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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Massacre of Drax's Species, see Massacre of Drax's Species' Event Hub

"Ronan murdered my wife Ovette, and my daughter Kamaria. He slaughtered them where they stood. And he laughed!"
―Drax the Destroyer to Moloka Dar[src]

The Massacre of Drax's Species was a mass slaughter orchestrated by Ronan the Accuser on Thanos' behalf against Drax's species.


"The entire time I knew Thanos, he only ever had one goal: To bring balance to the universe by wiping out half of all life. He used to kill people planet by planet, massacre by massacre."
"Including my own."
―Gamora and Drax the Destroyer[src]

Ronan the Accuser, angry about a peace treaty which ended a war between the Kree and the Nova Corps of Xandar, hoping to bring genocide amongst the Xandarians for killing his family, began working for Thanos, who was searching for the Orb, in exchange for a promise from Thanos to destroy Xandar.[1] Ronan was then ordered by Thanos to attack the planet.[2]


"I don't recall killing your family."
―Ronan the Accuser to Drax the Destroyer[src]

Following Thanos' quest for balance in the universe, the population of the planet was randomly divided into two groups, and one of the groups was slaughtered.[2] Drax the Destroyer, who was in the surviving group, watched Ronan the Accuser personally kill his wife Ovette and his daughter Kamaria. The two screamed and Ronan laughed, finding their screams pitiful.[1]



Drax the Destroyer kills Ronan the Accuser

"Your wife and child shall rest well knowing that you have avenged them."
"Yes. Of course, Ronan was only a puppet. It's really Thanos I need to kill."
―Gamora and Drax the Destroyer[src]

Drax the Destroyer swore revenge on Ronan the Accuser for the murder of his wife and daughter. He began his quest for revenge and was eventually arrested and sent to the Kyln, where he came across Gamora, recognizing her as someone who worked for Ronan. However, Peter Quill convinced him not to kill Gamora, as she could help him get to Ronan.

Drax the Destroyer (2018)

Drax the Destroyer attempts to kill Thanos on Knowhere

While Gamora, Quill, Rocket, and Groot talked to the Collector, Drax slipped away and called Ronan to Knowhere, leading to a fight between Drax and Ronan, in which Ronan claimed not to remember killing Drax's family. However, Ronan later taunted Drax with their memory, and Drax helped the other Guardians of the Galaxy to kill Ronan. He then focused his mission of vengeance to Thanos.[1] Four years later, Drax unsuccessfully attempted to exact his revenge on Thanos on Knowhere, muttering Ovette's and Kamaria's name.[3]} Despite his failure, Drax was involved in a major battle which led to Thanos' death. Drax had finally avenged his family.[4]

Guardians Dancing

The Guardians of the Galaxy celebrate on Knowhere

In 2026, Drax was finally able to make peace with the massacre as he became friends with the Star Children. He was able to communicate with the children and use his fathering skills to make them trust him and also calm them down. In the end, Drax danced along with the Guardians on Knowhere, which had become their headquarters and a safe haven for refugees around the galaxy.[5]

