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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Hub (disambiguation)

The Hub is an enormous space station famous for its lawless marketplace area and living space that orbits around Praxius IX.


The Hub is divided into at least two parts: The uptown, a gated community with high security access that gathers the rich folk, and the downtown, a lawless marketplace area where anything goes and gangs rule.

Intergalactic criminal duo Rocket and Groot arrived at the Hub looking to exchange weapons for Units and become employed by the Stygian crime lord Zade Scraggot in order to steal a crate of Scalluscs kept uptown. Following Sqqd'li's instructions, Rocket and Groot broke into the vault where the Scalluscs were being kept, and Rocket engaged with the guards while stealing weapons. He accidentally flew into space, and was saved by Groot.

Rocket and Groot delivered the Scalluscs to Sqqd'li, but the Scalluscs offered to double what Sqqd'li was paying them if the pair rescued them. Groot and Rocket robbed Sqqd'li and engaged in a fight against Scraggot in a fight to escape the Hub. The fight turned dangerous, but the guards on Scarggot's payroll did not get involved. Rocket and Groot safely left when the fight was over, planning to return the Scalluscs to their homeworld.[1]


