A collection of quotes of one of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s founders, Howard Stark.
Iron Man[]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "Tony Stark. Visionary. Genius. American patriot. Even from an early age, the son of legendary weapons developer Howard Stark quickly stole the spotlight with his brilliant and unique mind. At age four, he built his first circuit board. At age six, his first engine. And at seventeen, he graduated Summa Cum Laude from MIT. Then, the passing of a titan. Howard Stark's life long friend and ally Obadiah Stane, steps in to help fill the gap left by the legendary founder. Until at age 21, the prodigal son returns, and is anointed the new CEO of Stark Industries. With the keys to the kingdom, Tony ushers in a new era for his father's legacy, creating smarter weapons, advanced robotics, satellite targeting. Today, Tony Stark has changed the face of the weapons industry, by ensuring freedom and protecting America and her interests around the globe."
- âTony Stark's award ceremony[src]
- "Okay, hereâs serious. My old man had a philosophy. Peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy."
"Thatâs a great line coming from the guy selling the sticks."
"My father helped defeat the Nazis. He worked on the Manhattan Project. A lot of people, including your professors at Brown, would call that being a hero."
"And a lot of people would also call that war profiteering." - âTony Stark and Christine Everhart[src]
- "I never got to say goodbye to my father. There's questions I would've asked him. I would've asked him how he felt about what his company did, if he was conflicted, if he ever had doubts. Or maybe he was every inch of man we remember from the newsreels."
- âTony Stark[src]
- "Listen to me. Tony, we're a team. Do you understand? There's nothing we can't do, if we stick together, like your father and I."
- âObadiah Stane to Tony Stark[src]
- "Your father, he helped to give us the Atomic Bomb. Now what kind of world would it be today if he was as selfish as you?"
- âObadiah Stane to Tony Stark[src]
- "You finally outdid yourself, Tony. You made your father proud."
- âObadiah Stane to Tony Stark[src]
Iron Man 2[]
Spoken by Howard Stark[]
- "Everything is achievable through technology; better living, robust health, and for the first time in human history, the possibility of world peace. So from all of us here at Stark Industries, I would like to personally introduce you to the city of the future. Technology holds infinite possibilities for mankind and will one day rid society of all its ills. Soon, technology will affect the way you live your life every day. No more tedious work, leaving more time for leisure activities and enjoying the sweet life. The Stark Expo. Welcome."
- âHoward Stark[src]
- "Tony, you are too young to understand this right now, so I thought I would put it on film for you. I built this for you, and some day you'll realize that it represents a whole lot more than just people's inventions. It represents my life's work. This is the key to the future. I'm limited by the technology of my time, but one day you'll figure this out. And when you do, you will change the world. What is, and always will be, my greatest creation... is you."
- âHoward Stark's message to Tony Stark[src]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "And now, making a special guest appearance from the great beyond to tell you what it's all about, please welcome my father, Howard."
- âTony Stark at the Stark Expo[src]
- "I may well not be an expert, but you know who was the expert? Your dad. Howard Stark. Really a father to us all, and to the military-industrial age. Letâs just be clear; he was no flower child. He was a lion."
- âJustin Hammer to Tony Stark[src]
- "Apparently, you knew him better than I did."
"As a matter of fact, I did; he was one of the founding members of S.H.I.E.L.D." - âTony Stark and Nick Fury[src]
- "He was cold, he was calculating. He never told me he loved me, he never even told me he liked me."
- âTony Stark[src]
Captain America: The First Avenger[]
Spoken by Howard Stark[]
- "The moment you think you know what's going on in a woman's head is the moment your goose is well and truly cooked."
- âHoward Stark[src]
- "Just keep looking."
- âHoward Stark[src]
- "Seems harmless enough. Hard to see what all the fuss is about.(Gets thrown back) Write that down."
- âHoward Stark[src]
- "Fondue is just cheese and bread, my friend."
- âHoward Stark[src]
- "Mr Stark, how are your levels?"
"Levels at 100%, we may dim half the lights in Brooklyn, but we are ready, as we'll ever be." - âAbraham Erskine and Howard Stark[src]
- "I had some ideas about the uniform."
"Whatever you want, pal." - âSteve Rogers and Howard Stark]][src]
- "What about this one?"
"No, no, that's just a prototype."
"What's it made of?"
"Vibranium. It's stronger than steel and a third the weight. It's completely vibration absorbent." - âSteve Rogers and Howard Stark[src]
The Avengers[]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "HYDRA's secret weapon."
"Howard Stark fished that out of the ocean when he was looking for you. He thought what we think, the Tesseract could be the key to unlimited sustainable energy. That's something the world sorely needs." - âSteve Rogers and Nick Fury[src]
- "That's the guy my dad never shut up about? Wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice."
- âTony Stark[src]
Avengers: Age of Ultron[]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "If this guy got out of Wakanda with some of their trade goods..."
"I thought your father said he got the last of it." - âTony Stark and Steve Rogers[src]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "I think our first move should be calling the Avengers."
"I've spent half my life trying to keep this technology out of the hands of a Stark. I'm sure as hell not going to hand-deliver it to one now." - âScott Lang and Hank Pym[src]
- "The Pym Particle is a miracle. Please. Don't let your past determine the future."
"As long as I am alive, nobody will ever get that formula." - âHoward Stark and Hank Pym[src]
Captain America: Civil War[]
Spoken by Howard Stark[]
- "Help... my wife... help my wife."
- âHoward Stark to the Winter Soldier[src]
- "Sergeant Barnes?"
- âHoward Stark's last words to the Winter Soldier[src]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "I'm glad Howard got married. I only knew him while he was young and single."
- âSteve Rogers to Tony Stark[src]
- "That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it! My father made that shield!"
- âIron Man to Captain America[src]
Spider-Man: Homecoming[]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "It's not working out. I'm gonna need the suit back."
"For how long?"
"Forever. Yeah, that's how it works."
"No, no. Please."
"Let's have it."
"Please, this is all I have. I'm nothing without this suit."
"If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it. Okay? God, I sound like my dad." - âTony Stark to Peter Parker[src]
Avengers: Endgame[]
- "So, where are you at with names?"
"Well, if it's a boy, my wife likes Almanzo."
"Might wanna let that stew on. You got time."
"Let me ask you a question. When your kid was born... were you nervous?"
"Wildly. Yeah."
"Did you feel qualified? Like you had any idea how to successfully operate that thing?"
"I literally pieced it together as I went along, I thought about what my Dad did, and..."
"My old man, he never met a problem he couldn't solve with a belt."
"I thought my Dad was tough on me. And now, looking back, I just remember the good stuff, you know. He did drop the odd pearl."
"Yeah? Like what?"
""No amount of money ever bought a second of time.""
"Smart guy."
"He did his best."
"Let me tell you. That kid's not even here yet and, there's nothing I wouldn't do for him. Good to meet you, Potts."
"Yeah, Howard... Everything's gonna be all right. Thank you for everything... you've done for this country." - âHoward Potts and Howard Stark[src]
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.[]
Episode 2.01: Shadows[]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "Agent Carter, what the hell is all this stuff?"
"Dangerous. Right now, we need to contain everything and get it out of enemy territory. Mr. Stark plans to go through it tonight." - âDum Dum Dugan and Peggy Carter[src]
- "Well, these things can't simply be boxed up. Someone needs to establish a permanent unit during peacetime."
"To keep dangerous technology contained?"
"And watch over people like Stark who are toying with it. Until then, all we can do is box it up, lock it up, and dedicate ourselves to making sure it never sees the light of day." - âPeggy Carter and Jim Morita[src]
Agent Carter[]
Episode 1.01: Now is Not the End[]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "I knew Howard Stark during the war; his help was invaluable. He may be a great many things, but he's not a traitor."
- âPeggy Carter[src]
- "Really?"
"I'm just considering all the angles. It seems you have a lot of them."
"Now that's the Peggy Carter I need."
"For what?"
"To clear my name."
"You can't be serious."
"I'll try not to be. But sometimes it just slips out." - âHoward Stark and Peggy Carter[src]
- "When you're not humiliating him, that fellow up there is my butler, Edwin Jarvis. He will help you any way he can."
- âHoward Stark[src]
- "I figured you'd never have a problem finding a man."
"The trick is finding the right one." - âHoward Stark and Peggy Carter[src]
Episode 1.04: The Blitzkrieg Button[]
Spoken by Howard Stark[]
- "You don't have to get changed with the door closed. I thought we were friends."
- âHoward Stark to Peggy Carter[src]
- "I grew up on the lower east side. My father sold fruit. My mother sewed shirtwaists for a factory. Let me tell you, you don't get to climb the American ladder without picking up some bad habits on the way."
- âHoward Stark to Peggy Carter[src]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "Howard Stark is either an ignoramus or a genius."
- âAlex Doobin[src]
- "I think you're a man out for his own gain no matter who you're charging. You are constantly finding holes to slither your way into in the hope of finding loose change, only to cry when you're bitten by another snake. You're a man who says, "I love you," whilst looking over a woman's shoulder into the mirror."
- âPeggy Carter[src]
- "You certainly know how to pick your partners."
"Mr. Mink is a greedy blackmarket smuggler sure, but he got me back into the country and he's predictable in his greed; I like predictable, and I like greedy." - âPeggy Carter and Howard Stark[src]
- "Get in."
"What? I hate small spaces. What if the chain snaps and I fall to my death?"
"Don't worry. I'll never reveal that Howard Stark's dead body is lying rotting in the bottom of a dumbwaiter shaft." - âPeggy Carter and Howard Stark[src]
- "All of my inventions are in your lab."
"Then why is your mustache so sad?" - âHoward Stark and Peggy Carter[src]
- "Steve Rogers might not still be with us, but he can still save millions of people."
"And how many millions of dollars are you set to make?!" - âHoward Stark and Peggy Carter[src]
- "What the hell do you think of me?"
"I think you're a man out for his own gain no matter who you're charging. You are constantly finding holes to slither your way into in the hope of finding loose change, only to cry when you're bitten by another snake. You're a man who says "I love you" whilst looking over a woman's shoulder into the mirror. Steve Rogers dedicated his mind, his body, his life to the SSR and to this country, not to your bank account. I made the same pledge, but I'm not as good as Steve was. I forgot my pledge running around for you like a corporate spy. So thank you, Howard, for reminding me who Steve was and what I aspire to be. For all I know, you did steal your inventions." - âHoward Stark and Peggy Carter[src]
Episode 1.08: Valediction[]
Spoken by Howard Stark[]
- "My lab was raided. They took my samples, my research, all on the orders of General McGinnis. The next day, they dropped it on the Russians to help them take Finow. I flew there afterward to see with my own eyes. What those men did to each other, you can't imagine."
- âHoward Stark to Peggy Carter[src]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "The Great Howard Stark, I have heard much of your genius."
- âJohann Fennhoff[src]
- "That's everything there is to know about the Battle of Finow."
"I really don't care about some old war story."
"Well you should, 'cause all those deaths are on me too." - âHoward Stark and Jack Thompson[src]
- "How's that look?"
"Like a nest of spiders with very short legs."
"That's good enough." - âHoward Stark and Edwin Jarvis[src]
- "Look, if you're gonna kill me, go ahead. I probably deserve it, but... leave innocent people out of it."
"I have no intention of killing you, Mr. Stark. I am going to make you suffer." - âHoward Stark and Johann Fennhoff[src]
- "You were gonna shoot me out of the sky?"
"Well, I thought that was what you would have wanted."
"No! No, it's not. And for future reference, under no circumstance would I want anyone to shoot or otherwise hurt me. You got that?"
"Your point is amply made, sir." - âHoward Stark and Edwin Jarvis[src]
Episode 2.01: The Lady in the Lake[]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "I understand Howard came out west for a defense contract."
"He did."
"And you did say you came out here to arrange his estate."
"I think I see where this is heading."
"What I don't understand-"
"You're puzzled, perhaps."
"Uh, puzzled, yes, that's the word."
"It's the flamingo, isn't it?"
"It is, indeed, the flamingo."
"Regrettably, you are not the only house guest to whom Mr. Stark has extended an invitation. Meet the newest member of the Stark mansion menagerie Bernard." - âPeggy Carter and Edwin Jarvis[src]
- "Uh, Where is Howard?"
"Mr. Stark's latest hobby keeps him quite busy. He's opening a moving-picture studio. Fancies himself to be Cecil B. DeMille."
"Fatty Arbuckle, more like. I'll rent a car and get out of your hair as soon as possible."
"Oh, no. With Mr. Stark out of town, I can easily shuttle you from place to place." - âPeggy Carter and Edwin Jarvis[src]
- "Please, at least until Mr. Stark returns, allow me to drive you around."
"When can we expect our esteemed Mr. Stark to return from the pre-productions of his motion picture?"
"That depends on how long the location scout allows Mr. Stark to... scout her locations." - âEdwin Jarvis and Peggy Carter[src]
Episode 2.02: A View in the Dark[]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "Now, I thought Mr. Stark's leisure car would be appropriate. Couple of things I ought to show you. This button here is in case you find yourself Dehydrated."
"Howard Stark becomes more ridiculous the longer I know him."
"This button here adjusts the tints of the windows for extra privacy, there's a small compartment in the back with a change of clothes, and this is what Mr. Stark affectionately refers to as his Sock on the doorknob."
"His what?"
"It's a tracking device. Mr. Stark activates it when he's abandoned the car for the evening because he's found companionship."
"When I think Howard has reached the depths of depravity, you dig up a wellspring, Mr. Jarvis." - âEdwin Jarvis and Peggy Carter[src]
Episode 2.03: Better Angels[]
- "Are they ready for a movie based on a comic book? Sounds like a dreadful idea."
"I'll have you know this is a historical drama, Kid Colt was a real person, and if it fails there'll be a substancial write off come tax season." - âPeggy Carter and Howard Stark[src]
- "Unbelievable, that rift knocked out an atomic explosion like a match. You got a blockbuster switch on your hands Peg, got any idea what could do that?"
"Zero Matter, or at least that's what Doctor Wilkes thought, I was hoping you'd have some answers." - âHoward Stark and Peggy Carter[src]
- "You know what Terry, I think I might have been a little harsh on this place. You're not half bad."
"Mr. Stark it's time to go."
"Actually your clubs terrible and I'm never coming back!" - âHoward Stark and Edwin Jarvis[src]
- "If he remains his corporeal self."
"We'll get there, I just need to stay alert. Coffee! Who wants a coffee? Maybe Irish coffee! Jarvis, where's the coffee around here?!" - âJason Wilkes and Howard Stark[src]
Episode 2.07: Monsters[]
Spoken about Howard Stark[]
- "The man's a certifiable genius. He wants to waste it on making movies."
- âWhitney Frost[src]
Captain America: First Vengeance[]
- "Mr. Stark? If I could have a word."
"Colonel Phillips! What are you doing skulking in the shadows? The show's just getting started." - âChester Phillips and Howard Stark[src]