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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"It's Gravik. The Council just voted him General. He has control of our people and our future."
―Shirley Sagar Skrull to Talos[src]

The Skrull Council is the government of the Skrulls.


Kree-Skrull War[]

"I think it's a war! Hmm? And unlike the last war each one of us around this table fought in, I'm not gonna lose this one."
―Gravik to the Skrull Council[src]

The Skrull Council was originally based on Skrullos and oversaw decisions of the Skrull race. However, when Skrullos was destroyed by the Kree during the genocidal Kree-Skrull War, the surviving Skrulls fled across the galaxy, blending in with native populations of other planets using their shapeshifting abilities. Among the surviving members of the Skrull Council was its leader, Talos, who led a faction of Skrull refugees.[1]

In 1997, Talos invited eighteen other Skrulls, including members of the Council, to join him on Earth, where they began working as personal spies for Nick Fury in exchange for Fury working with Carol Danvers to find the Skrulls a new home planet. In addition, the Council was also tasked with overseeing that continued peace was maintained between the Skrulls and humankind.[2]

Secret Invasion[]

Talos' Dismissal[]

"Gravik is now the newest member of the Skrull Council. He preys on the collective rage of young, displaced Skrulls."
―Maria Hill[src]

Around three decades later, with Nick Fury having failed to deliver on his promise of finding the Skrulls a new home, the Council kicked Talos off and decided to live on Earth permanently by kidnapping and impersonating humans. Gravik soon joined the Council and recruited young Skrulls who were angry at being displaced in order to fuel his plans to eliminate humanity entirely.[3]

Gravik's Leadership[]

"We need to streamline our chain of command. Democracy is fine for peacetime, but whilst at war, we need a single commander whose war power is total and unchecked."
"My God!"
"Therefore, I nominate Gravik to the post of Skrull General."
―Pamela Lawton Skrull and Shirley Sagar Skrull[src]
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Learning of Super-Skrulls[]

"Members of the Council. Glad you could make it on short notice. Now at the council meeting, I told you I had a plan for taking Earth as our own. I sent three operatives to infiltrate the Royal Navy. And execute a strike on a key United Nations target. The heroes of Earth will react. The only way we can counter that and claim this planet as our home is to become super ourselves."
―Gravik to the Skrull Council[src]
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Name Position Status
Talos General Stripped of Rank
Gravik General Killed in Action
Pamela Lawton Skrull Member / Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Active
Sergio Caspani Skrull Member / NATO Secretary General Active
Chris Stearns Skrull Member / FXN Host Killed in Action
Shirley Sagar Skrull Member Resigned
Jack Hyuk-Bin Skrull Member Active


In chronological order:


