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Red Lotus Saber

Red Lotus Saber concept art in Mega Man X: Command Mission.

Red Lotus Saber is a weapon from the Mega Man X series that appeared in Mega Man X: Command Mission and Mega Man X DiVE.

Mega Man X: Command Mission[]

Red Lotus Saber, known as "Gurenken" (紅蓮剣 "Crimson Lotus Sword") in Japan, is Zero's ultimate weapon in Mega Man X: Command Mission, available by defeating Fourtails in Central Tower after completing the game.

The Red Lotus Saber is a giant flaming blade that drains all of Zero's Armor and Shield and channels it into Power, and unleashes it in a fire elemental triple slash called the Bone Slicer. Although there are three elemental weapons with slightly more Power, Red Lotus Saber causes more damage due to hitting three times per turn, while the other three weapons only hit once. It is also Zero's fastest weapon due to having Weight 0. However, since the blade drains so much power, it almost completely annihilates Zero's defense stats, making him extremely vulnerable.

Combined with two Heat Hazes, this weapon can hit nine times per turn, being able to defeat near every enemy weak to fire in few turns, including Depth Dragoon, and Black Zero Hyper Mode's Power and Speed boost further enhances it. As the Sub Weapon Oil Can reduces fire resistance, having one or more allies with it will also improve the damage against other enemies.

Power Armor Shield Weight Location Additional stats
80 0 0 0 Dropped by Fourtails Fire attribute, Power = Armor + Shield

Mega Man X DiVE[]

Red Lotus Saber, known in Japanese as "Shin Gurenken" (真紅蓮剣 "True Crimson Lotus Sword"), is a S rank melee weapon in Mega Man X DiVE. Instead of being completely made of flames, this version of the weapon has a physical blade shaped like a flame that emits flames. Its first upgrade allows the weapon to cause the burn status effect, and when fully upgraded it can also release a large pillar of fire from the user's position.

Slash (Cooldown type) Slash
Consume energy to unleash a variety of slashes. The energy consumed with each slash and damage dealt is different with each slash. There will be a brief cooldown when energy has been exhausted, and then the energy will be fully replenished.


Skill Description Condition Required materials
Burn Cause the target to burn, and take 16% attack damage every 0.5 sec. This effect can only be triggered once more after 1 second. 0 stars

Trial Production Alloy x6
Trial Production Battery x6
Compound Energy x24

CDR Device When you exhaust a weapon energy, reduce your cooldown time by 50%. 0 stars

Prototype Alloy x15
Prototype Battery x15
Compound Energy x75

Destroy Armor After hitting, there is a chance to weaken the target's DEF and increase damage taken by 24%. 1 star Base Alloy x30
Basic Battery x30
Compound Energy x180
Conflagration Enhance the effects of Burning by 50% and its duration by 1 second. 2 stars Modified Alloy x50
Modified Battery x50
Compound Energy x360
Fiery Pursuit When causing Burning or hitting a target that is Burning, your movement speed will increase by 28%. This effect can only be triggered once more after 6 seconds. 3 stars Electronic Storage Bottle x1
Smart Alloy x80
Smart Battery x80
Compound Energy x680
Red Lotus Salvo When attacking, release a huge pillar of fire that continuously deals 150% of damage to targets in range. This effect can only be triggered once more after a 5-second cooldown. When it hits the target, it causes burning, and this state is shared with the burning state caused by "Burn". 4 stars

Electronic Conversion Bottle x1
Precision Alloy x100
Precision Battery x100
Compound Energy x960



Guren (紅蓮) is a Japanese word meaning "crimson-colored lotus flower" that is usually compared to the color of a flame of a burning fire. In Buddhist terminology, Guren is also an abbreviation for Guren Jigoku (紅蓮地��), which is the seventh of The Eight Cold Hells, whose intense cold is said to torn the skin of those who fell here after death, and their exposed blood looks like a crimson-colored lotus flower. The Japanese names of the Mega Man X DiVE skills Fiery Pursuit (業火の追撃, "Hellfire Pursuit") and Red Lotus Salvo (紅蓮の業火, "Guren Hellfire") may be an allusion to the latter.
