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"I don't think I'm a god... I AM a god! The world that you live in itself is defective. Before a new world can be made, this world must be reset. That's where the ultimate power of Model W comes in. I have already decided the fate of the world as its god. The destiny of destruction cannot be changed!"
―Albert as he Megamerges, Mega Man ZX Advent

Master Albert (マスター・アルバート), designated as Dr. Albert[1] or called Mr. Albert[2] by Hedgeshock the Erinaceroid, is the main antagonist of Mega Man ZX Advent. First introduced as one of the Sage Trinity, Albert had secretly been preparing for centuries to use Biometal Model W to "reset" the world as its self-proclaimed god. He is also the true master of Prometheus and Pandora, and the creator of Grey/biological ancestor of Ashe.


Albert assumes multiple forms throughout the game. His decoy Sage Trinity body resembles a tall adult man with long blue hair, wearing the blue and white Sage Trinity robes. His eyes are constantly closed, until he reveals his true nature and opens glowing red eyes with black sclerae; the hair strand on his forehead also points upwards when this happens. He is always seen holding a digital book of some kind.

Albert's true form is shorter, standing around Grey/Ashe's height, and has similar hair to his decoy, only being bright pink instead of blue and with a longer strand at the front. Like his decoy, he has red eyes with black sclerae, but with the addition of a monocle-like device covering his right eye. He wears spiked boots and a restraining jacket, which he only removes upon Megamerging. Underneath, his body is completely dark with glowing red lines running along it.

Upon Megamerging with Model W, Albert gains a golden suit of armor. He dons a breastplate, large boots, and an inverted version of Model A's black and white jumpsuit underneath. Over his face is a blue semi-transparent helmet with piercing yellow eyes glowing from within.


Initially, Master Albert came off as gentle, mature, and relaxed. He pointed out the Sage Trinity's own rudeness to Grey/Ashe in their first transmission, acting affable and self-aware. However, he soon revealed his true colors as a cunning, remorseless maniac who would stop at nothing to achieve his selfish goals.

Albert was an incredibly patient and arrogant mastermind, whose plans went off without a hitch right up until his defeat at the hands of Grey/Ashe. He cared for no one but himself, and was so megalomaniacal that he saw everyone but himself as expendable pawns; not without good reason, as he influenced the entire world with his creation of Model W and formation of Legion. His scope was so enormous that he failed to appreciate the smaller things, obsessed with chasing grand visions of evolution. He acted indifferently towards Grey, constantly calling him a "defective" like his subordinates did, while acting more sympathetic towards Ashe, urging her to grow stronger and regretting seeking her death as his own kin. After his defeat, he acknowledged their abilities but at the same time cursed them to rot in complacency.

Albert desired to make a world in which Humanoids and Reploids may reach "evolution's extreme"; however, he came to believe that humans and Reploids are incurably flawed, leading to ennui, misery, and evolutionary stagnation. Thus he took it upon himself to cleanse the world of such deficiencies by destroying it, causing the world to "reset" in order to restore balance to its imperfect state. After this, Albert planned to bring an ambiguous "new life" into the world to replace humanity. However, Ashe speculated that his radical views on evolution may have at least been in part influenced by Model W and its abilities in influencing others.[3]




Master Albert's silhouette across Model W cores.

Albert was born a human. It is unknown when he was born, likely around the time of the Ragnarok incident. Over time, Albert became a revolutionary scientist and had a family.[4]

Eventually, Albert left that family to work on creating the dangerous Model W from the debris of Ragnarok, as part of his plan to "unlock the door to a new evolution". He considered himself the Ultimate Mega Man, but also sought a special individual - a Biomatch - to properly utilize Model W with him. Thus he planned to hide the cores around the world, hoping a Chosen One would be led to them someday. Albert also created a decoy Reploid body for himself, altering his true human body with mechanical parts and hiding it away.

Through his decoy body, Albert eventually met with Thomas and Mikhail, forming Legion as the Sage Trinity. He was still working on his Model W plan when they banded together.[5] Aware that Ciel had created other Biometals to counteract Model W, Albert chose to incorporate them into his Game of Destiny. He began by elaborating Legion's humanoid equality laws, requiring every human to visit Legion for mechanical enhancements and every Reploid for a mortal clock. Albert was able to sift through every Humanoid and Reploid to find those he deemed worthy, whom he then infused with his DNA to create Mega Men.

To further manipulate these Mega Men, Albert created two sibling Reploids - Prometheus and Pandora - to inform Mega Men of the Game of Destiny and its promise of Model W's power for the victor. Albert severely limited their lifespans in order to ensure loyalty, and only ever communicated with the siblings remotely via a video monitor.[6]

To ensure this plan's success, Albert also prepared a spare Ultimate Mega Man besides himself: either creating the Reploid Grey or surveilling his Humanoid descendant Ashe.[7][4] This spare was suitable for an additional Biometal Model A (the A standing for Albert), which possessed powers similar to Model W but supposedly inferior in comparison. As they fought in the Game of Destiny, Model A would unlock ciphers programmed to release data to reveal Albert's plan, and if necessary, take his place to use Model W to bring about evolution.

Mega Man ZX[]

Albert makes no appearance in Mega Man ZX, but is referred to indirectly multiple times. After the final fight with Prometheus and Pandora, the former boasts that everyone is a pawn in "his game", referring to Albert and the Game of Destiny. In Aile's story, Serpent reveals that all Mega Men are infused with the DNA of the man who made Model W, but does not specify the man's identity. Similar to Prometheus earlier, he also alludes to Albert and his Game of Destiny, including the intended purpose behind it to have Mega Men fight each other for the sake of evolution.

Mega Man ZX Advent[]

Master Albert first contacts Grey/Ashe alongside his fellow Sage Trinity members, Thomas and Mikhail. He greets them, as the trio requests they bring Model A to Legion HQ for investigation. Here, Albert seems polite and reasonable.


Master Albert shows his true colors.

As Grey/Ashe approaches Legion HQ, Master Albert realizes that they have already unlocked two of Model A's ciphers and that his plan is in danger of exposure. Forced to expedite, he attempts to convince Thomas and Mikhail to join him, but Grey/Ashe enter the chamber just in time to find Albert surrounded by Model Ws. Albert defends himself from their attacks using the Model Ws before disappearing out the window, assuring them that they will meet again because they are "made in [his] image". Albert remains in hiding in the Undersea Volcano base for a while, ordering the current Mega Men Atlas, Thetis, Aeolus, and Siarnaq to gather the rest of the Model W cores scattered around the world and feed them negativity as part of the Game of Destiny, alongside Prometheus and Pandora.

Grey/Ashe eventually infiltrates Albert's hideout to face him, but the confrontation is interrupted by Prometheus and Pandora, who take their chance to kill Albert and escape his servitude. However, after fighting Grey/Ashe, Prometheus and Pandora's centuries-worth of negativity is extracted from their bodies and absorbed into the nearby Model W cores. Albert's true body appears, revealing that Prometheus only killed his decoy, before absorbing the siblings' leftover DNA data and combining the Model Ws into the ultimate Biometal: Ouroboros. He then dwells within Ouroboros, waiting to face Grey/Ashe one last time before enacting the final stage of his plan.


Master Albert with Ouroboros, in a cipher.

As Grey/Ashe fights through Ouroboros, Albert appears before them. He reveals the true power of Model W - the "real A-Trans" - and leaves them to fight the regenerated Pseudoroids. Once they exit the gauntlet, they find Albert sitting atop a throne in an idyllic garden of flowers. He reveals his true relationship to Grey/Ashe and the purpose of their existence. His throne transforms into a hydra-like machine to attack them, but it is destroyed.

Albert claims that he wants to create a new world by resetting everything to protect its future, dismissing Grey/Ashe's claim that he simply wants to rule. He then announces himself as a god, Megamerging into Mega Man Model W as the garden shatters into a sunset. Though possessing incredible powers, Albert is soundly defeated once and for all by his own creation. On his last legs, Albert congratulates them on their victory but also berates Grey/Ashe, telling them to "[leisurely] rot" in the peace they ensured before his body explodes. Ouroboros soon follows, ending the Model W threat, hopefully once and for all.

Although Albert and Model W seem totally destroyed, their legacy lives on. Completing Expert Mode reveals that Master Thomas agreed with Albert that the world needed to be reset, only disagreeing with his method of destroying existence.

Forms and Abilities[]

Sage Trinity body[]

Master Albert (Decoy)

Master Albert's Sage Trinity decoy.

Master Albert's decoy body was a tall, blue-haired man wearing the Sage Trinity garb. This body was unsuspected of being anything other than one of the Sage Trinity. It appears Albert remotely controlled this body and experienced everything it did. It demonstrated the ability to manipulate Model Ws as a shield, as well as levitation. However, it was easily cut down by Prometheus in a cutscene.

True body[]

Designated as DAN-000[8], this is Albert's original body modified with cybernetics for the ability to use Model W. It stands much shorter and its arms are immobilized by a restraining jacket, but upon the creation of Ouroboros, it gains powers far beyond his decoy. Ouroboros grants him access to the "real A-Trans" (真のトランスオン Shin no Toransu On, lit. "true Trans On"), letting him transform into any being whose negativity was absorbed by a Model W fragment. Additionally, it lets him resurrect those who were absorbed into Model W, such as the eight Pseudoroids.

Throne form[]

Referred to in the database as Albert (1st form). Not a form he takes, but rather his throne transforms into a three-headed dragon Mechaniloid. In this form, Albert attacks with a predominately ranged strategy. There is no health bar shown. When the dragon has taken enough damage, all three heads will separate from the body and attack. while the headless necks fire homing missiles.

Attack Description Notes
First phase
Death Scythe (デスサイズ) The middle head extends across the screen, lowers and drags back along the ground by the horn. The player can dodge this attack by continuously shooting the horn, which will cause the head to reel back so they can dash under the horn.
Attraction Beam (引力光線) The left head fires a ground-ripping energy sphere that lifts boulders from the ground and hurls them into the air. If the player is struck by the electrical pulse, they will also be flung into the air while taking heavy damage. Both the beam and debris deal damage. The debris can be destroyed, having 6 HP.
Spread Shot (拡散弾) The right head (from the background) fires napalm rounds that only damage the enemy once making contact with the floor. The dragon will specifically aim the second round at the player's position.
Black Hole The left and right heads create a black hole between their mouths, and a white hole appears in the other side of the area. The central head attacks with shots that move a bit forward before being pulled into the black hole, moving in an arc. After a while, the white hole returns anything that was pulled into the black hole before closing, firing the central head's projectiles diagonally. If the player shoots any projectile through the black hole, it'll be added to the white hole's projectiles. The player takes damage when pulled into the black hole.
Second phase
Missile All three headless necks aim and launch homing missiles. They can be destroyed before they are launched.
Shot All three separated heads fire multiple shots. They are mainly shot diagonally.

Model W form[]

Referred to in the database as Albert (2nd form). It is unclear if Albert already possessed this form without Model W or not, but it is his ultimate battle armor making use of the power of Model W.

An array of ten "bits" forms around Albert, six of them forming the wings, two forming a halo, and two side by side forming a long blade-like 'tail', giving the impression of a seraph. The bits also generate a protective force field around his body to shield him from damage. In addition to this, Albert uses the bits in varying formations to perform a wide variety of attacks. Many of these are derivatives of the other Mega Men's attacks, during which the bits glow with the corresponding color. When the force field is down, he is free to use all ten bits to perform his other more devastating attacks. Also, similar to Pandora, Albert can disappear and reappear at any location on the battlefield in any situation.

Attack Description Notes
Lock On Laser Locks on the player and fires a single powerful Homing Shot that lasts for a few seconds, repeating three times. The fourth time, he locks on three times in a row and then fires the three Shots simultaneously. It is taken from Model A.
Plasma Cyclone Albert summons two massive Plasma Cyclones that trap the player between them. They also spawn mini tornadoes to further hinder the player. If the bits emitting the Cyclones are struck enough times, the attack ends early. It is taken from Model H.
Cross Shuriken (十字手裏剣) The top and bottom bits form the shape of Model P's Cross Star that spins across the screen at the lowest level. It is taken from Model P.
Judgment Sword Extends his tail and flies towards the player, heavily scratching the ground and flies back up after going across the whole screen. His tail then slams into the ground. It is taken from Prometheus.
Double Charge Buster The bits form two ring-shaped circles that shoot sweeping lasers symmetrically. The lasers can be repelled by rapid-fire buster attacks. It is taken from Model X.
Charge Saber The ten bits form a giant V-shaped Model Z-like saber that slashes with extreme force down onto the player, causing three pieces of debris to fall. It is taken from Model Z.
Ground Break The bits form a 'press' that hits the ground, resulting in flame pillars erupting from it. The shockwave knocks the player off-balance, making them vulnerable. It is taken from Model F.
Ice Dragon (氷龍) The bits form two or three frozen dragons that travel up and down similar to the Falcon Armor's Giga Attack manner. It is taken from Model L.
Punish The bits form a 'clock' and freeze time, albeit only in order to cancel the effect if the player uses it against him. It is taken from Chronoforce.

Other appearances[]

Mega Man a[]

Besides his appearance in the main game, Albert is also the main antagonist in the minigame Mega Man a, starring Model A in 8-bit form. He fights with his Model W form and its bits, flinging them before sending them back to himself. Defeating him the first two times has him teleporting away. The final battle has him piloting a hovercraft similar to the Wily Capsule that fires orbs of light to the ground or across from it. Upon being defeated for the final time, Master Albert kneels down and humorously starts pleading for mercy in the same way Dr. Wily does.

  • Bit Shot A - Used in the first and second battle.
  • Bit Shot B - Used in the second battle.
  • Electric Shot - Used in the third battle.
  • Faint Shot - Used in the third battle.

Rockman ZX Advent (manga)[]

Master Albert is a supporting character in the Mega Man ZX Advent manga. Unlike in the game, it is unclear if Albert was secretly evil in this depiction, instead coming off as a goofy and out-of-touch eccentric. He hears of Grey and Ashe's journey to find Model Ws, and offers to buy them for a plan to supply unlimited energy for Legion. He also owns Dogu the Giant and lives with Argoyle and Ugoyle the Shisaroids, whom he took in off the streets.

Once Albert has gathered enough Model Ws, however, the experiment goes wrong and Albert gains a form resembling his true body and attacks. Grey defeats Albert to bring him back to his senses, restoring him to his Sage Trinity form. He decides that Model W is too dangerous to use, and deploys Grey and Ashe to seek out an alternate energy source.


Mega Man ZX Advent database[]

Sage Trinity[]

These 3 wise men who control the Federation Government "Legion", Master Thomas, Master Albert, and Master Mikhail, started life as Humans, but took on bionic bodies which have kept them alive for several centuries.

Albert (1st Form)[]

The form where the throne on which Albert sits turns into a giant 3 headed dragon-like Mechaniloid, unleashing powerful attacks which manipulate gravity, rend dimensions and create black holes and white holes.

Albert (2nd Form)[]

The form where Albert manifests the power of the ultimate Mega Man. The 10 Bits that surround him not only protect him, but can change their arrangement to attack, demonstrating Biometal capabilities.


In-battle quotes[]

1st Form[]

Action Japanese Translation Audio (JP) English Audio (EN)
Death Scythe あきらめろ!(Akiramero!) Give up! Give it up!
Attraction Beam 喰らえ!(Kurae!) Take that! Take that!
Spread Shot やれ!(Yare!) Do it! Go!
Black Hole 消え去れ!(Kiesare!) Fade away! Begone!
Entering second phase がんばるな!(Ganbaru na!) Not bad! Not bad!

2nd Form[]

Action Japanese Translation Audio (JP) English Audio (EN)
Lock-On Laser 絶対の光だ!(Zettai no hikari da!) Absolute light! Absolute light!
Plasma Cyclone 高貴なる嵐だ!(Kōkinaru arashi da!) Noble storm! A perfect storm!
Cross Shuriken 暗黒の刃だ!(Ankoku no yaiba da!) Blade of darkness! Blade of Darkness!
Judgment Sword 信念の刃だ!(Shinnen no yaiba da!) Blade of conviction! Blade of Judgment!
Double Charge Buster 運命の光だ!(Unmei no hikari da!) Light of destiny! Light of destiny!
Ground Break とぁ!(Toa!) Toa! Vahh!
Ice Dragon 逃がさん!(Nigasan!) You can't run! No escape!
Wounded with barrier down バカな!(Baka na!) Impossible! No!
Re-forming barrier 貴様などに…!(Kisama nado ni...!) I won't let you...! You...!
Time Bomb counter 消し飛べ!(Keshitobe!) Vanish! Vanish!
Defeated 何故だ!? (Naze da!?) Why!? Why!?



  • Albert has the same first name as Dr. Albert Wily; like the other Sage Trinity members, this is a homage to the classic Mega Man series.
    • Albert has a serial number for his creations and even himself, DAN-000, which is similar to Dr. Wily's robot codes, "DWN."
  • Albert shares several traits with the Resident Evil villain Albert Wesker (also made by Capcom), including the same first name as well as seeking to use a power called "Ouroboros" to cause mass destruction and rule over the resultant world.
  • Albert's English voice actor, Jack Merluzzi, previously voiced Zero in Mega Man X7. Ironically, Albert's Reploid "son", Grey, is voiced by Peter Von Gomm, who voiced X in the same game.
  • Albert's logo is a "V" laid on top of an "A", symbolizing Albert's connections to both Model W (Model V in Japanese) and Model A.
  • Albert's final form can perform all of his attacks, both copied and original, in his own transformed state, whereas Mega Man Model A must take the form of the attack's original user. In this regard, Albert's abilities are more similar to those of X, which gives another kind of significance to the title "Ultimate Mega Man".
  • Albert is the boss with the highest health of all platformer Mega Man, all forms total 664 HP. In fact, his first form has 600 HP, which is already the highest.
    • Omega in Mega Man Zero 3 is second, but all his forms have a total of 288 HP, far less than Albert's.
  • Albert is the second final boss to not have a life gauge in one of his forms, the first being the Sigma Virus in Mega Man X2.

Notes and references[]

  1. "DAN" stands for Doctor Albert Numbers
  2. Hedgeshock: "Hey, hey, that's as far as you go! Nobody gets past this point! I'm just following Mr. Albert's orders." - Mega Man ZX Advent
  3. Ashe: That stuff is only in your head! The power of Model W has taken control of you!
  4. 4.0 4.1 Albert: "Ashe... You are my distant offspring. You are descendant of the family I left before I became one of the Sage Trinity." - Albert, Mega Man ZX Advent.
  5. Thomas: "...When Albert became one of the Sage Trinity those centuries ago, he was already working on Model W..." - Master Thomas, Mega Man ZX Advent
  6. Prometheus: "How many centuries has it been since we last met like this, Master Albert! You look even more ridiculous in person than you do on that monitor!" - Prometheus, Mega Man ZX Advent.
  7. Albert: "Grey, I'll tell you the truth. You are my successor! I made you in my image to be like a son. If anything were to happen to me, this throne would be yours! The ultimate Mega Man I created, that spare body... That was your identity, Grey!" - Albert, Mega Man ZX Advent.
  8. Albert: "That was a decoy. A dummy body that worked as one of the Sage Trinity in my stead. I am DAN-000, the "Original"... This me is the genuine article, the real Master Albert!" - Mega Man ZX Advent