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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Ark (disambiguation)

"Where is everyone?"
Ark. The evacuation vessel."
―Loki and Lamentian Woman[src]

The Ark was a massive spaceship that served as an evacuation vessel for the wealthy citizens of Lamentis-1, although it was destroyed by a meteor strike before its launch.


"What about the Ark?"
Ark never leaves because it's destroyed."
―Loki and Sylvie Laufeydottir[src]

Getting transported onto Lamentis-1 in the year 2077 via a TemPad, Loki and Sylvie made their way to Shuroo in order to reach the Ark to escape. However, upon entering the city, they watched as a meteor crashed into the Ark, destroying it.[1] The Ark crumbled to the ground, as the planet crashed into Lamentis-1, destroying the moon.[2]



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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Ark (Lamentis-1).