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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Tesseract Powered Kahhori Universe".

"El nombre es Conquistador Rodrigo Alfonso Gonzolo. Y en nombre de Reina Isabel de España, he venido a reclamar la Fuente de la Juventud.[3]"
―Rodrigo Gonzolo[src]

Rodrigo Alfonso Gonzolo was a Spanish Conquistador and commander.


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This is an in-depth biography of Rodrigo Gonzolo. For an abridged overview, see Marvel Database's article on the same character.

The New World[]

Finding the Mohawk[]

"He oĂ­do tus leyendas. Temes esta tierra. Temes su poder. La Fuente de la Juventud. Tu "lago". ÂżLago prohibido?[4]"
―Rodrigo Gonzolo to the Mohawk[src]
Gonzolo First Scene

Gonzolo sees Kahhori and WĂĄhta

Rodrigo Gonzolo was a proud member of the Conquistadores and loyal to Queen Isabella I of Spain. In the Early 1500s, Gonzolo was tasked with sailing to the new world and finding the Fountain of Youth. Upon arrival, Gonzolo immediately found an indigenous settlement home to the Mohawk tribe. He had his men set the place ablaze. While overseeing the fire, Gonzolo heard something in the tall grass and looked to find two young Mohawks. Gonzolo ordered his men to chase them.

Gonzolo Points Shotgun

Gonzolo threatens a Mohawk

As the fire kept on, Gonzolo lined up the Mohawk people and explained that he had come to find the Fountain of Youth. Gonzolo then went up to a young Mohawk and pointed his shotgun at her, demanding to know where the lake was. Before he pulled the trigger, Gonzolo's men came up to him. Gonzolo turned, angry at the interruption, but was delighted that his men brought back WĂĄhta and explained that they found the lake.[1]

The Fountain of Youth[]

Gonzolo Finds Lake

Gonzolo finds the Forbidden Lake

"Por fin. La Fuente de la Juventud. Mis leales soldados, ¿quién quiere el primer trozo de inmortalidad?[5]"
―Rodrigo Gonzolo[src]

Having been led to the Fountain of Youth, Gonzolo stuck up his hand and watched as the bright blue water reflected onto him. He then turned to his men, asking who wanted to be the first to claim immortality. In excitement, the men ran past Gonzolo and into the water. Gonzolo soon asked if they felt any younger, to which one of his men said he hoped so as his knees were hurting. Suddenly, the man was swept under water. In fear, Gonzolo yelled at his men to get out of the water as they all started being swept away. Gonzolo reached out his hand for Luis, only to see him succumb to the water. Angry, Gonzolo demanded that all of the Mohawk people be put in chains as they will leave for Spain.[1]

Fighting the Witch[]

Kahhori is a Witch

Gonzolo sees Kahhori

"¥Cañones! ¥A los cañones! ¥Disparen a la bruja![6]"
―Rodrigo Gonzolo[src]

By sunset, Gonzolo and the Conquistadores had finished their destruction of the settlement and made their way to the water to wound up the people onto the boats. While rowing to the boats, Gonzolo heard a mysterious sound in the woods. He turned around to see a blue blur running fast in the trees. Gonzolo soon found a young and enhanced Mohawk woman, Kahhori, standing on the coast line. In disbelief, Gonzolo called her a witch and demanded she be shot.

Gonzolo Shotgun

Gonzolo aims at Kahhori

Gonzolo then watched as Kahhori started steamrolling through the Conquistadores, so he decided to take it upon himself. He jumped into the water and walked to the coast. Upon getting to shore, Gonzolo pointed his gun, but saw how powerful Kahhori was, so he put it down and called for the cannons to be fired. Although Kahhori initially stopped the cannons with the force-field, a cannon sneaked through and knocked her down.

The Eyes of Death

Gonzolo's last effort against Kahhori

A delighted Gonzolo walked up to Kahhori and put his sword to her throat, chuckling. However, he glanced up towards the forest and noticed dozens of blue eyes staring back at him. Gonzolo wound up to take a finishing blow, but was knocked off his feet by the parade of Sky Worlders running at him. As they ran, they trampled Gonzolo into the ground, allowing Kahhori to get up. As Kahhori went to stop the other Conquistadores, Gonzolo lunged at her, only to be met with a powerful blast, killing him.[1]


  • Master Tactician: Gonzolo was a great strategist, earning him the role of Commander for the Claiming of the Forbidden Lake. Using strategy, Gonzolo threatened the Mohawk in order to find the Fountain of Youth. When finding that the lake was deadly, Gonzolo changed gears to capture all of the Mohawk. While doing so, Gonzolo came face to face with Kahhori and upon seeing her powers, Gonzolo opted for the cannons to shoot at her, which worked.
  • Marksman: Gonzolo wielded a shotgun, which he aimed to fire in many intances.



  • Sword:
    Gonzolo Takes Aim

    Gonzolo wielding his musket

    Gonzolo wielded a sword, which he kept in a holster at his waist. Having knocked down Kahhori, Gonzolo put his sword to her throat to kill her.
  • Musket: Gonzolo also carried a shotgun, which he used to threaten a young Mohawk. He also attempted to use it against Kahhori, but opted to use cannons instead.




Behind the Scenes[]

  • Rodrigo Gonzalo was named after A.C. Bradley's friend and frequent collaborator, Rodrigo Blaas.[7]


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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Rodrigo Gonzolo.
  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 What If...?: 2.06: What If... Kahhori Reshaped the World?
  2. ↑ Kahhori: Reshaper of Worlds
  3. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "The name is Conquistador Rodrigo Alphonso Gonzolo. And in the name of Queen Isabella of Spain, I have come to claim the Fountain of Youth."
  4. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "I have heard your legends. You fear this land. Fear its power. The Fountain of Youth. Your "lake". Forbidden Lake?"
  5. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "At long last. The Fountain of Youth. My loyal soldiers, who wants the first slice of immortality?"
  6. ↑ Translates from Spanish to: "Cannons! To the cannons! Shoot the witch!"
  7. ↑ A.C. Bradley on X - December 30, 2023