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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Bullet wounds don't just magically heal overnight."
"They do here. But not by magic. By technology."
―Everett Ross and Shuri[src]

The Wakanda Medical Center is a medical facility located in Golden City, Wakanda.


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Everett Ross' Visit[]

BP Shuri (Asked to Fix Everett Ross)

Everett Ross is taken to get treated

In 2016, Everett Ross was injured in Busan, South Korea, and was taken back by T'Challa on a stretcher through the Wakanda Medical Center to Shuri's lab.[1]

Bucky Barnes' Recovery[]

Wakanda Medical Center 3

Bucky Barnes goes under cryostasis

Having been granted asylum by Wakandan King T'Challa alongside Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes chose to undergo cryostasis at the Wakanda Medical Center until his HYDRA brainwashing could be completely removed or suppressed successfully. There Shuri worked to remove the brainwashing from his mind and was successful.[2]

Infinity War[]

Extracting the Mind Stone[]

Vision (Removing the Mind Stone)

The Mind Stone on Vision being examined

In 2018, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, and Wanda Maximoff accompanied Vision to the Wakanda Medical Center and listened as Shuri explained what she would do to remove the Mind Stone. After Okoye noticed that spaceships were entering their air space, T'Challa ordered the evacaution of the Golden City and he and the others left to participate in the battle. Maximoff stayed behind to protect Shuri and destroy the Stone; however, as the battle intensified, she left the Center to assist.

This action left Shuri defenseless. Soon, the Center was infiltrated by Corvus Glaive, a member of the Black Order, who broke into it and defeated the Wakandan guards. Glaive then incapacitated Ayo and Shuri, destroying the medical exam table, and confronted Vision, who pushed them both through a glass window down to the forest below.[3]

Attack on the Golden City[]

In 2025, the Wakandan paramedic team were called to come give support after the Golden City came under attack. As they exited the Medical Center, several were hypnotized to jump out of the Center by Talokanil in the waters below. Ayo and Nomble rushed to help and saved one paramedic from jumping.[4]



