared in the Deep Log. With its yellow body and a huge eye on its back, it is easy to associate this enemy with a mighty foe that has appeared in another game. While it has taken on a new appearance, the enemy still fights the same way, without gimmicky attacks such as splitting its body. Perhaps Bospider has changed into this design to better enjoy the coming Halloween.

Life Virus R
The Life Virus, originally deleted, was rebooted and revived by "The Professor", a member of the cyber-criminal organization WWW. The Professor collected attributes and enhancements to make the Life Virus R more powerful than the original Life Virus in terms of attribute attacks. The Professor's goal is to revive the cyber domination plan that Dr. Wily failed to achieve.

Chameleos Chameleon
The data from "Monster Hunter Rise" was mixed into the Deep Log, and merged with the Irregular Data of the Sting Chameleon that was named "Chameleos Chameleon". This Irregular Data seems to host the ancient myths - the legendary Chameleon that cannot be seen by the naked eye. After gaining power beyond his imagination, the Sting Chameleon possesses a fierce toxic poison. Its clandestine presence is like a phantom assassin. Hunters... Hunter Programs, hunt down the Chameleos Chameleon immediately! Go and valiantly vanquish the beast!!

Byte VD
I am Byte. I was ordered by Dr. Doppler to go with Bit to capture X alive.
That's how it should be, but when I came back to my senses, I found myself in a different place, and my costume was different from before. My mind was also occupied with a certain mission. I was waiting for the arrival of "two stars"......
Even if I dress differently, I am still Byte. Since the great Dr. Doppler had created me, I could not stand losing anyone. However, the what do the so-called "two stars" refer to exactly...... and how do I explain this bubbling emotion that emerged in my heart...

"You made it... You're superior, as always. You always were at the top, Alia." He is a genius scientist who worked with Alia to research thinking robots. He has an arrogant personality, and the thinking robots he developed have a high performance that others find hard to match. However, his robots have such high autonomy that they even harmed other thinking robots, so he cannot be understood by others.

"Oh, are you lost? This is a dead end! What? You want to force your way through? You're a bunch of bad boys that need to be punished by me, Ferham...hahaha" In "Mega Man X: Command Mission", Ferham is one of the three main cadres of the Rebellion Army, and is loyal to the Commander-in-Chief, Epsilon. In addition to her electromagnetic whip and powerful flight mechanics, you must also be aware that Ferham can also launch a powerful Giga Blizzard attack, so one should be well prepared and composed for battle.

Pandora is a reploid created and used by Master Albert, and is set to fit Model V. She is able to use thunder and ice elements, and acts together with her brother Prometheus. She is feared by Hunters as the "Witch".
Because her body is permanently fused with part of Model V, she cannot change into her original body, and her personality is cold and reticent, as if she does not have any feelings. She believes that neither she nor Prometheus can change her inescapable destiny.
They were created with the reins of a Game of Destiny, and for the world they were deliberately created to fulfill Albert's plans. With their intense hatred for Albert, they vowed to destroy everything in the world.

The Thug Colonel
In the midst of the electronic turbulence and data mismatch, the Colonel's data was accidentally retrieved and constructed into irregular data. After defeating the thugs causing chaos, the Thug Colonel became the actual leader of the thugs. Although his appearance has changed, he still inherits the composure and sense of justice of the Colonel, and at the same time restrains the thugs to prevent them from continuing their rebellion in the Deep Log.

Malzeno Dragoon
The data from "Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak" was mixed into the Deep Log, and merged with the Irregular Data of the Magma Dragoon that was named "Malzeno Dragoon". This Irregular Data seems to host the elder dragon species that is a threat to the kingdom - the Malzeno. The elegant posture of this elegant beast hiding in darkness exudes an extraordinary aura and majesty. Born of the darkness under the light of the setting moon. Through the fusion of a martial arts dynasty in the form of the Magma Dragoon, and the nobility and mercilessness of a Malzeno, he thus gained power beyond imagination. The fiery flames shall also unleash petal-like creatures, and players will be sucked out of energy if not careful. Hunters... No, Hunter Programs, hunt down the Malzeno Dragoon immediately! Go forth and valiantly vanquish the beast!!

Flame Demon Sigma
At witching hour in the darkest autumn night, that Thing appeared out of nowhere. He was dressed in a dark robe, plus a low hat, as if the embodiment of darkness. Like an abyss under the robe, one can vaguely see the familiar eyes and scar-like red pattern. Soon after, he took the old castle from the original lord. Doing so, he said: "I'm just here to clean up, in order to clear out those mavericks." But what was his purpose? By the way, the original lord of the castle looks kind of familiar too.

Bounty lobby[]

Highway Crisis
We have received intelligence that Maoh The Giant has appeared and is causing destruction in the area. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to intercept him.

Highway Search
We have received intelligence that there is a lot of erosion traces on the props in the area, and we suspect that it is caused by Irregular Data. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to investigate.

Gallery Reconnaissance
We have received intelligence that there is an unidentified booming sound coming from the area late at night. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to investigate.

Gallery Expedition
We have received intelligence that workers in the area were attacked by a large machine at work, it is speculated that it is Irregular Data. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to intercept it.

Air Force Support
We have received intelligence that the area is under attack by a large number of rebels. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to support our base there.

Sky Expedition
We have received intelligence that the area is occupied by the famous Irregular Data Vile. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to intercept it.

Sky Reconnaissance
We have received intelligence that the area has suffered unexplained damage and there are many potholes on the airport runway. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to investigate.

Floating Ruins Exploration
We have received intelligence that suspicious people have appeared in the area, and we suspect that it is Irregular Data. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to investigate.

Area Forest Expedition
We have received intelligence that there is an unidentified Irregular Data disturbance in the area. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to intercept it.

Military Train Destruction
We have received intelligence that there is a rebel supply train in the area carrying important supplies. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to destroy it.

Cyberspace Reconnaissance
We have received intelligence that an unknown wireframe weapon is causing destruction in the area, we can't tell if it's Irregular Data. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to conduct reconnaissance.

Cyberspace Exploration
We have received intelligence that there is an unidentified radio wave in the area, and it seems that there is an unknown interference caused by Irregular Data. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to investigate.

Volcano Exploration
We have received intelligence that the volcanoes in the area seem to be unusually active, and experts have judged that there may be Irregular Data causing destruction. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to investigate.

Oil Field Search
We have received intelligence that the area sustained unexplained damage and there are many obvious cut marks the scene. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to investigate.

Oil Field Support
We have received intelligence that the area is being attacked by Irregular Data claiming to be the Nightmare Police. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to support the area.

Power Control Center Expedition
We have received intelligence that the area is under attack by powerful elephant type Irregular Data. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to intercept it.

Snow Base Expedition
We have received intelligence that the area is occupied by Penguin Type Irregular Data. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to suppress it.

Snow Base Reconnaissance
We have received intelligence that the area's environment has become abnormally cold, and is suspected to be affected by unidentified reasons. The base personnel have been temporarily withdrawn. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to investigate.

Snow Base Support
We have received intelligence that the area is under heavy attack by rebels led by Walrus Type Irregular Data. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to support the base.

Bio Laboratory Expedition (Split Mushroom)
We have received intelligence that the area has repeatedly detected traces of Irregular Data, and we suspect it of being occupied by the rebels to transform the area. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to attack the area.

Bio Laboratory Expedition (Yellow Devil)
We have received intelligence that the area is under attack and occupied by a robot that can split itself into small pieces. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to intercept them.

Bio Laboratory Search
We have received intelligence that a new robot under development in the area has escaped. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to search for it.

Super-Electromagnetic Lab Expedition
We have received intelligence that there is an important rebel research base in the area, but it is guarded by elite Irregular Data. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to attack the base.

Den Area Reconnaissance
We have received intelligence that the area has found traces of Irregular Data similar to the self-proclaimed Nightmare Police. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to investigate.

Den Area Destruction
We have received intelligence that the area is an important computing center for the rebel army. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to destroy the area.

Old Castle Search
We have received intelligence that there is an Assassination Type Irregular Data infiltrating the area, which may cause harm to the surrounding people. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to hunt it down.

Old Castle Reconnaissance
We have received intelligence that Spider-type Machines have been spotted in the area multiple times, and it is suspected that the area has been occupied by Irregular Data from unknown sources. Please dispatch a Hunter Program to investigate.


After a chip has been analyzed, it can still receive ability bonuses even if it isn't equipped on a weapon.

After the player level has been increased, various functions will be unlocked. Level up faster to experience even more benefits!

Clearing the story or boss challenge for the first time to acquire more loot, note that EXP or drop bonus does not apply.

Click on an enemy to set it as a target.

Clicking on the Total Power button on the home page will open the Guide Interface, which will help you learn how to improve your combat power.

Hitting a needle or falling into a pit does not result in a direct death, but you will lose a fixed proportion of HP.

If you don't use weapons for a while, you will automatically replenish energy.

New passive skills will also be unlocked in addition to acquiring improved weapon statistics after increasing the weapon's Star rank.

Skipping a stage boss not increase character/weapon use count or proficiency, but you will acquire Proficient Memory Card providing 25% of the proficiency from stage clear.

The player's total combat power will also grow based on the progress of the Weapon and Hunter's Program Guides. The growth of Weapons or Characters that are not in use will also increase Combat Power.

When a level has been cleared with 3 Stars, skip dive tickets can be used to collect materials even faster.

When changing to a new piece of armor, the armor's enhanced value will also be inherited and there is no need to worry about consumed materials being wasted.

When performing actions such as "sprinting→jumping" or "jumping→attacking," you can use your finger to hold down and drag the button, which makes the action more convenient.

You can acquire EP in the morning, afternoon and evening every day.

You can adjust the button size and its positions on the battle screen to your personal preferences in the Settings Menu.

You can manually adjust the direction of the shot by holding down the weapon button and dragging it.

When hitting a target immune to debuffs, buffs that trigger on hit will not be triggered.
