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Isaz & Sowilo (イーサ&ソウェル Īsa & Soweru) is the boss of Laguz Research Laboratory 2 in Mega Man Xtreme 2. It is a giant, two-headed sphinx tank with faces resembling Sigma and his emblem on the side, possibly acting as a hint to Sigma's involvement in Berkana's plot.

While the faces are never differentiated, it is likely that Isaz is the higher blue head while Sowilo is the lower yellow head, due to the meanings of their names: the Proto-Germanic rune isaz (ᛁ) and sowilō (ᛊ) mean "ice" and "sun", respectively.


Isaz & Sowilo slowly advances forwards throughout the battle, attacking as it approaches. Zero can push it back with his Z-Saber. There is a purple platform on the left side of the arena for the player to stand on so they can attack its face. However, this platform is also hittable, which can potentially lead to Zero attacking it with Zero Final instead of the boss itself. It is weak to Tornado Fang/Ray Claw as X, and Drill Crush/Fish Fang as Zero.

This boss may have been poorly coded, as all its projectiles move with it across the screen, especially easily seen in its Missile attack. This wasn't the case with the game's other massive bosses such as Skullhead and Sigma Beast.

  • Drill Attack (ドリル攻撃 Doriru Kōgeki):[1] Isaz & Sowilo advances with its giant drill.
  • Guided Shot (誘導弾 Yūdō-dan):[1] Isaz fires purple electric balls which angle towards the player.
  • Missile (ミサイル Misairu):[1] Sowilo launches blue missiles straight upwards, which disappear off-screen before descending above the player.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Boss File: Isaz & Sowilo, Compendium of Rockman X. p. 135.
