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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Niles Lindmore, see Niles Lindmore's Character Hub

"Lindmore would agree, seeing as he melted like the Wicked Witch of the East."
"You mean West."
―Daniel Sousa and Phil Coulson[src]

The Niles Lindmore Chronicom was one of the Chronicom Hunters who disguised himself as Niles Lindmore to gain access to Area 51. However, his plans were stopped by S.H.I.E.L.D., resulting in Lindmore self destructing.


Confrontation with S.H.I.E.L.D.[]

Infiltration into Area 51[]

"My contact... the scientist... he's dead. Niles Lindmore turned out to be a hostile."
―Daniel Sousa[src]

The Chronicom who impersonated Niles Lindmore was sent on Luke's orders to Lindmore's home, where he killed him and took his face[2] to infiltrate Area 51 and activate the Helius project.

As soon as he arrived, in order not to arouse suspicion, the Chronicom continued to work with his colleagues as if nothing had happened, until "Phil Coulson" and Jemma Simmons arrived, disguised as Gerald Sharpe and Peggy Carter respectively, who asked for an interrogation to all scientists to find that Chronicom, without attracting attention, since the Chronicoms do not feel emotions like human beings, being machines.

"Lindmore" joined the scientists for interrogation and, after being questioned one after the other by "Carter," it was supposed to be next, but Daniel Sousa, discovered that Simmons and "Coulson" were lying about who they were, so he arrested themfor infiltrating Area 51, accidentally saving the Chronicom from being unmasked.

Meanwhile, a Chronicom colleague of "Lindmore's" managed to hack Helius to activate it, but Melinda May and Yo-Yo Rodriguez managed to poison the civilians to evacuate them and discover the Chronicoms, who would not react. "Lindmore" managed to escape with the other scientists to avoid arousing suspicion, but the Chronicom woman did not flee and was discovered by May and Rodriguez, causing the Chronicom to fight them and flee to activate Helius with her inner battery. While his colleague fought May and Rodriguez, "Lindmore" returned to activate the last circuits of Helius, but Daisy Johnson and Simmons, believing him to be a human, asked him to leave. Johnson grabbed him by the arm to evacuate, but he yanked her and he slammed it against the wall, letting them know that he was a Chronicom.

Upon seeing him, Coulson turned him away from Daisy by challenging him to an equal duel in strength. Coulson, despite the superior strength of the Chronicom, managed to beat him to submission, but Sousa's intervened and gave "Lindmore" the advantage. Sousa used his cane to give "Lindmore" a blow the Chronicom, who grabbed Sousa's cane and attacked him. Sousa tried to grab a gun, but "Lindmore" disarmed and strangled him, until Johnson and Simmons turned off the power with an EMP, deactivating "Lindmore." Since they had failed, the two Chronicoms self-destructed to avoid being questioned.[1]

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Chronicom Physiology: Lindmore Chronicom possessed many powers. However, he was succeptible to the EMP Generator that shut him down.
    • Superhuman Strength: Being a Chronicom, "Lindmore" possessed strength on par with Phil Coulson, who is a Life-Model Decoy. The fight ended in a stalemate as both went down due to an EMP Generator.
    • Superhuman Durability: Lindmore Chronicom revieved powerful blows from the android Phil Coulson, but continued to rise and resume the fight. However, he was vulnerable, if there were any delicate parts that enemies could take advantage of, such as Coulson trying to take his head off and when he self-destructed to avoid being questioned.
    • Superhuman Stamina: Lindmore Chronicom fought Phil Coulson without tiring as he had no respiratory system.
    • Longevity: Being a Chronicom, "Lindmore" was immune to aging and disease and his life would last for a thousand years.
    • Appearance Alteration: Lindmore Chronicom could take off his skin, allowing him to assume the identity of scientist, Niles Lindmore.
    • Computer Interaction: Lindmore was able to interact well with computers, turning Project Helius on by hacking it. However, he was also weak to EMP Generators, which shut him down.
    • Compressability: Lindmore Chronicom could also make his body smaller by compressing his internal structure.


"Those weren't your everyday fisticuffs."
―Daniel Sousa to Phil Coulson[src]
  • Master Combatant: As a Chronicom Hunter, "Lindmore" was an excellent fighter, making quick moves to not give the opponent time to react, as demonstrated on Daniel Sousa, but was able to tiptoe with the android Phil Coulson, as they are even, as far as brute strength is concerned, and would have been successful in killing him, had it not been for Sousa's intervention.


  • Area 51: "Lindmore" infiltrated Area 51 and pretended to work there as a scientist. He attempted to activate Helius, but was evacuated until he managed to get back in. He engaged in a fight with Daisy Johnson and "Phil Coulson," but was deactivated by an electromagnetic pulse and self-destructed.





