Senator L. Atwood is a former United States of America senator who was used as a pawn by HYDRA.
HYDRA Pawn[]
Winter Soldier Confrontation[]
- "Senator Atwood. She was a HYDRA pawn for years. Helped her get into office when I was the Winter Soldier. And after HYDRA disbanded, she continued to abuse the power I gave her."
- âBucky Barnes to Christina Raynor[src]
Atwood was a pawn used by HYDRA, who installed her in political office by having the super soldier assassin Winter Soldier eliminate any rivals, allowing her to become a senator in New York. After HYDRA was dismantled, Atwood continued to abuse her political power, attempting to have other political rivals eliminated. However, she was unaware that her conversations were being recorded by Winter Soldier, who disabled her car and turned her over to federal custody.[1]
- Tactician: Atwood had a skilled mind for getting higher up in ranks. She utilized Winter Soldier to become a United States senator and kept abusing her power when HYDRA fell.
- HYDRA - Former Benefactors
- Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier - Former Ally (under coercion)
- Lockhart - Rival