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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of Delmar, see Delmar's Character Hub
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Norman Osborn-Mentored Spider-Man Universe".

Delmar is the owner of Delmar's Deli-Grocery.


Marvel Database Logo
This is an in-depth biography of Delmar/Norman Osborn-Mentored Spider-Man. For an abridged overview, see Marvel Database's article on the same character.

Early Life[]

Delmar acquired a bodega in New York City and named it Delmar's Deli-Grocery. He hired his cousin, Jerry and his cat Murph hanged out in his store as he worked.[1]

Visit From the Parkers[]

"Genius Idea Jerry. I love getting sued. How about I erase it instead? Think you can finish mopping without almost killing any other customers? I swear if you weren't my cousin...."
―Delmar to Jerry[src]

Peter and May Parker stopped by the store. May brought nine frozen dinners to counter as Peter pet Murph. He watched as the Parkers talked when Jerry accidentally knocked over a pile of boxes toward Peter and Murph. However, Peter managed to dodge the boxes, saving both himself and the cat. As the Parkers left Jerry said they should put the security cam footage online, Delmar angrily responded they could sued for that and that he should get back to mopping. Also mumbling that he would do worse if he wasn't his cousin.[1]


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To be added


  • Delmar's Deli-Grocery: Delmar's Deli-Grocery is a bodega he owns and operates, employing his cousin Jerry. It is also a place where his cat Murph hangs out.



  • Jerry - Cousin and Employee



