Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure is an attraction at Avengers Campus, California and Avengers Campus, Paris, named Spider-Man W.E.B. Adventure in the latter.
A group of people visit the Paris W.E.B. Facility and are greeted by S.H.A.R.I.N., who explains that W.E.B. was funded by Tony Stark in an attempt to bring engineers together for the betterment of humanity. Peter Parker introduces himself to the group and shows off W.E.B.'s technology, including the Spider-Bots which can self-replicate. A Spider-Bot goes offline while Parker is talking, asking the visitors to help test the Web Slinger vehicle. S.H.A.R.I.N. tries to get Parker to focus on the Spider-Bots taking over the facility, but Parker tries to keep the guests calm and have S.H.A.R.I.N. activate safety protocols. However, S.H.A.R.I.N. is unable to do so.
S.H.A.R.I.N. reveals that the Spider-Bots are stuck in self-replication mode and tries to call Stark for help, but Parker asks her to call someone else instead. S.H.A.R.I.N. calls Spider-Man, causing Parker's phone to ring. Parker tells his guests that he is going to find Spider-Man. S.H.A.R.I.N. explains that despite the Spider-Bots are consuming everything in their path. One Spider-Bot gets access to an Alien Fluid, causing S.H.A.R.I.N. to activate threat level protocols. Spider-Man arrives and starts attacking the Spider-Bots. He tells S.H.A.R.I.N. not to call the Avengers, but realizes he needs help, so he cancels the W.E.B. Open House and asks the guests to help using the Web Slinger.
The guests board the Web Slinger and S.H.A.R.I.N. connects them to Parker, explaining that they are facing an impending disaster. The Web Slinger meets Parker in chemical storage, and its operators work with Parker to defeat the Spider-Bots. They go into the tunnels and reach a lab dealing with Pym Particles, where they defeat more Spider-Bots. A Spider-Bot enlarges itself, and the Web Slinger operators hit it while Parker ties its legs together and knocks it over. They find more Spider-Bots as the threat level is again elevated and fight the bots. Spider-Man gets trapped in a containment vessel, but the Web Slinger operators cut power to it and free him.
As the threat level elevates, Spider-Man realizes that they could trigger a chain reaction by causing enough Alien Fluid-infected Spider-Bots to explode. They find an enlarged and infected Spider-Bot and attack it, causing it to explode and destroy all the other Spider-Bots. Spider-Man celebrates and compliments the efforts of the Web Slingers operators. As himself, Parker thanks the Web Slinger operators. S.H.A.R.I.N. suggests not telling Stark what happened, but Parker says that they should. S.H.A.R.I.N. thanks the guests for attending.
- Peter Parker/Spider-Man
- S.H.A.R.I.N.
- Onome (photo)
- Lunella Lafayette (photo)
- Doreen Green (photo)
- Harley Keener (photo)
- Tony Stark/Iron Man (photo)
- Paris
- Paris W.E.B. Facility
- Eiffel Tower (photo)
- Tivan Collection
- Stark Expo (mentioned)
- Wakanda (mentioned)
- New York City (mentioned)
- Public School 20 Anna Silver (mentioned)
- Empire State University (mentioned)
- Midtown School of Science and Technology (logo)
- Shawarma Palace (logo)
- Washington, D.C. (photo)
- Venice, Italy (photo)
- St. Mark's Basilica (photo)
- Hong Kong (photo)
- Negative Zone (mentioned)
- Web-Shooters
- Spider-Bots
- Vibranium
- Captain America's Shield (depiction)
- Kimoyo Beads (depiction)
- Alien Fluid
- Pym Particles
- Iron Man Armor: Mark XLVI
- Arc Reactor
- Spider-Man Suit
- Synthetic Webbing
- Web Vision Heads-Up Display Glasses
- Gamma Radiation
- Googam's Goo Shoo
- Wal Rus Wipes
- Monkey Joe's Nu-Glue
- Gear Grabber
- WDI-1401
- In a Snap
- Pingo Doce
- Real Time Translation Device
- Potato Gun: Mark II
- Wasp Suit (wings)
- Uru
- StarkVision Heads-Up-Display Glasses (depiction)
- SQUEAKER (mentioned)
- Terrigen Crystals (depiction)
- Infinity Gauntlet (depiction)
- Web Slinger
- Shrunken Tank
- Quinjet
- Hovercar (depiction)
- M.A.R.I.A. (depiction)
Sentient Species[]
- Humans
- Halfworlders (depiction)
- Dinosaurs (drawing)
- Devil Dinosaur (drawing)
- Dogs (depiction)
- Ants (depiction)
- Squirrels (depiction)
- Tippy-Toe (mentioned)
- W.E.B.
- United States Department of Damage Control (logo)
- Avengers (logo)
- Stark Industries (logo)
- Pym Technologies (logo)
- S.H.I.E.L.D. (logo)
- Strategic Scientific Reserve (logo)
- AccuTech (logo)
- Geffen-Meyer Chemicals (logo)
- Lucky Dog's Pizza (logo)
- Canelo's Auto and Body (logo)
- Mary Janes (logo)
- Tivan Group (logo)
- Gamma Rays (mentioned)
- S. Sizemore Construction Inc. (mentioned)
- United States Armed Forces (mentioned)
- Amadeus Cho/Brawn
- America Chavez
- Riri Williams/Ironheart
- Cassie Lang/Stature
- Bruno Carrelli
- Rick Jones
- Miles Morales/Spider-Man
- Anya Corazon/Spider-Girl
- Gwen Stacy
- Takeshi Matsuya
- Shaun Lucas
- Dante Pertuz
- Howard Stark
- Edwin Jarvis
- Peggy Carter
- Bruce Banner/Hulk
- Dum Dum Dugan
- Grisol Ramirez
- John Mauro
- Thor (figure)
- Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (figure)
- Groot (figure)
External Links[]
Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure on Marvel Database
Web Slingers: A Spider-Man Adventure on Wikipedia