Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
R210 Strike team Livvie hostage
"Sivos is out of the picture."
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"When you crewed up on Sivos, you told me this was your first haul."
―Viro to Leo Fitz[src]

Sivos is the home planet of the Sivians. The north of the planet is covered with a radioactive wasteland.


Leo Fitz and Enoch arrived on the planet of Sivos. Using an Iriscope, Fitz changed the color of his eyes so he could claim to be a Sivian, coming from the north of the planet, which was actually a radioactive wasteland where barely anything could survive. While on Sivos, Fitz managed to get himself recruited by Viro, the owner of the Lazy Comet, and left Sivos in the spacecraft with Enoch by hiding him in it.[1]

