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"What makes you think I can protect you?"
"You survived a drive-by and a building fallin' on your head. I'd say you're overqualified."
―Luke Cage and Rafael Scarfe

Suckas Need Bodyguards is the sixth episode of the first season of the television series Luke Cage.


After Cottonmouth and Rafael Scarfe's bloody clash, Cage realizes that saving the community may turn former allies into enemies, and enemies into allies.


Cottonmouth Scarfe struggle

Rafael Scarfe meets with Cottonmouth about the Hammer Industries weaponry that was in the NYPD's custody, however, he demands Cottonmouth to increase the payment. Scarfe tells Cottonmouth that his guns are still in the lockup, and he cannot intimidate him, since Luke Cage tarnished his reputation. Cottonmouth attacks Scarfe and shoots him in the stomach, leaving him to die, as he had to leave the scene before someone could spot him.

Claire Luke Coffee

Cage approaches Mariah Dillard, informing her that she and Cottonmouth are done, and there is nothing they can do about that. Afterwards, Cage goes to the Train Diner with Bobby Fish, discussing how Cage can use his powers, but Cage only wants a quiet and peaceful life. Cage gets approached by Claire Temple who reminds him of the previous incident at Hell's Kitchen, involving Jessica Jones. Temple tells Cage that he is an exceptional person but Cage replies that he does not want to be any different from everyone else, since standing out had always caused him suffering.

Mariah 8

Dillard confronts Cottonmouth on him shooting Scarfe, reminding him that if Scarfe lives, he will be able to expose their whole operation to the NYPD. Cottonmouth assures her that his men had already picked up the guns and sent them to Domingo Colon, but Dillard notes that Cage still poses a bigger threat than the police ever could. Dillard tells Cottonmouth to find Cage's weakness and use it against him and Cottonmouth assures her that he has Cage covered. Cottonmouth then calls Perez and orders him to find Scarfe and make sure he will not talk.

The rumors of Scarfe reach out to the police and Betty Audrey gives out an order to find Scarfe and take him in alive. Audrey and Perez inform Misty Knight that Scarfe is a primary suspect for stealing the weaponry from the evidence locker, but Knight is not aware of anything. Audrey puts both Knight and Perez in charge of the investigation to find Scarfe and uncover the truth about him. Knight and Perez go to Scarfe's apartment to find any clues and Knight tells Perez how the death of Scarfe's son changed him.

Cage Chico Question

Returning to Pop's Barber Shop, Cage and Temple find bleeding Scarfe taking a refuge there. Scarfe asks Cage not to call the police or ambulance, so Temple treats his wounds right at the barbershop. Scarfe admits that he had been working for Cottonmouth until recently and that he is gunning for Scarfe for the weapon exchange fiasco. Scarfe also admits that he was the one who killed Chico Diaz for Cottonmouth, which enrages Cage but Scarfe tells him that he can expose Cottonmouth's operation and get him arrested, but Cage needs to ensure his safety.

Knight and Perez are waiting at the stake outside of Scarfe's apartment, while Knight tells Perez about Scarfe taking her under his wing when Knight was transferred to the 29th Precinct Police Station. Knight does not believe the rumors about Scarfe and wants to hear his side of the story, although Perez is rather skeptical about the whole case. Meanwhile, Cage sneaks past them and breaks into Scarfe's apartment to collect the notes about Cottonmouth's business he had been keeping as a leverage. Knight notices that someone entered the apartment and rushes there but Cage manages to escape.


With the information collected, Cage decides to bring Scarfe to One Police Plaza, so he could testify against Cottonmouth, and Temple arranges them a van with help of her mother. Knight and Perez go to the barbershop to make sure that Scarfe was there and Perez informs Cottonmouth that Scarfe had left with Cage. Knowing that his entire operation is in danger, Cottonmouth orders Zip and his men to find Scarfe whatever it takes. The Stokes family manages to find the van and chases them, forcing Cage to speed away from them.

Knight and Perez are still trying to find Scarfe, but Knight notices that Perez is too keen on taking him down. Knight pretends that she has been called by Scarfe who told her not to trust Perez, tricking him into admitting that he had been working for Cottonmouth as well. Perez tries to resist but Knight defeats him and records his confession.


Dillard attends a live interview with Thembi Wallace about her political career, but Wallace suddenly confronts Dillard on her connection with the criminal side of Harlem. Wallace brings up her connection with Mama Mabel, Pistol Pete, and Cottonmouth and points out the Crispus Attucks Complex being used as a stash house for the Stokes Crime Family. Dillard dismisses Wallace's accusations and demands her to leave her brownstone, which does not convince her.

LC - ScarfeDyingInTheStreets

Cage and Temple abandon the van to get away from the attackers and get Scarfe to safety, however, Cottonmouth's men end up finding them. Cage stays back to hold them off, while Temple tries to bring Scarfe to the police, but he had lost too much blood. When Knight finds them, Scarfe collapses and dies from the blood loss in Knight's arms.


With the information provided by Scarfe, the NYPD arrests Cottonmouth and the corrupt police officers working for him. Wallace tries to get a statement from Dillard about her cousin's crimes but Dillard remains silent. Temple tells Cage that what he did was amazing and he should focus on helping people, instead of laying low, and Cage does not shy off from a casual flirt with her. Audrey meets with Knight telling her how the situation could not be any worse for the NYPD, ever since Wilson Fisk's case, and they should prepare for what is coming.


Main Cast:

Guest Stars:











Song title Artist Location(s)
People Make The World Go Round The Stylistics

Misty Knight cries over Rafael Scarfe as he dies; Knight arrests Cottonmouth, Thembi Wallace ambushes Mariah Dillard with the news of Stokes' arrest live on TV, Dillard stands shocked at the news; Luke Cage and Claire Temple discuss him becoming a real hero, testing out his powers and potential with her helping.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Suckas Need Bodyguards.

External Links[]

Season One Moment of Truth ‱ Code of the Streets ‱ Who's Gonna Take the Weight? ‱ Step in the Arena ‱ Just to Get a Rep ‱ Suckas Need Bodyguards ‱ Manifest ‱ Blowin' Up the Spot ‱ DWYCK ‱ Take It Personal ‱ Now You're Mine ‱ Soliloquy of Chaos ‱ You Know My Steez
Season Two Soul Brother #1 ‱ Straighten It Out ‱ Wig Out ‱ I Get Physical ‱ All Souled Out ‱ The Basement ‱ On and On ‱ If It Ain't Rough, It Ain't Right ‱ For Pete's Sake ‱ The Main Ingredient ‱ The Creator ‱ Can't Front on Me ‱ They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)