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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Maybe if we just leave that Luke Cage cat alone, give him his side of the street, we take ours."
―Koko to Cottonmouth[src]

Koko was an enforcer working for the Stokes Crime Family who spoke out of turn against Cottonmouth and received a bullet in the head.


Working for Cottonmouth[]

Robbing Genghis Connie's[]

"You've been in this country for how long? And you still can't speak English?"
"My English is just fine."
―Koko and Jin Lin[src]

One evening, Koko and other members of their gang stood outside Genghis Connie's to pass out flyers for Mariah Dillard's campaign. After the restaurant closed, they entered Genghis Connie's to threaten Jin and Connie Lin into giving money to support Dillard. Koko stated that the Lins have been living in the United States of America for a long time now, but that they were still unable to speak English. Koko watched while Sugar tried to convince the Lins into giving them money. Following the refusal of Jin Lin to give them money, Zip angrily told them to do so.

Feel the Pain

Koko witnesses Luke Cage fighting Amos

At this moment, Luke Cage, who had just entered the restaurant, told them that he did not like his tone and that they were being disrespectful to the Lins. Following a brief conversation, Cage and the gang got into a fight, in which Cage first took out Amos and Zip before Koko aimed his pistol at him. While Cage placed his hand on the pistol, Koko pulled the trigger. Instead of penetrating Luke's hand, the bullet was stopped by his skin. Immediately after, Koko was knocked down against a table.[5]

Killed by Cottonmouth[]


Koko being shot in the head by Cottonmouth

"Koko, this ain't PS 154. You ain't gotta raise your hand, man."
"I been reading this book."
"Huh. You readin' now?"
―Cottonmouth and Koko[src]

Koko was told to come to Harlem's Paradise for a so-called "State of the Union". During the meeting Cottonmouth and Darrell Mitchell discussed the financial situation after what happened at the Crispus Attucks Complex. When Mitchell mentioned Luke Cage Koko raised his hand in order to say something. Koko told Stokes that he was reading a book on politics and the social conditions that created hip-hop. One subject that was discussed in the book was that the inner city could benefit from benign neglect. According to Koko, it meant that if they should just leave Cage alone, give him his side of the street, while they took theirs. This statement did not fare well with Stokes, who took out his gun and killed Koko.[1]



  • Smith & Wesson Model 64: Koko carried this revolver when trying to strongarm Jin and Connie Lin, together with Zip and his gang. He pulled it when Luke Cage defended the couple, and as the rest of them attacked Cage, Koko shot a bullet, only for it to be stopped by Cage with his bare hands, who then knocked Koko out.





