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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Are we sure theraren't equally delicious breakfast options at a place with no line?"
―Chase Stein[src]

Fred 62 is a restaurant located in Los Angeles.


"I mean, we don't have to pay for rent, but I wouldn't mind being able to eat like this every so often."
―Chase Stein[src]

In an attempt to get the first fresh meal they could enjoy for days, the Runaways Chase Stein, Gert Yorkes, Karolina Dean and Molly Hernandez went to Fred 62. As they waited in line before a table was free, they were approached by Max, who introduced himself and explained that he was a Wizard intern handing out Corvus WizPhones. He then briefly talked with Yorkes before the Runaways entered the restaurant to enjoy their meal.

The Runaways copiously ate at Fret 62, and discussed their options as to what they could do in the future as they were no longer wanted by the LAPD. However, their conversation was interrupted as they saw Max being attacked by Gil whose phone he had accidentally caused to drop. The Runaways thus exited the restaurant and immediately rushed to Max's help, driving Gil away, and called an ambulance to the restaurant so Max could be looked after as he was left pretty shaken by the assault.[1]


