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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

"Can you prove a pattern of Ms. Walters' personal use of the name?"
"Yes, Your Honor, we definitely have more to present."
"You'd better. Or I'm inclined to side with the defendant."
―Earley and Mallory Book[src]

Judge Earley is a judge at the Los Angeles Metropolitan Courthouse.


Titania LLC v. Walters[]

"In light of this new testimony, the court finds in favor of... Jennifer Walters, aka She-Hulk. Motion for summary judgement is granted. Titania and her subsidiaries will cease usage of the She-Hulk name effective immediately. All current products on the market must be recalled."

Earley judged the trial of Jennifer Walters vs. Titania. Walters was suing Titania for the use of She-Hulk. However, Titania argued that She-Hulk never used the name in the first place. Earley watched as the lawyer presented evidence of She-Hulk not using the name. However, Mallory Book showed a news conference where she did use the name. Earley said she sided with Titania unless Book could bring in something else.

On the next Thursday, Earley listened to make witnesses of Walters' dating profile who all claimed she referred to herself as She-Hulk and even had a dating profile under She-Hulk. Due to this, Earley ruled in favor of Walters, making Titania take down all of her lines of products.[1]





