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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of the Kidnapping of President Ellis, see the Kidnapping of President Ellis' Event Hub

"Air Force One has been compromised. Internal shots, temperature spikes."
―United States Secret Service agent[src]

The Kidnapping of President Ellis was the first segment of a two-part plot thought up by Aldrich Killian to assassinate Matthew Ellis on live television. Prior to the kidnapping, Killian and his Extremis subordinates captured the Iron Patriot armor, where Eric Savin then donned the suit and hijacked Air Force One under the guise of James Rhodes, killing the Secret Service agents in the plane.

Iron Man's interference in the kidnapping caused the plan to go awry, however, as Savin then had the armor remotely fly Ellis to the Norco. Savin detonated explosives on the plane, which dislodged several passengers out of the aircraft, leaving them to fall out of the sky. While Stark failed to save Ellis, he neutralized Savin and rescued the falling passengers, with Air Force One exploding airborne.


"The President's safe on Air Force One with Colonel Rhodes. I think we're good, here."
"Sir, this is Colonel Rhodes. They're using the Iron Patriot as a Trojan horse. They're gonna take out the President somehow."
―Rodriguez and James Rhodes[src]

Tony Stark was assumed dead after his house was destroyed with him inside, but he escaped and managed to fly to Rose Hill, Tennessee. After being attacked by and killing Ellen Brandt, Stark went to Miami, Florida to Aldrich Killian's mansion. There, he was captured by Killian and forced to watch him murder Maya Hansen before escaping.

Killian managed to get James Rhodes out of his Iron Patriot armor and ordered Eric Savin get wear it and go to the Air Force One carrying Matthew Ellis.

Upon reuniting, Stark and Rhodes contacted Rodriguez to inform him of Killian's plans for Ellis. However, Rodriguez did not pass along the information, as he had secretly aligned himself with Killian and planned to assume the role of the President following Ellis' murder, indirectly granting Killian control over the United States of America.[2]


Iron Patriot

Eric Savin getting into Air Force One

"It is an honor, Mr. President."
"If you're gonna do it, do it!"
"Whoa, cool your boots, sir. That's not how the Mandarin works."
―Eric Savin and Matthew Ellis[src]

Eric Savin, in the Iron Patriot armor, approached President Matthew Ellis and boarded Air Force One with him. At precisely 5:00 pm, once the plane was flying over the ocean, Savin proceeded with his plan; he locked up several Secret Service agents he first encountered, using his Extremis powers to weld the door shut, before confronting the President and his entourage in the conference room.

WarMachine IronMan3

Savin confronts the President's men

Savin easily killed the Secret Service agents using the Iron Patriot Armor's capabilities and his own enhanced strength. In the struggle, a stray bullet damaged a window. Matthew Ellis attempted to fight back as well with a gun, but Savin pinned him down before revealing himself as an imposter. Taunting that the "Mandarin" wanted an audience with the president, Savin then put the armor on Ellis and sent it to the Norco where Aldrich Killian had organized a public execution for him.

Armor vs Savin

Eric Savin furiously battles against Iron Man

Tony Stark used his Telepresence Headset to fly his Mark XLII suit to the plane to save Ellis. The armor arrived too late, but Stark stopped Savin before he could parachute out of the plane. After a fierce duel, Stark pinned Savin down and demanded to know the President's whereabouts. Savin revealed Ellis was already sent away before detonating a bomb he had planted, blowing a large hole in the side of the plane and causing all the trapped passengers to fall out. Stark killed Savin with a repulsor blast from his chest piece through his heart and flew out of the plane before it exploded.


Stark saves the falling passengers

Stark then turned his attention to the passengers in danger. Although J.A.R.V.I.S. warned him the suit couldn't carry all of them at once, Stark thought up of a different way; he first caught staff member Heather before instructing her and the other passengers to grab onto each other. Stark successfully caught all the passengers and dropped them off safely in a river. The armor then started to leave, only to temporarily fall apart after crashing with an incoming truck.[2]


Colonel Rhodes and President Ellis

Iron Patrot rescues President Matthew Ellis

"The President is secure, Tony. I'm clearing the area."
―Iron Patriot to Iron Man[src]

Tony Stark and James Rhodes attacked the Norco and foiled Aldrich Killian's plan, saving Matthew Ellis and Pepper Potts. During the battle, Potts killed Killian, ending his war. Rodriguez was exposed as Killian's accomplice in the events and subsequently arrested.[2]

