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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Let's go, Britisher! We need that scrap across the floor now! Schnell!"
"Right-o, Lt. Kleiber, Sir..."
―Kleiber and James Montgomery Falsworth[src]

Lt. Kleiber was an officer of HYDRA during World War II.


In October 1943, Kleiber was an officer of the top secret HYDRA weapons facility in the Austrian Alps, located halfway between KitzbĂŒhel and Klagenfurt. Though a member of HYDRA, in comparison to the merciless nature of the facility colonel, Lohmer, Kleiber was considered by those in his custody to be at least reasonable when it came to proper treatment of those held prisoner in times of war. Henceforth, a group of captives plotted to assassinate Lohmer and during a morning shift, Kleiber informed his leader that one of the prisoners, #56898, had taken ill and as such been relieved of work. Lohmer, however, was unmoved, declaring that the captive would perish at his post if need be while watched by Kleiber, who looked on in discomfort before commanding James Montgomery Falsworth to remove the scrap from the area. When this was carried out, however, the prisoners arranged an "accident" where Lohmer was crushed to death beneath a portion of scrap metal, to the shock of the soldiers present.[1][2]




