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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Klev, see Klev's Character Hub

"Yo, whaddup y'all, it's your boy Klev, coming at you live on the bus."

Klev is a vlogger who is a fan of Spider-Man and Shang-Chi.


Early Life[]

In his youth, Klev took martial arts classes. Later, when he became an adult, he attempted to drive a bus multiple times, but each time resulted in him getting yelled at.[1]

Encountering Spider-Man[]

"Hey! You're that Spider-Guy on YouTube, right?"
"Call me Spider-Man."
"Okay, Spider-Man. Do a flip!"
―Klev and Spider-Man[src]
Klev (Spider-Man Homecoming)

Klev asks Spider-Man to do a flip

In 2016, while visiting a hot dog stand in New York City, Klev noticed Spider-Man on a rooftop and called out to him, recognizing him as the "Spider-Guy on YouTube". After Spider-Man corrected Klev on his superhero name, Klev asked him to do a flip, and cheered when Spider-Man successfully performed one for him.[2]

Recording Shang-Chi[]

Klev live-streaming

Klev livestreams Shang-Chi's bus fight

"I actually did take a little bit of martial arts as a youth, so I'mma try and grade this fight as we're going."

In 2024, Klev was on the 1 California bus in San Francisco when he witnessed Shang-Chi get attacked by a group of men. When Shang-Chi fought back, displaying his martial arts prowess, Klev immediately began to live stream the fight to an immediate audience, informing them that he would try and grade the fight as he claimed he took some martial arts as a youth. After Shang-Chi was confronted by Razor Fist, Klev voiced his support for Shang-Chi, although he immediately retracted it when Razor Fist displayed his prosthetic blade.

Klev (2024)

Klev continues to record the fight

As Razor Fist sliced through the brake line, which resulted in the bus driver crashing into a car and knocking himself unconscious, Klev informed the passengers of the bus and the audience of his live stream that he would not volunteer to drive since he had always been yelled at in the past when driving a bus. Klev then got out of his seat to continue recording when Shang-Chi took the fight to the back of the bus, and greeted all of the passengers who were sitting at the back when they made their way to the front. His video of the bus fight would go on to garner two million views in three days.[1]


"You got this, bro! ...My bad."
―Klev to Shang-Chi[src]

Klev is a down-to-earth individual who is highly impressed with the many unusual things that happen near him. He holds some admiration for Spider-Man and Shang-Chi primarily due to their prowess, implying that he is mostly drawn to those who display special abilities. Based on his claim of having taken "martial arts as a youth", he seems to view himself as something of an expert in the field of heroics and is not afraid to comment on it. However, he did show some doubt towards Shang-Chi when Razor Fist revealed his weapon. He nevertheless found the experience fun.






Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Klev.