The Attack on Gamora was an attack orchestrated by Nebula, who traveled to confront and kill Gamora on Ego's Planet because of her betrayal during the Quest for the Orb. She successfully managed to ambush Gamora and the two engaged in a hand-to-hand combat fight, which ended with Nebula holding her sister in a chokehold. Nevertheless, Nebula could not bring herself to kill Gamora and expressed delight at the fact that she finally beat Gamora in combat.

Ego meets the Guardians of the Galaxy
Nebula, no longer under the employ and protection of Thanos, was captured by the Sovereign upon her attempt to steal Anulax Batteries. In exchange for the Guardians of the Galaxy's help in defeating an Abilisk who was terrorizing the Sovereign people, Ayesha turned Nebula over to the Guardians so they could take her to Xandar where she would be punished for her galactic war crimes and be incarcerated by the Nova Corps. Unbeknownst to all, Rocket stole Anulax Batteries, which lead to the Sovereign pursuing the Guardians. Despite managing to escape, their ship crashed on Berhert, where Ego and his subordinate Mantis appeared and introduced himself as Star-Lord's long lost father. Star-Lord, Gamora and Drax departed from Berhert temporarily, while Rocket and Groot stayed behind with Nebula.

Nebula prepares to travel to Ego's Planet
Ultimately, the two were ambushed by Yondu and the Yondu Ravager Clan, who were hired by Ayesha to find the Guardians and kill them. However, Yondu decided to renege on the deal, resulting in a mutiny lead by Taserface. Nebula managed to convince Groot to free her under the promise that she would help save Rocket. However, she lied and assumed control over the Ravagers, which lead to the capture of Rocket, Groot and Yondu. Nebula finally decided to part ways with the Ravagers and focused her intentions on killing Gamora whom she greatly despised. Nebula was given a cybernetic hand by Kraglin Obfonteri, and she proceeded to explain to him how Thanos tortured her and replaced her body parts after every match she would have with Gamora, and assured him that she would kill her sister and then kill Thanos before departing the Eclector.[2]

Gamora shoots Nebula
Gamora meditated on Ego's Planet, considering whether Ego was trustworthy. However, her meditation was interrupted by the commotion from the M-Ship, which was being piloted by Nebula. Gamora then started to flee from Nebula, who was shooting in her direction. Despite having managed to briefly evade Nebula by hiding inside a cave, Nebula trapped her inside the cavern and continued to pursue her. Ultimately, the M-Ship got stuck and started to catch on fire.

At the last minute, Gamora decided to pull Nebula from the destroyed ship before it exploded in flames and sent the two sisters flying onto the ground. Although the two struggled to move, Nebula remembered her mission and seized the opportunity to kill Gamora. At first, Gamora was shocked and pushed her away, reminding her that she saved her life, only for Nebula to engage in a hand-to-hand combat fight with her which resulted in her putting Gamora in a chokehold.
Instead of killing her sister, Nebula let her go and expressed delight in the fact that she finally defeated her in combat. Gamora arrogantly insisted that the match was not fair since she tried to save her life, and the two continued to bicker until Nebula explained that she only wanted a sister. Saddened and angered, Nebula revealed that she hated Gamora for always beating her in training, which caused Thanos to upgrade her body parts. Despite the gravity of the situation, the two formed an unlikely alliance.[2]

Upon their alliance, Nebula and Gamora explored the caverns which contained a large pile of bones, seemingly confirming that Ego had malevolent intentions all along. The two rushed back and joined forces with the others in their effort to defeat Ego which lead to the Battle on Ego's Planet, which culminated in Ego's death at the hands of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Gamora and Nebula officially reconciled with each other, with Gamora finally recognizing Nebula as her true sister. Nebula parted ways with Gamora and focused on killing Thanos[2], who captured her years later in her unsuccessful attempt to kill him.[3]