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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
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"Dinh is out of the picture."
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"But Mom said we can’t sell it."
"It’s too messed up. Mr. Dinh said he wouldn’t buy it ’cause it cost more to fix. And then he said something else in Vietnamese."
―Cass Wilson and Sam Wilson[src]

Mr. Dinh is a neighbor of Sarah Wilson.


"But as far as the boat is concerned, bottom line is, Mr. Dinh backed out. I don’t know what to do. Parts alone on that thing are gonna eat up most of what we get back."
―Sarah Wilson to Sam Wilson[src]

Sarah Wilson attempted to sell her family's boat, the Paul & Darlene, to Mr. Dinh. Although Dinh was initially interested in purchasing the boat, he backed out after realizing that the boat would cost more for him to repair than it would to purchase. Wilson's children, AJ and Cass, heard about the retraction of Dinh's offer from their mother and informed their uncle, Sam Wilson, leading to him gathering up their neighbors in order to try to fix the boat themselves.[1]


  • Bilingualism: Mr. Dinh could speak both Vietnamese and English, turning it on and off with ease.



