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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For the shield John Walker uses as U.S. Agent, see U.S. Agent's Shield

John Walker's Shield is a shield made by John Walker to use in lieu of his original shield, which had been taken from him by Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes.


Captain America's Shield[]

In 2024, U.S. soldier John Walker was chosen by the U.S. government to be the new Captain America, in wake of Steve Rogers, the previous holder of the title, retiring and disappearing from the public eye. During his time as Captain America, Walker would use Rogers' shield. However, the shield was forcibly taken from him by Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes after Walker killed a foreign national in public, following the death of his best friend and partner, Lemar Hoskins.[1]

Rebuilt by John Walker[]

John Walker's Replica Shield

John Walker painting the shield

Later, having been stripped of the title of Captain America and other than honorably discharged from the U.S. Army, John Walker would forge his own shield to substitute Steve Rogers', painting it red, white and blue in the manner of the original. He would weld his Medal of Honor to the shield's inner surface to remember his time serving.[2]

Attack on the GRC[]


John Walker confronts the Flag Smashers

At the GRC New York Headquarters, John Walker sported the shield when confronting Karli Morgenthau, intending to get revenge for Lemar Hoskins' death. Though Walker held his own against the Flag Smashers during the duel, the shield suffered heavy damage, including a large dent being formed in it when Gigi punched it. Eventually, however, Walker would defeat all of the Flag Smashers except for Morgenthau, attacking her with his shield which would become even more damaged as the two fought.

John Walker's shield

The damaged shield is left by John Walker

Walker and Morgenthau's fight would be cut short when Walker noticed a nearby truck containing hostages was close to falling off of a ledge. Walker would discard his shield, throwing it off of the ledge as he used his enhanced strength to pull the truck back onto safe ground.[3]


Unlike the original shield, Walker's shield is not made of vibranium, and therefore does not possess its vibration-absorbent capabilities, nor its incredible durability, being severely damaged to the point of being almost unusable during Walker's duel with the Flag Smashers. Despite this, the shield is still helpful, greatly assisting Walker during his fight.


  • In the comics, John Walker keeps photos of his deceased parents in the inside of the shield as a memento to help him focus during combat, much like his Marvel Cinematic Universe counterpart does with his Medal of Honor.


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to John Walker's Shield.