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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For alternate versions of the Battle of Morag, see the Battle of Morag's Event Hub

"I'm here on Morag. Ain't no Orb, ain't no you."
"Well, I was in the neighborhood. I thought I'd save you the hassle."
―Yondu Udonta and Star-Lord[src]

The Battle of Morag was a confrontation between Star-Lord, who had come to Morag to find the Orb, and a group of Sakaarans led by Korath, sent by Ronan the Accuser to retrieve the Orb.


"Father's found an Infinity Stone."
"On a planet called Morag."
―Gamora and Nebula[src]

The Orb stored in the Temple Vault on Morag

The Orb was hidden with the Power Stone stored inside, on the planet Morag, storing it in a secret temple that was hidden beneath the planet's vast ocean. The ocean eventually receded every three hundred years, making the tomb accessible.[3]

The Yondu Ravager Clan were hired by the Broker to recover the Orb from Morag. In an attempt to separate from the Ravagers, Peter Quill traveled to Morag alone to recover the Orb.[1]



Star-Lord collects the Orb

"Quill said he stole the Power Stone from Morag."
"Is that a person?"
"No, Morag's a planet. Quill was a person."
―Rocket and Bruce Banner[src]

Peter Quill entered the Temple Vault and retrieved the Orb from the containment device with a Gravity Mine. However, Korath arrived with a group of Sakaarans that were sent to retrieve the Orb for Ronan the Accuser. The Sakaarans surrounding Quill and Korath demanded the Orb. Quill turned the Orb over but kicked a Plasma Sphere at the two Sakaarans which broke and disintegrated them. Quill shot Korath with his Quad Blasters and retrieved the Orb. Korath got to his feet and shot at Quill, who ducked and escaped through the hole in the wall created by the blast using his Jet Boots.

Milano on Morag

Star-Lord escapes on the Milano

Quill quickly headed for the Milano as Korath pursued him. Quill then threw a Gravity Mine near the Sakaarans guarding the Milano, pulling them to the ground and allowing Quill to enter the ship. Quill was able to lift off and dodge several blasts from the Necroblaster canon. The Milano is caught in a geyser before Quill is able to escape into space.[1]


Ravagers morag 1

Yondu Udonta puts a bounty on Peter Quill

"Master, he is a thief, an outlaw who calls himself Star-Lord. But we have discovered he has an agreement to retrieve the Orb for an intermediary known as the Broker."
―Korath to Ronan the Accuser[src]

Yondu Udonta arrived on Morag to find the Orb missing. He contacts Peter Quill who informs him he took the Orb and plans to sell it. Udonta orders his clan to put a bounty of forty thousand units on Quill's head.

Quill traveled to Xandar to sell the Orb to the Broker. Quill informs him that Ronan the Accuser was after the Orb as well and the Broker refused to purchase it. Quill left the Broker's Shop and was attacked by Gamora, Rocket and Groot.[1]

During the Time Heist, Nebula and War Machine were sent to an alternate timeline 2014 to retrieve the Power Stone during the Quest for the Orb as part of the Avengers' plan to resirrect the victims of the Snap that was caused by Thanos in 2018. As the alternate Star-Lord arrived on Morag, dancing to his Walkman, War Machine and Nebula rendered him unconscious and successfully stole the Orb from the Temple Vault.[4]


In chronological order:


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Guardians of the Galaxy
  2. ↑ The Marvel Cinematic Universe follows a general real time policy in most of Phase Two - set when the media is released when suitable.
  3. ↑ Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude
  4. ↑ Avengers: Endgame